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Jim Irsay, now (23/08)

Marcio James

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Posted · Hidden by Superman, August 24, 2012 - personal argument
Hidden by Superman, August 24, 2012 - personal argument

uh, first of all, where did I say I was offended? I have probably the least PC sense of humor imaginable. however, I also know the time and place for when it's appropriate and when it's not. I was just trying to help, maybe save you from horribly embarrassing yourself one day. I see now that'll probably happen anyway. No skin off my back.

A guy with "the least PC sense of humor imaginable" probably shouldn't be lecturing others on being unoffensive. Especially when your sig directly references a guy murdering a bunch of people.

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Posted · Hidden by Superman, August 24, 2012 - personal argument
Hidden by Superman, August 24, 2012 - personal argument

A guy with "the least PC sense of humor imaginable" probably shouldn't be lecturing others on being unoffensive. Especially when your sig directly references a guy murdering a bunch of people.

I wasn't trying to lecture anyone. someone was going to say something about his post...trust me. Yes, I do have a very un-pc sense of humor but I also know when to keep it to myself. Was just trying to help the kid out and try to avoid this thread turning into an argument about political correctness. I've been around the forum long enough to know that would eventually have happened.

and for the record, I think there's a bit of a difference between making an offensive comment and quoting a line from an over-the-top comic book movie. ;)

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Posted · Hidden by Superman, August 24, 2012 - personal argument
Hidden by Superman, August 24, 2012 - personal argument

I wasn't trying to lecture anyone. someone was going to say something about his post...trust me. Yes, I do have a very un-pc sense of humor but I also know when to keep it to myself. Was just trying to help the kid out and try to avoid this thread turning into an argument about political correctness. I've been around the forum long enough to know that would eventually have happened.

...But you DID that, just by replying in the first place...if you wouldn't have said anything nobody would have cared.

So now you think his comment was offensive somehow? I didn't. And it doesn't matter if it's from a movie or not. People can still take offense. Maybe even more so than his comment. But how can we know that? We can't. So we don't say anything.

God bless everyone.

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Posted · Hidden by Superman, August 24, 2012 - personal argument
Hidden by Superman, August 24, 2012 - personal argument

I wasn't trying to lecture anyone. someone was going to say something about his post...trust me. Yes, I do have a very un-pc sense of humor but I also know when to keep it to myself. Was just trying to help the kid out and try to avoid this thread turning into an argument about political correctness. I've been around the forum long enough to know that would eventually have happened.

and for the record, I think there's a bit of a difference between making an offensive comment and quoting a line from an over-the-top comic book movie. ;)

Can we just drop this? I don't think anyone comes on this board to get a lesson on life from some random internet person. Who cares, move on.

OnTopic: It's after noon and I believe if we are going to hear something it will definitely come after they have all had a nice lunch to sit down to and hash out the details.

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Posted (edited) · Hidden by Superman, August 24, 2012 - personal argument
Hidden by Superman, August 24, 2012 - personal argument

...But you DID that, just by replying in the first place...if you wouldn't have said anything nobody would have cared.

So now you think his comment was offensive somehow? I didn't. And it doesn't matter if it's from a movie or not. People can still take offense. Maybe even more so than his comment. But how can we know that? We can't. So we don't say anything.

God bless everyone.

No, I didn't turn anything into an argument. I gave the kid a little advice. He didn't want it. That's fine. He can learn the hard way. If you hadn't replied to my post then we wouldn't be having a discussion about it. You say I started it, I can say you started it and the circle goes on and on. If I wanted to start an argument I probably would have said something much different.

You are right, people can take offense to anything these days and as a country I do think we're going a little overboard with all the sensitivity and "don't say anything to hurt someone else's feelings". That doesn't mean that people still don't go too far from time to time. It's also not just about offending people, it's about trying not to sound like a *, which will happen when you compare waking up and not getting an information update to living life being poor. But hey, let the kid make all the stupid comments he wants. I tried to help....didn't work. He can go on looking stupid for as long as he wants and you can defend him as much as you want.

Edited by Superman
masked profanity
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OnTopic: It's after noon and I believe if we are going to hear something it will definitely come after they have all had a nice lunch to sit down to and hash out the details.

What do you think would break first? Another Irsay tweet or some other news medium?

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I mean, I don't think he was just blowing smoke, why would he do that? I know it's Irsay, but that would just be a dirty move on his part and I don't think he'd play such a joke on his fans... And if he did he stuck with it to stay up till 1 AM just to tell us nothing was happening tonight...

I'm thinking the deal has fallen through.

Thing is, though, could that lead to some other deal? The world knows we're now ready to trade high picks for a serious veteran/starter, so could some other offers be headed our way?

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What do you think would break first? Another Irsay tweet or some other news medium?

Irsay always has the leg up on the media when they don't know what's happening.

Now that Irsay has tipped them off to something happening, my bet is we will hear it from both simultaniously... that is unless the other team personally asked Irsay not to twitter about it until after the deal is done, or until it officially falls through.

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Can we just drop this? I don't think anyone comes on this board to get a lesson on life from some random internet person. Who cares, move on.


OnTopic: It's after noon and I believe if we are going to hear something it will definitely come after they have all had a nice lunch to sit down to and hash out the details.

Had morning business to attend to regarding getting the organization to DC.

Lunch then down to business. If it isn't done by tonight, I would suspect it won't happen. Somebody is asking for too much?

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Posted · Hidden by Superman, August 24, 2012 - personal argument
Hidden by Superman, August 24, 2012 - personal argument

I'm sure this was meant as a cute, harmless little exaggeration simply to expres your disappointment to there not being any new news. We're all disappointed. I'm also sure that you really didn't think the comment through before posting it. Just to give you perspective, you're equating waking up and not seeing any news on a possible colts trade to being so poor that your family can't afford any type of christmas presents. There's a pretty huge difference there and I'm sure there are a few million people that would be happy to switch places with you so you can get a "real" idea of what being "less fortunate" is like.

Look, like I said, I'm sure you meant nothing by the post. I just wanted to try to put things in perspective for you. If I were you I'd take a little more time to think about the meaning behind the comments you make. Otherwise you may wind up accidentally seriously offending someone. :)

Says a man with a Joker avatar??

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Coming up on this evenings HBO Hard Knocks special featuring the Indianapolis Colts.

Colts owner Jim Irsay speaks about his undying love for the social media.

Interviewer: "Jim, what's up with the fascination with twitter and social media these days?"

Jim: "Well, Twitter is a great way to connect with the fans. It really makes me feel more connected to the franchise and the fan base."

Interviewer: "I see. That sounds like a truly great vision. I like how you respect your fan base."

Jim: "Thank you. You see, I find it crazy how I'm a billionaire and franchise owner, yet the players, coaches and even the general manager are still getting the majority of the attention. I love my Colts, and people should realize how I'm a really important part of this franchise."

Interviwer: "But is that really a fair assessment? I mean, you hired Ryan Grigson to put the right players on the team. You hired the players that were needed based on his judgement. You then hired the coaches to make those players play great. Isn't it time you took a backseat?"

Jim: "I'm Jim Irsay. I could've been Batman, I could've been Iron Man. I chose to be Jim Irsay. And people know Jim Irsay is synonymous with the Indianapolis Colts. People know this, because I use the social media. The fans love me for it."

Interviwer: "I'm sure the fans love you, Jim. You seem like a fun guy to be around."

Jim: "Thank you, I really am. I mean, the fans and I are really on the same page. I give them a great football team, and in return, they provide me with reassurances, that I'm not 4th string on this team."

Interviewer: Could you provide an example?

Jim: "Better yet, I'll show you. The fans and I really like to joke about. We just 'get' each other. Having fun together is really an important part of this. This is easily best done through the social media."

Jim: "Here, I'll show you."

Jim: "updates twitter': "TRADE WINDS BLOWING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "

Jim: "Now just wait and see. Andrew Luck? No, - I - am the new face of this franchise. :rock:"

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So here it is... 2pm... work accomplished today? I have successfully cleaned off my desk while monitoring the twittersphere... I've also managed to link together over 1,000 paperclips, reloaded my staplers, organized my pens, and have drank several caffinated beverages......................... And still nothing.......

And for the record I think its a Corner Back... not sure which one yet... but I can guarentee it isnt Jacob Lacey!

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What do you think would break first? Another Irsay tweet or some other news medium?

Another news media....Irsay typically gets the ball rolling with his tweet but he typically doesn't come back to confirm anything until a day after the media has already done it. He'll make a post about upcoming roster moves, then we find out from another source what actually happened and then the next day Irsay will update his twitter account. heck sometimes he makes an announcement the day after a move is made and he says it like no one had any idea even though the media had been reporting on it since the previous day. I wondered at first if the trade he was talking about was the trade with the Eagles from the day before.

Edited by Superman
personal argument
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So here it is... 2pm... work accomplished today? I have successfully cleaned off my desk while monitoring the twittersphere... I've also managed to link together over 1,000 paperclips, reloaded my staplers, organized my pens, and have drank several caffinated beverages......................... And still nothing.......

And for the record I think its a Corner Back... not sure which one yet... but I can guarentee it isnt Jacob Lacey!

If its Lacey I just might flood the forum with cuss words, most of which the likes of people have never seen before :lol:
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Posted · Hidden by Superman, August 24, 2012 - personal argument
Hidden by Superman, August 24, 2012 - personal argument

Yes, very good. I am a man with a Joker avatar. So, me having a Joker avatar says what exactly? Because I'm a fan of a comic book villain that means that, what, that I have no sense of what is appopriate and what is not? It clearly means I have no understanding of what should be said and what should not? It's not like I'm preaching about being a vegetarian with a big, rare, bloody steak in my avatar. ;)

Yes, that's precisely what I meant. There's nothing in life worse than a stern talking to over the internet. I couldn't have possibly meant that such a comment said in person could lead to offending or hurting someone he may care about, or moreso changing the way others think about him when he makes such a stupid comment as "aww man, I didn't get the update this morning about the trade the colts were working on...this must be how it feels to be poor and not even get any presents on christmas morning" *pout*

Anyway, I would also like to be done with this. I would prefer if anyone would like to comment further then PM me but if you're going to reply to me here then I can reply back if I feel the need...and we can continue to derail the thread even further until the mods have to come in, delete posts and close the thread. Your choice.

Another news media....Irsay typically gets the ball rolling with his tweet but he typically doesn't come back to confirm anything until a day after the media has already done it. He'll make a post about upcoming roster moves, then we find out from another source what actually happened and then the next day Irsay will update his twitter account. heck sometimes he makes an announcement the day after a move is made and he says it like no one had any idea even though the media had been reporting on it since the previous day. I wondered at first if the trade he was talking about was the trade with the Eagles from the day before.

Freaky Jason - here is my advise to you. The next time you want to "help" someone send them a private message. By posting it here for everyone it sounds less like advice and more like confrontation. Just sayin'. And yes - I am posting this here for everyone.
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ITA I hope for everyone's sake something gets told sooner than later. I just have a feeling a lot will be sorely disappointed. :hide:

If the deal fell through, I would be mildly disappointed, but really, we would be back to where we were yesterday.... Which isn't really a huge deal because I was already stoked about this season.

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ITA I hope for everyone's sake something gets told sooner than later. I just have a feeling a lot will be sorely disappointed. :hide:

I have a feeling and I've been saying it for a while now, I think were all going to be disappointed because I think any potential trade is DEAD. For the record, I hope I'm wrong, but the longer this goes the more I think its over.

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