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40 minutes ago, RockThatBlue said:

Irsay is meeting with Chuck in the morning. We should know Chucks fate fairly early tomorrow.


Yup.    Since I'm on the West Coast,  by the time I wake up and check the website,  Chuck and Colts Nation may know his fate.....



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Whether you want Pagano to return or not...it is a good thing that he is meeting with Irsay tomorrow. I feel he will hold nothing back in his assessment of what is best for the team moving forward, regardless if he is a part of it or not? He has nothing to lose by speaking his mind and many players support him.....

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1 hour ago, TheRustonRifle#7 said:

Whether you want Pagano to return or not...it is a good thing that he is meeting with Irsay tomorrow. I feel he will hold nothing back in his assessment of what is best for the team moving forward, regardless if he is a part of it or not? He has nothing to lose by speaking his mind and many players support him.....



I just hope he can convince him to fire public enemy #1.

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15 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


Honestly,  I think Irsay will be pretty cold blooded about it.


I'm expecting to take up to the news tomorrow that Pagano is gone.


But I can't imagine it would take longer than a day....    so Tuesday at the latest.


I hope Pagano gets a reprieve at the 11th hour,  but I don't see it happening.    It likely ends tomorrow.


We need to remember that Pagano does not have a contract.  He should have to be paid for talking to Irsay. :)

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13 hours ago, TheRustonRifle#7 said:

Whether you want Pagano to return or not...it is a good thing that he is meeting with Irsay tomorrow. I feel he will hold nothing back in his assessment of what is best for the team moving forward, regardless if he is a part of it or not? He has nothing to lose by speaking his mind and many players support him.....

Most of them love Pags.  I hope this goes well for the team.  I still say keep Pagano and fire Grigson.  Also a new DC while at it.  Let Chud run his offense...not Pep's.  


This opinion may not go well, but that is why it is an opinion.  HA HA!

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16 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


Honestly,  I think Irsay will be pretty cold blooded about it.


I'm expecting to take up to the news tomorrow that Pagano is gone.


But I can't imagine it would take longer than a day....    so Tuesday at the latest.


I hope Pagano gets a reprieve at the 11th hour,  but I don't see it happening.    It likely ends tomorrow.


We need to remember that Pagano does not have a contract.  He should have to be paid for talking to Irsay. :)

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1 minute ago, BOTT said:

Doesn't he mostly cover high school sports?

He talks sports period.  Always on top of Colts, Pacers.  He says "Nothing but sports."  Great guy.  Loves the Cubs....


I thought this was well written with some sarcasm, but I liked what I read.

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The on e year 3.7 or 3.9 million dollar contract showed no confidence. Pagano rolled the dice thinking he would be in the SB and rightfully so. The severe beatings by Pittsburgh and New England were humiliations and no Luck and a poor performing Luck added fuel to the fire along with a couple other issues. This last win of the season says something but it was against Tennessee. The New coach is anybody's guess but it will have to be a builder, not just a coach.

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The only thing that scares me, is if they keep Grigson, even IF they keep Pagano as well, I feel like Grigson is starting to get a bad name on the team, and throughout the league. Players talk.. I mean it started with Chandler Harnish, the players aren't saying "Keep Pagano and Grigson." They said "Keep Pagano." 


If you also notice, they say "Pagano isn't the problem" It's obvious who they all don't like..

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Great 8 wins that featured 2 wins over teams with a winning record....


id be fine with him staying over Grigson but I'm not with singing his praises for a job mediocrely done. Especially when they weren't even good with Luck.


If you're going to keep him fine but do it because of his connections to the players and a belief that he can keep the team competitive in the future. Don't reward him because you're impressed by the team's ability to be mediocre.


I'm not applauding a poor season because they could've been worse . That's Browns stuff.

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1 minute ago, Coltfreak said:

Maybe you should lighten up Francis


Uh, yeah, I need to lighten up...you're the one who got your britches in a knot just because I pointed out that the Colts are Jim Irsay's team and not yours.  Also, for me to need to "lighten up", I'd have had to have first been worked up.  Trust me when I say that you calling me a d ick head did not get me worked up...in the slightest.  I simply find it comical that your knickers got twisted so easily.  :thmup:

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On 1/4/2016 at 11:49 AM, BrentMc11 said:

He talks sports period.  Always on top of Colts, Pacers.  He says "Nothing but sports."  Great guy.  Loves the Cubs....


I thought this was well written with some sarcasm, but I liked what I read.

And, I heard the local sales manager there is awesome!  HA!

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3 minutes ago, TheRustonRifle#7 said:

When I watched Chuck's supposedly final post game speech I realized a few things. Every player had his attention as he commanded the room. Irsay had the look in his eyes as if he realized why he signed this man originally. And finally, Grigson looked beaten and out of place.....just watch it again:thmup:

I said Sunday after watching Irsay in the locker room post game that it would be tough for Irsay to let Pags walk.

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5 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

You got timeout for calling another member names and what do you do? You do it again. Just saying.



And yet I wasnt even talking to him when he butted into the conversation and called me sport.

Did he get a time out? 


"I'm a fighter".....  you'll like that I stole it from Pags.....

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1 hour ago, Coltfreak said:



And yet I wasnt even talking to him when he butted into the conversation and called me sport.

Did he get a time out? 


"I'm a fighter".....  you'll like that I stole it from Pags.....

So you think being called sport is name calling? Wow.  Do your feeling get hurt that easy?

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44 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:
44 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

So you think being called sport is name calling? Wow.  Do your feeling get hurt that easy?

So you think being called sport is name calling? Wow.  Do your feeling get hurt that easy?



My feelings are hardly hurt.   Chief

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23 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

If your feeling are never hurt then why revert to name calling? Or is it a anger problem? You can also think your cute by calling me Chief but one thing you might not know, I don't care.


That's awesome.  Nope no anger problems here  young lady..... 

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30 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

Your attempt at insults are lame. But given your argumentative nature it comes as no surprise.

Ma'am,  My intentions are not to insult.  In fact I am only answering because I would feel rude to leave you hanging.  If you would like to end this conversation that is totally up to you.

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5 minutes ago, Coltfreak said:

Ma'am,  My intentions are not to insult.  In fact I am only answering because I would feel rude to leave you hanging.  If you would like to end this conversation that is totally up to you.

You just continue to prove my point. So have yourself a nice day and find someone else who likes to play your childish games.

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