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I Still Like Jim Irsay


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Or you could have read this line...

"The consensus opinion is that Super Bowls do not produce economic benefits and possibly produce a little bit of a loss."

If you don't care about the city that's fine. I live here and pay taxes here so I do. I'm just trying to put out some lesser known information. OP likes Irsay and that's great but I'm not a fan.

They didnt say THIS Super Bowl....

Those numbers obviously arent in.

The 'consensus opinion' is speaking of past Super Bowls...

This was a very successful event.....and nowhere in that story does it say we lost money or broke even.

If there is difinitive word that we lost money....that's a different story but I doubt we did..

You sound like you have an ax to grind and that's your business..

but I'll sit with the $150 influx until you can show me different.....

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They didnt say THIS Super Bowl....

Those numbers obviously arent in.

The 'consensus opinion' is speaking of past Super Bowls...

This was a very successful event.....and nowhere in that story does it say we lost money or broke even.

If there is difinitive word that we lost money....that's a different story but I doubt we did..

You sound like you have an ax to grind and that's your business..

but I'll sit with the $150 influx until you can show me different.....

It's my understanding, and I'm not going to provide a link (too lazy basically) just what I heard on the news, is that the city itself lost $800,000 hosting the Super Bowl. It cost the city almost $8million (half of that solely for security) to host and they received approx $7.2million in revenue. That figure doesn't include what the local businesses both in Indianapolis and surrounding counties made from hosting the event though. I have no reason to discredit the $150million influx that was stated. You also got to look at the building of the JW Marriott and all the other construction and money generated from hosting the SB also. In the short term it might have "technically" cost the city money, but in the long run it was an extremely profitable event for the city's businesses and I'm sure they will jump at the chance to host another.

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Or you could have read this line...

"The consensus opinion is that Super Bowls do not produce economic benefits and possibly produce a little bit of a loss."

If you don't care about the city that's fine. I live here and pay taxes here so I do. I'm just trying to put out some lesser known information. OP likes Irsay and that's great but I'm not a fan.

Two questions:

1) Would you rather not have LOS and the Super Bowl and the other improvements the city paid for in preparation for the Super Bowl (Super Bowl Village, other infrastructure improvements, upgrades to the convention center), AND the JW Marriott?

2) Is part of your dislike for Irsay due to the fact that he didn't pay for more of LOS himself and that the Colts wouldn't renegotiate their lease when CIB's costs increased?

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Two questions:

1) Would you rather not have LOS and the Super Bowl and the other improvements the city paid for in preparation for the Super Bowl (Super Bowl Village, other infrastructure improvements, upgrades to the convention center), AND the JW Marriott?

2) Is part of your dislike for Irsay due to the fact that he didn't pay for more of LOS himself and that the Colts wouldn't renegotiate their lease when CIB's costs increased?

1) that's really a tough question because as much as those things are great for the city the price we paid was too high (and we hadn't even paid for the RCA yet). The murky part is in the valuation of having those things added to the city versus cost and that there's no comparison to see how the city would do without LOS, the Super Bowl, etc. While it's a great experience, Super Bowls, much like the Olympics, do not make money for the cities that host them.

2)absolutely! didn't pay more? He didn't pay anything for LOS and makes profit from it every year while taxpayers foot the bill. We complain about socialism for the poor and yet look the other way when it's for billionaires? He asks Manning to renegotiate his contract because the situation is clearly different from when the contract was signed but he wouldn't do it when the CIB found the operating costs were much more than originally planned and were losing money.

Maybe it's just me but I don't think of taxpayer money as an endless supply.

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I do not hold a grudge towards Irsay, but anyone who had to sit through the Jeff George years is allowed to hold a grudge as long as they wish IMO. If you question that, then you obviously were not a fan then. imagine trading to draft a guy touted as the best thing ever and he ends up playing like Painter....for 4 years LOL.

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Personally, I can't see why anyone, fan, media or player would hate him.

I get that some don't like twitter or the way he uses it

Or his suits

that's just personal taste

but hate?

the man has shown nothing but love for Indianapolis, the Colts, and Colts fans

He doesn't deserve hate

He's actually a lot of fun.........and in addition is a great owner.

I think that's difficult to impossible for some people to wrap their heads around.

He is different and I guess that makes him a target.

But I don't see why they have to hate him or post nasty comments about him

I'll say this, whether or not you like his tweets............you don't see him hating with it

Yeah I agree with you there, don't know people you'd hate the guy at all. I do think he can be a bit odd obviously and I do have mixed feelings but hate or even dislike would be to strong of words to describe how I feel about him.

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1) that's really a tough question because as much as those things are great for the city the price we paid was too high (and we hadn't even paid for the RCA yet). The murky part is in the valuation of having those things added to the city versus cost and that there's no comparison to see how the city would do without LOS, the Super Bowl, etc. While it's a great experience, Super Bowls, much like the Olympics, do not make money for the cities that host them.

That's very debatable. I think that, while the event itself may not make money for the city, the temporary construction jobs and improvements that come with it (come on, JW Marriott???) and the extra commerce for local companies -- not to mention the added publicity -- are undeniable. Indianapolis benefited tremendously from the Super Bowl.

2)absolutely! didn't pay more? He didn't pay anything for LOS and makes profit from it every year while taxpayers foot the bill. We complain about socialism for the poor and yet look the other way when it's for billionaires? He asks Manning to renegotiate his contract because the situation is clearly different from when the contract was signed but he wouldn't do it when the CIB found the operating costs were much more than originally planned and were losing money.

Irsay contributed $100 million for LOS. They use the facility for 20 days out of the year. The NFL uses it for another week or so for the Combine, every year, which is additional revenue for the city and surrounding businesses. The city uses the facility for other attractions, sports (Final Four, Big Ten championship game, etc.) and otherwise. I disagree that this is anything even remotely comparable to socialism for a billionaire. Is the team supposed to pay for the entire venue when they only use it less than 10% of the year?

And about Manning's contract, the team has an option to terminate the contract. Has nothing to do with the CIB coming back and asking for a more favorable lease term. Truth is, cities around the country were in tough situations economically. The way I saw it, the city tried to force Irsay into a corner by making him look bad publicly. They should have negotiated an out for themselves, like Irsay did with the Manning contract.

Maybe it's just me but I don't think of taxpayer money as an endless supply.

Neither does anyone else. The city agreed to the contract for LOS. They agreed to pay for a portion of the venue. Irsay paid for another portion of it. Eventually, an NFL team wants a new venue, and will get it somewhere. A new stadium every 20 or 30 years is the cost of doing business. Don't know what you want the alternative to be.

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Apparently most of you don't live in Marion or the surrounding counties and/or understand they way Irsay has robbed the taxpayers on the stadium deal. The taxpayers are paying for it (and by the way still paying for the RCA dome) while Irsay gets richer. Consider this, Irsay gets 1/2 of all revenue from non Colts events at LOS...how does that even make sense when he didn't build it and the Marion County CIB owns it? He keeps the team here because we pay him to.

That's only the tip of the iceberg the way Irsay is cleaning out the taxpayer and this is a guy who saw the Colts grow in net worth from $300million in 1998 to 1 billion in 2008. And don't forget it was Jim that drafted Jeff George while giving up the farm and dooming the Colts for years.

If you like him, more power to you. I choose to disagree.

I don't pretend to know all the ins and outs of it, but my understanding:

The city wanted to expand the convention center and that is why the new stadium. They wanted that space.

Indianapolis is a fabulous place for conventions and had the opportunity to really shine in an international spotlight with the super bowl being such a resounding success.

Whether or not you feel it is worth having an NFL franchise or the super bowl in Indianapolis........the city seems to feel it is beneficial

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It's my understanding, and I'm not going to provide a link (too lazy basically) just what I heard on the news, is that the city itself lost $800,000 hosting the Super Bowl. It cost the city almost $8million (half of that solely for security) to host and they received approx $7.2million in revenue. That figure doesn't include what the local businesses both in Indianapolis and surrounding counties made from hosting the event though. I have no reason to discredit the $150million influx that was stated. You also got to look at the building of the JW Marriott and all the other construction and money generated from hosting the SB also. In the short term it might have "technically" cost the city money, but in the long run it was an extremely profitable event for the city's businesses and I'm sure they will jump at the chance to host another.

And you'd have to account for any future city revenues that come in as a result of future events the city hosts because of the success of this Super Bowl. There is already word of a couple large conventions looking to move here because of what they saw with the SB.

Back to the OP... I have a tough time understanding people forming an opinion about someone based on such a limited perspective. That would be akin to me deciding I hate or like someone on this board because they type something stupid or insightful in a thread.

I have appreciated many things Jim Irsay has done with the team and for Indianapolis, and there have certainly been more than a few headscratcher moments. I react to those things, but know nothing about the man to comment on how I feel about him.

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And you'd have to account for any future city revenues that come in as a result of future events the city hosts because of the success of this Super Bowl. There is already word of a couple large conventions looking to move here because of what they saw with the SB.

Back to the OP... I have a tough time understanding people forming an opinion about someone based on such a limited perspective. That would be akin to me deciding I hate or like someone on this board because they type something stupid or insightful in a thread.

I have appreciated many things Jim Irsay has done with the team and for Indianapolis, and there have certainly been more than a few headscratcher moments. I react to those things, but know nothing about the man to comment on how I feel about him.

Dont we all form opinions based on limited information, Schwaam

When you think about it. We live limited information lives...

Living can be defined as making decisions before all the facts are in...

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Dont we all form opinions based on limited information, Schwaam

When you think about it. We live limited information lives...

Living can be defined as making decisions before all the facts are in...

yes, but forming an opinion about a man based on vague interpretations of tweets, clothes or media coverage isn't a very informed one. I don't expect all the facts, but reserve judgement until I meet someone and get a better picture of their personality and motivations.

By the way, you spelled my name wrong. What a big jerk. Clearly I need to hate you now... (drips with sarcasm)

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It's my understanding, and I'm not going to provide a link (too lazy basically) just what I heard on the news, is that the city itself lost $800,000 hosting the Super Bowl. It cost the city almost $8million (half of that solely for security) to host and they received approx $7.2million in revenue. That figure doesn't include what the local businesses both in Indianapolis and surrounding counties made from hosting the event though. I have no reason to discredit the $150million influx that was stated. You also got to look at the building of the JW Marriott and all the other construction and money generated from hosting the SB also. In the short term it might have "technically" cost the city money, but in the long run it was an extremely profitable event for the city's businesses and I'm sure they will jump at the chance to host another.

Technically.....you are probably correct....

The CITY certainly did lose money on the Super Bowl...this month...

But businesses.....hundreds of them ...were taking in money so fast they couldnt count it..

..and if the Marriott was built solely for the Super Bowl..its cost would go into that pool..

But the Marriott's going to stand 50 years.. (unless the same folks who built it built that stage at the fairgrounds) and they pay taxes...

..Everybody who made money pays taxes...Indy has an entertainment tax, right?

I think the city eventually does more than break even and downtown businesses bank more this year than John Dillinger in his prime.

It will be interesting to see (if it can be determined) if more NFL people come to the combine because they 'discovered' Indy

at the SB

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Indianapolis Colts owner Jim Irsay has made clear that he's not willing to pay more rent or ticket taxes to help bail out the city's stadium board, despite dire warnings that it might have to close his new stadium if it can't fill its $47-million-a-year budget gap. Said Irsay:

"I'm not going to renegotiate. That's the bottom line. All we did was negotiate in good faith. We've done everything we can to have a great organization. We've lived up to our part. We've exceeded our part."

Irsay's part, you'll recall, was to kick in all of $100 million toward a nearly $700 million stadium project — $48 million of which he got back via a "lease termination fee" from the city. Meanwhile, Irsay is getting $6 million a year in naming-rights money from Lucas Oil, while paying all of $250,000 a year in rent. I wouldn't want to renegotiate either.

I can imagine Peyton being able to use Irsay's quote verbatim.

Irsay also gets 1/2 the revenue from all non Colts events which is absolutely preposterous and he keeps all the increased revenue from the additional luxury suites in LOS. He has already recovered his 100 million and now we pay everything for the Colts to stay here.

But I'm done here. If you are an Indianapolis area taxpayer and don't care where your money goes..or you agree with how it's spent then that's your prerogative.

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Indianapolis Colts owner Jim Irsay has made clear that he's not willing to pay more rent or ticket taxes to help bail out the city's stadium board, despite dire warnings that it might have to close his new stadium if it can't fill its $47-million-a-year budget gap. Said Irsay:

"I'm not going to renegotiate. That's the bottom line. All we did was negotiate in good faith. We've done everything we can to have a great organization. We've lived up to our part. We've exceeded our part."

Irsay's part, you'll recall, was to kick in all of $100 million toward a nearly $700 million stadium project — $48 million of which he got back via a "lease termination fee" from the city. Meanwhile, Irsay is getting $6 million a year in naming-rights money from Lucas Oil, while paying all of $250,000 a year in rent. I wouldn't want to renegotiate either.

I can imagine Peyton being able to use Irsay's quote verbatim.

Irsay also gets 1/2 the revenue from all non Colts events which is absolutely preposterous and he keeps all the increased revenue from the additional luxury suites in LOS. He has already recovered his 100 million and now we pay everything for the Colts to stay here.

But I'm done here. If you are an Indianapolis area taxpayer and don't care where your money goes..or you agree with how it's spent then that's your prerogative.

I gather you'd rather Irsay had negotiated a contract that wasn't to his advantage. Don't mistake him making money with the city not gaining anything from it. And don't mistake the huge budget gap, due to the Stadium and Convention Building Authority's disastrous mismanagement, for an unreasonable contract.

I too am a Marion county resident, and I've been around to witness the remarkable changes that have occurred downtown because of outstanding stewardship from a succession of mayors (starting with Hudnut, IMHO) and because of the success of efforts to define Indy as a Sports Capitol. LOS is an integral part of that definition.

Cities offer incentives to all kinds of businesses, especially where those businesses will increase revenue and growth in multiple areas. Indianapolis wants and needs Irsay to be successful, and any business worth its salt would only enter a contract if it offered opportunity to increase profitability.

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Indianapolis Colts owner Jim Irsay has made clear that he's not willing to pay more rent or ticket taxes to help bail out the city's stadium board, despite dire warnings that it might have to close his new stadium if it can't fill its $47-million-a-year budget gap. Said Irsay:

"I'm not going to renegotiate. That's the bottom line. All we did was negotiate in good faith. We've done everything we can to have a great organization. We've lived up to our part. We've exceeded our part."

Irsay's part, you'll recall, was to kick in all of $100 million toward a nearly $700 million stadium project — $48 million of which he got back via a "lease termination fee" from the city. Meanwhile, Irsay is getting $6 million a year in naming-rights money from Lucas Oil, while paying all of $250,000 a year in rent. I wouldn't want to renegotiate either.

I can imagine Peyton being able to use Irsay's quote verbatim.

Irsay also gets 1/2 the revenue from all non Colts events which is absolutely preposterous and he keeps all the increased revenue from the additional luxury suites in LOS. He has already recovered his 100 million and now we pay everything for the Colts to stay here.

But I'm done here. If you are an Indianapolis area taxpayer and don't care where your money goes..or you agree with how it's spent then that's your prerogative.

But Irsay is right..

Their job was to make the Colts a marquee franchise and he did that...

..and the rising tide lifted all boats...

the city wants ever going to close the new stadium.

If Irsay gets 1/2 from all non-NFL events at LOS..who gets the other half...?

..and would those events be here if the LOS or the RCA Dome (in its day) wasn't here...

You are arguing against the reality of being a major city. You build a stadium for your sports teams and fi they do well..you do well.

You can debate whether the 'city' (the municipality) lost money through the month of February due to the Super Bowl.

,...,but, unless you are of an opposition political party....its not realistic to say that the Super Bowl didnt benefit the CITY (defined as meaning all the downtown businesses and services)....as a tax payers..that's what you have to care about......

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It will be interesting to see (if it can be determined) if more NFL people come to the combine because they 'discovered' Indy

at the SB

There will be 900 agents at the Combine this year. They stay in the hotels in downtown Indianapolis. Think the NFL couldn't move the Combine if they wanted to? The city is being rewarded in several ways for facilitating the new stadium and other infrastructure improvements along with it.

I don't understand the criticism about "the billionaire made us taxpayers do this" when the billionaire (read: the team that the fans love) only uses the venue 6% of the days out of the year.

I think MP should be mad at the CIB for negotiating a substandard deal. Not Irsay. Truth is, the new stadium benefits Indy tremendously and will for many years.

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The CiB have done a poor job managing their own budgets for so long...

I like Irsay, he pays to field good teams, and the community is stronger for having the Colts. I don't care how he uses social media.

I think the anti Irsay m/o is kinda silly, as if he has anything to do with Peyton's health. He's been trying to do right for 18 thus far.

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FYI, Jim Irsay is a person and taking personal shots at him will result in the same suspension

sorry, I did a few suspension stints for taking personal shots, but I thought this did not include people outside of these forums.

now I know, and I apologize for taking shots at Mr. Irsay. I simply did not know that personal shots can't be taken at people outside the forums.

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sorry, I did a few suspension stints for taking personal shots, but I thought this did not include people outside of these forums.

now I know, and I apologize for taking shots at Mr. Irsay. I simply did not know that personal shots can't be taken at people outside the forums.

If it would help to relieve some tension, you could always take a few shots at Hitler. He enjoys little protection under the umbrella of our rules.

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Yes..he acts rich....and he's Mr. big boss...a fancy suit wearing big shot who tweets too much

....but he's got a way about him that makes him seem like a good guy.

You never doubt he wants what's best for the team and he seems to enjoy hinting with the people about what's going on.

He clearly likes to be quoted and he's got a crazy charisma that Mitt Romney would kill for...

Plus.he's going to leave the Colts to his daughters......

How crazy is that.?

Sure dude would be "cool to dunk a few with"...

But.. do "you" want him running "our" team?

He had a shot early in his "career" ....

Just sayin.

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It's my understanding, and I'm not going to provide a link (too lazy basically) just what I heard on the news, is that the city itself lost $800,000 hosting the Super Bowl. It cost the city almost $8million (half of that solely for security) to host and they received approx $7.2million in revenue. That figure doesn't include what the local businesses both in Indianapolis and surrounding counties made from hosting the event though. I have no reason to discredit the $150million influx that was stated. You also got to look at the building of the JW Marriott and all the other construction and money generated from hosting the SB also. In the short term it might have "technically" cost the city money, but in the long run it was an extremely profitable event for the city's businesses and I'm sure they will jump at the chance to host another.

good grief....


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I don't pretend to know all the ins and outs of it, but my understanding:

The city wanted to expand the convention center and that is why the new stadium. They wanted that space.

Indianapolis is a fabulous place for conventions and had the opportunity to really shine in an international spotlight with the super bowl being such a resounding success.

Whether or not you feel it is worth having an NFL franchise or the super bowl in Indianapolis........the city seems to feel it is beneficial

Indy has "dominated" tge

I do not hold a grudge towards Irsay, but anyone who had to sit through the Jeff George years is allowed to hold a grudge as long as they wish IMO. If you question that, then you obviously were not a fan then. imagine trading to draft a guy touted as the best thing ever and he ends up playing like Painter....for 4 years LOL.

Hnmmmmm Who ran the team "then"?????

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yes, but forming an opinion about a man based on vague interpretations of tweets, clothes or media coverage isn't a very informed one. I don't expect all the facts, but reserve judgement until I meet someone and get a better picture of their personality and motivations.

By the way, you spelled my name wrong. What a big jerk. Clearly I need to hate you now... (drips with sarcasm)

Spelling is not by strength, Schwammy...sorry......everybody deserves to have their name spelled right

(especially if you are Mr. Wright)

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I appreciate your link, and I NEVER SAID that the businesses in Marion and surrounding counties didn't make a ton of cash. If you could actually read and understand what I is that the city itself lost $800,000 dollars. All that money the hotels, bars, restaurants, etc made doesn't go directly into the city's bank account. You can good grief yourself!

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I appreciate your link, and I NEVER SAID that the businesses in Marion and surrounding counties didn't make a ton of cash. If you could actually read and understand what I is that the city itself lost $800,000 dollars. All that money the hotels, bars, restaurants, etc made doesn't go directly into the city's bank account. You can good grief yourself!

And I imagine the city will see a ton of that money back when taxes on the money made by the hotels, bars, restaurants, shops, etc. come due. Likewise, they will see even more in returns if they can parlay this success into national conventions, other large-scale sporting events, and even just a simple uptick in visitors to our city. It's easy to try to encapsulate everything down to "the city lost money", but it'll take years to really determine the verity of such a statement.

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It's my understanding, and I'm not going to provide a link (too lazy basically) just what I heard on the news, is that the city itself lost $800,000 hosting the Super Bowl. It cost the city almost $8million (half of that solely for security) to host and they received approx $7.2million in revenue. That figure doesn't include what the local businesses both in Indianapolis and surrounding counties made from hosting the event though. I have no reason to discredit the $150million influx that was stated. You also got to look at the building of the JW Marriott and all the other construction and money generated from hosting the SB also. In the short term it might have "technically" cost the city money, but in the long run it was an extremely profitable event for the city's businesses and I'm sure they will jump at the chance to host another.

Here is my original post

And I imagine the city will see a ton of that money back when taxes on the money made by the hotels, bars, restaurants, shops, etc. come due. Likewise, they will see even more in returns if they can parlay this success into national conventions, other large-scale sporting events, and even just a simple uptick in visitors to our city. It's easy to try to encapsulate everything down to "the city lost money", but it'll take years to really determine the verity of such a statement.

If you would read my original post then you would see that I said. The city "technically" lost money in the SHORT term.

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Here is my original post

If you would read my original post then you would see that I said. The city "technically" lost money in the SHORT term.

To focus on the short term is to be shortsighted.

1) You're focusing on one event, but the Big Ten has committed to having their football championship game at LOS from 2011 to 2015. The NCAA Final Four was in Indy in 2010, and will be again 2015. The Big Ten tournament is in Indy from 2008-12, and will be again in 2014 and 2016. The Combine is in Indy every year. I'm not saying none of those events would have been in Indy without building LOS, but I think it's safe to say that building LOS helped. Not to mention the other events that are held there, all of which benefit local businesses, which benefits the city and it's bottom line.

2) Speaking of which, the more tourism the city attracts, the faster the tourism taxes add up, helping to offset the cost of the projects.

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Personally, I can't see why anyone, fan, media or player would hate him.

I get that some don't like twitter or the way he uses it

Or his suits

that's just personal taste

but hate?

the man has shown nothing but love for Indianapolis, the Colts, and Colts fans

He doesn't deserve hate

He's actually a lot of fun.........and in addition is a great owner.

I think that's difficult to impossible for some people to wrap their heads around.

He is different and I guess that makes him a target.

But I don't see why they have to hate him or post nasty comments about him

I'll say this, whether or not you like his tweets............you don't see him hating with it

post of the year. 100% correct

saying you don't like irsay is sort of like saying you don't like the simpsons. i mean who the [expletive] doesn't like the simpsons

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Wow,...all the arguing over money. It always comes down to money these days. I do not like everything Irsay has said. I do like him though. I think overall he has done a fantasric job as an owner. I live in northern Ky close to Cincy. The bengals owner,....now that is an owner you do not want. He is the biggest tight wad there is. He is all about the money. I think the official numbers are out tomorrow but they have like 60 million before they hit there cap. He is one big reason why the Bengals are never in the super bowl. He puts his nose in all the business and decides everything. I would much rather have Jim Irsay who isn't afraid to pay for players. He may wear suits and have a lot of money but he seems like he is a down to earth person. He likes to have fun and he invloves fans with all his twittering. He may do it too much but as long as its not saying bad things about anyone or hurting anyone then no harm in it. We should be grateful for what we have had and will have. There are many cities not as lucky. I was born and raised in Indiana and will be a colts fan for life no matter what. Wish I was there so I could be around it all. Those of you close by should just take a deep breathe, relax, and enjoy life and the fact that the team and stadium is right there for you in your city! All this arguing over the money is not going to get anyone anywhere. Weather you like Irsay or not he is the owner and he is doing his best. He has a stressful job and has to make tough decisions. I think he does the best he can and tries to be as respectful as possible to everyone. I think people should just give him a break.

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To focus on the short term is to be shortsighted.

1) You're focusing on one event, but the Big Ten has committed to having their football championship game at LOS from 2011 to 2015. The NCAA Final Four was in Indy in 2010, and will be again 2015. The Big Ten tournament is in Indy from 2008-12, and will be again in 2014 and 2016. The Combine is in Indy every year. I'm not saying none of those events would have been in Indy without building LOS, but I think it's safe to say that building LOS helped. Not to mention the other events that are held there, all of which benefit local businesses, which benefits the city and it's bottom line.

2) Speaking of which, the more tourism the city attracts, the faster the tourism taxes add up, helping to offset the cost of the projects.

For anyone questioning the wisdom to use money on sports to help grow the city I would really suggest checking out from Naptown to Super City if you can find either on WFYI or from the Star (they are the ones who produced it). It does a great story of telling how the city used sports to grow the city of Indianapolis. I think all this fits under you have to spend money to make money.

What's not figured into any of the Super Bowl talk is all the free advertising the city got and the future business that may lead to. The Super Bowl told the world once and for all Indianapolis is a big league city and those kinds of things can be invaluable. There has been a major shift in how the midwest in viewed I heard one guy said when you thought of the midwest you thought of Chicagio first and then Detroit, St. Louis and Cincy. He said that is rapidly changing to still Chicagio first but now Indianapols and Louisville are the cities right behind it. Our city is growing at time a lot of cities in the Midwest are shrinking and Sports has been a major factor in that.

Also I know you aren't questioning it I was just building on what you said.

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