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Photos of Greg Hardy's former girlfriend show multiple injuries


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If you read anything about this case when it happened then you knew that it was WAY worse than the Ray Rice incident, however there was no visual evidence at the time and he still had value to a football team so he gets a second chance. I said a long time ago that this guy should be done. I hope these pictures, along with the fact that he has shown almost no remorse, mean we've seen the last of Greg Hardy. I honestly doubt we have though.

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It won't make any difference.  But I think it should be held against whoever gives him his next contract since no people have seen at least one of the pics proving something happened.  


Hardy is a sleaze and should be out of football and should have been in jail.  His girlfriend went from victim to victim AND facilitator (whether willingly or unwillingly) to unleash this creep not only on the NFL, but on society.  It's been widely believed she was bought off.... If so, I wonder how she'll feel about that money if the next time he kills a woman.  That said, it is hard to expect the victim not to choose the best option for themselves to get past something like this which is why the laws should be different so that she isn't forced to make such a choice.  The saddest thing is when women and children and occasionally men suffer abuse, but fear the results of reporting it even more than the abuse, and keep their mouths shut and die because of it.  It often seems puzzling to outsiders, but it happens so often that we all, as society, have simply failed to solve the problem.  These high profile cases aren't the exception, they're just the rare time that people in general seem to give a @$#@! 


For their part, the NFL tried to give him a longer suspension, but due  to their previous ineptitude, couldn't hold him to it and to their credit DID give him a long suspension that legally would have survived if Hardy had challenged. This is a case of the justice system working in the benefit of those who have money.  Pay off the victim, hire powerful attorney's and take advantage of weak laws and a weak NFL commissioners office and players association who would get any player off on any crime if they could find the right angle.  Sure, people say it is their job, but unlike a criminal defense attorney, it is something they choose to do, not a "right" to protect scum.  


Sick.  But it won't be the last time sadly on any account.  

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To think there was a topic recently bashing the FO for not signing Hardy..

Yep. There were also many here who wrote that they thought she was lying. It is disturbing that all the charges against him have been wiped away as if these actions never took place.

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Hardy should be in jail for multiple years...he is a thug...who the hell does he think he is hitting women?


I'd be ashamed if I were associated with him....


Lets just say I wouldn't be sad if he got a gruesome injury on the football field and ends his career.

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I reported this some months ago when Dallas signed Hardy and we had many peeps here mad that we didn't get Hardy, and also spend a 7th round pick on Collins.


Hardy was found guilty in a bench trial where both sides presented their case and evidence.  Hardy asked for a jury trial, then the case got dropped when the girl couldn't be located.  More than a few said the girl was gold digging and Hardy was innocent (he wasn't found innocent nor not guilty, the case was dismissed when the parties entered into an fiscal agreement)  But the NFL sued the state of North Carolina to get access to those photos, for their own investigation.  Once they had viewed those photos and the testimony from the bench trial, they gave Hardy 10 games suspension.  Because lawyers would get involved and possibly get that thrown out too, The NFL reduced it to 4 games on appeal.  At that point, I knew there was no way Hardy would take his case to Federal court just to remove 4 games. But I'm sure people will scream how bad Goodell and the NFL looks (some he didn't punish Hardy enough, the others Goodell should stay out and mind his own business and let courts settle it (thus - let thug players free to play again) on the Hardy case.


So, for the NFL to have a view of those photos, that were under lock and key by the state of NC, the NFL was allowed to come in to view them. Dallas could have inquired to the league office about them, because it's true they did not, could not, see them (at least at the time).  Now the question is, how did they get out of the security of the State of NC and out into the hands of Deadspin?  Do they become public after a period of time? Or leaked?

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I reported this some months ago when Dallas signed Hardy and we had many peeps here mad that we didn't get Hardy, and also spend a 7th round pick on Collins.


Hardy was found guilty in a bench trial where both sides presented their case and evidence.  Hardy asked for a jury trial, then the case got dropped when the girl couldn't be located.  More than a few said the girl was gold digging and Hardy was innocent (he wasn't found innocent nor not guilty, the case was dismissed when the parties entered into an fiscal agreement)  But the NFL sued the state of North Carolina to get access to those photos, for their own investigation.  Once they had viewed those photos and the testimony from the bench trial, they gave Hardy 10 games suspension.  Because lawyers would get involved and possibly get that thrown out too, The NFL reduced it to 4 games on appeal.  At that point, I knew there was no way Hardy would take his case to Federal court just to remove 4 games. But I'm sure people will scream how bad Goodell and the NFL looks (some he didn't punish Hardy enough, the others Goodell should stay out and mind his own business and let courts settle it (thus - let thug players free to play again) on the Hardy case.


So, for the NFL to have a view of those photos, that were under lock and key by the state of NC, the NFL was allowed to come in to view them. Dallas could have inquired to the league office about them, because it's true they did not, could not, see them (at least at the time).  Now the question is, how did they get out of the security of the State of NC and out into the hands of Deadspin?  Do they become public after a period of time? Or leaked?


I'm guessing at leaked, someone objected to him "getting away with" and leaked the pics. 


What really gets me here is Jones saying they didn't have access to the pictures.. bull. They know exactly what went on and they're backing Hardy to the hilt. Fine. you've crossed the Rubicon, he's your guy I get that. But don't go calling him a leader etc. you just look out of touch with reality. 

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I'm guessing at leaked, someone objected to him "getting away with" and leaked the pics.

What really gets me here is Jones saying they didn't have access to the pictures.. bull. They know exactly what went on and they're backing Hardy to the hilt. Fine. you've crossed the Rubicon, he's your guy I get that. But don't go calling him a leader etc. you just look out of touch with reality.

Jerry Jones is a master at looking out of touch with reality.

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I detect a hint of sarcasm, so please don't let me put words in your mouth, expand on your position about morals vs team need.

What moral?.

He was let go by the court which is a mistake. Why are we blaming Jerry Jones?. He was eligible to be selected and he did.

Please don't talk about Moral. That's a loaded statement.

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What moral?.

He was let go by the court which is a mistake. Why are we blaming Jerry Jones?. He was eligible to be selected and he did.

Please don't talk about Moral. That's a loaded statement.


Read the above post by ColtsBlue, he wasn't "let go".


Ok put it another way, do we accept that it's more likely than not he physically assaulted the woman in question, speaking between ourselves.


I don't see how I can't speak about morals, I personally find the act of anyone who abuses their partner with violence to be morally reprehensible. 

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Read the above post by ColtsBlue, he wasn't "let go".

Ok put it another way, do we accept that it's more likely than not he physically assaulted the woman in question, speaking between ourselves.

I don't see how I can't speak about morals, I personally find the act of anyone who abuses their partner with violence to be morally reprehensible.

If he is not let go, why is he not in jail?

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What moral?.

He was let go by the court which is a mistake. Why are we blaming Jerry Jones?. He was eligible to be selected and he did.

Please don't talk about Moral. That's a loaded statement.

Earlier you wrote that it is the job of law enforcement, not the NFL, to punish perpetrators of criminal behavior. I get that, but a team can choose not to sign players accused of such behavior. Many places of employment do background checks and will not hire those who commit egregious acts, regardless of how skilled or talented they are. While I strongly believe in second and third chances, I don't want Hardy anywhere near my team. He has yet to show remorse or contrition for what he did to that woman. He continues to act like a jerk, making inappropriate comments about other men's wives and berating teammates and coaches. The Cowboys have empowered him too much by standing by him. I would not be surprised if he gets into more trouble and brings shame to the organization.

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The joys of a flawed justice system?

Do you think he did it.. yes or no?

That's all I am saying. Fault lies in the justice system. Let's not blame Jerry Jones.

I organize and sponsor fund raising events against domestic violence. Of course, what he did is wrong. Read my earlier posts.

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Earlier you wrote that it is the job of law enforcement, not the NFL, to punish perpetrators of criminal behavior. I get that, but a team can choose not to sign players accused of such behavior. Many places of employment do background checks and will not hire those who commit egregious acts, regardless of how skilled or talented they are. While I strongly believe in second and third chances, I don't want Hardy anywhere near my team. He has yet to show remorse or contrition for what he did to that woman. He continues to act like a jerk, making inappropriate comments about other men's wives and berating teammates and coaches. The Cowboys have empowered him too much by standing by him. I would not be surprised if he gets into more trouble and brings shame to the organization.

Sure, Organizations should implement those policies but NFL is a money making machine. They don't care about these.

We all are guilty to be following and supporting such an organization.

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That's all I am saying. Fault lies in the justice system. Let's not blame Jerry Jones.

I organize and sponsor fund raising events against domestic violence. Of course, what he did is wrong. Read my earlier posts.


No lets... just because technically it's all ok and within the laws doesn't mean you can't take a moral stand.


If everyone went along with things we'd never have social change. 



He's actively promoting the man as a role model, and for someone who's involved in working against DA you don't have a problem with that? 

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No lets... just because technically it's all ok and within the laws doesn't mean you can't take a moral stand.

If everyone went along with things we'd never have social change.

He's actively promoting the man as a role model, and for someone who's involved in working against DA you don't have a problem with that?

What he is doing is within the rules. How about Fix the rules.

You can talk about all the morals you want.

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What he is doing is within the rules. How about Fix the rules.

You can talk about all the morals you want.

No one says he is not acting within the rules. He (Jerry Jones) could have chosen not to sign Hardy. That is all everyone is saying.

Carolina is a much better and more stable team without Hardy. I applaud them for ridding themselves of him.

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Yes I bloody well can because if no one does, nothing changes, that is, fixing the rules.

Even by your standards... I'm shocked.

Do you even read my posts. Focus on the topic not me. If you want to talk personal, do you want me to talk British and moral system?. I don't want to go there. So shut it.

Let me repeat this. I hate domestic violence. I spend thousands of dollars of my own money to prevent it.

Whine about justice system and NFL to allow this to happen. Jerry Jones is one guy who is selecting a player who is eligible to be selected.

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No one says he is not acting within the rules. He (Jerry Jones) could have chosen not to sign Hardy. That is all everyone is saying.

Carolina is a much better and more stable team without Hardy. I applaud them.

I understand that.

All I am saying is why NFL not implement a policy to block this to begin with?.

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Do you even read my posts. Focus on the topic not me. If you want to talk personal, do you want me to talk British and moral system?. I don't want to go there. So shut it.

Let me repeat this. I hate domestic violence. I spend thousands of dollars of my own money to prevent it.

Whine about justice system and NFL to allow this to happen. Jerry Jones is one guy who is selecting a player who is eligible to be selected.

I guess I am unclear exactly what you are trying to convey. Are you saying that while you are against criminal behavior, you have no problem with Jerry Jones signing Hardy?

I am not giving you a hard time. I am just trying to understand your point.

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I'm guessing at leaked, someone objected to him "getting away with" and leaked the pics. 


What really gets me here is Jones saying they didn't have access to the pictures.. bull. They know exactly what went on and they're backing Hardy to the hilt. Fine. you've crossed the Rubicon, he's your guy I get that. But don't go calling him a leader etc. you just look out of touch with reality. 


Do you see what's going on here?  I recognize the play.  Jerry is doing what Roger did in the Ray Rice case.  Roger says he didn't see the Rice video. Thus the light penalty.  Then TMZ puts it out in the public, and the world lights up Goddell's world!  Then the saga ensued.


It was true, Roger and the League never saw the video.  FBI investigation proved it, but that didn't get Roger and the League off the hook.  Here is an excerpt from the FBI report-


** The report scolded the NFL for deference to law enforcement, saying that it “can foster an environment in  which it is less important to understand precisely what a player did than to understand how and when the criminal justice system addresses the event.” And, in Rice's specific case it “led to deficiencies in the League’s collection and analysis of information during its investigation.”

The Mueller Report says there was enough evidence for the NFL to dig further into what happened, which it did not. **


The league has since learned form that; witness the Hardy case.


Jerry is truthful, he couldn't see the photos, but he could have inquired more to the league.  But like Goodell in Rice, Jerry doesn't want to be accountable for knowing and signing Hardy anyway.  Now pictures come out and Jerry defends on the not seeing them routine Goodell used.  Classic.

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I guess I am unclear exactly what you are trying to convey. Are you saying that while you are against criminal behavior, you have no problem with Jerry Jones signing Hardy?

I am not giving you a hard time. I am just trying to understand your point.

We have bigger issue than Jerry Jones is all I am saying. Blame the law system and NFL first before we get to Jerry Jones.

Why do we have to leave it to morality?. Why not implement a policy saying players with domestic violence records are not eligible to play in NFL?.

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