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Four Players Suspended (Bounty)


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are you kidding me? roman harper isnt suspended? the guy knocked out sammy morris and hit steve smith way after the play was over

That is what I thought too!!!

I wouldnt go to NOLA for the SB if I were Roger Goodell. :)

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Those are the four suspended because they were the ones who were involved in it more than the other players. Going to be interesting for the NFLPA does if the players appeal. The NFLPA is not in a good position if the players ask to appeal.

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Those are the four suspended because they were the ones who were involved in it more than the other players. Going to be interesting for the NFLPA does if the players appeal. The NFLPA is not in a good position if the players ask to appeal.

you can not sit there and tell me that harper wasnt just as involved as the other players

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you can not sit there and tell me that harper wasnt just as involved as the other players

I can when the NFL is saying the four players suspended were the one who were dolling out the most cash and the ones who called the bounties.

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I can when the NFL is saying the four players suspended were the one who were dolling out the most cash and the ones who called the bounties.

i remember steve smith also saying saint players were hitting his ankle when he was in a pile and guess who was in a lot of those piles. ive seen harper plenty of times playing way past the whistle and being dirty. there is no way he wasnt just as involved.

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All four players will be appealing the suspensions. NFLPA = boned.

Let's look at where the NFLPA stands. NFLPA wants the best for their players. The players appealing this suspensions were part of a bounty program to hurt other players (That the NFLPA wants best for). Now the NFLPA has to represent and defend players who are punished for purposely hurting other players for money....Yea...NFLPA is :facepalm: at the situation wondering how they get out of this without looking like hypocrites.

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I was watching first take with pinhead 1(stephen a) and pinhead 2(Skip) and stephen a was like the commish doesn't have the right to take that NFL players livelihood and i'm like what about the player they were trying to hurt? what about their livelihood? I personally think they got what they deserved.

Sucks to be the NFLPA! I doubt anything will happen even if they appeal. Hope not!

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All four players will be appealing the suspensions. NFLPA = boned.

Let's look at where the NFLPA stands. NFLPA wants the best for their players. The players appealing this suspensions were part of a bounty program to hurt other players (That the NFLPA wants best for). Now the NFLPA has to represent and defend players who are punished for purposely hurting other players for money....Yea...NFLPA is :facepalm: at the situation wondering how they get out of this without looking like hypocrites.

Talk about being stuck between a rock and hard place!

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i remember steve smith also saying saint players were hitting his ankle when he was in a pile and guess who was in a lot of those piles. ive seen harper plenty of times playing way past the whistle and being dirty. there is no way he wasnt just as involved.

If they cannot pin direct evidence on him, then the best we can assume is that he was player who just was rougher than most like seeing. You can say he was involved, but if you can't prove it and show it then what you say really doesn't matter. That's what position the NFL is in. They knew they couldn't pin everyone, but they pinned who they could.

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So, is that the end of it? No more suspensions or punishments, or this is just what they have so far? I definitely think that Harper should receive punishment b/c he was just as deep into it as Vilma, Smith, and the others. But then that is my opinion and I really have no say in the matter...

The loss of Vilma is a big OUCH! But, then I really don't have sympathy for the Saints organization b/c they allowed it to happen. You break the rules and lie, you will get caught and punished.

Good job Commish...but like someone else mentioned, if you go to the SB take a LOT of security with you... ...

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Heres my take on the situation all of the suspensions and fines were fair, the reason he didnt start suspending a whole ton of players is because you cant just start fining guys and suspening guys because of certain hits because you think that player was going to take another player out, the fines were directly related to the pay to injure or take out deal the Saints had going on as for the Players association they have no case

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ROBERT MATHIS@RobertMathis98

I disagree w/ suspending the players.if u don't do what coaches say then u get replaced by sum1 who will attempt a career assassination on U


That through me for a loop. Seeing Robert's reaction!

It's a little shocking, but if we look at it from a players stand point I can see why he thinks that way. Bow, that's not saying I wouldn't have loved to hear him say "I agree with the suspensions. You reap what you sow." I would also like to think if he was in a similiar situation as the Saints players, he would not have participated...the point of the matter is, the coaches should never have had such a scheme going, and yes, the players should not have participated...too bad we don't live in a perfect world...

And it's a good thing we'll never have to deal with something like this.

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apparently some players are feeling the same way Robert is...guess i'm in the minority here?

LaMarr Woodley@LaMarrWoodley

Vilma suspended a whole yr FOR PLAYING FOOTBALL???? cmon man!!!!!


Ridiculous, and nobody really sees why the punishments have been so severe over the past 3 4years! Lawsuits and 18 games???

James Harrison@jharrison9292

Wonder why the Team got the least penalties in Bounty Gate? Think about who elects & rewarded the commish... it's the owners of the teams!


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I've heard two players so far on ESPN call in on the suspensions, and honestly, I don't know how they sleep at night. Darren Sharper said "Well no player as far as I knew got warnings saying not to have a bounty program..."

REALLY? You need someone to TELL you not to purposefully injure players and have them carted off the field? What is wrong with you?

"It's not right that guys are losing time from their playing careers over something they were directed to do." - Because when someone tells you to do something, it's automatically legal and you must follow it. OK. Man, can I use this in court someday?

"Before I got to the Saints, there were programs in place to pay guys a little more money for making big plays, wether it was a sack, big hit, whatever. And I don't understand now why the Saints are the bad guys for something that's been going on with all 32 teams." - You're just as stupid as your fans. THE PROGRAM WAS TO HURT PLAYERS ON PURPOSE, NOT FOR MAKING A FRIGGIN' SACK...GOD...he's just avoiding it on purpose now. Suspend Darren Sharper for all I care. This guy is just as deplorable as Vilma.

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I think what this boils down to with players is they all feel like they have to band together and back each other, but sometimes wrong is just wrong. Hitting with the intent to injury is wrong. Period. If you participate in a scheme that gives you a bonus of any kind for hitting with the intent to injure you should be punished. End of story.

All players that were not involved in this scheme need to realize these guys were WRONG. They weren't "just playing football" as they would like to put it. They were intentionally injuring so they could get a little extra dough on the side. Time for them all to get their heads out of their rears and realize that. To stop belly aching about how wrong it is and realize the Commish is in the right.

Bottom line here is if you play football as it is supposed to be played = without malicious intent, you will be ok and not suffer any fines or suspensions. Once you allow malicious intent to enter into your play you are fair game to be called out on it.

Again, I say good job Goodell. Stick to it.

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Wow these football players either do not know how to read or do not know how to comprehend what they read.

The guys did not get suspended because their hard hits lead to injuries or knocking players out of a game. They are being suspended because they were ones that were putting bounties out on other players. It says right there in the article that they were putting up large sums of money on guys like Kurt Warner and Brett Favre.

They should be held accountable just as the coaches were. Vilma set there and said he had a large sum of money for anyone who knocked out Favre. Why should he not be suspended for that?

I expect some stupid comment from Harrison, but surprised to see Mathis is joining those ranks.

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ROBERT MATHIS@RobertMathis98

I disagree w/ suspending the players.if u don't do what coaches say then u get replaced by sum1 who will attempt a career assassination on U


That through me for a loop. Seeing Robert's reaction!

Glad to see Mathis's concerns are towards those who actually, you know, may have had their careers put at risk because of the injuries caused by the bounties.

Great priorities.

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From perreniel play-off chances to the basement. Could the Saints end up with as bad a season the Colts had last year once PM went down?

Only if Brees doesn't sign. They'll be fine offensively this year, even if the defense takes a large step back.

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ROBERT MATHIS@RobertMathis98

I disagree w/ suspending the players.if u don't do what coaches say then u get replaced by sum1 who will attempt a career assassination on U


That through me for a loop. Seeing Robert's reaction!

I understand Mathis's point. But I vehemently disagree - the "my officer/coach told me to do it" defense didn't work very well at Nuremberg or My Lai.

Hope Robert is NOT saying that he'd have gone after knees if told to do so. Come on - Robert: say you wouldn't !!!!!

VERY disappointing tweet from Mathis!

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I understand Mathis's point. But I vehemently disagree - the "my officer/coach told me to do it" defense didn't work very well at Nuremberg or My Lai.

Hope Robert is NOT saying that he'd have gone after knees if told to do so. Come on - Robert: say you wouldn't !!!!!

VERY disappointing tweet from Mathis!

What is there to understand from Mathis's side? His point falls flat on its face because these guys were not suspended because of the hits that they put on guys. They were suspended because they were putting bounties on players. They were just as involved as their defensive coordinator.

As ViriLudant said, good priorities there Mathis. Defend the guys who put bounties on other players heads.

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Sometimes, good people get put into bad situations. And sometimes they have to make the choice to do the right thing.

And sometimes, they pay the price for doing the right thing.

It happens and there are people who do the right thing and then there are people who do not see why they should have to

And they don't do the right thing.......and they blame someone else.

If the NFL is to accomplish it's goal of decreasing injury to players then everybody who played a part in this has to pay a price.

That's just part of making this thing right.

Robert is wrong, I'm sorry that he sees it as "just playing football'

But saying that you fear for your job........is just not a valid argument

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All four players will be appealing the suspensions. NFLPA = boned.

Let's look at where the NFLPA stands. NFLPA wants the best for their players. The players appealing this suspensions were part of a bounty program to hurt other players (That the NFLPA wants best for). Now the NFLPA has to represent and defend players who are punished for purposely hurting other players for money....Yea...NFLPA is :facepalm: at the situation wondering how they get out of this without looking like hypocrites.

The new Collective Bargaining Agreement gives Goodell all of the power. With my expertise being unions, it is amazing that the union allowed management to have the power in these decisions. Traditionally, an appeal would go to an independent arbitrator or 'moderator.'

That said, I am glad Goodell has the power. We want good clean hard-nosed football with zero intent to hurt or in the Saints's case mame.!!

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Sometimes, good people get put into bad situations. And sometimes they have to make the choice to do the right thing.

And sometimes, they pay the price for doing the right thing.

It happens and there are people who do the right thing and then there are people who do not see why they should have to

And they don't do the right thing.......and they blame someone else.

If the NFL is to accomplish it's goal of decreasing injury to players then everybody who played a part in this has to pay a price.

That's just part of making this thing right.

Robert is wrong, I'm sorry that he sees it as "just playing football'

But saying that you fear for your job........is just not a valid argument

Well said Maureen. Well said.

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apparently some players are feeling the same way Robert is...guess i'm in the minority here?

LaMarr Woodley@LaMarrWoodley

Vilma suspended a whole yr FOR PLAYING FOOTBALL???? cmon man!!!!!


Ridiculous, and nobody really sees why the punishments have been so severe over the past 3 4years! Lawsuits and 18 games???

James Harrison@jharrison9292

Wonder why the Team got the least penalties in Bounty Gate? Think about who elects & rewarded the commish... it's the owners of the teams!


This is the brain-dead mentality of NFL players..

Guys who were paying others guys to watch their fellow players knocked unconscious...

are the GOOD guys..

..and the guy who punishes them is the bad guy.

Wait until the civil suits come in from some QB who was target of the bounty.

Nobody wants to talk about that...

Everybody will pay..

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