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1/2 Of The Problem Solved


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After watching last nights game, I was thrilled that the Colts defense was able to put a halt on a very good run based team. I thought they played excellent.

Secondary is still a huge concern. Way too many conversions on 3rd down and a lot of blown coverage.


"Defense wins games"!!!

Can we put that tired old mantra to bed for good now? Because if this was true, we would have won. 3 turnovers, a shut-down of thier run game, a defensive TD and a sack that took them out of FG range, directly removing a potential 3 points off the board, and we still lost.

We've seen it here in Indy dozens of times, an inept defense carried by the offense. It simply doesn't pan out the other way around. If you can't score, you can't win.

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"Defense wins games"!!!

Can we put that tired old mantra to bed for good now? Because if this was true, we would have won. 3 turnovers, a shut-down of thier run game, a defensive TD and a sack that took them out of FG range, directly removing a potential 3 points off the board, and we still lost.

We've seen it here in Indy dozens of times, an inept defense carried by the offense. It simply doesn't pan out the other way around. If you can't score, you can't win.

Now now, let's not be logical here...

Had our defensive line not tore up their (awful) O-line, the secondary would have been torched all night.

When we play the Pats, look out. That one is going to get UGLY. They can block for Brady, and they're going to run roughshod over our secondary. Hernandez and Gronkowski will catch 4 or 5 TD's between them.

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Now now, let's not be logical here...

Had our defensive line not tore up their (awful) O-line, the secondary would have been torched all night.

When we play the Pats, look out. That one is going to get UGLY. They can block for Brady, and they're going to run roughshod over our secondary. Hernandez and Gronkowski will catch 4 or 5 TD's between them.

Hopefully Tom throws our defense some passes the way he did the Bills!

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Now now, let's not be logical here...

Had our defensive line not tore up their (awful) O-line, the secondary would have been torched all night.

When we play the Pats, look out. That one is going to get UGLY. They can block for Brady, and they're going to run roughshod over our secondary. Hernandez and Gronkowski will catch 4 or 5 TD's between them.

I agree the pats are going to be tough, matt light and the rest of their o-line give brady 6 to 12 seconds on almost every play.we have to find a way to get to him or they will kill us.but we should stop their run.cbs will have to play alot better.

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"Defense wins games"!!!

Can we put that tired old mantra to bed for good now? Because if this was true, we would have won. 3 turnovers, a shut-down of thier run game, a defensive TD and a sack that took them out of FG range, directly removing a potential 3 points off the board, and we still lost.

We've seen it here in Indy dozens of times, an inept defense carried by the offense. It simply doesn't pan out the other way around. If you can't score, you can't win.

The mantra is defense wins championships, not games. The opposite is offense wins games.

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Would be nice, but that's the thing about turnovers: You CAN'T count on them. They're gifts and you have to make good on them.

Which brings up another issue, of the three turnovers last night that our defense caused, the only one that got converted into points was Anderson returning the fumble for a TD.

We may of scored a FG off of one of the sack fumbles, can't remember. Even still, thats not what we need, 2 turnover converted for a total of 3 points.

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I love how the defense played except for the secondary. They just killed us last night, but i do agree we just need to completely throw out the tampa 2.

Agreed....in the end I can't see the benefit. Dropping the MIKE lb to deep zone coverage ultimately just makes no sense. If you want a cover 3 shell then use a standard cover 3 with 2 db's dropping back with one of the safeties while the other safety moves into middle zone along with the 3 LBs. This gives up the 1-5 yard area but if you only do this on 3rd and 10+ then that's fine. I just don't understand why Dungy kept dropping the MIKE into coverage and bringing the SS to the box to defend the run. Seems completely backwards to me.

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After watching last nights game, I was thrilled that the Colts defense was able to put a halt on a very good run based team. I thought they played excellent.

Secondary is still a huge concern. Way too many conversions on 3rd down and a lot of blown coverage.


I agree that the defensive line looks to be in good shape.

You also hit it on the nose about 3rd down conversions, though. The defense continues to have way too much trouble holding up on 3rd and long. This is one key thing that needs to be improved upon, so that the D can become formidable

Kick-off coverage was much better, mostly because of touch backs, though. Kicking it through the endzone is a necessity with the Colts' woeful kick coverage teams. Punt coverage was atrocious, as usual. This part of special teams continues to KILL the Colts and MUST be improved.

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Our defense has always been a pile of crap on 3rd downs. That is nothing new. What is new is out rushing an opponent for a change. I don't care who the offensive linemen are, they are in the NFL. We are improved....IMMENSELY!! Our coverage was weak, but we had a ton of 3rd downs where we pulled Mathis, in a stunt, around to the other side. That needs to stop, several of the plays looked like if he had stayed home we would have had 2 or 3 more sacks. Lacey is what he is....a very undersized, average ability, DB. He is not going to get a lot better. That is a draft area for next year. We would have all thrown a fit if we had drafted another DB before we addressed our O-Line and D-Line. We just have to suck it up. Maybe Angerer can pick him up and throw him at someone, that might help him.

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After watching last nights game, I was thrilled that the Colts defense was able to put a halt on a very good run based team. I thought they played excellent.

Secondary is still a huge concern. Way too many conversions on 3rd down and a lot of blown coverage.


i saw the game and was very impressed with the run D, expecially against Pitt, a traditional smash mouth run team . . .if the D can have a few more repeat performances like, you will start to win some games . . .

and too bad Painter could not have gotten a few more reps or series before the first one, i think that overthrow to Garcon was partly due to the adrelian flowing a little to much in Painter, once he calmed down he looked better, but for the fumble . . .

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The idea that "defense wins championships" is not entirely accurate. Defense can sure lose them for you, but so can offense, or special teams. The only thing that wins championships is a balanced, well-coached team. You can't be one-sided and expect to win it all.

I don't know if 1/2 of the problem is truly solved or if DFree and Mathis just were out of their minds against a backup O-line for the Steelers. It certainly seemed like the defense had an epiphany and came out of the locker room ready to rip some heads off, and did a tremendous job against the run.

The secondary is bad. I think we make too much out of the scheme being the issue. We've seen different players execute the same scheme much, much better that what we're seeing now. Remember the days when the Colts were top 10 in pass defense? Or how about the Bucs with Ronde Barber and John Lynch in the backfield? It's no coincidence that our secondary is not very good when you consider that most of them were UDFA with a couple of 6th round picks, and a 2nd round pick who can't stay healthy. People will say that in the scheme the Colts play, the CBs are not as important, but it's pretty clear that when you have guys who barely made it into the NFL, that they play a bigger role than they're supposed to.

The scheme may be partly at fault for the 3rd down conversions because of the cushion allowed by our DBs, but you can't deny that there is simply a lack of size and talent on the outside.

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In my opinion if you have a top 10-12 defense with a great offense you can win the championship.But you must have the top passing game.Because of that {assuming the pats tighten up the d}the pats and greenbay have a outstanding chance to meet this year.

agreed, either top 10-12 D, or a D that plays like a top 10-12 D in the playoffs . . .

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The idea that "defense wins championships" is not entirely accurate. Defense can sure lose them for you, but so can offense, or special teams. The only thing that wins championships is a balanced, well-coached team. You can't be one-sided and expect to win it all.

the whole D wins championships is one of my pet peeves . . . surely the notable great O's (83 skins, 98 vikes, and 07 pats) did not win the SB, altho two made it two the SB, all three made it to the CGs and the 83 skins were defending champs . . . so it looks like great O's can't win . . . but as i mentioned above the greatest defense in the SB era, 1977 Atlanta Falcons, didn't make the playoffs, and because of that they are kind of forgotten about, so most of the media people can't point to say "see there, the '77 Falcons didn't make the playoffs, great Ds can't win . . . "

when one looks at the SB winners it is an even mix of top 10 Ds and top 10 Os . . . and yes being oneside aint gonna cut it in the NFL . . .

the colts D might man up this year, but it gonna be tough to win many games if you QBs is creating a lot of TOs . . .

EDIT: love your avatar by the way. . .

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I agree the defensive front 7 played very well. But Colts fans need to remember the Steelers run game has been horrid this year and a lot of that is because their oline is very bad.

This week the Tampa oline will present more of a challenge. The Colts should win a lot of battles against Faine © and Larson (LG) but Penn and Trueblood are solid tackles and Davin Joseph is one of the best guards in the NFL.

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I agree the defensive front 7 played very well. But Colts fans need to remember the Steelers run game has been horrid this year and a lot of that is because their oline is very bad.

This week the Tampa oline will present more of a challenge. The Colts should win a lot of battles against Faine © and Larson (LG) but Penn and Trueblood are solid tackles and Davin Joseph is one of the best guards in the NFL.

coaches have fixed a lot of the o-line mistakes, but we are going to get better, but still make some mistakes and get beat by good players, everyone does

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people get hung up on defense wins championships literally. It doesn't necessaily mean the D wins the game.

Its a strategic concept.

A defense effects the offense in a mega way. The play calling is effected heavily. Then you got field position, time of possession, and turnovers. All of which effect the offense in a big way.

To go deep in the post season you need a defense..in any sport. It doesn't mean it's the best in stats in the league.

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people get hung up on defense wins championships literally. It doesn't necessaily mean the D wins the game.

Its a strategic concept.

A defense effects the offense in a mega way. The play calling is effected heavily. Then you got field position, time of possession, and turnovers. All of which effect the offense in a big way.

To go deep in the post season you need a defense..in any sport. It doesn't mean it's the best in stats in the league.

we are a good team as we will see against tb

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