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luck vs rg3

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i like how before the preseason all the people on espn and nfl network were picking rg3 to be better. and the nfl poll before the draft 70% of fans thought rg3 was better now everybody is picking luck . the next game in washington andrew luck will show the redskins fans why he was the number 1 pick by outplaying rg3 cant wait!

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Not feeding into the Hype.

No matter how much people (especially Redskin Fans) try to convince themselves that RG3 is better than Luck, they know in Reality....... RG3 couldn't hold a Candle to Andrew Luck.

So, I'll stay out of this Hyped up meaningless pre-game festivities

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As I told my friend earlier, it was kind of crazy to rate those two close in the first place. Andrew Luck is considered the most NFL ready QB since Elway or Manning. RGIII should be getting compared to Christian Ponder, Jake Locker, and Blaine Gabbert. But not Luck. They are in different leagues and I think Luck will prove that. I do realize (preseason trolls) that this is preseason, but RG3 showed me just what I expected. Make a first read, and then try to run. He is a smart guy and should learn, but he is not in Lucks league.

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I'm for letting all the talking heads do their endless comparisons. I think RG3 is a quality kid and I hope he has a great career.

Whether he does or not has no bearing on how Luck's career goes. A meaningless preseason game means nothing in the long run.

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I'm for letting all the talking heads do their endless comparisons. I think RG3 is a quality kid and I hope he has a great career.

Whether he does or not has no bearing on how Luck's career goes. A meaningless preseason game means nothing in the long run.


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I want them both to succeed, so I'm not going to rate them and just see how it goes, Colts Vs Redskins like this Saturday I'll root for the Colts, but when not playing against each other I'll watch RG3 and wish him the best, I re-watched the Skins and Bear tonight on NFLN and RG3 looked good for a rookie ;}

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i like how before the preseason all the people on espn and nfl network were picking rg3 to be better. and the nfl poll before the draft 70% of fans thought rg3 was better now everybody is picking luck . the next game in washington andrew luck will show the redskins fans why he was the number 1 pick by outplaying rg3 cant wait!

I am very excited that I will be able to see the game this weekend here in Boston . . . and being the 3rd game of the preseason we might see both 1s teams for a good part of the game . . .

too bad they are in two conferences as they will only face one every four years . . . I think we fans of colts/pats have been blessed that manning/brady have played in games in 7 of the last 9 years (and our teams in 9 for 9) . . .

but ya the NFL are going to compare them and its going to happen, and probably for some time . . . we'll have to wait and see, but initially it looks like Luck is the more traditional NFL QB, whereas RG3 additional skills are in his speed and mobility, which traditionally, have not been shown to be overly benefial on the NFL field, but perhaps RG3 will be the first mobile and speedy QB that is the best/top 3 of his generation . . .

we'll have to see it will be lots of fun to follow their careers . . .

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I do and always thought Luck was/is the better prospect.....short term and longterm. I do think RG3 has been overhyped a tad because of the heisman and Barkley and Jones going back to school but he's still a talented player. For QBs taken the last two years, there isnt anyone outside of Luck and Newton id rather have as a Colt.

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Not feeding into the Hype.

No matter how much people (especially Redskin Fans) try to convince themselves that RG3 is better than Luck, they know in Reality....... RG3 couldn't hold a Candle to Andrew Luck.

So, I'll stay out of this Hyped up meaningless pre-game festivities

Atta boy TK!!! All of the Luck bashing from other team's fans is strictly envy. Wait til reality really sets in, they know it's coming, and there's nothing they can do about it!
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I would not be surprised if RG3 came out of this game with a better performance. There is nothing stopping them from both being top notch QB's. Now we all know Manning was better than Brady, but we don't need a AL v RG comparison. Yet.

RG's 'greatness' has no relevance to what AL does for us. Even if we meet in the SB further down the line.

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I believe the hype about Luck and RGIII is overrated. They both are good QB, they have different styles of play with that being said the game on the 25th is going to be the Luck, RG III show that everyone thinks. I feel the defenses are going to steal the show, the Redskins have a decent D and the Colts are building a D. So with that being said lets look for the defenses to step up. Both of these QB's are going to take there lumps. But I feel luck is going to put up bigger # in this game. Go Colts.

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I do and always thought Luck was/is the better prospect.....short term and longterm. I do think RG3 has been overhyped a tad because of the heisman and Barkley and Jones going back to school but he's still a talented player. For QBs taken the last two years, there isnt anyone outside of Luck and Newton id rather have as a Colt.


I do and always thought Luck was/is the better prospect.....short term and longterm. I do think RG3 has been overhyped a tad because of the heisman and Barkley and Jones going back to school but he's still a talented player. For QBs taken the last two years, there isnt anyone outside of Luck and Newton id rather have as a Colt.

Heisman trophy q.b.s haven't done too well in the nfl it's about a 80%-90% miss rate.
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People thought Griffin was better because of pre-draft hype, as a recent ESPN poll showed, that hype has died down the the majority of people think Luck is now better.

I'm not comparing them myself here (though I obviously think Luck is better) or "hating RG3 LOL" like some people will think, it's just a fact that the hype around him has quietened.

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Two different players in two different conferences that will have two different careers. "Experts" have said that the Redskins right now are the better team, but they play in a harder division and they mortgaged their future to get RG3 in the first place. The Colts play in a weaker division and we didn't give up 2 first rounders and a second to get Luck. IMO Luck has the possibility of the better career. It's not just the skills that each player possess because the other outside factors that aren't in their control will help dictate their futures.

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German Engineering (Luck grew up in Frankfurt) versus Japanese Engineering (RG3 was born in Japan).

German engineering efficiency or Japanese engineering flamboyancy. Maybe that's quite a fair comparison.

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