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Not liking our picks lately

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I do like the pick of Werner, but Im not high on our 3rd and 4th rounders. Both were reaches in my mind. Plus we still have a need for a 3rd corner if Davis or Toler gets injured. And RB could use a boost since I dont trust Brown or Carter.


The Holmes pick I really question and here is why...


Theres a 2 part explanation why I dont like this pick. One, it just seems as though we are copying what the Titans are doing, except with worse players. (They got Levitre, we got Thomas, they got Warmack, we got Thornton, they got Schwenke, we got Holmes).


2) Center should have been a postion we were ok at with both Satelle and Shipley. Now this pick shows that they were wrong about Satelle, and that was wasted money. Maybe our scouts' eye for free agents arent as good as we thought.


But hopefully Im wrong and these guys end up being good starters.


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I feel like we kinda want to fix the OL but Grigs insists on getting obscure players to do it. I really don't think Holmes will ever amount to anything for us, but Pep did watch him a lot in his career.

I'm hoping Grigson is like Seattle's GM. Everyone thinks he's crazy until the season.

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After our 3rd and 4th round picks (who I have no problem with) but most everyone else seems to....


I suspect this thread could go several thousand posts long....    it's going to be a long miserable off-season with fans complaining about Grigson's terrible draft....


<<Sigh....>>     :bored:


Too bad Grigson didn't win the Executive of the Year award in his first year.   That might've bought him a longer honeymoon.


Oh.  No.   Wait.     He did win that......      :facepalm:

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I get the Thornton pick. We do have a ? at a starting guard position. There's just been such a feeding frenzy on O-lnemen this year, by the time it got to us in the 3rd, we HAD to stretch to take a guard because all the guards left were stretches. We're obviously not going BPA.


The Holmes pick is a head scratcher. He doesn't fit our scheme, and can't transition to G, and we already have two guys on the roster battling to see who starts in Satele and Shipley. 



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why is corner such a huge need? Sorry to break it to you guys, but Cassius is pretty good for a fourth corner, his problem last year was we wanted him to be a #2 corner

Because everyone thinks they know more than everyone else.

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Werner was a great pick in that it fills our need for a pass rusher to go along with Mathis.

The Thornton pick is great and will be proven next year, BOOK IT. Plus fills a HUGE need.

The Holmes pick is interesting, but oline depth is NEVER a bad thing.

Then maybe we should have gotten a backup tackle. We do not need 3 centers unless we plan on releasing satele. Pray we are that lucky

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I get the Thornton pick. We do have a ? at a starting guard position. There's just been such a feeding frenzy on O-lnemen this year, by the time it got to us in the 3rd, we HAD to stretch to take a guard because all the guards left were stretches. We're obviously not going BPA.


The Holmes pick is a head scratcher. He doesn't fit our scheme, and can't transition to G, and we already have two guys on the roster battling to see who starts in Satele and Shipley. 



Oh god, not this crap again.

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I do like the pick of Werner, but Im not high on our 3rd and 4th rounders. Both were reaches in my mind. Plus we still have a need for a 3rd corner if Davis or Toler gets injured. And RB could use a boost since I dont trust Brown or Carter.


The Holmes pick I really question and here is why...


Theres a 2 part explanation why I dont like this pick. One, it just seems as though we are copying what the Titans are doing, except with worse players. (They got Levitre, we got Thomas, they got Warmack, we got Thornton, they got Schwenke, we got Holmes).


2) Center should have been a postion we were ok at with both Satelle and Shipley. Now this pick shows that they were wrong about Satelle, and that was wasted money. Maybe our scouts' eye for free agents arent as good as we thought.


But hopefully Im wrong and these guys end up being good starters.

i been saying it for the last month about FA. i dont believe Walden is the answer at OLB and grigs must not think so either if they drafted werener. and according to pags and grigs when they were talking about drafting werner they have said he is going to be an OLB for us. i really dont have an issue with the Thornton pick, aslong as they keep him inside at the guard position. Holmes has injury issues but that isnt the big problem as much as his strength in the legs. he gets dominated by bigger interior lineman. maybe adding weight could help, but i think we reached on our 4th rounder. 


I thought maybe we should have taken Poyer in the 4th. 


do gotta say though, Az is looking good with their draft getting ILB Milner, Mathieu, Okafor for defense and Cooper for their offensive line in the first round. also think Minnesota is having a heck of a draft also. 

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Holmes also plays guard.


You being upset with this pick, given your username, is hilarious to me.

im  iffy on holmes also. he is weak in the legs. he gets thrown around by bigger interior lineman. maybe if he packs on some lbs maybe it will help, but who knows. plus injuries have hurt him the last two years also. I was really hoping for Barrett Jones or Schwenke in the 3rd round. 

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I feel like we kinda want to fix the OL but Grigs insists on getting obscure players to do it. I really don't think Holmes will ever amount to anything for us, but Pep did watch him a lot in his career.

I'm hoping Grigson is like Seattle's GM. Everyone thinks he's crazy until the season.

only pick i ever really thought Seattle's GM was crazy for was last years first rounder when they drafted DE Bruce Irvin lol. 

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you do know we at one time lost both our centers last season and mcglynn had to play center. the more o-lineman the better

No we didn't. We lost a center and a guard, Shipley moved over to guard and mcglynn was playing center for that game.

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Like I've been saying for months, this draft is an insurance draft. If every player we pick is a bust, it's not going to hurt us moving forward. We have a ton of cap space next off season as well (I think I recently heard someone say around 40 million) so if we don't get one starter out of this draft, it's not going to affect us at all, IMO.

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