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Rare side of Belichick: Addresses Hernandez story...


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Belichick spoke from a prepared statement...




... before taking a handful of questions from reporters yesterday.


Summary from the Boston Globe beat writer:




Columns covering the press conference, with most of them crediting Belichick with stepping outside of his usual comfort zone to do what needed to be done:









Overall, IMO, this was a very unique and terrible situation that made it necessary for him to address it with the media before camp really gears up. Now he can deflect questions, along with the players, as they (legally) should. Some will say he's still dodging, hiding behind the legal excuse, didn't say enough, etc. But I think he did a good job, showed true emotion and sympathy for the victim and his family, and most of all he held himself accountable for decisions the team has made.

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I saw that.. he is a human being after all!! J/K 


He was sincere about the situation and disturbed by it as well. 


I always deep, deep down liked Belichick as a coach. but, and a big but.. I'm a Colts fan. I cant admit it during the season.. haha

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Belichick spoke from a prepared statement...




... before taking a handful of questions from reporters yesterday.


Summary from the Boston Globe beat writer:




Columns covering the press conference, with most of them crediting Belichick with stepping outside of his usual comfort zone to do what needed to be done:









Overall, IMO, this was a very unique and terrible situation that made it necessary for him to address it with the media before camp really gears up. Now he can deflect questions, along with the players, as they (legally) should. Some will say he's still dodging, hiding behind the legal excuse, didn't say enough, etc. But I think he did a good job, showed true emotion and sympathy for the victim and his family, and most of all he held himself accountable for decisions the team has made.


what heard a few days back, Yesterday was designed for him to get this subject out of the way, Today 5 team leaders will get same chance & the Pats are hoping it's not asked about again


prepared or not , its well done

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Belichick took a gamble on this guy and lost. Usually , you burn a fourth round pick on a troubled guy, and he just slacks off and goes away. Unfortunately , this guy probably committed a horrible crime , and it reflects poorly on the Patriots organization. You can bet next time , this type of player will be on their do not draft list , like other teams had Hetnandez. I am sure glad Ozzie Newsome took Johnathan Ogden over Lawrence Phillips !

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It was a brilliant press conference that never mentioned Mr. Hernandez by name. Instead, placing the emphasis on the speech squarely upon the deceased victim, his family, & the exemplary conduct  expected of all players & coaches inside the Patriots organization from this moment forward. Not to say that NE athletes & staff have not acted in a less than honorable way naturally.


I do not blame Bill Bellichick or Robert Kraft at all for this unfolding of events. No scouting staff would have foreseen Mr. Hernandez's violent tendencies to this magnitude in a million years. Well done Bill!  :hat:

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No one is responsible except Hernandez himself. Belichick and Kraft have cleaned up the mess the best they could. My point is I bet they will pass up another potential Hernandez in the future. Belichick took a huge gamble , it paid off initially , and then exploded on him like a load put in a cigarette .

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I don't see why people are so surprised at Bill's reaction.  Belichick has always been a classy guy and he has always done what is best for the team.  Sure, he may seem a little "robotic" or whatever you want to call it, but he has always been a classy guy.  He knows what he is doing

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I don't see why people are so surprised at Bill's reaction.  Belichick has always been a classy guy and he has always done what is best for the team.  Sure, he may seem a little "robotic" or whatever you want to call it, but he has always been a classy guy.  He knows what he is doing

I agree 100% my friend. Bill is a classy guy. I guess it throws people off, even fans, when Bellichick elaborates on anything beyond a 1 sentence or generic answer though.  haha Even SW1 buddy, even SW1...

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I always try to give coaches the benefit of the doubt. I never like to condemn them too much...Except the Dallas Cowboys...All bets are off man...Just Kidding! 




"Bellichick was contrite...He rose to the occasion, acknowledging the loss of life, his disappointment, and was expansive on his views for evaluating players, which is tricky business. For those who have followed Belichick in his 14 years with the Patriots, Wednesday's press conference was him in his most uninhibited state, talkative and remorseful, yet still guarded."


It took a ton of courage to be that transparent about the mistakes both he & Mr. Kraft regarding Mr. Hernandez's evaluation process. I applaud both men for their candor in this matter personally.  


True, Robert Kraft never spoke directly at this press conference & very few owners are intimately well versed in every draft decision a team makes in April, but it would be safe to assume that Robert consulted with Bill about the tone & content of the press conference in general. 

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I don't see why people are so surprised at Bill's reaction.  Belichick has always been a classy guy and he has always done what is best for the team.  Sure, he may seem a little "robotic" or whatever you want to call it, but he has always been a classy guy.  He knows what he is doing

I liken it to a strict boss who pays you a nice complement or a pain in the caboose co-worker who says that they respect & admire you. Part of your personality says, "Okay who in the hades are you & what have you done with my real boss or colleague?!" :lol:  :funny:  lmao  


Whenever a familiar person goes off road or offscript  from their normal behavior, it really baffles & bewilders everyone around them who are so accustomed to an automatic response. It's like Stockholm Syndrome without the prolonged time in captivity or torture. I have a sister like that. Whenever she is nice to me, my system can't comprehend or accept it without being floored & dumbfounded 1st.  

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I was happy to see Bill handle this so well. He is a media savvy guy and he gets it more than people think. I remember when spygate happened all he kept saying was that it was his fault. Never scapegoated anyone, never side stepped, never appealed the fine or draft pick that was taken. It was then that I knew his character as adversity never builds character it reveals it.

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Bill's a great coach and guy. He's nothing like many fans think?

I wonder what it's really like to be in Bill Belichick's tight, small inner circle...Where you get to see his clever wit first hand...amfootball suggested that I read some additional literature on Bill. What were those books again? Thanks amfootball! SW1 really appreciates it. JJ, VL, Gopats, Yehoodie Flying Elvis, etc. please feel free to add your feedback as well because I am more than willing to expand my NE knowledge. 

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I wonder what it's really like to be in Bill Belichick's tight, small inner circle...Where you get to see his clever wit first hand...amfootball suggested that I read some additional literature on Bill. What were those books again? Thanks amfootball! SW1 really appreciates it. JJ, VL, Gopats, Yehoodie Flying Elvis, etc. please feel free to add your feedback as well because I am more than willing to expand my NE knowledge. 

The best book on Bill and how he ticks is Michael Holley's "Patriot Reign." He chronicles the champ years and how Bill and his staff built a dynasty. Even if you HATE the Pats this is a tremendous football book. Holley got unprecedented access to Bill and his staff and I have to say his writing style is very good.


Here is the link on Amazon, although I recommend just getting it from the library for free. :)  http://www.amazon.com/Patriot-Reign-Belichick-Coaches-Champion/dp/0060757957/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1374882096&sr=8-1&keywords=patriot+reign


I would also recommend "The Education of a Coach" by Pulitzer-winning journalist David Halberstam. From Amazon, "Hailberstam focuses on Bill Belichick, one of the NFL's most successful coaches, and the game of football as a team sport with rich detail, exacting research and colorful anecdotes. He reveals what fans of the head coach of the New England Patriots have always known: the roots of Belichick's coaching lie in the essential mentoring by his father, an excellent teacher and college coach who taught his son how to scout players and teams, instructing the author on how to study films of players when he was just nine years old."


Here is the link, http://www.amazon.com/Education-Coach-David-Halberstam/dp/1401308791/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1374882348&sr=1-2&keywords=bill+belichick

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The best book on Bill and how he ticks is Michael Holley's "Patriot Reign." He chronicles the champ years and how Bill and his staff built a dynasty. Even if you HATE the Pats this is a tremendous football book. Holley got unprecedented access to Bill and his staff and I have to say his writing style is very good.


Here is the link on Amazon, although I recommend just getting it from the library for free. :)  http://www.amazon.com/Patriot-Reign-Belichick-Coaches-Champion/dp/0060757957/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1374882096&sr=8-1&keywords=patriot+reign


I would also recommend "The Education of a Coach" by Pulitzer-winning journalist David Halberstam. From Amazon, "Hailberstam focuses on Bill Belichick, one of the NFL's most successful coaches, and the game of football as a team sport with rich detail, exacting research and colorful anecdotes. He reveals what fans of the head coach of the New England Patriots have always known: the roots of Belichick's coaching lie in the essential mentoring by his father, an excellent teacher and college coach who taught his son how to scout players and teams, instructing the author on how to study films of players when he was just nine years old."


Here is the link, http://www.amazon.com/Education-Coach-David-Halberstam/dp/1401308791/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1374882348&sr=1-2&keywords=bill+belichick

Thanks for the 2 recommendations amfootball. I have already read "The Education of a Coach." 


Feel Free to read my review of this book on p.3 if you missed it. SW1 created this entire blog to the NE Patriots...Enjoy! 




I will definitely read "The Patriot Reign" by Michael Holley. Count on it. 

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I was happy to see Bill handle this so well. He is a media savvy guy and he gets it more than people think. I remember when spygate happened all he kept saying was that it was his fault. Never scapegoated anyone, never side stepped, never appealed the fine or draft pick that was taken. It was then that I knew his character as adversity never builds character it reveals it.

Actually to further reinforce your point. When Bill said it was his fault he also mentioned HE mis-interpeted the rule as to not film for use in the game .....as in the game being played. He used them post game. In a court or arbitration he might even win that argument. It's call using the wording of the rules to your benefit.


However being the NFL is a sole prestigious enterprise he wasn't about to argue the point or appeal. Which he had a case abeit small.


He's not stupid to film blocks away from NFL HQ in plain view in NY against his rival the NY Jets.

Folks don't figure that out.


"SPY"gate always made me laugh. It's more like "open film" gate or something. There wasn't much spying  LOL

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Actually to further reinforce your point. When Bill said it was his fault he also mentioned HE mis-interpeted the rule as to not film for use in the game .....as in the game being played. He used them post game. In a court or arbitration he might even win that argument. It's call using the wording of the rules to your benefit.


However being the NFL is a sole prestigious enterprise he wasn't about to argue the point or appeal. Which he had a case abeit small.


He's not stupid to film blocks away from NFL HQ in plain view in NY against his rival the NY Jets.

Folks don't figure that out.


"SPY"gate always made me laugh. It's more like "open film" gate or something. There wasn't much spying  LOL

The only thing that gave me pause was why Eric Mangini threw his longterm friendship will Bill Bellichick away. It would be odd to see those 2 interact with each other this year if NE & San Francisco make it to the SB wouldn't it.  haha

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The only thing that gave me pause was why Eric Mangini threw his longterm friendship will Bill Bellichick away. It would be odd to see those 2 interact with each other this year if NE & San Francisco make it to the SB wouldn't it.  haha

That puzzled me too. What was the point. Eric took some NE personnel when he left which is a silent no no under the Parcells family

when you help an under coach get a head coaching job.That didn't sit well with Bill.

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The only thing that gave me pause was why Eric Mangini threw his longterm friendship will Bill Bellichick away. It would be odd to see those 2 interact with each other this year if NE & San Francisco make it to the SB wouldn't it.  haha


Because he is a disloyal rat.  Security caught him in the parking lot of Gilette stadium with scouting reports, play books, etc that he was trying to steal and bring to the Jets football operations.  He stabbed BB in the back just so he could increase his odds of success in NY.  Im glad Mangini is out of football, hes a filthy backstabbing rat.  Luckily I don't ever watch ESPN so I dont have to stomach looking at him hardly ever.

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Because he is a disloyal rat. Security caught him in the parking lot of Gilette stadium with scouting reports, play books, etc that he was trying to steal and bring to the Jets football operations. He stabbed BB in the back just so he could increase his odds of success in NY. Im glad Mangini is out of football, hes a filthy backstabbing rat. Luckily I don't ever watch ESPN so I dont have to stomach looking at him hardly ever.

Lol at least it was a healthy breakup. No resentment or anger :)

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The only thing that gave me pause was why Eric Mangini threw his longterm friendship will Bill Bellichick away. It would be odd to see those 2 interact with each other this year if NE & San Francisco make it to the SB wouldn't it.  haha




Mangini did apologize a few years later on air on ESPN. I was actually watching it when he did so. He seemed sincere and regretful. “It’s regret, it’s disappointment, it’s all of those things,” Mangini said of the way he views Spygate now. “Because I know what it took to win those Super Bowls and I have so much respect for the people that were involved there. I’m disappointed that this is what it’s translated into.”


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Because he is a disloyal rat. Security caught him in the parking lot of Gilette stadium with scouting reports, play books, etc that he was trying to steal and bring to the Jets football operations. He stabbed BB in the back just so he could increase his odds of success in NY. Im glad Mangini is out of football, hes a filthy backstabbing rat. Luckily I don't ever watch ESPN so I dont have to stomach looking at him hardly ever.

Why don't you tell us how you really feel?

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Belichick spoke from a prepared statement...




... before taking a handful of questions from reporters yesterday.


Summary from the Boston Globe beat writer:




Columns covering the press conference, with most of them crediting Belichick with stepping outside of his usual comfort zone to do what needed to be done:









Overall, IMO, this was a very unique and terrible situation that made it necessary for him to address it with the media before camp really gears up. Now he can deflect questions, along with the players, as they (legally) should. Some will say he's still dodging, hiding behind the legal excuse, didn't say enough, etc. But I think he did a good job, showed true emotion and sympathy for the victim and his family, and most of all he held himself accountable for decisions the team has made.

I was hoping that Belichick would open up a bit and address this in full sincerity. He didn't disappoint. Even the hostile and whiny media was satisfied with Belichick's presser. That must be a first.

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http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hubris Patriot way pfft! Since everyone is warming up to Billy B,please allow me to drop a big deuce in the punch bowl. The Patriot way is crap, it's a myth, Spy Gate, gambling on real risky characters, and bringing in Tebow for what? I don't get it! Wins make great deodorant, I do respect the Pats but Brady has carried a mismanaged roster since 2005 when he became a great QB, I have taken great pleasure in seeing the pats fail on the biggest stage for almost 10 years now, I feel this thing would totally unravel this season if they had any real competition in the AFCE. They drank their own cool-aid and have invited trouble into the locker room, we shall see what happens go Fish, Bills, Jets etc. I hope they crash and burn in 2013, am I getting my point across? In short I don't like them and unlike Sam I am there is no denying it even in the end.
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That might fly at ColtsFreaks but it's just laughable on this board. This is for real fans that like good football and aren't blinded by hate. There's so much wrong with your post that it blows your credibility.


What's your handle at the Freak?

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That might fly at ColtsFreaks but it's just laughable on this board. This is for real fans that like good football and aren't blinded by hate. There's so much wrong with your post that it blows your credibility.


What's your handle at the Freak?

LOL ;)

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"SPY"gate always made me laugh. It's more like "open film" gate or something. There wasn't much spying  LOL


Good segue way for a thought...


I always thought Belichick's handling of Spygate made it way worse than it had to be. When you refuse to speak in detail about something, then you inevitably invite people to think/assume the worst. Especially when they want to believe that you cheated, and they want you to be guilty as heck. Let's face it, by 2007 people were already tired of the Patriots and wanted to see them fail. 


If he had explained, even just a little, it may have made a huge difference. "Yes we've taped coaches signaling in plays from a camera operator on the sideline. I was aware of the rule but was confused by the wording within it. Traditionally we have archived that film and used it in preparation for the next time we play that team or that coaching staff. Nothing more."


He also could have pointed out that the filming itself was not illegal; it was the position of the cameraman. But instead he said nothing, in which most people (reasonably) assume guilt.


So in the Hernandez case, I'm glad he spoke out.

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That might fly at ColtsFreaks but it's just laughable on this board. This is for real fans that like good football and aren't blinded by hate. There's so much wrong with your post that it blows your credibility.


What's your handle at the Freak?

 I am unfamiliar with the "Freak", I don't hate, I just don't like the Billy B lovefest. You questioning my "fanhood" blows your credibility also.

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 I am unfamiliar with the "Freak", I don't hate, I just don't like the Billy B lovefest. You questioning my "fanhood" blows your credibility also.

Why join in then? You'd like ColtsFreaks.com it has like minded people. The Patriots have failed? How's that? They are synonymous with winning.

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Good segue way for a thought...


I always thought Belichick's handling of Spygate made it way worse than it had to be. When you refuse to speak in detail about something, then you inevitably invite people to think/assume the worst. Especially when they want to believe that you cheated, and they want you to be guilty as heck. Let's face it, by 2007 people were already tired of the Patriots and wanted to see them fail. 


If he had explained, even just a little, it may have made a huge difference. "Yes we've taped coaches signaling in plays from a camera operator on the sideline. I was aware of the rule but was confused by the wording within it. Traditionally we have archived that film and used it in preparation for the next time we play that team or that coaching staff. Nothing more."


He also could have pointed out that the filming itself was not illegal; it was the position of the cameraman. But instead he said nothing, in which most people (reasonably) assume guilt.


So in the Hernandez case, I'm glad he spoke out.



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Why join in then? You'd like ColtsFreaks.com it has like minded people. The Patriots have failed? How's that? They are synonymous with winning.

 I like it here just fine, I have been a member on the Colts fan forum since 2001.<mod edit- personal shot>,  ("I have taken great pleasure in seeing the pats fail on the biggest stage for almost 10 years now,)" multiple Superbowl and AFCCG losses, hence the "biggest stage" failure comment. You have no idea what you are talking about, you have no idea about me and what is going on in my head. It is Superbowl or bust every year for the Pats anything less is a failure, at least by many Pats fans own admission. <mod edit personal attack>!

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Good segue way for a thought...


I always thought Belichick's handling of Spygate made it way worse than it had to be. When you refuse to speak in detail about something, then you inevitably invite people to think/assume the worst. Especially when they want to believe that you cheated, and they want you to be guilty as heck. Let's face it, by 2007 people were already tired of the Patriots and wanted to see them fail. 


If he had explained, even just a little, it may have made a huge difference. "Yes we've taped coaches signaling in plays from a camera operator on the sideline. I was aware of the rule but was confused by the wording within it. Traditionally we have archived that film and used it in preparation for the next time we play that team or that coaching staff. Nothing more."


He also could have pointed out that the filming itself was not illegal; it was the position of the cameraman. But instead he said nothing, in which most people (reasonably) assume guilt.


So in the Hernandez case, I'm glad he spoke out.


Or as Louie would say..."I'm shocked...shocked to find gambling going on here"

You mean NFL teams really steal signals.  shocking:)


BB said he misunderstood the rule as to not use it in the game being played. I'm not sure how much more you can explain on grabbing signals.Other than don't use the same ones every game which he did say:)

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Or as Louie would say..."I'm shocked...shocked to find gambling going on here"

You mean NFL teams really steal signals.  shocking:)


BB said he misunderstood the rule as to not use it in the game being played. I'm not sure how much more you can explain on grabbing signals.Other than don't use the same ones every game which he did say:)

I love the "Casablanca" line buddy! Tushay JJ. Nice work man.  ;)  :thmup:

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Because he is a disloyal rat.  Security caught him in the parking lot of Gilette stadium with scouting reports, play books, etc that he was trying to steal and bring to the Jets football operations.  He stabbed BB in the back just so he could increase his odds of success in NY.  Im glad Mangini is out of football, hes a filthy backstabbing rat.  Luckily I don't ever watch ESPN so I dont have to stomach looking at him hardly ever.

Whoa seriously? I believe you JerodMayo51. I had just never heard that part of the story before. Yikes! NE was stabbed in the back symbolically & literally. No argument there JM51. Loyalty means everything to me & if you cross me, it's over. Bridges have been burned & the river of blood brother loyalty has officially been napalmed. 


I will admit 1 thing though. Eric Mangini does break down film exceptionally well. He will be an asset in 49ers California country though. 

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 I like it here just fine, I have been a member on the Colts fan forum since 2001.<mod edit- personal shot>,  ("I have taken great pleasure in seeing the pats fail on the biggest stage for almost 10 years now,)" multiple Superbowl and AFCCG losses, hence the "biggest stage" failure comment. You have no idea what you are talking about, you have no idea about me and what is going on in my head. It is Superbowl or bust every year for the Pats anything less is a failure, at least by many Pats fans own admission. <mod edit personal attack>!


So we agree that the Patriots are held to a higher standards than other teams. We're not all that different after all. Go figure.

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So we agree that the Patriots are held to a higher standards than other teams. We're not all that different after all. Go figure.

yes, I was quite clear about that. if it makes me a lesser fan because I feel the next best thing to a Colts win is a Pats loss, or if I still get enjoyment out of 18-1 excuse the heck out of me. I still get goose bumps thinking about the Cassel led Pats winning 11 games and not making the playoffs, these type of things are like guilty pleasures to me. I apparently went overboard by saying reading comprehension, and shine box, for that I apologize to the Forum members, forgive me!

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yes, I was quite clear about that. if it makes me a lesser fan because I feel the next best thing to a Colts win is a Pats loss, or if I still get enjoyment out of 18-1 excuse the heck out of me. I still get goose bumps thinking about the Cassel led Pats winning 11 games and not making the playoffs, these type of things are like guilty pleasures to me. I apparently went overboard by saying reading comprehension, and shine box, for that I apologize to the Forum members, forgive me!


When was the last time any other team went 18-1? Never...so how bad is that? I'd say 7 less wins and no playoffs the following year is a pretty big drop off. No? Are you trying so sound clueless or are you for real?

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When was the last time any other team went 18-1? Never...so how bad is that? I'd say 7 less wins and no playoffs the following year is a pretty big drop off. No? Are you trying so sound clueless or are you for real?

What are you talking about, at no point do I say the Pats are bad? I said they have failed (lost) on the biggest stage, which happens to be very true. Look we can disagree but don't put words in my mouth. The gist of the post was about me enjoying Patriot losses, so what are you blathering about?

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