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Just Say No To Peyton!


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Peyton Manning is not the upper limit on how good a quarterback can be and I think thats the problem with some fans. . There will be better quarterbacks. You can argue some of the current QBs may surpass Manning when all is said and done.

There may be, but for right now Manning, P (and a few others as well) is the measuring stick for a QB.
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Peyton Manning is not the upper limit on how good a quarterback can be and I think thats the problem with some fans. . There will be better quarterbacks. You can argue some of the current QBs may surpass Manning when all is said and done.

Poor Peyton.

He went from being the G.O.A.T. to being just another pretty good QB.

I just don't think it's necessary for people to diminish Peyton Manning in order to justify their infatuation with Andrew Luck (or vice versa).

It's alright to acknoweldge excellence for both of them.

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Poor Peyton.

He went from being the G.O.A.T. to being just another pretty good QB.

I just don't think it's necessary for people to diminish Peyton Manning in order to justify their infatuation with Andrew Luck (or vice versa).

It's alright to acknoweldge excellence for both of them.

I never diminished him or said he is "pretty good". Nor do I think he is the greatest of all time. I'm just saying, Peyton Manning is not the upper limit for any QB including Luck. Its very possible for Luck or ANY quarterback to come into Indy and have more success than Manning.

I think Manning makes a great benchmark although because of his consistency and how good he was.

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I'm surprised to see you put it that way. I kinda had you on the "keep Manning and trade the pick" side of things. My gut feeling is that Luck is going to be very good at the start, and even better through the years. He has essentially the same pedigree as Peyton, plus a Stanford degree.

Really? I've been open to a couple of possibilities, as there is potential in RG3, or getting extra draft picks, but my choice would be Pey-Luck.

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I want both too (although I don't think it is necessarily the most logical option). No, I'm not saying he is the limit. I'm saying that the way he plays combined with what he did for Indiana, the Colts, and the NFL (he helped bring in the current QB obsession) will never be replicated. I'm just saying he is a transcendent player. AL may be too, but it will be in a much different way than PM.

Yeah I get that, he will always be most special to Indy even if Luck wins multiple Superbowls. Peyton did it first and the way he plays will be the stuff of legend. There will also be a mystic about him, people will see the success he's had but will also wander how many rings he could of had if the Colts had a dominant defense. Even though its not entirely accurate, people will remember him as a player who carried the team on his back for over 10 years, successfully, because of his dominance.

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I'm to the point now where I don't even want Peyton back on this team next year. The biggest reason I say that is because I want us as a franchise to prove we are more than just one man. I want us to succeed beyond Peyton to SHUT all these ESPN analysts up when they continue to keep bashing the Colts as of late. I want us to start anew with Luck and have the money we save from not signing Peyton to go out and get very good players in FA to help turn this team around soon.

Your thoughts on my take on this?

Your post seems a little strong about Peyton but I understand what you are saying. I don't think the analysts are necessarily wrong about the Colts .. can't believe I just said that ...I just get tired of hearing it over and over. The Colts chose to put all their eggs in the Peyton basket when there was probably opportunity to get him some help. I dread starting anew with Luck because of so many first round busts over the years. Hopefully, the Colts will put other pieces in place in the event that Luck is a bust. Let's hope this coaching staff actually coaches up a team and does not sit back and rely on a gifted QB all the time. I don't know that our past coaches were actually poor coaches but after 2011, I sure wonder. I never want to see a year 2011 again. GO COLTS!
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The biggest reason I say that is because I want us as a franchise to prove we are more than just one man.

We had that very chance this season. 2-14. Hasselbeck and a Texans implosion away from 0-16.

If Manning doesn't play going forward the Colts have no choice but to build a half competent squad or be exposed even further.

If Manning went out any year prior to this between now and 2000. I'd guess we would have won 6 wins tops pending the year. 2003-2005 were our better teams as the offenses had some very good personnel. The D and special teams stunk to high heaven, but at least those parts of our team have remained consistent. (ly horrible since forever.)

Get ready for growing pains with Andrew Luck if we go that route. The team needs a major overhaul, but it least it looks like we're finally getting one. On the bright side, it can't be any worse than what we have.

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Irsay made a point that it was not just about Peyton but also the Polians for not recruiting a well rounded team. We are a great team, we played very well the last 3 weeks of the season. Our defense needed a better coordinator and Painter didnt put up enough points.

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I'm to the point now where I don't even want Peyton back on this team next year. The biggest reason I say that is because I want us as a franchise to prove we are more than just one man. I want us to succeed beyond Peyton to SHUT all these ESPN analysts up when they continue to keep bashing the Colts as of late. I want us to start anew with Luck and have the money we save from not signing Peyton to go out and get very good players in FA to help turn this team around soon.

Your thoughts on my take on this?

And I'm to the point where I want to tell ungrateful fans to keep their negativity to themselves. Peyton dug this franchise out of depths of the leagues pitiful teams that historically get bashed for being perennial losers. Aside from 1995 and the Manning era, we as Colts fans have endured MANY losing seasons. Peyton Manning has done more for this franchise than any other player in history, he is an icon, and those aren't the kind of players you just dump like yesterdays garbage. And I've got news for all of the "Dump Manning, start over with Luck" people; There are ZERO guarantees in taking a player based on expectations, just look at Ryan Leaf, Jeff George, Tim Couch, David Carr, and all of the other "can't miss" prospects who never panned out. Nobody knows what the future holds, but show a little more respect for the guy whose been the Micheal Jordan of football for over a decade...just saying.

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We had that very chance this season. 2-14. Hasselbeck and a Texans implosion away from 0-16.

If Manning doesn't play going forward the Colts have no choice but to build a half competent squad or be exposed even further.

If Manning went out any year prior to this between now and 2000. I'd guess we would have won 6 wins tops pending the year. 2003-2005 were our better teams as the offenses had some very good personnel. The D and special teams stunk to high heaven, but at least those parts of our team have remained consistent. (ly horrible since forever.)

Get ready for growing pains with Andrew Luck if we go that route. The team needs a major overhaul, but it least it looks like we're finally getting one. On the bright side, it can't be any worse than what we have.

Honestly not sure we had much of a shot with old man Collins and then Finger Painter. I don't care how good your starting QB is. You can do A LOT better then the backup plan we had. And Irsay knows this. Orlvosky is pretty bad to me too but at least showed more life at times.

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Peyton Manning is not the upper limit on how good a quarterback can be and I think thats the problem with some fans. . There will be better quarterbacks. You can argue some of the current QBs may surpass Manning when all is said and done.

This is true and especially with how many top passing games and Qbs are out there now. Records are getting broken left and right and might continue on. Manning records broken too. We already saw Rodgers break Peyton's all time season passer rating this past season. Brees is setting records......they all are.

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Honestly not sure we had much of a shot with old man Collins and then Finger Painter. I don't care how good your starting QB is. You can do A LOT better then the backup plan we had. And Irsay knows this. Orlvosky is pretty bad to me too but at least showed more life at times.

Not behind that offensive offensive line. (Not a stutter.) No pass game. No run game.

What's a QB to do?

Unless you can release the ball _very_ quickly or run like a hound dog you're pretty much toast. The running part is pure speculation, as I'm not sure the line would even give a guy like Vick time to get some space unless it's shotgun formation.

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Not behind that offensive offensive line. (Not a stutter.) No pass game. No run game.

What's a QB to do?

Unless you can release the ball _very_ quickly or run like a hound dog you're pretty much toast. The running part is pure speculation, as I'm not sure the line would even give a guy like Vick time to get some space unless it's shotgun formation.

This is why I feel we are rebuilding. If we aren't then someone clue me in as to how we are not or should not. I know this team was in the SB 2009 but IMO was pretty fortunate to have been there too. We had to beat a rookie Sanchez and Flacco to get there at home. It was a pretty favorable road for our average at best defense to handle IMO. Before Brees showed us how a real QB gets it done in the SB.

This team has been heading in the wrong direction for a while. It's not a very good team. Mannng healthy or not is a bandaid many want to slap on this squad and say go win and then everyone cries when the Colts go one and done in the playoffs and he sucks in the game along with the rest of the team.

Granted, the new coaches and gm might fix things sooner then I hope and we contend earlier then I hope. You never know if a playoff appearance even with Luck is possible in his first season. Stranger things have happened.....look at the crap Denver waltzed into the divisional round this year. Outside of their run game I felt everything else was average, at best.

The expectations if Peyton is back here will be postseason success for many fans as usual.

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It isn't important that you see eye to eye with me.

What is more important is that the Colts see the inherent risks associated with paying PM the $28MM option bonus and choose not to pay it, and release PM from this current contract. After which they can negotiate a new contract if PM is willing.

From Mr. Irsay's recent communication, I think the Colts are seeing what I want them to see.

But who are you to say that? "Doing what I want them to do" It will probably be renegotiated anyways. As always you are entitled to your opinoin, just give the same respect to others.BTW are you the Accounting dept. for the team? JUst wondering since you have money in mind for the team rather than playing ability.
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But who are you to say that? "Doing what I want them to do" It will probably be renegotiated anyways. As always you are entitled to your opinoin, just give the same respect to others.BTW are you the Accounting dept. for the team? JUst wondering since you have money in mind for the team rather than playing ability.

I am me that I can say that.

I can want the Colts to see something, it doesn't mean that they will. However, in this case, I am glad that they did see it, and reacted as I would have.

I am not the accounting department for the team. However, I would like to be in the FO for my favorite team.

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Yes, comical and sad.

I think what AndrewLuck12 is tyring to say is that Peyton is a benchmark of a great but not necessarily the GOAT statiscally because there are guys like Brees and perhaps Rodgers that could beat his numbers after he retires.

I would be cautious about lumping any college player in a comparison to any NFL players.

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If Manning went out any year prior to this between now and 2000. I'd guess we would have won 6 wins tops pending the year. 2003-2005 were our better teams as the offenses had some very good personnel. The D and special teams stunk to high heaven, but at least those parts of our team have remained consistent. (ly horrible since forever.)

We have had some good defensive play. 2005 from your example above. We were second in points allowed that year, only the Chicago Bears D yielded less points.


Many years were were mid pack. Our D hasn't been bottom feeders all of the time. LOL. Run D has been consistently abysmal, but all in all, it was serviceable.

Now, on topic. I say yes to Peyton, but a restructured deal. If a team/cap friendly deal can't be agreed upon, then I wish him best of luck in finding a contract with another team and good play his last season or 3. I will always be midful and thankful for he has, and could still do for the Colts. I will also support all of the new Colt faces and hope/expect them to excel in their careers as Peyton and other Colts players have.

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