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Ex Colts Cut


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I noticed marlin jackson, Matt Giordano, and Aaron Francisco were cut. I'm not sure if they upgrade our S position, but they certainly know the system.

i noticed dan Muir was cut too.

And whats with the Lions? man, they sure like our cast-offs.

Giordano or Francisco could help us if we have room for one of them

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Also cut were...

Quinn Pitcock

Really? I had no idea he was in the league. Wouldn't the Colts have had first crack at him when he came back? (Not that I'm saying he can play, but he was considered a useful prospect at one point - only leaving for some sort of personal issue).

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I noticed marlin jackson, Matt Giordano, and Aaron Francisco were cut. I'm not sure if they upgrade our S position, but they certainly know the system.

i noticed dan Muir was cut too.

And whats with the Lions? man, they sure like our cast-offs.

Well frankly I think the guys brought in are an upgrade over Giordanio and Francisco. I think we found a couple of decent players in Caldwell and Lefeged.

As for Marlin, I think injuries have ended his career.

As for Muir well there is a reason why we didn't bring him back.

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No surprise Muir was cut... When we don't re-sign a DT there must be a real problem... No surprise for fransisco, dawson, or terry either. You can't be awful and make a roster.

I wouldn't mind bringing Jackson in for a workout. If he can still go, he could be effective possibly at safety. No doubt he's not going to be the player he was before the injuries, but he may still be of some use. Offer him vet minimum and see if we can get something out of him. Powers and Hayden worked out with him during the lockout and Powers tweeted that he looked good...

Giordano was a decent backup and good ST player, but I think we've found a good replacement for that role in Caldwell. (Not jim, of course...)

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Tell me I did not just read this........

I already have a headache in the wake of the Manning issue...

I know. Francisco trotting back on the field last year was one of those uh-oh moments, where you really knew the injuries had taken their toll. He was released (Cardinals, Colts, Panthers, Colts, Lions, who knows who else) for a reason. He was probably safety number 7 last year, and the Colts had at least 8 safeties on the pre-season roster this year not named Francisco. If we see him again a headache will be the least of your concerns.

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Matt Giordano is the perfect backup for Melvin... unless Joe is there. Matt is a hard working player who is extremely fast, and is great on special teams. Plus he knows our defense; it hasn't changed in 10 years... Im telling you GET HIM. Who's with me?

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The Colts better not bring back Francisco! He stinks.

They better not recycle any one of these same bums.

The guys we got are all much better.

Also cut were...

Keyunta Dawson

Quinn Pitcock

Gijon Robinson

Adam Terry

QUinn Pitcock, didn't that panzy retire 4 years ago because he can't get away from Madden. Im sorry Im a little harsh, but we used a 3rd round pick on him and he retired right away, it's annoying.

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Are you sure?

If he wasn't it was because he didn't pass the physical.

Anyone else remember? I know I didn't dream it.

Yes. The Colts were going to do a trade before the week 6 deadline in 2009, but he didn't pass the physical. There was speculation by fans this year because he was a free agent. But I don't think he ever signed a contract with the Colts.

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Yes. The Colts were going to do a trade before the week 6 deadline in 2009, but he didn't pass the physical. There was speculation by fans this year because he was a free agent. But I don't think he ever signed a contract with the Colts.

Do I at least get partial credit?


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QUinn Pitcock, didn't that panzy retire 4 years ago because he can't get away from Madden. Im sorry Im a little harsh, but we used a 3rd round pick on him and he retired right away, it's annoying.

Um, Ill leave the personal jabs at players to the mods, but he did NOT retire right away. He played one year and retired the next.

He was a good DT.

Personally, I wouldnt mind if the Colts gave him another shot, but if he couldnt cut it elsewhere, then maybe he is done.

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