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Question of the Day - 06/26


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I like Brazill on Special teams man. The kid's got talent. I wouldn't cut him yet, he's just starting to come into his own. Keep him in INDY. That's my take on it. Navy sailors don't abandon a submarine at the 1st sign of a water leak & I don't view a 4 game suspension as a 4 alarm fire personally. Do you all remember how long the Colts sucked on special teams? I do. 

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IMO, he should not be on the starting roster, but spend the year on the practice squad.  Grigson has an opportunity to make the statement that we will not tolerant this kind of behavior, but I see Grigson giving him a passing.

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If he's not the clear cut 4th best receiver in training camp then yes I think it could.


It certainly hurt his cause for staying on the roster.  If he's about even with another guy, pre-suspension I might have held onto Brazil due to experience.


But now why would I pick him over another guy who's at about the same level when Brazil has a 4 game suspension?

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IMO, he should not be on the starting roster, but spend the year on the practice squad.  Grigson has an opportunity to make the statement that we will not tolerant this kind of behavior, but I see Grigson giving him a passing.


I don't think he can be on the practice squad.  Rules are that if a player was "active" for 9 games or more in a single season then they can't be on a practice squad.  

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I like Brazill on Special teams man. The kid's got talent. I wouldn't cut him yet, he's just starting to come into his own. Keep him in INDY. That's my take on it. Navy sailors don't abandon a submarine at the 1st sign of a water leak & I don't view a 4 game suspension as a 4 alarm fire personally. Do you all remember how long the Colts sucked on special teams? I do.

No they don't panic at the 1st sign of a leak, but they would at the 2nd time

That's Brazill's 2nd offense as the new CBA states the player gets a 4 game suspension the 2nd time

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If Dungy was still here I would say yes but I don't think Grigson/Pagano puts as much weight on these kinds of issues as Dungy did.  Don't get me wrong I think they matter to Grigson/Pagano so don't take that as me saying they don't.  Frankly I am going to be interested to see how this shakes out because we don't really know their approach to guys who have some red flags yet.  The impression I get from Grigson/Pagano is that if they think Brazil can help them win games and stay out of trouble they'll keep him. 

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I don't think it hurts him long term... with the following possible exceptions... if he performs poorly in
TC or preseason and others pass him, and what the specific drug violation was....  A precription drug or such for ADD is one thing, stupid as it is.....  Mary Jane or other recreation drug shows an increased level of stupidity, lack of maturity and lack of self discipline.    The Colts know the violation and either of those issues could get you cut.


Bad year for  young WR to get suspended.....  GO COLTS

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No or Brazill would have been cut by now in my opinion, Right now as it stands outside of:









none of our wr's have game experience outside of those listed above


but there are a couple guys on the list who have the raw skills to make Brazill expendable (that aren't our top 3 wr's I mean)




Lanear Sampson


Now maybe Brazill is on the outside looking in but I doubt we will ever get any confirmation on that one way or the other, I think Rodrick Rumble could very well make Brazill expendable more then the other 2 listed


I think it will be (In no particular order)





Rumble(Taking Brazills spot)

Whalen or Palmer, Palmer has the bigger upside and the edge do to speed but that speed is useless if you do not run the right route after the catch, Whalen has a nack for getting open underneath and knows how to run with the ball after the catch but does not have the speed of Palmer....If he is healthy then I have Whalen to win that spot if not then Palmer wins and Whalen goes to the PS

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