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Aaron Hernandez issues (merge)/Aaron Hernandez escorted from home in handcuffs.


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3 scouts   note warning signs in his scouting profile showing he  was he had a bigger risk than most


  risk/reward  profiles


1 noted


“Self-esteem is quite low; not well-adjusted emotionally, not happy, moods unpredictable, not stable, doesn’t take much to set him off, but not an especially jumpy guy,” the scout said.


The scout said Hernandez had long been around “street activity,” and once his father died, it gave him reason to act out.


2 others also weigh in


Also   he didnt hang out off field with his teammates but his childhood friends (  " the shadowy friends from his Connecticut hometown " )


Finally within days of being drafted


When he couldn’t figure out how to use the equipment, he asked how it worked, but got no answer. When Wes Welker walked by the room, Hernandez asked for his help, but Welker said, “Rookie, you figure it out.”


Hernandez responded with expletives




U have to feel for the kid , losing a father early , I had mine for mid 80' years, If not for my parents I have no idea how i would of turned out



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But the worries about Hernandez's character and associates convinced at least one NFL team to remove him from its draft board of eligible players, and another team red-flagged him while still considering him draftable as he came out of the University of Florida, the general managers of those teams told USA TODAY Sports.


To be that close to those people is concerning," said Ross Tucker, a former NFL players who is now an analyst for Sports USA Network.


Tucker added: "I had a scout text me from an NFL team who said, 'You know, it doesn't always happen right away, but it seems like the red flags pretty much always come back at some point.' He said, 'Nine times out of 10.'''


Its Just a shame for such a talent, I hope nothing more comes out than already has and thats the last of his concerns & they are already enough , and a lesson deeply learned,


I Pray I am not being Naive on that


His next team will be the Raiders .

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Yep, he had a rap sheet which was known when the Pats took him in the 4th round. He went that low because of it. He is first round talent. The pats gambled and may have lost big time on him. A shame. But I am still hopeful that he will only be charged with obs. of justice and will be able to plea out of that in exchange for telling the police who did it.

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Yep, he had a rap sheet which was known when the Pats took him in the 4th round. He went that low because of it. He is first round talent. The pats gambled and may have lost big time on him. A shame. But I am still hopeful that he will only be charged with obs. of justice and will be able to plea out of that in exchange for telling the police who did it.



Yes i hope he  as i said nothing worse comes to light & that he sees the error of his ways, One article said his brother tried to keep him straight but just couldn't once father died


A Talent like that u want on the field where we all can watch great football and he has delivered some great moments


I just never new about his past thats   why i am so shocked


Still remember your post on whether Pats should of paid and locked down the 2 TE's with LT contracts


Have a great day , its MRI & WHEEL CHAIR VAN Day , little trouble but time when compared to this

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Yes i hope he  as i said nothing worse comes to light & that he sees the error of his ways, One article said his brother tried to keep him straight but just couldn't once father died


A Talent like that u want on the field where we all can watch great football and he has delivered some great moments


I just never new about his past thats   why i am so shocked


Still remember your post on whether Pats should of paid and locked down the 2 TE's with LT contracts


Have a great day , its MRI & WHEEL CHAIR VAN Day , little trouble but time when compared to this

Yeah. They can't win. lol. They let Welker walk at age 32 and were criticized. They pay Gronk and Hernandez early and are criticized. NFL is a tough biz.

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Yep, he had a rap sheet which was known when the Pats took him in the 4th round. He went that low because of it. He is first round talent. The pats gambled and may have lost big time on him. A shame. But I am still hopeful that he will only be charged with obs. of justice and will be able to plea out of that in exchange for telling the police who did it.

I have heard he is being uncooperative. It is in his best interest to turn it around. He supposedly was with 2 other people, when the victim disappeared. It wouldn't take much for an interrogation expert to turn those other people against him. They could rollover on him and that would be the end of it.

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I may be as critical of these so-called rap sheets as anyone in the forum.


I have never been a saint, nor do I want to be....but  If I was an owner of a football (Any Major league sports team) team and I was paying millions of dollars to a player/coach, I would not sign these guys.  It is MY money, and we do not need questionable character.


That said, Aaron has not been convicted f a crime and this needs to run it's course in due process.  Last week Pacman again....this week Hernandez..then there had been .Blackmon....Chad Johnson...not to mention the Honey Badger and Rolando McClain.....Teams do not win signing problems....simple as that.


Was anyone else impressed that Coach Pagano actually 'lectured' his troops....making sure they "Stay out of trouble?"  I loved it!!  Go Colts!

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Daniel Jeremiah from NFL.com had a segment where he talked about this (http://www.nfl.com/videos/nfl-network-total-access/0ap2000000213946/Was-Hernandez-red-flagged-in-2010-draft).  Essentially, he says Hernandez could not be counted on to be a leader.  Some teams had 1st or 2nd round grades on him, but they dropped him to the 4th or 6th rounds because of his character issues.  He couldn't be counted on to be a leader, so he really needed to go somewhere with a strong locker room where he could be more of a follower and look at other guys to see how it's done.  New England would seem like a good fit with good leadership, but I guess that wasn't enough

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Daniel Jeremiah from NFL.com had a segment where he talked about this (http://www.nfl.com/videos/nfl-network-total-access/0ap2000000213946/Was-Hernandez-red-flagged-in-2010-draft).  Essentially, he says Hernandez could not be counted on to be a leader.  Some teams had 1st or 2nd round grades on him, but they dropped him to the 4th or 6th rounds because of his character issues.  He couldn't be counted on to be a leader, so he really needed to go somewhere with a strong locker room where he could be more of a follower and look at other guys to see how it's done.  New England would seem like a good fit with good leadership, but I guess that wasn't enough

Considering the closeness to his hometown, the Patriots probably were not the ideal team for him.

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Considering the closeness to his hometown, the Patriots probably were not the ideal team for him.

I thought it would be in terms of the leadership.  Jeremiah said he needed some good leaders/role models in the locker room.  When you go to a locker room that has Belichick, Brady, Wilfork, etc., it's full of solid leaders.

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I hate to see supremely athletic guys throw their lives away regardless of who they play for. Yes, he is presumed innocent. I know that. Man, you signed a $40 million dollar contract, purchased a nice home, & played for 1 of the premier teams in this league...Do you have an idea how lucky you are? Why flush all that down the toilet Mr. Hernandez? I just don't get it...Sigh...


I would like to know what his defense attorney strategy is...Assert attorney client privilege, lock down an alibi, & refute every piece of evidence the prosecution sets in motion against you...A defending the Alamo stance is bold, but not always wise. It's times like this that make me wonder how many moles defense attorneys pay for information in the DA's Office? And whether or not a defense attorney wants to really know if their client committed the crime or not? My money is on no. Plausible deniability is such an asset & legal maneuvering tactic...


Most franchises think that they have the psychological expertise in place to mold players from less than perfect backgrounds. They see the talent on the field & go "Wow! Think of what I can do with that offensively. I can fix em no problem."

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Here's what I wanna know: Does the DA have proof that Mr. Hernandez smashed all the home security cameras? Want metadata, LUDs, or texting messages did the DA get off Mr. Hernandez's phone? Who are the DA's witnesses & what was offered in exchange for their testimony? How detailed are the police reports & the quality of the reputation of the officers who took them? How many complaints have been brought against these officers or police department in general & what was the nature of those complaints? 


You put the forensics team & police force on trial & the competence of how that evidence was obtained, cataloged, & stored from a chain of custody standpoint etc. etc. I love playing the devil's advocate... 


The DA has to prove "Beyond the shadow of a doubt" vs "reasonable doubt" among 12 members in a jury box that don't wanna convict a famous football athlete a huge difference in a legal thresh hold there. 12 versus 1. I like those odds as a defense attorney myself.

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I thought it would be in terms of the leadership. Jeremiah said he needed some good leaders/role models in the locker room. When you go to a locker room that has Belichick, Brady, Wilfork, etc., it's full of solid leaders.

They can only do so much away from the field though. Sounds like he needed to be far away from his hometown.

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The lynch pin here in terms of evidence is what the deceased victim's autopsy report says in terms of cause of death & the exact time of death. Also, whether or not, the missing car mirror can be found & matches up with the scene of the homicide with paint shaving or bullet trajectory etc. Did the victim have any unusual medical conditions or pills that could have contributed to his unfortunate passing? I.E. reasonable doubt. When was the last time the deceased victim & Mr. Hernandez were conclusively seen alive together? 


The DA is probably checking body shop repairs for the same make & model as the Enterprise car that Mr. Hernandez rented as we speak... 


Also, if the victim was shot, where is the murder weapon? It's incredibly hard to convict a person of murder with no firearm found or proof that gun residue is still present on their body or clothes at close range too...

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The other thing is what does the Patriots organization do once training camp officially starts & no charges have been filed yet? Or even if they are, Hernandez hasn't been convicted of anything only indicted. Can the team legally ban him from their facility or prevent him from riding on the plane to away games? Can they lawfully suspend him from being in Foxboro with his team mates. NE would still pay him yes, but can Robert Kraft force Hernandez to remain banned from all team activities if he decides to?


And even if Hernandez is convicted, how does guaranteed money work vs termination of the player's contract with the new CBA rules recently enacted by the NFL & NFL PA exactly? 


Hypothetically speaking, could a convicted NFL athlete actually be awarded a SB ring even though they are in prison, especially if the case gets prolonged with legal motions & NE wins another ring before the trial concludes? Are there ring fitting sessions in federal prison? I'm just wondering...Hmmm...

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They can only do so much away from the field though. Sounds like he needed to be far away from his hometown.



Yeah, that could very well have been the case



Forgot which article but it said his friends traveled to Florida to hang while he was in College too,  

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The other thing is what does the Patriots organization do once training camp officially starts & no charges have been filed yet? Or even if they are, Hernandez hasn't been convicted of anything only indicted. Can the team legally ban him from their facility or prevent him from riding on the plane to away games? Can they lawfully suspend him from being in Foxboro with his team mates. NE would still pay him yes, but can Robert Kraft force Hernandez to remain banned from all team activities if he decides to?


And even if Hernandez is convicted, how does guaranteed money work vs termination of the player's contract with the new CBA rules recently enacted by the NFL & NFL PA exactly? 


Hypothetically speaking, could a convicted NFL athlete actually be awarded a SB ring even though they are in prison, especially if the case gets prolonged with legal motions & NE wins another ring before the trial concludes? Are there ring fitting sessions in federal prison? I'm just wondering...Hmmm...



I asked Kyndall all of your aforementioned questions...  this was her response  ;)


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This thread should be remembered the next time the Colts don't take the college player you like but you're aware there may be some character issues....


Odds are there are more than we're all aware of....


Think of character issues as an iceberg....    you see the small amount above the water line....   but it's what you can't see, below the water line,  that will sink your teams chances!


Hey,  I like that metaphor!!     :thmup:

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9:07 AM - 21 Jun 2013



re Welker/Hernandez interaction frm story: Hernandez's response was "--- you Wes, I'll --- you up!" (Globe is family friendly paper  ;)


9:07 AM - 21 Jun 2013




seeing mentions that what Hernandez said to Wes wasn't big deal. person who relayed story saw it - AH wasn't joking.




 In light of recent issues we will never know what was meant , but obviously nothing ever happened

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The other thing is what does the Patriots organization do once training camp officially starts & no charges have been filed yet? Or even if they are, Hernandez hasn't been convicted of anything only indicted. Can the team legally ban him from their facility or prevent him from riding on the plane to away games? Can they lawfully suspend him from being in Foxboro with his team mates. NE would still pay him yes, but can Robert Kraft force Hernandez to remain banned from all team activities if he decides to?


And even if Hernandez is convicted, how does guaranteed money work vs termination of the player's contract with the new CBA rules recently enacted by the NFL & NFL PA exactly? 


Hypothetically speaking, could a convicted NFL athlete actually be awarded a SB ring even though they are in prison, especially if the case gets prolonged with legal motions & NE wins another ring before the trial concludes? Are there ring fitting sessions in federal prison? I'm just wondering...Hmmm...

I had posted this on another thread but wanted to repost here. Under the new CBA, the Pats will be absolved from his contract AND he will have to pay back his signing bonus which could be as much as $37 mil if he goes to jail for the rest of his contract, http://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nfl/patriots/2013/06/21/aaron-hernandez-salary-recoup-cba-homicide-investigation/2447171/


In terms of the Pats, training camp is a long way away. I would think he would be arrested and charged with something before then. If he is not charged with anything (unlikely)  then I think the Pats will let him come to camp. They have too much invested in him to just release him or keep him from the team if he is a free man.

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I had posted this on another thread but wanted to repost here. Under the new CBA, the Pats will be absolved from his contract AND he will have to pay back his signing bonus which could be as much as $37 mil if he goes to jail for the rest of his contract, http://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nfl/patriots/2013/06/21/aaron-hernandez-salary-recoup-cba-homicide-investigation/2447171/


In terms of the Pats, training camp is a long way away. I would think he would be arrested and charged with something before then. If he is not charged with anything (unlikely)  then I think the Pats will let him come to camp. They have too much invested in him to just release him or keep him from the team if he is a free man.


well at least if the worst happens,  Kraft gets that back,,,   though too bad doesn't apply to SB RING

( sorry I am not trying to make light of ether situation, really been a bad week & I expect next also with many issues unresolved personally & Moms health and as this place is life's escape for me, sometimes I may say the wrong thing )


( Beatles were wrong , u need 9 days not 8 days a week )

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• Saturday: Law enforcement officials enter Hernandez's home just before 2 p.m. ET and leave more than 3 ½ hours later carrying 15 bags of apparent evidence.


SCROLL DOWN & It APPEARS  on left side bar  where a daily  Timeline of Aaron Hernandez events  is noted ,  not in article itself  



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• Saturday: Law enforcement officials enter Hernandez's home just before 2 p.m. ET and leave more than 3 ½ hours later carrying 15 bags of apparent evidence.


SCROLL DOWN & It APPEARS  on left side bar  where a daily  Timeline of Aaron Hernandez events  is noted ,  not in article itself  



   I dont see a way Hernandez will be in the NFL this year.


Even if he didnt kill this guy....he turns state's evidence and cuts a deal for obstructing justice...


...he'll be suspended from the NFL...


Right now, his playing future is probably the least of his worries...


He may be headed for the old 'felony funny farm'

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This thread should be remembered the next time the Colts don't take the college player you like but you're aware there may be some character issues....


Odds are there are more than we're all aware of....


Think of character issues as an iceberg....    you see the small amount above the water line....   but it's what you can't see, below the water line,  that will sink your teams chances!


Hey,  I like that metaphor!!     :thmup:

It was deep.

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Character is in the forefront of most teams.       NE took dude in the 4th round.    He was a 1st - 2nd round talent.    EVERY day of the week.


Bill Polian is on record as saying Gronk was "FAILED" by the Colt medical staff.      Thus off their board.


Indianapolis under Polian took almost NO character risks.         Johnson is really the only one I can think of.

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Here's what I wanna know: Does the DA have proof that Mr. Hernandez smashed all the home security cameras? Want metadata, LUDs, or texting messages did the DA get off Mr. Hernandez's phone? Who are the DA's witnesses & what was offered in exchange for their testimony? How detailed are the police reports & the quality of the reputation of the officers who took them? How many complaints have been brought against these officers or police department in general & what was the nature of those complaints?

You put the forensics team & police force on trial & the competence of how that evidence was obtained, cataloged, & stored from a chain of custody standpoint etc. etc. I love playing the devil's advocate...

The DA has to prove "Beyond the shadow of a doubt" vs "reasonable doubt" among 12 members in a jury box that don't wanna convict a famous football athlete a huge difference in a legal thresh hold there. 12 versus 1. I like those odds as a defense attorney myself.

Trying to discredit the reputation of a police station and police officers is the way defense attorneys try to get murderers back on the street when they know their client is guilty. If you cant prove innocence, try to use the prosecutions past slights against them, whether relevence is there or not. May be the nature of the beast but it shows the defense for what they are; guily, shameless, and without morality.

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Anyway....     he is done.


Well honestly this is the most I have dived into this issue.       And it is old news.


This dude is hit.       He will never play another game in the NFL.


How stupid can some be?    Seriously?  

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Character is in the forefront of most teams.       NE took dude in the 4th round.    He was a 1st - 2nd round talent.    EVERY day of the week.


Bill Polian is on record as saying Gronk was "FAILED" by the Colt medical staff.      Thus off their board.


Indianapolis under Polian took almost NO character risks.         Johnson is really the only one I can think of.

yeah give Polian credit. They were squeaky clean.

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