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Donald Brown


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when the offensive line did their job, donald brown delivered the past season. as the feature back and what appears on paper to be a strong offensive line, which we havent had in awhile, i think donald will do great next year and andrew luck might even liek him as a target since hes a good receiver back too

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You don't need to have one back running for 1000 yards in order to have an effective run game. Brown and Carter could work as a tandem. Maybe Evans could come in too. If we can show the ability to run the ball when we want, it will take pressure off luck and the passing game. Teams like the Giants and Patriots don't put up big running numbers but still run effectively. 4 yards per carry consistantly would be amazing. Picking up a 3rd and 3 running would be a nice change. Brown will be on the field the most I imagine. Solid runner when he knows where the hole is supposed to be and can catch too

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I still back and support Brown, he had limited exposure with Addai there as "premier" back. Last season was so >>>ed up with coaches trying anything and everything to get some production and a win. I like his speed and agility, with some size and power on the line in front of him , hopefully he shows he is the back we thought we drafted

I like Carter as well if he can manage to hold onto the ball and not fumble it away.. Was a big fan of Mike Hart when he was drafted, but limited size and injuries brought about his downfall

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It doesn't matter who is in the backfield. If the line doesn't block then even Walter Payton would had trouble gaining 50 yards on the ground in a game.

Donald Brown has some real talent and I think he can handle the load as a feature back, but my only fear is that with a rookie QB and an offensive line that has serious holes Donald will not have a chance to shine. He will be lost likely an extra blocker on blitz pick ups as well as the check down guy. The run game will most likely be worse than it has been in years. The defenses will stack the box and pressure Luck (or whomever our starting QB is) for the better part of the game.

I wish Donald the best this year as I do anyone wearing the blue horseshoe on the helmet but it will be a tough uphill climb for him. Most likely if he doesn't perform it will be his only shot and the Colts will grafter a stud RB in the draft next season.

BTW... who is the top prospect entering the draft next season at RB?

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Honestly, I am expecting another season of mediocrity from Brown. I still can't believe Brown is still on the team. IMHO, Donald Brown is the least talented "starter" running back in the NFL. We need to look elsewhere for our starting rb for 2012 and beyond.

He has never been the starting back for the colts.

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I think Brown will be fine. I have said it a 1000 times, but a good running game starts with the o-line and not an extremely talented RB. Even a RB with the most basic of skills can be very effective if he has a good line blocking for him. The Colts, IMO, have done a good job so far this offseason getting better O-lineman so Brown could have his best yr. yet. I know, not that hard considering his past yrs., but nonetheless, he could surprise a lot of people. With Carter and Evans, IMO the Colts are fine at RB and shouldn't waste their time or money looking for another one.

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I think there's a 50/50 chance of him making the team.

Excellent point! Carter has more upside to his game than Brown, IMO. Face it, Brown is a soft, tip toe, UCONN product that Polian reached for in the draft. If you want to see 10 consecutive 2 yrd gains and a breakout of 20, you wont be disappointed with Brown.

Leave the smash mouth, in your face, "Where'd the ball go?" to Carter.

And that's all I'm going to say!

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A team with a winning record probably scores at least 48-64 TD's in regular season. If your "featured" back gets 10-15 of those, then the passing game is really carrying the load or another back is doing just as well.

A mediocre back carrying the ball 15 times a game with a 3.8ypc logs 57y/g and 912 yards throughout regular season.

A "featured" back carries the ball 25+ times per game and is in the neigborhood of 4.5ypc.

Next year is cheap running back by committee, unless they go out and get a top RB.

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Brown was a physical runner in college I saw some clip on him part of it was do to our offensive line no doubt but I think also he danced way to much so a combination of both, Ill give him another year and if dont get it together.....not good

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I agree we didn't need him to be drafted, but Chris hardly drafted anyone useful.

His better season only seemed to improve because he is so lack luster.

Att Yds Y/A TD
8 38 4.75 0
5 35 7 1
9 47 5.22 0
10 33 3.3 1
16 70 4.38 0
14 53 3.79 0
14 80 5.71 1
14 41 2.93 1
9 28 3.11 0
16 161 10.06 1
11 35 3.18 0
8 24 3 0
134 645 4.81 5

He is just too inconsistent.

where did he get 20 carries there?

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We need a big bruising back, B Jacobs. Go get him for cheap and let's start pounding the middle. Brown and Carter are going nowhere fast. Big 240+ pd back. Grigson, we don't have a shady here, get the big back now please.

we're not going to be a ground and pound team...dont have the folks for it

..and even if we did..that type of team is going to get outscored indoors...

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We purge perhaps the G.O.A.T in Manning, one of the best TE's we've had since Mackey and let Saturday walk. And you guys are all sure DB will have 1k yards and want him to be the featured back? You think without Saturday and Manning DB will be better?

With all these changes you guys don't see Grigson/Irsay drafting RB at some point? This draft has serious depth.

No way we make all these cuts, all these changes to start Donald Brown again.....

Andrew Luck is going to need a rushing attack as a safety net and Donald Brown is your choice? If Peyton couldn't make him look good when he was setting DB up against defenses waiting for the pass then how on earth do you expect him to break 1k yards with a rookie QB?

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we're not going to be a ground and pound team...dont have the folks for it

..and even if we did..that type of team is going to get outscored indoors...

I don't think our current roster is a indicator of what we will and will not be playing next year.

The roster has been completely purged and is being filled in with FA's. Also the draft is still weeks away.

I think it is incredibly premature to look at the roster as it sits today, and decide what type of scheme we will or will not be playing.

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a balanced attack is what I am hoping for, thats what Luck ran in Stanford, I loved watching guys like Bettis ground pound but hes right at present we dont have the guys for that, not saying we wont we may get guys so we have that option and Im betting we will but I look for that to just be an option and not our main philosophy

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With the 'upgrades' to the offensive line (Satele, McGlynn and Justice) to go along with the second year jumps of Castonzo, Ijalana and Rietz added to a true fullback (Ryan Mahaffey) and an in-line blocking tightend (Brody Eldridge)..................I think whomever ends up the feature back (Brown, Carter, Evans or draftee) will top 1000 yards!

Just my .02!

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