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My story of meeting Garcon...


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Im a lifelong Colts fan living in Va. Frenchie, as I like to call Peirre, was at the Dc auto show. So I took my 85 jersey to have him sign it. Needless to say I was the only person in line with Colts gear. So I get up there and you shouldve seen the look on his face. Part shock and part annoyance. He signed my jersey with a 2 inch at best sigmature and moved me along. What a total *

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I bet had he caught that sure score in the first half of the SB he would have been all proud and ready to sign that Colt jersey.



Im a lifelong Colts fan living in Va. Frenchie, as I like to call Peirre, was at the Dc auto show. So I took my 85 jersey to have him sign it. Needless to say I was the only person in line with Colts gear. So I get up there and you shouldve seen the look on his face. Part shock and part annoyance. He signed my jersey with a 2 inch at best sigmature and moved me along. What a total *

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I could take a pic of it, but don't i need some kind of url link to post it on here? I got a 10 shadowbox frame from target and put it on my wall.

Sometimes you can just copy and paste. Failing that you can upload pictures from your pc using the "attach files" button (visible after clicking the "more reply options" button.

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Im a lifelong Colts fan living in Va. Frenchie, as I like to call Peirre, was at the Dc auto show. So I took my 85 jersey to have him sign it. Needless to say I was the only person in line with Colts gear. So I get up there and you shouldve seen the look on his face. Part shock and part annoyance. He signed my jersey with a 2 inch at best sigmature and moved me along. What a total *


I didn't know he was at the auto show.  Some players are just jerks, for sure, but I wouldn't put too much stock in a single bad encounter.  Most players are pretty amiable much of the time so long as you're respectful of them.


It doesn't really even sound like you communicated much with him at all, so it's also entirely possible you just misread each other.


I always thought Garçon was a nice guy, he was really nice to the community (Indy and Haiti), but he left us the first chance he got.


On the other side of the coin... Darrell Green was a relatively soft-spoken, fantastic player who has done a ton for the community over the years.  He's also extremely egotistical and has a reputation for treating his fans with derision unless they're doing something that benefits him in some way.  Weird how that works out.

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From everything I got from him he was a pretty cool guy.  Sure he left, but everyone of us would have left for 42.5 million dollars as well.  


You could have caught him at a bad time.  These guys are not robots and have emotions and feelings just like the rest of us. In a lot of cases fans feel they are owed things when approaching a player.  I remember seeing Melvin Bullitt getting bugged at BW3s by a bunch of people to sign things and so on.  Of course he was a bit annoyed because the guy was trying to eat with his girlfriend and friends.  I would be annoyed and a bit cranky too if I was him. I had a Colts jersey on and just gave him the head nod and ate my dinner and left the guy alone.


Garcon could be a giant tool bag because there are a lot of those players too.

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If I am not mistaken did he not turn down a hefty Colts offer before even testing those waters?

I could be mistaken though was a long time ago.


I think we offered him five years, $35m. He wanted to see if he could get more, and he did. I don't blame him. I'd have taken an extra $7.5m also.


By the way, I thought our offer was too high anyways. Happy for him, and even happier that the Colts didn't give him that much money. They paid him $193k per catch last season. We paid Reggie $55k per catch.

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