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AJ Smith Calls the Chargers Losers


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The San Diego Chargers are losers.

These are the words of A.J. Smith, the team's longtime general manager who doubles as his own worst critic.

"I've failed in every single attempt, and that kills me. I hate to lose. Hate it," Smith told U-T San Diego this week. "Do that and you're a LOSER. Hopefully you get a chance to try again?"

By extension, Smith refuses to call San Diego a winner.

"When you don't win a world championship, are you not a loser?" Smith asked. "The New York Giants won the Super Bowl. Call me crazy, but everyone else lost. That's all that matters to me."


I understand trying to be critical and improve your team and all that, but this is a little too far. You could say something like "we have lots of room to improve and we are always striving to win a championship", but to say your team is a loser is too much. Do you really think that will get the players excited to play for you? Or help you gain support from the fans?

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A.J. Smith would not be my GM.

He would not lead my franchise. To be clear the man can scout and find talent. I think he's a very good judge of talent. So, perhaps he'd be my scouting director. Someone to gather information, process and interpret it correctly, but let a GM make the final choice. And let a GM negotiate contracts and make decisions on the roster.

As a GM he is a total *. Alienates his players, the fans, the community, everybody. He's a walking, talking, living, breathing verbal train wreck looking for a place to happen. The man can't get out of the way of his mouth. The man is a former Marine (I've got nothing against the Marines, I love 'em!) But he approaches everything from a "I must win and therefor you must lose" mentality. Kill or be killed. Not a good quality for a GM who has to deal with people, some of whom have ego's.

And because the franchise has very, very poor ownership, the team continues to flounder. When a franchise struggles as much as this one does, that starts at the top. Ownership and GM.

Perhaps after this year, Smith and Turner will go. Turner is a great offensive coordinator. That's what he's born to do. He's not a head coach. And has proven that at all three places he's been a HC. Smith is not a GM and I'm afraid he's proven that too.

Blech! :no::yuk::thmdown:

Edited by Maureen
skirting profanity filter
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One last add on Smith....

I've had no dealings with him as a one time media person. So my views are not based on any run-ins with him at all.

I'm only going on everything I've read about the man. So, it's that and that alone. Sorry I didn't add this to my original post.

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One last add on Smith....

I've had no dealings with him as a one time media person. So my views are not based on any run-ins with him at all.

I'm only going on everything I've read about the man. So, it's that and that alone. Sorry I didn't add this to my original post.

What's funny/ironic/take it how you want is that many of the things you said about Smith, you could also say about Polian. People on the forum know that I support Polian very much, but I didn't agree with everything he did. Like Smith, Polian was excellent at finding talent. Like Smith, Polian would stick his nose in places it shouldn't go. I'm not one to agree with this, but one could argue that he alienated different people at various times, like calling out the O-line after their (in my opinion) solid performance in Super Bowl 44.

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One last add on Smith....

I've had no dealings with him as a one time media person. So my views are not based on any run-ins with him at all.

I'm only going on everything I've read about the man. So, it's that and that alone. Sorry I didn't add this to my original post.

You were in the media?

That is interesting.

I didn't know that.

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A.J.Smith is a protege of Polian, so the similarities are abundant, IMO. I do however think A.J.Smith drafted better in the trenches, for the front 7 on D and O-line (just a tad) as well though the O-line came up short since Rivers, unlike Peyton, does not make as good calls on the line of scrimmage vs high pressure Ds like the Jets or Steelers to make up for a less than stellar O-line.

With the talented teams he had in 2005-2007 and as recently as 2009, the Chargers should have had at least 1 SB appearance. Everyone talks about the Colts and Peyton being post-season underachievers, I think the Chargers and Rivers top that, easily, IMO.

LT, Sproles, Turner, Merriman, Cromartie, VJax are just a few of the talented Charger players that are not with the team anymore (not mentioning Brees here just to make it less dramatic :)) that most good coaches would have made most out of, IMO. To think that he had most of them (except Merriman) playing together for him at one point is mind boggling. Norv Turner is a very good offensive mind who can get a leg up when the D he plays has weaknesses across the board he can exploit. When he comes up against a high pressure D, his offense comes up short, IMO.

Chargers, IMO, just got their shot-in-the-arm motivation with Peyton signing in their own division. That will help with their focus not waxing and waning through the year, IMO. We will see if that is true or not but I think it is a positive for them. They need one of those years like the 2006 Colts had, where they are underdogs in the playoffs (if they get there) being written off and go on a run.

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You were in the media?

That is interesting.

I didn't know that.

Sarcasm Alert!!!

I think you're sending me a message, FJC.... and it's received.

I won't make any more references to the fact I was a media guy once upon a time. I'm not trying to throw it in anyone's face, or beat a dead horse with it. I know I've referenced it a lot, but I mention it because I don't presume that everyone reads my posts, so without referencing it they may not understand why I hold certain views...

But, I've been around for a month, so I'll drop the reference and we'll live happily ever after! We're good?!


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Sarcasm Alert!!!

I think you're sending me a message, FJC.... and it's received.

I won't make any more references to the fact I was a media guy once upon a time. I'm not trying to throw it in anyone's face, or beat a dead horse with it. I know I've referenced it a lot, but I mention it because I don't presume that everyone reads my posts, so without referencing it they may not understand why I hold certain views...

But, I've been around for a month, so I'll drop the reference and we'll live happily ever after! We're good?!


This is America, if you want to reference it go ahead
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Since 2000 they won more than they lost and were a thorn in the side of teams trying to get to the playoffs so maybe you can call them mediocre chokers but losers is a bit harsh, don't know if thats a good way for a GM to motivate a team either.......

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Well it seems like he's basically calling himself a loser as well. Great way to manage your team!!!! Keep up the good work, sheesh how where these guys our nemesis??? Meh.

I always thought New England to be our nemisis instead
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I always thought New England to be our nemisis instead

Yeah kind of, it always seems like SD kicks the Colts butts though. I'm a little foggy but I think the Chargers took us out in the playoffs two years in a row in the 2007 and 2008 seasons. They have also hammered the Colts in the regular season as well. I consider the Colts/Pats more a heated rivalry, I'm pretty sure they should have the edge though. I like watching the Colts and pats play but every time they play the Chargers I'm like MEH!!!

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Yeah kind of, it always seems like SD kicks the Colts butts though. I'm a little foggy but I think the Chargers took us out in the playoffs two years in a row in the 2007 and 2008 seasons. They have also hammered the Colts in the regular season as well. I consider the Colts/Pats more a heated rivalry, I'm pretty sure they should have the edge though. I like watching the Colts and pats play but every time they play the Chargers I'm like MEH!!!

Agreed but every time we played the Pats from '98 to about '05 one person came to mind more then any other....His name, Ty Law, the guy had Mannings number to the tune of 11 career picks off him, 3 of which came in the 2003 AFC Championship game, I think thats the game that I believe prompted the enforcement of the 5 yard cant touch a receiver rule
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Agreed but every time we played the Pats from '98 to about '05 one person came to mind more then any other....His name, Ty Law, the guy had Mannings number to the tune of 11 career picks off him, 3 of which came in the 2003 AFC Championship game, I think thats the game that I believe prompted the enforcement of the 5 yard cant touch a receiver rule

Ugh yeah, I wasn't a big fan of that guy. I'm sure Manning wasn't either haha .

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Norv Turner is not a good NFL head coach. He should have been fired a few years ago. He is a much better offensive coordinator than he is a head coach.

He should not have been hired.

The way Smith and Spanos handled that offseason (after the Chargers went 14-2, by the way) was ridiculous. If you want to get rid of Marty, which Smith clearly did, then get rid of him, and hire one of the blue chip guys out there, or maybe retain one of your blue chip coordinators. Instead, they let Cam Cameron and Wade Phillips walk out of the door for other gigs, then the AJ/Marty feud boiled over a month later, and they fired Marty. At that point, the only guy left was Norv, who had been looked over for the same jobs that Cameron and Phillips had been hired for. They wound up with a second-rate coach because they bumbled the entire process.

That said, I think Norv has been a tremendous help in getting Rivers to the level he's been at most of the last four years, and the Chargers were able to successfully make the transition from a running-back centric offense to a receiver-centric offense. The defense has been up and down, but that's what happens when your coffers get looted (Phillips, Rivera). And Norv's teams were able to do what Marty's weren't: win a playoff game.

But he's not a good head coach. Just like Mike Singletary, Wade Phillips, etc. Some guys are good position coaches or coordinators, but not good top dogs. That's Norv (I think it's Gary Kubiak, also). It could change, but we have a lot of evidence that it's just the way it is.

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Norv Turner had far better credentials to the mistake also known as Jimmy Caldwell.

Just saying.

I'd rather have Caldwell.

Hiring Caldwell is like catching gonorrhea, it burns pretty bad but once you've identified the problem you take antibiotics and it goes away without too much of a fuss. Norval is more like colorectal cancer, it can take a while to figure out why it is that you feel nauseous and are bleeding from orifices you shouldn't bleed from and treatment is long, drawn out, and pretty detrimental to your overall well-being. It also takes a couple of years to bounce back... if you manage to bounce back at all.

That analogy sums up my feelings even better than I had hoped...

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I'd rather have Caldwell.

Hiring Caldwell is like catching gonorrhea, it burns pretty bad but once you've identified the problem you take antibiotics and it goes away without too much of a fuss. Norval is more like colorectal cancer, it can take a while to figure out why it is that you feel nauseous and are bleeding from orifices you shouldn't bleed from and treatment is long, drawn out, and pretty detrimental to your overall well-being. It also takes a couple of years to bounce back... if you manage to bounce back at all.

That analogy sums up my feelings even better than I had hoped...

If I won a large enough lottery to buy an NFL team, and it came with the condition that I had to hire either one for 5 years. I'd take Turner.

Turner was a successful coordinator. Neither one would be in my top 100 list, but if push came to shove it's Norv all day long.

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I'd rather have Caldwell.

Hiring Caldwell is like catching gonorrhea, it burns pretty bad but once you've identified the problem you take antibiotics and it goes away without too much of a fuss. Norval is more like colorectal cancer, it can take a while to figure out why it is that you feel nauseous and are bleeding from orifices you shouldn't bleed from and treatment is long, drawn out, and pretty detrimental to your overall well-being. It also takes a couple of years to bounce back... if you manage to bounce back at all.

That analogy sums up my feelings even better than I had hoped...


I had almost forgotten that Norv's first head coaching job was with the Skins. And, to be fair, you've had bigger problems since Norv has left there (most notably, Mr. Snyder).

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Trust me, you don't want me to come up with a medical analogy for Steve Spurrier. ;)

I had almost forgotten that Norv's first head coaching job was with the Skins. And, to be fair, you've had bigger problems since Norv has left there (most notably, Mr. Snyder).

You've just got to learn to live with the owner you're given. Snyder's no worse an owner than Jerry Jones, Mike Brown, Randy Lerner, or Ralph Wilson. In fact, he's quite a bit better when he hires qualified football people to run the football side of things. As a human being the outlook on him is admittedly a little bit more opaque... but that's not terribly relevant to my football interests so I try not to read into it too much.

If I won a large enough lottery to buy an NFL team, and it came with the condition that I had to hire either one for 5 years. I'd take Turner.

Turner was a successful coordinator. Neither one would be in my top 100 list, but if push came to shove it's Norv all day long.

Under that very specific set of conditions (assuming we're talking about an unfirable head coaching gig), I might be forced to agree. In the real world, if I inherit either guy I'm canning them in an instant.

If I had a good head coach and he wanted to bring Turner in as an OC, I probably wouldn't oppose the move. He's an atrocious HC, though.

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Under that very specific set of conditions (assuming we're talking about an unfirable head coaching gig), I might be forced to agree. In the real world, if I inherit either guy I'm canning them in an instant.

If I had a good head coach and he wanted to bring Turner in as an OC, I probably wouldn't oppose the move. He's an atrocious HC, though.


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A. J. Smith. some say the initials should be reversed.

Let's look at good ole A.J. and the QB position.

Inherits Drew Brees, from the previous GM. Now lets be fair and stipulate that the Drew Brees with Sean Payton was head and shoulders than the Drew Brees in San Diego, but even with that said Mr. Brees has slipped a ring on his finger.

In 2004, A.J and the Chargers had the first pick. 3 top notch signal callers coming out in the draft in Eli Manning, Phillip Rivers, and Ben Roethlisberger.

Well, in my opinion A.J Smith, the lord of no rings is one of the main reasons Eli Manning wanted nothing to do with San Diego. Maybe the horrible weather was another concerning factor, but, either way, Smith ticks off the Manning group, drafts him any way and proceeds to think he got the best end of the deal.

In hindsight, Mr. Manning has gone on to win 2 rings of his own. Roethlisberger, another QB they could have simply drafted #1 has 2 rings of his own, and the QB that Smith takes, Phillip Rivers, a fine QB on his own, even with the little boy delivery has yet to wear a Super Bowl ring.

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A. J. Smith. some say the initials should be reversed.

Let's look at good ole A.J. and the QB position.

Inherits Drew Brees, from the previous GM. Now lets be fair and stipulate that the Drew Brees with Sean Payton was head and shoulders than the Drew Brees in San Diego, but even with that said Mr. Brees has slipped a ring on his finger.

In 2004, A.J and the Chargers had the first pick. 3 top notch signal callers coming out in the draft in Eli Manning, Phillip Rivers, and Ben Roethlisberger.

Well, in my opinion A.J Smith, the lord of no rings is one of the main reasons Eli Manning wanted nothing to do with San Diego. Maybe the horrible weather was another concerning factor, but, either way, Smith ticks off the Manning group, drafts him any way and proceeds to think he got the best end of the deal.

In hindsight, Mr. Manning has gone on to win 2 rings of his own. Roethlisberger, another QB they could have simply drafted #1 has 2 rings of his own, and the QB that Smith takes, Phillip Rivers, a fine QB on his own, even with the little boy delivery has yet to wear a Super Bowl ring.

Is your point that there are three high caliber QBs that Smith could have had, and all three have won Super Bowls elsewhere? I actually hadn't thought of that angle.

But, in fairness, I think the Chargers have had teams just as talented as the other teams with those quarterbacks, and have fallen short mostly due to coaching. It might seem like I was defending Marty Schottenheimer earlier, but when you have a coaching style named after you with a negative connotation, I think you deserve some criticism. It wasn't Marty's fault they lost to the Pats in 2006, but he had the stigma: couldn't win a playoff game.

As for Rivers, I think he's every bit as good a passer as the others, aside from Brees. And I could argue that the Chargers got the better of the trade. But the problem is that the trade had to be made in the first place. Smith and Spanos created an environment that cost them their reputations, and continued to live up to that with the Vincent Jackson and Marcus McNeil contract situations, which were exactly what the Mannings wanted to avoid.

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Is your point that there are three high caliber QBs that Smith could have had, and all three have won Super Bowls elsewhere? I actually hadn't thought of that angle.

But, in fairness, I think the Chargers have had teams just as talented as the other teams with those quarterbacks, and have fallen short mostly due to coaching. It might seem like I was defending Marty Schottenheimer earlier, but when you have a coaching style named after you with a negative connotation, I think you deserve some criticism. It wasn't Marty's fault they lost to the Pats in 2006, but he had the stigma: couldn't win a playoff game.

As for Rivers, I think he's every bit as good a passer as the others, aside from Brees. And I could argue that the Chargers got the better of the trade. But the problem is that the trade had to be made in the first place. Smith and Spanos created an environment that cost them their reputations, and continued to live up to that with the Vincent Jackson and Marcus McNeil contract situations, which were exactly what the Mannings wanted to avoid.

That pretty much sums it up. It wasn't a knock against Rivers. Rivers & draft picks is a pretty good fall back plan.

Of course, they could have gone in a different direction all together and taken Fitzgerald 1, and added him to the Tomlinson/Brees offense.

A.J. Smith has done one thing since 2004.

Proven Eli Manning 100% right at every turn.

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