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Could Wayne pull a Rice and play until hes 40?

Iron Colt

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His tricks and spins in his route running may allow him to do just that as his speed continues to dwindle. He does not rely on physical ability anymore, he just sells his double moves so well that he will always find room. I think we will see him for quite a while.

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Only positive from that?

I could watch Reggie go up against like a rookie or 2nd year CB and when Reggie scores I could yell "Oooooohhhhhh!!!!! You just got scored on by a old man!!!!"


Edit: Another positive, he could pull what Ray Lewis did. Tell us he's retiring then BOOM, we're SB Champs :yahoo:

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Reggie takes good care of himself, is always available, and doesn't rely on speed to be effective. I could see him having several more years in the league, but probably only another one or two as a legitimate first or second option. I think the question in his case is going to be whether he wants to be a smaller part of the picture, or if he wants to leave once he starts falling down the depth chart. I don't think he has HOF credentials, and even if he plays incredibly well for the next three years, I think he's only on the bubble.

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Reggie takes good care of himself, is always available, and doesn't rely on speed to be effective. I could see him having several more years in the league, but probably only another one or two as a legitimate first or second option. I think the question in his case is going to be whether he wants to be a smaller part of the picture, or if he wants to leave once he starts falling down the depth chart. I don't think he has HOF credentials, and even if he plays incredibly well for the next three years, I think he's only on the bubble.


I think his post-season numbers will put him in. Assuming we play 2-3 more post-season games with him, he'll likely finish 2nd in every post-season statistic.

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I think his post-season numbers will put him in. Assuming we play 2-3 more post-season games with him, he'll likely finish 2nd in every post-season statistic.


I could see his postseason numbers putting him firmly on the bubble, but not ahead of other players with better overall numbers. There will be a lot of receivers right there in the same area as Reggie: Hines Ward, Terrell Owens, Randy Moss, Marvin Harrison, Tony Gonzalez, Tim Brown, Torry Holt, Andre Reed, and so on.


I love Reggie, but I don't think he gets in unless he has another two or three years like he did in 2012, but with more touchdowns.

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I could see his postseason numbers putting him firmly on the bubble, but not ahead of other players with better overall numbers. There will be a lot of receivers right there in the same area as Reggie: Hines Ward, Terrell Owens, Randy Moss, Marvin Harrison, Tony Gonzalez, Tim Brown, Torry Holt, Andre Reed, and so on.


I love Reggie, but I don't think he gets in unless he has another two or three years like he did in 2012, but with more touchdowns.



Just gonna nit pick for a few....Tony Gonzalez is a TE so that won't effect Wayne at all.  The fact that you even mention T.O. is laughable at best.  Guy had a few years of great stats but every thing that follows him in the locker room and off the field will take him out of any consideration for HOF, so he won't effect Wayne either.  And Moss's tendency to take off plays followed by his numerous stops here and there along with many failed seasons due mainly to attitude problems and the aforementioned taking off plays will also make it harder for him to make in to HOF.  While the amount of WRs having great stats are going up, due to this being a passing league now, there are still few that year in and year out produce on a consistent level, and also have the positive locker room influence that Wayne has.  It's not always just numbers that people take in consideration when voting someone into the HOF.

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Geez, hes going to eclipse 1000 receptions this year and will probably hit 1200. Hes also going to push 100 touchdowns. How many do you need?


Took Cris Carter six years to get in, with better numbers than I think Reggie will end up with, particularly touchdowns.

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Just gonna nit pick for a few....Tony Gonzalez is a TE so that won't effect Wayne at all.  The fact that you even mention T.O. is laughable at best.  Guy had a few years of great stats but every thing that follows him in the locker room and off the field will take him out of any consideration for HOF, so he won't effect Wayne either.  And Moss's tendency to take off plays followed by his numerous stops here and there along with many failed seasons due mainly to attitude problems and the aforementioned taking off plays will also make it harder for him to make in to HOF.  While the amount of WRs having great stats are going up, due to this being a passing league now, there are still few that year in and year out produce on a consistent level, and also have the positive locker room influence that Wayne has.  It's not always just numbers that people take in consideration when voting someone into the HOF.


Tony G -- Only seven players get in every year. Having a tight end with better numbers than every receiver in the logjam might push some of them down another year. But Tony might be done several years before Reggie, and he'll be a first ballot HOFer, so it might not matter. I was really only including him because he's ahead of Reggie in raw numbers. Well ahead.


TO and Moss -- You may not think they are HOF material, and several voters might not either, but the numbers are there, and are better than Reggie's. They may wind up in the logjam for several years, and that's what kept Cris Carter out for so long. I personally think both are a sure thing, though politics might not get them in on the first ballot. It's ironic that you'd argue against them while arguing for Reggie. It's not all about numbers, but that's the beginning of the discussion, and they are both well ahead of Reggie in every statistical category.


I just don't see Reggie finishing his career off in a way that puts his numbers up and above the other guys who will be eligible. I could see him putting himself in the discussion, assuming he stays healthy for the next couple years or so. But for him to really have a strong case, he has to not only stay healthy, but continue producing like a #1, and he could use a slight uptick in touchdowns as well. It's too bad he had to suffer through 2011, that really hurts his case.

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To me, Reggie Wayne would be like Troy Brown, who played his entire 15 years with the Patriots from 1993-2007. Troy Brown was a fan favorite, much like Reggie is.


If Wayne plays his contract through till 2014, he would have played from 2001-2014 for 14 years. He may give at best one more season and call it a day after 15 years, much like Troy Brown. I just do not see him play till 2018.


2015 is the longest he will go, IMO, the age of 37.

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