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Incarcerated Bob is at it again, this time on Peyton , I hope this is false


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PS yes if he is still zipping as have so far this season , well forget about it , it would be quite rare to go  from throwing well to suddenly 10 days of pain & numbness, to throwing accurately again in so short a time without any intervention



I have no idea what to make of this story or the Broncos front office response to it. I am no medical expert like Barry is. What has Peyton said about it to reporters? Are they camped out at his house in Denver on the front lawn? How do reporters get a hold of medical records anyway? That's confidential patient information & there's no way, even if there is a grain of truth to it, that John Elway or Pat Bowlen would release it to the media. 


SW1 is a strict advocate of medical privacy & I wanna know who has access to this information & how quickly will the Broncos organization fire them for permitting such vital details to get leaked? 


I just think that stories like this are a byproduct off a long off season. Lets see how #18 moves around & throws the ball in training camp first & watch Peyton's reaction after he releases the ball...

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no response by broncos or anywhere else is it reported


until i hear otherwise or see otherwise in his play  any MRI to me as said is prudent follow up esp at start of training camp & periodically , its not an invasive procedure 


there seems to be arguments over whether this guy is a real  reporter or exactly what he is besides having a great ego


I am no medical expert, i have a working knowledge , can use a medical oriented mind to deduce certain things and yes a physician active license in Michigan and a disabled or inactive one in some other states that once thought of practicing in and got said license  but still no practice since disability in 1988


though i attend local continuing ed classes they are limited to my field & not diversified across the medical spectrum and these days often involve more billing issue that keep coming up and new billing codes than true course learning, so the newest techniques are not really my fortay 


Just want to clear that up

I agree 100% Barry. A MRI seems like a wise move. I tend to forget that neurology, or the study of nerves, is more complicated than a person's basic MD professional title. At the very least, neurology expertise requires years of extensive examination. Now, that is not to say Barry that you do not possess this training. It just means that thorough nerve expertise mandates extensive training beyond the MD level & not every Dr. is willing to undergo that additional training or real surgical time performing nerve operations in the medical field. A valid point. 


Another valid point is what are the credentials & true motives of the reporter who disclosed this information. Is he working for a reputable news organization or is he just saying something controversial to sell newspapers & increase website hits? A name like Incarcerated Bob doesn't instill me with a great deal of confidence in the trustworthiness of that "journalist" & I use that term loosely in his case.  

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I agree 100% Barry. A MRI seems like a wise move. I tend to forget that neurology, or the study of nerves, is more complicated than a person basic MD professional title. At the very least, neurology expertise requires years of extensive examination. Now, that is not to say Barry that you do not possess this training. It just means that thorough nerve expertise mandates extensive training beyond the MD level & not every Dr. is willing to undergo that additional training or real surgical time performing nerve operations in the medical field. A valid point. 


Another valid point are the credentials & true motives of the reporter who disclosed this information. Is he working for a reputable news organization or is he just saying something controversial to sell newspapers & increase website hits? 


its his own web site, whether he does radio stuff as a guest i dont know., just look at said aetcle and links on it to others in op


its ibn incarnated bob network ? 


or here 





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its his own web site, whether he does radio stuff as a guest i dont know., just look at said aetcle and links on it to others in op


its ibn incarnated bob network ? 


or here 





I'm always leery of reporters who don't reveal their resume or curriculum vitae usually on either the homepage of their site or a contact or about me section of their online blog. It reminds me of endnotes vs footnotes in research among scholarly circles in Academia...What are you running from or trying to hide? Someone challenging your conclusions?


Usually people who refuse to disclose their experience or training in a profession are full of crap & have no desire to be found or confronted about their thesis & the evidence used to prove or validate that thesis. That's been my experience in matters like this one anyway. Also challenging a person's conclusions doesn't automatically mean they are outright false. It just means either the evidence obtained can be interpreted in different ways with a much different conclusion. Does Incarcerated Bob have an editor or anyone else on staff who oversees & monitors his work for accuracy & authenticity? 

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Well I can see this being true honestly.    Nerve damage is a very delicate issue, and the once the nerve is injured it never really heals.   And generally only gets worse.


I personally feel that what Manning accomplished last season is ....    simply amazing.   Truly AMAZING.


But the reality is that the odds do not favor this man.


I hope this is false, the NFL is a far better league with Peyton Manning in it.

I agree about the nerve damage getting worse Only ever really temporarily feeling ok. Even.had the same surgery as Peyton at the same time but I have had to have 2 others since.Now I have an implanted neurostimulator device in my neck to relieve pain or some of it.But I never did get feeling back to right arm.I know everyone says Peyton got far superior surgeries but mine was done by the top Indiana doctors.Wish him luck.

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This is what Incarcerated Bob has under "Contact Us"...What a joke... http://ibnsportswrap.com/contact.php


Under "Writers" at the bottom of the "Contact Us" it has this...Pathetic IMO... http://ibnsportswrap.com/writer.php?writer=1


No professional credentials listed anywhere for Incarcerated Bob...Sigh...Or SW1 hasn't been able to locate them anyway on his website...

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This is what Incarcerated Bob has under "Contact Us"...What a joke... http://ibnsportswrap.com/contact.php


Under "Writers" at the bottom of the "Contact Us" it has this...Pathetic IMO... http://ibnsportswrap.com/writer.php?writer=1


No professional credentials listed anywhere for Incarcerated Bob...Sigh...Or SW1 hasn't been able to locate them anyway on his website...


I remember him from the Boomer & Carton show. He appears to be a sports analyst/personality wannabe.

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I agree about the nerve damage getting worse Only ever really temporarily feeling ok. Even.had the same surgery as Peyton at the same time but I have had to have 2 others since.Now I have an implanted neurostimulator device in my neck to relieve pain or some of it.But I never did get feeling back to right arm.I know everyone says Peyton got far superior surgeries but mine was done by the top Indiana doctors.Wish him luck.


we all respond differently pending our own unique bodies and how we use them


as I previously responded to same post u did of  John dee let me again say


Finally someone who knows a nerve root once damaged doesnt heal , all depends on degree of damage & quality of impulses it can now send


If neck gets arthritic post op from playing it can easily press against that nerve again


Yet untiill i see it acknowledged somewhere I will just assume any MRI is routine as I said at this point , pre season its a good followup, 


If nothing is said as team wants to just remain quiet on this  and suddenly he is playing bad then indeed something is off


HOWEVER , the nerve doesn't necessarily get worse , only if stress of some kind is applied to it such as renewed trauma  from bony impingement, always a possibility but not a given


Age related degeneration  may play a factor at some point 

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This is what Incarcerated Bob has under "Contact Us"...What a joke... http://ibnsportswrap.com/contact.php


Under "Writers" at the bottom of the "Contact Us" it has this...Pathetic IMO... http://ibnsportswrap.com/writer.php?writer=1


No professional credentials listed anywhere for Incarcerated Bob...Sigh...Or SW1 hasn't been able to locate them anyway on his website...


I remember him from the Boomer & Carton show. He appears to be a sports analyst/personality wannabe.


RE I remember him from the Boomer & Carton show. He appears to be a sports analyst/personality wannabe.


In fact SW! first link says that    http://ibnsportswrap.com/writer.php?writer=1



U meant this aa the responce , I too get it sometime included in the q , yes on his website and in searches i did this is noted , was years back i believe


Time to get off

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"I remember him from the Boomer & Carton show. He appears to be a sports analyst/personality wannabe." Yup, that sounds right on point for Incarcerated Bob.


A amateur reporter who desperately wants to be taken seriously & thankfully for the most part isn't coltfansince65.


Well said sir! Well said...  :thmup:

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RE I remember him from the Boomer & Carton show. He appears to be a sports analyst/personality wannabe.


In fact SW! first link says that    http://ibnsportswrap.com/writer.php?writer=1



U meant this aa the responce , I too get it sometime included in the q , yes on his website and in searches i did this is noted , was years back i believe


Time to get off

I have never been to his website & I didn't click on the links. I have zero interest in him & anything he has to say.


Doesn't matter to me where we get our information from, if it's accurate it will bare itself out, if it's less than accurate we will know them by their fruits.

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  A neurostimulator  actually blocks pain signals by  interrupting the pain   signals before they reach the brain. 

 They hopefully send mild electrical impulses to the spine to replace pain with a tingling sensation.


I agree about the nerve damage getting worse Only ever really temporarily feeling ok. Even.had the same surgery as Peyton at the same time but I have had to have 2 others since.Now I have an implanted neurostimulator device in my neck to relieve pain or some of it.But I never did get feeling back to right arm.I know everyone says Peyton got far superior surgeries but mine was done by the top Indiana doctors.Wish him luck.

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I have never been to his website & I didn't click on the links. I have zero interest in him & anything he has to say.


Doesn't matter to me where we get our information from, if it's accurate it will bare itself out, if it's less than accurate we will know them by their fruits.


never been there either till link was sent to me yesterday , I have Denver Cousins, think i heard of him predicting something last year but that's about it

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I have never been to his website & I didn't click on the links. I have zero interest in him & anything he has to say.


Doesn't matter to me where we get our information from, if it's accurate it will bare itself out, if it's less than accurate we will know them by their fruits.

That's perfectly fine by me coltsfansince65. I just like to verify the credentials of reporters in the media who say something that raises eyebrows across the NFL. You better have all your ducks lined up in a row first before you say something like that Incarcerated Bob & your word means nothing when no one can find anything about your journalistic background whatsoever. I only posted those links to demonstrate that Incarcerated Bob is apparently ashamed of his previous work experience in journalism or he has none...none from any honorable news agency worth bragging about anyway. 

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did u see any of the articles from the 2 search links i put in comment 25


here they are again


when u search this guy and try to see if accurate or not, real or not what a list of articles comes up




or this with slight search name change





this is great though article is somewhat positive on him  

here they are again


 He got his name and his first bit of fame as a regular caller on the Boomer and Carton radio show, on WFAN 660 in New York. He received his nickname by the show’s host due to a prison stint he earned by getting into an altercation with a Patriots fan during the 2008 Super Bowl. 



Pat fans weigh in on that one



this is a beaut , really debunks his claims of being accurate


1 of these 2 links should work , same story


Incarcerated Bob: Better Than ESPN or a Complete Fraud?




thats it for me today, need some rest

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  A neurostimulator  actually blocks pain signals by  interrupting the pain   signals before they reach the brain. 

 They hopefully send mild electrical impulses to the spine to replace pain with a tingling sensation.

The tingling you describe is caused by parathesia it also causes me more paralysis but with less pain.It was the stimulalator implant or narcotics the rest of my life.

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Very astute post John as usual. Could not agree more. I think when Manning's career is over he may be remembered most for last season even though he came up short in the playoffs. If not for AP's season for the ages, he would have gotten his 5th MVP. Truly Amazing all things considered.

i highly doubt his career is over. if it were a major issue I'm guessing he would be seeing specialists this week and not participating in his football camp

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The tingling you describe is caused by parathesia it also causes me more paralysis but with less pain.It was the stimulalator implant or narcotics the rest of my life.

Neurostimulators are a step above external  Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS ) 


we used to call them ten's units


 parathesia's are by nature a result of nerve damage, I am never without them, tingling, numbness , etc a entire host of sensations can be considered parasthesias as eachi ndividual often describes them differently


I am not familiar with the newest neurostimulators

 they may simply block the pain signal transmission to the brain 

but I dont know the latest way thats done,


however i do believe one way or another many replace the pain signal with another less onerous signal , may seem like a parathesia, may seem like a gentle massage etc, every company has their own version to try & outsell the other and also as some generated  signals work better for some than others


years back they often worked by providing enough tingling signals that they overrided the pain signals


again I became fully disabled back in 1988, i used external TENS units occasionally in my practice , i dont think the internal types were fully developed back then ) and have at times been offered it but can handle heavy pain


I think u made a wise choice, another choice would of been an implanted pump ( I think they are still offered ) that gives out measured amounts of pain meds, this is often used externally post op , i had one but wouldnt want one in me


I just did a google search for medtronics as I have one of their pacemakers and know they make all types of implanted medical devices



What Is a Neurostimulator?


A neurostimulator is a surgically placed device about the size of a stopwatch. It delivers mild electrical signals to the epidural space near your spine through one or more leads (special medical wires). The electrical signals cause a tingling sensation in the area of your back and leg pain.


How It Works


Neurostimulation provides pain relief by modifying (modulating) the pain messages before they reach the brain. Think of it like rubbing your "funny bone" after you've bumped it – the rubbing masks the feeling of pain. Similarly, the tingling produced by the neurostimulation system masks the feeling in your area of pain. ( guess some still work that way )

You can adjust the strength and location of stimulation using a handheld programmer. For example, you can regulate different levels of stimulation at different times of the day or for various activities – such as walking, sleeping, or sitting.



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i highly doubt his career is over. if it were a major issue I'm guessing he would be seeing specialists this week and not participating in his football camp

Yes, I don't think it is over either but I do believe last year was his swan song.  I don't think he will repeat that type of season again given his age and injuries ...

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Yes, I don't think it is over either but I do believe last year was his swan song.  I don't think he will repeat that type of season again given his age and injuries ...


I do think last year was best chance for another SB win


He may yet surprise us as he did last year, I am not good at guessing what  QB of his age and injury history will do, to many variables for me Re him and team RB youth among other things like Fox being to conservative for my tastes, something he always had in Coaches in his career.  Playing % as Fox says he does,  all the time may be one coaches strategy, but when then other coach knows u live by it as u publicly defend your calls with % scenarios results over time , they can guess what u will do in an in game situation & use it against u

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I do think last year was best chance for another SB win


He may yet surprise us as he did last year, I am not good at guessing what  QB of his age and injury history will do, to many variables for me Re him and team RB youth among other things like Fox being to conservative for my tastes, something he always had in Coaches in his career.  Playing % as Fox says he does,  all the time may be one coaches strategy, but when then other coach knows u live by it as u publicly defend your calls with % scenarios results over time , they can guess what u will do in an in game situation & use it against u

Yes, if anyone can surprise it is Manning so I would not be shocked if he had another rabbit in his hat. I am not sure if it will be Fox that will undo the Broncs but their defense and Oline. Because of all the Pats drama, the Broncs rough off-season has gone under the radar but their team got worse too ...

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Yes, if anyone can surprise it is Manning so I would not be shocked if he had another rabbit in his hat. I am not sure if it will be Fox that will undo the Broncs but their defense and Oline. Because of all the Pats drama, the Broncs rough off-season has gone under the radar but their team got worse too ...


OL -Dan knoppen another year older, OL depth an issue as know one really knows if Kuper can play and Ramirez a sieve and he is backup CENTER ? Guard ??? sheesh


Clady better be ready   and not rushed for game 1 or doomerville will rehurt that shoulder


Blake hurt and unimpressive as backup center and guard


I am amazed the odds say they will steamroll the ravens in opener when r so many unproven issues


only RT Franklin seems to have a good surgery and a workout so far, LG Beadles only one not hurt, Vazquez good but has to work well with rest , is excellent run blocker not as great a pass blocker but that was on  a bad line at chargers so we will have to see


so OL may be great or flop with injuries and chemistry


While I like ball, moreno & hillman


NO real # 1 back


Ball may play like a rookie, Hillman may not have learned how to block, and Moreno always gets hurt, Do not like that combo opening up season oin natioal stage, can hurt confidence , esp rokkie ball


Defense, all must do a bit more to make up for Doom Fiasco faxo loss


Sly williams may add a push up middle and wolfe if better in 2nd year can be a standoput, he lost 4 sacks but only because Miler got there a millisecond faster, still got the sack for tyeam , so he has to add exttra sacks and not just replace millers, they  have to replace dooms


Ayers in for doom and philips is an experiment will have to wait & see


, all must step up to replace dooms production but ayers is better in run coverage at leasyt but that is not what they wanted doom in their for


no true MID Linebacker and who will stop TEs over the middle is a big Question


all signed players must work together like a team and not just on paper like the Philly dream team


cant hang this morning so this was long response but is about all can do at this time,


. behind sched, hate getting thimngs to do in mail for mom Re NYC retirement system  on a Saturday and must attack that and other issues this AM ASAP and Mondays they  are always busy, so may not complete all have to do

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I was impressed with him last season (Who wasn't). But with that said I was in the camp that felt he should retire. Family & health before football. He has nothing to prove and doesn't need the money.

Very impressive season, indeed.   As for the second part,  he may not have anything to prove, and he certainly does not need the $$..... but he LOVES the game,  and He will continue to play as long as he is healthy.   He'll know when to walk away...

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I don't see Peyton playing if unable to do less than his best. He is too competitive and will step aside when he is no longer able to give his best game. I don't see him playing for the sake of playing. He knows best what he can do and if he decides to suit up, then look out opponents... rumors be damned. I do see the team for their own (insurance/liability) purposes and PM's doctors having the MRI done to get a base line. Who wouldn't if you continue to play after a surgery like that? It's preventative care as well.

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I don't see Peyton playing if unable to do less than his best. He is too competitive and will step aside when he is no longer able to give his best game. I don't see him playing for the sake of playing. He knows best what he can do and if he decides to suit up, then look out opponents... rumors be darned. I do see the team for their own (insurance/liability) purposes and PM's doctors having the MRI done to get a base line. Who wouldn't if you continue to play after a surgery like that? It's preventative care as well.



I have said many times


Yet until i see it acknowledged somewhere I will just assume any MRI is routine as I said at this point , pre season its a good followup, , I am sure he had 1 after the season , at least I would think his Dr would have one done then, and periodically as he deems prudent


(( As far as I Know I am the only one to have bone basically severing my spinal cord and my MRI failed to show it, It  was even  shown to the worlds best diagnostic radiologists at World conference where my brother lectured ))


They are non invasive,  and save for me are  most accurate , then again my body has been weird in many ways


If nothing is said as team wants to just remain quiet on this  and suddenly he is playing bad then indeed something is off


HOWEVER , the nerve doesn't necessarily get worse as has been suggested  , only if stress of some kind is applied to it such as renewed trauma  from bony impingement, always a possibility but not a given


Age related degeneration  may play a factor at some point 

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Peyton Manning reportedly threw the football with “superb velocity” at the Manning Passing Academy

 Bucky Brooks of NFL.com,


At the Manning Passing Academy, I saw Manning throw the ball with superb velocity and zip while continuing to display exceptional accuracy and ball placement. Additionally, Manning showed outstanding anticipation and touch, connecting on a series of deep throws to a variety of receivers, including Broncos tight end Jacob Tamme. With Manning showing the arm strength and range to make all of the throws from the pocket, I’m sure the Broncos will be able to use their entire playbook in 2013. With the addition of Wes Welker, and the improvement of Manning’s arm strength, the Broncos offense will only be better this coming season.





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Who's Peyton's back up in Denver?


Brock Osweiler was drafted same year as Peyton, in fact was 2nd draft pick, ( if didnt trade back twice in first round  could of had Doug Martin & wolfe -- who was  their top pick  -- instead of hillman they had to trade down for giving back pick they got by trading back- I will never let that go when Elway said was in win now mode and drafts a developmental QB as 2nd pick , Doug Martin  or some other top pick , like a good safety or middlee linebacker may have equalled SB and could of changed draft strategy this year as may not have needed ball -- this year they took another QB in late rounds and an undrafted one but say Brock after a year under Peyton is solid as 2nd QB , didnt say solid as player' , Meanwhile safty and middle linebacker are still issues


Brock has great arm and is quite tall , JJ watt may not be able to swat his passes down

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