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offensive line


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5 minutes ago, Coltfreak said:

You made my point he was a wasted pick.  We didn't need a 3rd center    


Most 7th round picks are not ready to be starting no matter what position they play.


Blythe may wind up being a very good player.    The fact that he may not be good now meaning almost nothing.


Don't write the kid off yet.....    way, WAY too soon to be doing that.....


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As much as our pass blocking has struggled I think our run blocking is improving watching the last 2 weeks worth of games. Its not quite there yet but I saw multiple run plays where both our Guards were able to get angles in the DT's and pin them down or ride them out of the hole.


I don't necessarily think just because I think it has improved the last two weeks that it will continue to improve simply because each game takes on a life of its own but I came away encouraged as far as the run game goes because there was some nice angles being made by our O Linemen at times. Particularly vs Jax in the first half. Pass blocking wise we have rookies from Center on to RT so that's been a struggle. I do however think they will get better. Probably not All Pro better but enough to where we get a run game going. Castonzo needs to decide on whether he wants to be just decent or good because at times he looks like "I just cashed in so now I can take plays off". He got whipped once vs Jax just on a lack of effort I thought. The 2nd time was legit I think

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49 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


Most 7th round picks are not ready to be starting no matter what position they play.


Blythe may wind up being a very good player.    The fact that he may not be good now meaning almost nothing.


Don't write the kid off yet.....    way, WAY too soon to be doing that.....


Didn't need him.   Could have went another direction with him and clark 

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Just spitballing, but has anybody ever given it some thought that maybe our tackle play sucks so much because we have no pass rushers to challenge them and help them improve in training camp?  No pass rush moves whatsoever to help them improve their skill.  No bull rush, no spin moves, no grip and rip. Nothing. They don't face any of that until Sundays. Might have been good to bring Freeney back. I think AC going against him in training camp would have helped him improve because Mathis' game has fallen off of a cliff and I can't think of one player on the roster that can even remotely bring consistent pressure. Walden some but I'm always waiting for him to get hit with a dumb unsportsmanlike penalty.... You get better through practice. And maybe our tackles aren't getting challenged enough in practice to improve?

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On ‎10‎/‎3‎/‎2016 at 0:01 PM, Gyworks said:

Did you realize how much better the protection was in hurry-up mode yesterday? Do you remember how often the Colts ran the hurry-up offense under Peyton with excellent protection? Don't you think there is a connection?

I did see that....GY....we basically tired out their d-line....

I worry about no-huddle with rookie sup front but maybe I;m wrong

Maybe with rookies....our youth enables us to wear on the older pass rushers..especially later in the game.


It also keeps the base defense on the field......they cant sub...

But I would still suggest that you cant do it all day

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6 minutes ago, oldunclemark said:

  In the overall scheme of things..we have to be patient with rookie offensive linemen..

..what makes anybody think that a 5-man line with 3 rookies could be better than average..?

Ah, patience sir. On here, that's rare as a good Ceelo Green song......

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8 minutes ago, jbaron04 said:

They better start 

Ac, jw, rk, goode and heag 

Truth is Goode hasn't played all that much better than Blythe. Particularly pass blocking. I think people were just so desperate to see a change at RG or to see it fixed that a few fooled themselves into seeing that Goode has been good

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6 minutes ago, Gavin said:

Truth is Goode hasn't played all that much better than Blythe. Particularly pass blocking. I think people were just so desperate to see a change at RG or to see it fixed that a few fooled themselves into seeing that Goode has been good



that isn't the truth at all

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5 hours ago, Coltfreak said:

Didn't need him.   Could have went another direction with him and clark 


How in the world can you write that?


Guess who started this past Sunday.      Who would've played without him?


The fact that he started proves we needed him.   

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2 hours ago, Gavin said:

Truth is Goode hasn't played all that much better than Blythe. Particularly pass blocking. I think people were just so desperate to see a change at RG or to see it fixed that a few fooled themselves into seeing that Goode has been good


Good only played a handful of games in his rookie year after playing in a college division so low,  no one had ever heard of his college.


He's not supposed to be great.    But he should been decent in the future.    Especially if he gets his weight under control.


I don't know why you feel the need to pronounce what a kid is or isn't after only a few NFL games.


This isn't even the first time you've done this this season.     And we only spent a 7 on Good.


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59 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


Good only played a handful of games in his rookie year after playing in a college division so low,  no one had ever heard of his college.


He's not supposed to be great.    But he should been decent in the future.    Especially if he gets his weight under control.


I don't know why you feel the need to pronounce what a kid is or isn't after only a few NFL games.


This isn't even the first time you've done this this season.     And we only spent a 7 on Good.


1 or a 7 I call it like I see it. He was named or touted as the starter and he didn't play well. Whats wrong with calling it like it has been? I'm sure Philbin does. I didn't say 1 word about how he will play in the future. We are in the here and now and in the now he has not played well. Maybe that will change? Maybe it wont? I don't know. But so far he has not played well. If he does I will certainly say that he is. Who cares that he came from a small school no one has heard of. That doesn't mean you cant play. He wasn't just some typical undersized O Lineman that you often see with these small schools, He has NFL size and strength. He is a starter in the NFL. Its also not like he was brought into a bad situation for him as a player. The scheme fits him fine. Its his technique and awareness that needs work. Not talent or scheme.


He has the talent and I believe will get better but right now so far not good

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19 minutes ago, Gavin said:

1 or a 7 I call it like I see it. He was named or touted as the starter and he didn't play well. Whats wrong with calling it like it has been? I'm sure Philbin does. I didn't say 1 word about how he will play in the future. We are in the here and now and in the now he has not played well. Maybe that will change? Maybe it wont? I don't know. But so far he has not played well. If he does I will certainly say that he is. Who cares that he came from a small school no one has heard of. That doesn't mean you cant play. He wasn't just some typical undersized O Lineman that you often see with these small schools, He has NFL size and strength. He is a starter in the NFL. Its also not like he was brought into a bad situation for him as a player. The scheme fits him fine. Its his technique and awareness that needs work. Not talent or scheme.


He has the talent and I believe will get better but right now so far not good


He was brought in to a bad situation.


Our line was a mess and he wasn't ready.    He played as a rookie because we didn't have other options, just like Blythe now.


That's not good.


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2 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


He was brought in to a bad situation.


Our line was a mess and he wasn't ready.    He played as a rookie because we didn't have other options, just like Blythe now.


That's not good.


Very true. However when it comes to O Linemen I am alright starting them if they have nfl caliber strength and size provided they took most of there snaps in a 3 point stance or are comfortable in 1. What I'm saying is that he is taking lumps now but this could be a good thing for the future.......Unfortunately that also usually comes with a bit of a price which is pressure on your QB till the youngster figures things out which he really cant do much of in practice because of limited padded practices

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11 hours ago, Gavin said:

Truth is Goode hasn't played all that much better than Blythe. Particularly pass blocking. I think people were just so desperate to see a change at RG or to see it fixed that a few fooled themselves into seeing that Goode has been good

I don't think he is the future at all. I see it being more like 

Ac, Jm, Rk , heag,  Clark 

But since Clark not ready we have to do something. Like I just don't know what we can do,  if they put reitz at rg and heag rt or something like than? They better figure it out fast, Luck not gonna last if this keeps up

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9 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


How in the world can you write that?


Guess who started this past Sunday.      Who would've played without him?


The fact that he started proves we needed him.   

Can't draft expecting that you would lose 4 Olineman at once.   Clark is a project that could have helped if we we have used his pick on D. UDFA would have been as adequate to fill in the back up spots Blythe was a wasted pick. We already had a backup center in Harrison and we also could have had Holmes in a pinch   Haeg was ok because he will run out to be an eventual started I hope   Other than that Grigs felt the pressure so it was overkill on the online when we had and have other needs 

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