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Everyone but Luck overlooked? Does the rest of the team deserve more credit?

Lawrence Owen

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No question of Lucks bad play this year.  You give any other Team our turnovers..they'd be blown out EVERY game.  Overthrows, underthrows, Into traffic, Holding 5+ seconds too much.  These have been Lucks bad qualities.  Yet, we have been in every game but 1 this year.  Most have been losses by a TD or less. 

 Yet the most popular opinion is that Luck IS the team, that without Luck, we are nothing.  Yet, Even with as BAD as Luck has played, we've been in games.  To me, this speaks of how good the REST of the team is.  

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I listen to a lot of local ESPN radio, and the general consensus which I agree with is the team is not good. The team has poor QB play, shaky OL play at best that is highly penalized, a bad to mediocre D (although it's put in a bad position), shaky special teams play, bad offensive schemes, and many would say the team just lacks talent which is on Grigson, also a big lack of unpreparedness which falls on the coach. The latter two are opinions which change to a varying degree pending on the person.

They should've lost to Jacksonville for crying out loud. No this team is not good.

Btw see Denver and Carolina as teams that turn the ball over often and are still undefeated.

It would look MUCH, MUCH worse if Luck and co weren't leading these monumental comebacks to win (Titans) and get back in the game (Saints, Panthers).

It's not rocket science.

Nobody besides Pat McAfee stands out to me as a star, THIS year.

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I think the defense does pretty good. The offense does not compliment the defense at all. Way too many 3 and outs. Way too many turnovers. All of this usually happening in the first half which doesn't give them much rest time and by the time the offense finally gets it together (usually in the fourth quarter)  the defense doesn't have much left. And for its worth the defense isn't ranked very good but it is because the offense is inept.

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No question of Lucks bad play this year.  You give any other Team our turnovers..they'd be blown out EVERY game.  Overthrows, underthrows, Into traffic, Holding 5+ seconds too much.  These have been Lucks bad qualities.  Yet, we have been in every game but 1 this year.  Most have been losses by a TD or less. 

 Yet the most popular opinion is that Luck IS the team, that without Luck, we are nothing.  Yet, Even with as BAD as Luck has played, we've been in games.  To me, this speaks of how good the REST of the team is.  

We are 2-0 with Matt and 1-5 with Luck granted Matt played against two of the weakest teams on our schedule but really Luck nearly didn't get it together to pull off the only game he won this year. His play has been awful at times. The INT in the Tenn game where he just threw it up was bush league. He misses way too many throws, looks down his WR's and doesn't appear to see the field well. He had AJ wide open to win the game vs Carolina clean pocket and missed him by 10 yards That ball was not even close.


I am not calling for Matt to take over. Hopefully getting rid of Pep will help the entire offense. I was never a fan of that guy. I think you hit the nail on the head we need better play from the QB position. If you go back and watch the NE game the big difference in that game was Brady puts the ball on target. You rarely get off the field because he makes a poor throw and we leave the field on a poor throws way to often IMO. After saying all that I will say what I have said since the preseason Luck hasn't looked right. All those things were there in the preseason. I am not sure what is going on but he hasn't played well.

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Luck always carried the team in years past. I mean, what were we last year? A team that 1) lead the NFL by FAR in dropped passes 2) came into the season with a T-Rich lead rushing attack 3) had a patchwork O-line and 4) had no pass rush. We made it to the AFCCG because of #12.


This year Luck has been bad. I think Grigson made some good moves on the D-line, and our defense really plays hard, but we still have the pass rush problem. On offense, really nobody has done anything that amazing. Frank Gore has been solid, Jack Mewhort, Moncrief, and maybe Hilton. Those few have done well but they haven't been superstars. Other than that, who can you really say has been a plus player if we're going by just this season? Not Luck, not Costanzo, not Holmes, not Thornton, not Dwayne Allen, not Johnson, not Dorsett, not Josh Robinson, not Todd Herremans, not Lance Louis, not even Matt Hasselbeck. I'm not calling all those guys terrible, they just haven't been real impact players this season.

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Luck always carried the team in years past. I mean, what were we last year? A team that 1) lead the NFL by FAR in dropped passes 2) came into the season with a T-Rich lead rushing attack 3) had a patchwork O-line and 4) had no pass rush. We made it to the AFCCG because of #12.


This year Luck has been bad. I think Grigson made some good moves on the D-line, and our defense really plays hard, but we still have the pass rush problem. On offense, really nobody has done anything that amazing. Frank Gore has been solid, Jack Mewhort, Moncrief, and maybe Hilton. Those few have done well but they haven't been superstars. Other than that, who can you really say has been a plus player if we're going by just this season? Not Luck, not Costanzo, not Holmes, not Thornton, not Dwayne Allen, not Johnson, not Dorsett, not Josh Robinson, not Todd Herremans, not Lance Louis, not even Matt Hasselbeck. 

Not sure what your point is about the rest of the offense.  WRs and TEs can't catch passes that are never thrown, or are thrown in the ground or sailed out of bounce.  Gore can't run if the ball is not handed to him.  Luck's struggles and Pep's poor play calling have prevented everyone on offense of showing what they can do.  

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Not sure what your point is about the rest of the offense.  WRs and TEs can't catch passes that are never thrown, or are thrown in the ground or sailed out of bounce.  Gore can't run if the ball is not handed to him.  Luck's struggles and Pep's poor play calling have prevented everyone on offense of showing what they can do.  


My point is that they haven't played well and they shouldn't be sparred criticism just because Luck and Pep have been bigger problems. 

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I've always loathed the notion that Luck is carrying the team, especially this year and last. This defense keeps the team in the game when the offense struggles. (See Browns and last Houston game last season)

That notion always been the case, even when Manning was here.  The Colts never have enough loud mouths on the team to get any serious cred. 


Don't you know, the Pats, Steelers, Ravens, Seahawks, Eagles, and Giants are the only real teams that ever have a complete roster.  All other teams succeed via gimmick.

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That notion always been the case, even when Manning was here. The Colts never have enough loud mouths on the team to get any serious cred.

Don't you know, the Pats, Steelers, Ravens, Seahawks, Eagles, and Giants are the only real teams that ever have a complete roster. All other teams succeed via gimmick.

Manning teams were always extremely shallow. "If" and that's a big IF Bob S. Was on the field then you could say he had a decent team on the other side. But when all of your "stars" can really only do one thing then they really aren't stars are they?

Lucks team is much much much better even without names. Because this year we have a good deep DLINE that can actually both penetrate and contain. We have a deep group of linebackers that can stop the run and cover and a great (when healthy) defensive backfield that can create turnovers. Everyone is worried about the pass rush but it literally doesn't matter if we can stop the team from converting third downs. Which is something this defense has proven it can do. And mainly because they can stop the run. Yes pass rush is needed to stop the elites but this defense has the main priority of stopping the run which is exactly what Luck needs when he plays to his ability.

Anyone who says this team is all just Luck doesn't really watch the games. He has a very well built team around him even on offense. The line can run block and run the ball. The TEs can both block and catch well, the receivers are very well rounded.

You can't have a perfect team. And this team is good enough to win a superbowl if it has a QB who is champion caliber.

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Manning teams were always extremely shallow. "If" and that's a big IF Bob S. Was on the field then you could say he had a decent team on the other side. But when all of your "stars" can really only do one thing then they really aren't stars are they?

Lucks team is much much much better even without names. Because this year we have a good deep DLINE that can actually both penetrate and contain. We have a deep group of linebackers that can stop the run and cover and a great (when healthy) defensive backfield that can create turnovers. Everyone is worried about the pass rush but it literally doesn't matter if we can stop the team from converting third downs. Which is something this defense has proven it can do. And mainly because they can stop the run. Yes pass rush is needed to stop the elites but this defense has the main priority of stopping the run which is exactly what Luck needs when he plays to his ability.

Anyone who says this team is all just Luck doesn't really watch the games. He has a very well built team around him even on offense. The line can run block and run the ball. The TEs can both block and catch well, the receivers are very well rounded.

You can't have a perfect team. And this team is good enough to win a superbowl if it has a QB who is champion caliber.

I have no idea where you get that from. This team is nowhere near the caliber as what Manning had back in the days, especially on the offensive side of the ball. Mannings offensive roster included mutiple future Hofers at every segment, OL, WR, RB, he also had a HOF coach through the years. His offense was a dream team only the greatest show on turf the Rams could compare with. He also still played with defenses that were easily comparable to, if not better than what they have now. That old bend but break D with Brackett, Sanders, Jackson, Freeney and Mathis was easily as serviceable as this one currently is.

Everyone knows this current D is mediocre at best. I personally haven't heard any local sports affiliates say they're good because they aren't. Heck Bortles, Mariota, and Hoyer looked like Joe Montana against them, haha.

They're just going to get demolished again, this Sunday even with decent QB play. The team is playing gutter ball. Stop putting the blame single handedly on Luck, it's getting old from you people. I'll say it again, look at Denver and Carolina.

The D is gutter, coaching is gutter and the O is gutter. It's not as simple as, "Oh Luck needs to play better and they can win the super bowl."

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Manning teams were always extremely shallow. "If" and that's a big IF Bob S. Was on the field then you could say he had a decent team on the other side. But when all of your "stars" can really only do one thing then they really aren't stars are they?

Lucks team is much much much better even without names. Because this year we have a good deep DLINE that can actually both penetrate and contain. We have a deep group of linebackers that can stop the run and cover and a great (when healthy) defensive backfield that can create turnovers. Everyone is worried about the pass rush but it literally doesn't matter if we can stop the team from converting third downs. Which is something this defense has proven it can do. And mainly because they can stop the run. Yes pass rush is needed to stop the elites but this defense has the main priority of stopping the run which is exactly what Luck needs when he plays to his ability.

Anyone who says this team is all just Luck doesn't really watch the games. He has a very well built team around him even on offense. The line can run block and run the ball. The TEs can both block and catch well, the receivers are very well rounded.

You can't have a perfect team. And this team is good enough to win a superbowl if it has a QB who is champion caliber.

Teams have success because they have good players at all positions, and they usually go far into the playoffs when one or two players have a better year than their average.


Don't believe what you hear about a QB carrying a bad team.  The people saying that stuff have a reason for saying it, and it isn't to convey the truth. Its about convincing unsmart, obnoxious, people to continually show up to open air stadiums and buy cold beer when its 40 degrees and raining.  It makes them think they're "real football fans" because they are enduring the elements to cheer for "real football teams"  Note the cities I listed above. 


GB and CHI don't really fit because those teams and fans tend less to have loud mouthed players and fans.

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I have no idea where you get that from. This team is nowhere near the caliber as what Manning had back in the days, especially on the offensive side of the ball. Mannings offensive roster included mutiple future Hofers at every segment, OL, WR, RB, he also had a HOF coach through the years. His offense was a dream team only the greatest show on turf the Rams could compare with. He also still played with defenses that were easily comparable to, if not better than what they have now. That old bend but break D with Brackett, Sanders, Jackson, Freeney and Mathis was easily as serviceable as this one currently is.

Everyone knows this current D is mediocre at best. I personally haven't heard any local sports affiliates say they're good because they aren't. Heck Bortles, Mariota, and Hoyer looked like Joe Montana against them, haha.

They're just going to get demolished again, this Sunday even with decent QB play. The team is playing gutter ball. Stop putting the blame single handedly on Luck, it's getting old from you people. I'll say it again, look at Denver and Carolina.

The D is gutter, coaching is gutter and the O is gutter. It's not as simple as, "Oh Luck needs to play better and they can win the super bowl."



Your view is just as ridiculous as the one you bantered against.  This team has much more talent than Manning's.  It isn't close.  Yes the Manning teams had the names but those names were one trick ponies especially Freeney.  He had weapons on offense yes but he had a putrid oline his last 6 years with a below average left tackle...  Unless you'd like to say C J (as good as a guy he was) was better than an average LT?  On defense Manning had no one.  Everyone loves to point out Freeney a one dimensional player that got tons of sacks because his QB constantly put him ahead on the scoreboard.  But when it came down to needing to beat the great teams he was useless because he couldn't contain.  Everyone here inflates Gary B. above and beyond.  He was a good guy but not a great LBer.  He was very very very ordinary and soft.  His best counterparts in the LB corp never stayed because we never payed them.  Our corners were not only below average they weren't coached very well.  To add on top of the lack of talent the "HoF" Coach you are putting on a pedestal had a flawed system that needed perfect players that he wasn't going to get with Manning on the team and he refused to change.  Dungy is overrated vastly as well.  He will be in the HoF but not for being a genius coach but for being the first African American to win a superbowl and to rack up wins with Manning as his QB.   You are inflating Manning's teams but if you compare them to the rest of the league they were very poor.


So now because the media does'nt say so it's true? lol  This defense if you look at it compared to the rest of the league isn't poor.  It has a great system and does it's job well.  It gets people off the field and that is all that you can expect a defense to do.  Is it the 2000 Baltimore Ravens?  No not even close but we don't need it to be.  We need it to be able to get teams off on 3rd down and it can do that. Much better than letting the other team slowly run and pass for 8 minutes and give up a TD or FG every time as before in the "bend don't break" era.   So you're statement of "everyone knows this D is mediocre at best" is false.  Because if you watch the game you'd know they are much better than mediocre at best. 


Btw I think you are going to be surprised that Indy will put up a very good fight against Manning and the Bronco's.  They will be far from "demolished".  


Now to the irony of your post.


You're complaining that everyone needs to stop putting all the blame on Luck because him playing better doesn't fix everything but yet complain that everything is trash but Luck...  lol  Oh by the way...  I never put it all on Luck I just said that if Luck plays to potential (which includes coaching, play calling, etc.) then this defense is more than what we need.  

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We are 2-0 with Matt and 1-5 with Luck granted Matt played against two of the weakest teams on our schedule but really Luck nearly didn't get it together to pull off the only game he won this year. His play has been awful at times. The INT in the Tenn game where he just threw it up was bush league. He misses way too many throws, looks down his WR's and doesn't appear to see the field well. He had AJ wide open to win the game vs Carolina clean pocket and missed him by 10 yards That ball was not even close.


I am not calling for Matt to take over. Hopefully getting rid of Pep will help the entire offense. I was never a fan of that guy.

I just don't get most of you guys on here.  Everything you said in the 1st paragraph was dead on.  Then you follow it up with you hope getting rid of the offensive coordinator will help the player you described in the 1st paragraph "get better."  How does that even make sense.  That's like me saying I hope getting rid of Manusky makes Werner pass rush better.  wth?!?!


Pep was not remotely close to the problem.  He was brought in to take pressure off of Luck and establish a run game.  He did that compared to what we had when Arians was here.  His offense is not well suited for the track star WRs we have so he adapted it and mixed in deep passes with power run football.  For the most part it worked enough to get us to a AFCCG.  Now that Luck has gone south it's his play calls that are the culprit?  HOW?  The only thing I can say he didn't do well is feature his TEs as receiving threats.  And now I'm questioning whether he did and Luck just didn't look for them and looked down field, because Allen and Fleener were TD machines last year and the year before.


As far as the OP's post I think it's spot on.  This D is actually good.  How often to they get to start a defense possession from the 20?  This offense does not help them out at all and puts them in bad positions way too much and has them on the field way too much.  In the last two games outside of turnovers they held down Carolina and New Orleans.

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Your view is just as ridiculous as the one you bantered against.  This team has much more talent than Manning's.  It isn't close.  Yes the Manning teams had the names but those names were one trick ponies especially Freeney.  He had weapons on offense yes but he had a putrid oline his last 6 years with a below average left tackle...  Unless you'd like to say C J (as good as a guy he was) was better than an average LT?  On defense Manning had no one.  Everyone loves to point out Freeney a one dimensional player that got tons of sacks because his QB constantly put him ahead on the scoreboard.  But when it came down to needing to beat the great teams he was useless because he couldn't contain.  Everyone here inflates Gary B. above and beyond.  He was a good guy but not a great LBer.  He was very very very ordinary and soft.  His best counterparts in the LB corp never stayed because we never payed them.  Our corners were not only below average they weren't coached very well.  To add on top of the lack of talent the "HoF" Coach you are putting on a pedestal had a flawed system that needed perfect players that he wasn't going to get with Manning on the team and he refused to change.  Dungy is overrated vastly as well.  He will be in the HoF but not for being a genius coach but for being the first African American to win a superbowl and to rack up wins with Manning as his QB.   You are inflating Manning's teams but if you compare them to the rest of the league they were very poor.


So now because the media does'nt say so it's true? lol  This defense if you look at it compared to the rest of the league isn't poor.  It has a great system and does it's job well.  It gets people off the field and that is all that you can expect a defense to do.  Is it the 2000 Baltimore Ravens?  No not even close but we don't need it to be.  We need it to be able to get teams off on 3rd down and it can do that. Much better than letting the other team slowly run and pass for 8 minutes and give up a TD or FG every time as before in the "bend don't break" era.   So you're statement of "everyone knows this D is mediocre at best" is false.  Because if you watch the game you'd know they are much better than mediocre at best. 


Btw I think you are going to be surprised that Indy will put up a very good fight against Manning and the Bronco's.  They will be far from "demolished".  


Now to the irony of your post.


You're complaining that everyone needs to stop putting all the blame on Luck because him playing better doesn't fix everything but yet complain that everything is trash but Luck...  lol  Oh by the way...  I never put it all on Luck I just said that if Luck plays to potential (which includes coaching, play calling, etc.) then this defense is more than what we need.  


First off it's all a hog wash pending on what era we are comparing this team to, Manning was with the Colts for well over a decade and has had far more talented teams/coaching across the board than this current roster .  So yeah in 2010 they may have had a garbage roster for example, with a garbage OL, that was ousted in the first round by the Jets, at home, in the wild card round.  However, the D played well in that game.  The soft Ds that we saw during the Manning era are very comparable to the same soft D I currently see.  What do you think this team consist of??  One trick ponies. 


I will value any opinion I hear on our local sports affiliates vs that of a random poster on a forum and NOONE, is saying this D is good.  The general consensus it's that it's mediocre at best.  It may be put in a bad position but so are Carolina and Denver on the D side of the ball and last time I checked, they're undefeated. 


Also where in my post did I say Luck was not playing like trash.  I've stated he's playing like trash many times.  I said both the O and the D are gutter.  This is a shaky team @ best and if you think that they can continue to play the way they have an be fine against Denver, I need some of what your smoking.  


I really do hope I eat crow at the end of the season but as of now, this team isn't a good team.  It's going to take a little bit more than just, "ohh Luck needs to play better," to fix what they have going on.  They literally have to improve in almost every aspect to even think about being a SB contender.  

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No question of Lucks bad play this year.  You give any other Team our turnovers..they'd be blown out EVERY game.  Overthrows, underthrows, Into traffic, Holding 5+ seconds too much.  These have been Lucks bad qualities.  Yet, we have been in every game but 1 this year.  Most have been losses by a TD or less. 

 Yet the most popular opinion is that Luck IS the team, that without Luck, we are nothing.  Yet, Even with as BAD as Luck has played, we've been in games.  To me, this speaks of how good the REST of the team is.  


We can all agree that Luck is playing poorly this year, thus the 2-5 record. When Luck plays well, 3 back-to-back 11-5 seasons. So to answer the question, the team goes as Luck goes, as with most teams and their QBs.

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I just don't get most of you guys on here. Everything you said in the 1st paragraph was dead on. Then you follow it up with you hope getting rid of the offensive coordinator will help the player you described in the 1st paragraph "get better." How does that even make sense. That's like me saying I hope getting rid of Manusky makes Werner pass rush better. wth?!?!

Pep was not remotely close to the problem. He was brought in to take pressure off of Luck and establish a run game. He did that compared to what we had when Arians was here. His offense is not well suited for the track star WRs we have so he adapted it and mixed in deep passes with power run football. For the most part it worked enough to get us to a AFCCG. Now that Luck has gone south it's his play calls that are the culprit? HOW? The only thing I can say he didn't do well is feature his TEs as receiving threats. And now I'm questioning whether he did and Luck just didn't look for them and looked down field, because Allen and Fleener were TD machines last year and the year before.

As far as the OP's post I think it's spot on. This D is actually good. How often to they get to start a defense possession from the 20? This offense does not help them out at all and puts them in bad positions way too much and has them on the field way too much. In the last two games outside of turnovers they held down Carolina and New Orleans.

Did you see how today? Calling plays at the right time, using screens, picks. We actually had TY running free. Having Bradshaw not pick up the blitz throwing over it.

That's what an O looks like that has a plan rather than throwing darts at the playbook.

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I just don't get most of you guys on here.  Everything you said in the 1st paragraph was dead on.  Then you follow it up with you hope getting rid of the offensive coordinator will help the player you described in the 1st paragraph "get better."  How does that even make sense.  That's like me saying I hope getting rid of Manusky makes Werner pass rush better.  wth?!?!


Pep was not remotely close to the problem.  He was brought in to take pressure off of Luck and establish a run game.  He did that compared to what we had when Arians was here.  His offense is not well suited for the track star WRs we have so he adapted it and mixed in deep passes with power run football.  For the most part it worked enough to get us to a AFCCG.  Now that Luck has gone south it's his play calls that are the culprit?  HOW?  The only thing I can say he didn't do well is feature his TEs as receiving threats.  And now I'm questioning whether he did and Luck just didn't look for them and looked down field, because Allen and Fleener were TD machines last year and the year before.


As far as the OP's post I think it's spot on.  This D is actually good.  How often to they get to start a defense possession from the 20?  This offense does not help them out at all and puts them in bad positions way too much and has them on the field way too much.  In the last two games outside of turnovers they held down Carolina and New Orleans.


Pep was a problem. He was actively hurting the team. You know this. 30 straight passes hurts the team. No excuse.

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This year, the credit has to go to the defense.  This defense has been getting crapped on in the past, and rightfully so sometimes, but they deserve the credit for this year so far.


They have been put in bad situations too many times because of our offense.  They have held their own.  Holding the Broncos to 7 points in the first half is amazing.  Holding any team to one score for a half is amazing.  We're at the point where our defense is solid, we just need the playmakers now.

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This year, the credit has to go to the defense.  This defense has been getting crapped on in the past, and rightfully so sometimes, but they deserve the credit for this year so far.


They have been put in bad situations too many times because of our offense.  They have held their own.  Holding the Broncos to 7 points in the first half is amazing.  Holding any team to one score for a half is amazing.  We're at the point where our defense is solid, we just need the playmakers now.

Actually the defense pitched a shutout in the first half. Special Teams gave up the TD.

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I know we're not going to sit here and measure our schedule like it was good or something and try to take credit away from Luck. 1st, or schedule STUNK so far! The wins we have, u can win those games by mistake. Look what Miami did to Hous, let's stop this madness. 2nd, every time we lose, all I hear is all this stuff that Luck did wrong and he should have passed here and he held it too long and allllll these lame reasons as to why we loss bcuz of Luck. Just ignoring all the offensive holding calls, muff punts, worse sp team calls in history, defensive holding calls, terrible play calling, drop/tip drill passes, it goes on with this team....ignoring all of that to say Luck is the reason we loss. So, when we win, we're just gonna do the same and conveniently ignore alll that made us win and just give all credit to Luck. Where there's no consistency, there's buullcrp.

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Last night was the only significant win....and I guarantee, no matter how prepared our D was against Den, Hass would've loss that game. They beat Luck up! I would love to be able to see that. See how fast people wanna put Luck back in the game after that disaster. Hass can't even move. Ware would've been licking his chops. Crazy how people keep disrespecting Luck bul, I tell ya.

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I listen to a lot of local ESPN radio, and the general consensus which I agree with is the team is not good. The team has poor QB play, shaky OL play at best that is highly penalized, a bad to mediocre D (although it's put in a bad position), shaky special teams play, bad offensive schemes, and many would say the team just lacks talent which is on Grigson, also a big lack of unpreparedness which falls on the coach. The latter two are opinions which change to a varying degree pending on the person.

They should've lost to Jacksonville for crying out loud. No this team is not good.

Btw see Denver and Carolina as teams that turn the ball over often and are still undefeated.

It would look MUCH, MUCH worse if Luck and co weren't leading these monumental comebacks to win (Titans) and get back in the game (Saints, Panthers).

It's not rocket science.

Nobody besides Pat McAfee stands out to me as a star, THIS year.[/quote

This is all very very laughable!!! Sorry but it is. No this team has not been great or elite. But look at the situations and circumstances. Like the Defense, they have played pretty dang well most of this season. Their stats don't show that, but stats also don't come close to telling us the whole story and giving us the full context. Look at all the 3 and out drives our Offense has had, all the turnovers in our own territory giving the opponent a short field. And the Defense through the first 7 games seemed like it was on the field 75% of the time, they were getting gassed. YET they still kept us in games and gave us a chance in many games!!! They are alot better than the numbers indicate. Penalties is matter of discipline, which can be fixed. You also can consider that a fair amount of the penalties were bogus. I think the O line has been made to look a little worse than it is via Peps play calling and having Luck stand back there so long. But they can definitely get better.

Big thing is, our Offense found its Rythem and we have coordinator now that knows how to call and offensive game plan and look at the difference... Our time of posession went way up, we had way less penalties yesterday and for about 75% of the game we kept the Denver O bottled up. We've shown we CAN be good. But now it's about consistency and discipline, gotta do all the little things.

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This is all very very laughable!!! Sorry but it is. No this team has not been great or elite. But look at the situations and circumstances. Like the Defense, they have played pretty dang well most of this season. Their stats don't show that, but stats also don't come close to telling us the whole story and giving us the full context. Look at all the 3 and out drives our Offense has had, all the turnovers in our own territory giving the opponent a short field. And the Defense through the first 7 games seemed like it was on the field 75% of the time, they were getting gassed. YET they still kept us in games and gave us a chance in many games!!! They are alot better than the numbers indicate. Penalties is matter of discipline, which can be fixed. You also can consider that a fair amount of the penalties were bogus. I think the O line has been made to look a little worse than it is via Peps play calling and having Luck stand back there so long. But they can definitely get better.

Big thing is, our Offense found its Rythem and we have coordinator now that knows how to call and offensive game plan and look at the difference... Our time of posession went way up, we had way less penalties yesterday and for about 75% of the game we kept the Denver O bottled up. We've shown we CAN be good. But now it's about consistency and discipline, gotta do all the little things.

Don't get me wrong, I hope your right. I love the Colts and Sunday was a step in the right direction. Baby steps!

I will gladly eat crow with many of the comments I've said about them this year if they continue to improve.

D did take a huge loss with the injury of Anderson though. Toler is as good as toast but again, lots of room for improvement.

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