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Questions for Bob Lamey

Kevin Bowen

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I'm taping a podcast with 'Voice of the Colts' Bob Lamey and was wondering what questions you guys would like for me to ask of Lamey?


It's obviously going to be training camp/2013 Colts related.


Can't promise anything on questions being asked but I thought I would gauge some interest from you guys and then see if any are interesting enough.


The podcast won't be very long and I've jotted down a few questions but I wanted to give you guys a chance to send some.


Just reply to this topic and I'll be checking it over the next 24 hours.

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When was the last time the Colts had this much size on both lines? What's the "vibe" around camp? How is the chemistry developing between the new-look Offensive Line?.... the secondary? (I know its early, yet)


Also... Who was your favorite Colt to watch last season? (excluding #12)


A few off the top of my head that I wouldn't mind hearing Lamey's opinion about...

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If you could decide our running back rotation, what order what you maintain game to game & why? What are your thoughts on Josh Chapman's impact this year? Have the Colts done enough on defense to slow the Texans down in the AFC South in your opinion? Please elaborate. Thank you...

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Will the great Bob Lamey take extra measures not to cheer & scream touchdown when Peyton Manning gets inside the endzone when we face the Broncos on week 7? Just Kidding! It happens to everybody actually. We all slip as fans from time to time. 


How long will it take for INDY fans at LOS not to remain quiet when #18 steps under center on offense? What's your best guess? Immediately? 1 Quarter? After halftime? 

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If Yoda AKA Peyton Manning wins the game in the last minute to 45 seconds, what emotion would best encapsulate the fans reaction? Bewilderment? Silence? Anger? Or Profound Respect? 


What would the INDY Star Headline Be: Old Man Defeats Apprentice In The House He Built?


If Luck beats the Broncos, "Chewy Takes Down Yoda In A Galaxy Not So Far Away."  haha

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1 last general broadcasting question for Bob Lamey. Given you tenure in both Hockey & the NFL during your illustrious career on the FCC airwaves, what advice would you give aspiring broadcasters, this includes female broadcasters too, who desire to follow in your footsteps 1 day? How did you find your unique voice & how do you best convey the formations, sights, & sounds of the game who cannot attend LOS in person?


How did you perfect your masterful voice inflections during turnovers, touchdowns, & safeties for example? 

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In the age of the You Tube, WiFi, & instant highlights streamed across the Internet, do you find that less fans crave radio broadcasts of NFL games or do a specific sect of fans crave them more for their lone, private appeal like FDR's "Fireside Chats?" Sort of like vinyl records vs CDs or books on tape vs traditional page turning periodicals that you hold in your hand?


My point is this: Is the legacy of radio, including satellite radio, strong enough to maintain a wide spread mass appeal among the global NFL fan base Bob Lamey based on the era in which they grew up in? Also, how do international fans follow the Colts exactly? What resource enables them to keep best informed abroad about the Blue Horseshoe both including & branching outside the armed forces? How do fans under oppressive regimes keep abreast of Colts news or other NFL happenings in the league given that their access to an open & free press might be severely monitored & restricted? 

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Just tell Bob that Racer Fans, boxing fans, Checker fans, Pacer fans, and Colts fans appreciate him more than he will ever know.


I used to listen to "Hockey Bob' describe the best Kim Clackson fights....Marvin Johnson's fights....magical Pacer moments against Larry Bird...all the way to this exciting 2013 Colts team.


Thank you Bob. 


I will not ask when you will retire......keep up the great work... :colts:  :colts:  :coltslogo:  :coltslogo:  :coltshelmet:  :coltshelmet: !!!!!

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Will the great Bob Lamey take extra measures not to cheer & scream touchdown when Peyton Manning gets inside the endzone when we face the Broncos on week 7? Just Kidding! It happens to everybody actually. We all slip as fans from time to time. 


How long will it take for INDY fans at LOS not to remain quiet when #18 steps under center on offense? What's your best guess? Immediately? 1 Quarter? After halftime? 


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How is that stirring the pot exactly Susie Q? Did I mention anything about physically harming Peyton Manning? No, SW1 did not.  I even said on more than 1 occasion that I hope #18 performs well on his return to INDY since his release from the Hoosier State.


"How long will it take for INDY fans at LOS not to remain quiet when #18 steps under center on offense? What's your best guess? Immediately? 1 Quarter? After halftime?" That statement is a perfectly legitimate question in my mind with no inflammatory connotations whatsoever. When former players, especially QBs, return to the city that they won a Championship in & became a household name in, butterflies & the anxiety to play well are certainly paramount. I do not perceive Peyton Manning as an enemy to pulverize at all.


My question had more to do with home fan etiquette & protocol more than anything else Susie Q. #18 will be honored before the game with a nice video tribute & I'm sure there will be several pats, hugs, & handshakes after the game. Honoring a living legend is 1 thing, but business is business. When #18 is on offense in LOS the 1st time, INDY fans have a job to do...Make it loud inside LOS for Peyton Manning. Now, the opposing Broncos QB simple as that. 


My apologies Susie Q if any of my remarks were construed as offensive to you my friend. If you or anyone else wants to vocally support & root for Manning, SW1 won't stop Ya. Go for it! 

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How is that stirring the pot exactly Susie Q? Did I mention anything about physically harming Peyton Manning? No, SW1 did not.  I even said on more than 1 occasion that I hope #18 performs well on his return to INDY since his release from the Hoosier State.


"How long will it take for INDY fans at LOS not to remain quiet when #18 steps under center on offense? What's your best guess? Immediately? 1 Quarter? After halftime?" That statement is a perfectly legitimate question in my mind with no inflammatory connotations whatsoever. When former players, especially QBs, return to the city that they won a Championship in & became a household name in, butterflies & the anxiety to play well are certainly paramount. I do not perceive Peyton Manning as an enemy to pulverize at all.


My question had more to do with home fan etiquette & protocol more than anything else Susie Q. #18 will be honored before the game with a nice video tribute & I'm sure there will be several pats, hugs, & handshakes after the game. Honoring a living legend is 1 thing, but business is business. When #18 is on offense in LOS the 1st time, INDY fans have a job to do...Make it loud inside LOS for Peyton Manning. Now, the opposing Broncos QB simple as that. 


My apologies Susie Q if any of my remarks were construed as offensive to you my friend. If you or anyone else wants to vocally support & root for Manning, SW1 won't stop Ya. Go for it! 

I agree Brother ,I love  # 18 as well but when it comes to my Colts all loyalty is off the fans owe it to our team to make Peytons life hard why he is under center.I believe # 18 would expect nothing less from the Indy fans,because its out of respect not animosity. :thmsup:

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I agree Brother ,I love  # 18 as well but when it comes to my Colts all loyalty is off the fans owe it to our team to make Peytons life hard why he is under center.I believe # 18 would expect nothing less from the Indy fans,because its out of respect not animosity. :thmsup:

Beautifully stated Brother! Amen Jay! Amen.  :hat: I ran out of likes already. Grrr! 4 thumbs up buddy!  :thmup:  :thmup:  :thmup:  :thmup:

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