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Did It Surprise You That Grigson Hadnt Talked To Manning?


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i'm sure he's talked to very few if any players at this point, and none in a professional manner. why should manning be any different?

Because its Peyton manning and he's the key to everything (the draft, the future, his health) one way or another...

he's not just another player.

That would have been my first phone call, to be honest

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I'd think he wants Peyton to be evaluated first. There will be plenty of players moving on to the business of 2012. Peyton will be 1 of those if he's healthy enough.

Everyone is trying to hunt for clues but its right in their faces. It depends on health, be patient ESPN.

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what's to talk about other than exchanging pleasantries?

You ask him how he is..and you assure him of his place on the team...if he's still got one..

That was my thought.

manning is team capatin.elder statesman..and league MVP

..as the new GM, you dont call him?

But Joker and MCBD may be right.

...at least..I hope so

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This may be just me, but if I'm the new guy coming in to a team that has a strong mixture of veterans and younger guys. I'm at least going to touch base with the elder statesmen of the team, 18,63,98,87,93,58,41, etc. At least a personalized hand written note saying I look forward to talking to you and you obviously know what we have ahead of us but I did want to say hello. With the rest of the guys, I'd have my assistant send something out saying the same thing.

But maybe that is just me...

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This may be just me, but if I'm the new guy coming in to a team that has a strong mixture of veterans and younger guys. I'm at least going to touch base with the elder statesmen of the team, 18,63,98,87,93,58,41, etc. At least a personalized hand written note saying I look forward to talking to you and you obviously know what we have ahead of us but I did want to say hello. With the rest of the guys, I'd have my assistant send something out saying the same thing.

But maybe that is just me...

yeah thats what I'm thinking

from what im reading it sounds like he hasn't said a single world to Manning. That is really odd.

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This may be just me, but if I'm the new guy coming in to a team that has a strong mixture of veterans and younger guys. I'm at least going to touch base with the elder statesmen of the team, 18,63,98,87,93,58,41, etc. At least a personalized hand written note saying I look forward to talking to you and you obviously know what we have ahead of us but I did want to say hello. With the rest of the guys, I'd have my assistant send something out saying the same thing.

But maybe that is just me...

That was where I was coming from .......FJC...

///these are YOUR GUYS.....You wil negotiate with them..

Your future is tied to them.

You dont have to call my man Donald Brown

..but I would hope he's at least sedning a tweet out (Is that how you say it) to guys like Saturday and Manning and Brackett and Freeney

..but especially Manning..

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Grigson just couldn't as he was talking ball with Irsay almost all the time. I for myself think that Irsay has already come to a conclusion - and this will only depend on health and nothing else. I just don't want to see that kind of drama that he is not cleared 100% but 96% on March 8th and that the Colts will use it to get rid of him because he is not 100%.


By the way: Is FireJimCaldwell not somewhat obsolete right now? haha

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Grigson just couldn't as he was talking ball with Irsay almost all the time. I for myself think that Irsay has already come to a conclusion - and this will only depend on health and nothing else. I just don't want to see that kind of drama that he is not cleared 100% but 96% on March 8th and that the Colts will use it to get rid of him because he is not 100%.


By the way: Is FireJimCaldwell not somewhat obsolete right now? haha

Thankfully It is... I'm just not sure what I want to change it too..

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It shouldn't be much of a concern because there were/are more important front office decisions to make. And as another poster said, Irsay it probably familiar enough with Manning's situation to answer any of Grigson's immediate questions.

In regards to our on field play, our future and our financial situation going forward...

How can there be a more important Colts' situtaion than Peyton Manning's?

..but you could be right....Irsay may have told him to just sit tight and bone up on our financial situation before talking to anyone.

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If he did talk to Manning, he wasn't going to acknowledge that in a press conference because the next questions would be- what did you guys talk about? How is he doing? Will he return next season? Will you trade him? Will he coexist with Luck..etc...

It's easier to say that they haven't talked and Grigson will let Irsay deal with the Peyton Manning questions when the time is right.

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In regards to our on field play, our future and our financial situation going forward...

How can there be a more important Colts' situtaion than Peyton Manning's?

..but you could be right....Irsay may have told him to just sit tight and bone up on our financial situation before talking to anyone.

I think Manning is the greatest QB of this era and perhaps one of the greatest of all time. THat being said, he is not THE Indianapolis Colts. And you can't decide what direction you are going to go in player wise until you get a HC and decide what direction the team is going to go in. And the HC can't really make a firm decision on that until he knows who is OC and DC are going to be. So yes, there are more pressing needs for a GM than to talk to Peyton and find out he's rehabbing and everything is going as planned.
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I think Manning is the greatest QB of this era and perhaps one of the greatest of all time. THat being said, he is not THE Indianapolis Colts. And you can't decide what direction you are going to go in player wise until you get a HC and decide what direction the team is going to go in. And the HC can't really make a firm decision on that until he knows who is OC and DC are going to be. So yes, there are more pressing needs for a GM than to talk to Peyton and find out he's rehabbing and everything is going as planned.

Player issues at the micro-level shouldn't be the GM's concern anyway. He just basically needs to know the status of the player. For all we know, both Irsay and Manning told Grigson to worry about setting up his coaching personnel.

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At the Monday press conference, Grigson suggested he hadnt talked to Peyton Manning and hadnt even started on that situation yet..

..aftre being here a week

That struck me as ominous..since I want Peyton to come back...

..any other way to look at that?

First - that's not entirely correct; he said they'd played phone tag (my term) once. (So he did try)

Second, it's obvious that

- Peyton is under contract, so not a priority in week #1

- Grigson needs to keep his distance from Peyton -- if Peyton gets cut, Irsay will take the heat for that. Ryan needs plausible deniability.

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Player issues at the micro-level shouldn't be the GM's concern anyway. He just basically needs to know the status of the player. For all we know, both Irsay and Manning told Grigson to worry about setting up his coaching personnel.

If you were a coach interviewing with the Colts wouldn't you want to know the QB situation? If we get an offensive minded HC doesn't it make a big difference whether he's going to be working with Manning or Luck? Seems like if you're in charge of hiring a coaching staff there has to be a pretty accurate picture of the personnel everyone will be working with. Gotta match a system and philosophy with the players.

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Player issues at the micro-level shouldn't be the GM's concern anyway. He just basically needs to know the status of the player. For all we know, both Irsay and Manning told Grigson to worry about setting up his coaching personnel.

Could be. Or Irsay indicated that the doctors and Manning won't really know if he's capable of playing until mid February so let's get all this other stuff taken care of first.
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If he did talk to Manning, he wasn't going to acknowledge that in a press conference because the next questions would be- what did you guys talk about? How is he doing? Will he return next season? Will you trade him? Will he coexist with Luck..etc...

It's easier to say that they haven't talked and Grigson will let Irsay deal with the Peyton Manning questions when the time is right.

Spot on.

Who wouldn't want a healthy Peyton Manning? This is a non issue IMO.

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Because its Peyton manning and he's the key to everything (the draft, the future, his health) one way or another...

he's not just another player.

That would have been my first phone call, to be honest

Peyton is not the key to any draft, like they said its no surprise but at the same time I think he isn't telling the truth. There's no doubt in my mind that Grigson has had contact with manning.

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