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Coaching Staff big part of Pagano's downfall


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First I believe Grigson has to go. Pagano would not stay with him here, and no other coach is going to come in and say, please interfere with my coaching.

Second, while I think Pagano is a great motivational figure, I wonder about making in game adjustments. I think most of that is failure on his part, but is he limited by Grigsons interference?

The real reason I believe Pagano has to go is he is loyal to his staff, and I think that is his downfall. Our offensive line coach does not improve the line. Manusky and the defense. Offense better since Chud took over, hard to tell. Overall I don't think the coaching staff under Pagano is very good and that is from the OL coach to the special teams coach. We may always wonder what would have been, and although I might be willing to give Pagano another chance, his employment means the whole coaching staff stays, and that is where I have to say start over.


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I agree with you on his coaching staff letting him down, but the HC has to take the lead and coach his staff.  I believe he's too much of a players coach, doesn't want to be hated or dislike by his players.  You don't have to be liked to get the job done, just respected and the result are watching the playoffs in your living room. Nice guys finish last as they say...

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Keeping Pagano doesn't necessarily mean the entire staff stays. Head coaches often shake up their staff when they survive a bad season. We already replaced the offensive coordinator; it wouldn't be illogical to replace the defensive coordinator, given the statistical rankings year to year. Same with the OL coach.

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The GM with his personality not merging with his staff is ridiculous.....If you're an owner and you hear this happening you'd better nip it before it escalates.  For the sake of argument this is your team, you own it you call shots....Too little too late, people are going to lose their job in the next 24-48 hours, unfortunately....

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Like I said I'd be inclined to bring Pagano back.  Upgrade the staff around him and if we don't get the results we are looking for next year then it is what it is and you let him walk.  Keep Chud, Hire somebody like a Mike Pettine, or Ray Horton as the DC.  Bring in somebody like a Bill Callahan or somebody on that level as the O line coach. Somebody who will simplify some of these blocking schemes and get more production out of this group we have.  From there it's just a matter of drafting some younger talent to add to the D along with 1 or 2 more O lineman and I think we'd do real well.  If Pagano can't make it fly from that point then you consider firing the guy.  To me it doesn't make sense to fire the guy when you know the pieces you have around him are not up to par.  Give the guy what he needs and then make your call from there.  I don't have any doubt whatsoever if we added some real athletes to this D along with the pieces we already have we will be more than straight defensively.  I also have more than enough confidence the offense will look a lot better than what we are used to seeing with Chud having a full off season to install his system.  I really hope Irsay takes a minute to consider this.  I've got quite a bit of confidence in Pagano with an experienced coaching staff around him and some upgraded personnel.

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10 minutes ago, fatboy said:

Peyton's team is seeded #1 in the AFC.  It's not because Peyton is still a superior QB; it's because Denver built a team around him.  Who is responsible for that?  The GM.  So why does appear Grigson is staying?

Please Jim FIRE Grigson.



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11 hours ago, fatboy said:

Peyton's team is seeded #1 in the AFC.  It's not because Peyton is still a superior QB; it's because Denver built a team around him.  Who is responsible for that?  The GM.  So why does appear Grigson is staying?


This. . . There is no reason that we couldn't at least build the defense that the Broncos have.  


Honestly Grigson blowing every 1st round pick other then Andrew Luck is what has held this team back by quite a bit.  What if we had 3 more good starters on the cheap?  What if Grigson's free agents didn't have a 75% bust rate?


I'm ok with getting rid of Pagano, but Grigson needs to go too.  

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Pagano could absolutely benefit from a new OL coach and telling Manusky to hit the bricks.

But he has declined to do so, even when the signs that it should be done were there before this season.

Being a head coach is about accountability, and Pagano must now be accountable for keeping these guys around and making life hard for the team.

I'd be willing to give Pagano another year if he were to shake up his staff and bring in some new assistants. But if he's gonna be loyal to the guys we have right now, it's just best we go our separate ways.

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1 hour ago, John Waylon said:

Pagano could absolutely benefit from a new OL coach and telling Manusky to hit the bricks.

But he has declined to do so, even when the signs that it should be done were there before this season.

Being a head coach is about accountability, and Pagano must now be accountable for keeping these guys around and making life hard for the team.

I'd be willing to give Pagano another year if he were to shake up his staff and bring in some new assistants. But if he's gonna be loyal to the guys we have right now, it's just best we go our separate ways.


Yeah, getting rid of Grigson, Manusky and the OL coach would be nearly enough for me to see what Pagano could do next year.

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The outcome is inevitable.  With our circumstances either they both stay or they both go.  There is no in between or else our organization will suffer.  You can't keep the HC from the prior regime and have a good GM come in.  They will all be scared of the favoring of the HC due to his survival.  And for dang sure you can't keep the GM as he is a known meddler and I can't think of a single higher tier coach that would want to be under that kind of additional stress. 


Irsay got himself into this hole.  The only way out is to cut em both.

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When you don't have the right personnel, have mediocre position coaches, poor schemes and questionable play-calling, you get poor execution. Sure, Pagano didn't help things with some of his questionable game day decision-making, and he has to take the ultimate blame for the team's seeming lack of preparedness. But he also prevented a total implosion. Grigson is mostly to blame.

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