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Nothing more satisfying than settling the Colts with a loss


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Idk but this made me think of a meme I saw, in combination with the guy taking abut the lion, but it said.

A dentist kills a lion in zimbabwe with a gun, the dentist is evil.

People kill people in America, guns are evil.

Lol. I think it's funny anyways.


The only felon on our team was Mike McGlynn.


Murdered a million doughnuts, while being an accessory in aggravated assault on the QB.


haha haha haha



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I cannot wait for this mess to go away.  There is enough shadiness on the part of the Pats to where I firmly believe they circumvented the rules to a degree.  I also think the league has made a complete mess of everything in this investigation too.  There is enough ignorance on both sides to last a lifetime - enough already.  This nonsense from Kraft's just further fuels the ignorance.


I honestly want Brady's suspension overturned and for him to miss no time because I want there to be no excuses for when they play in October.  


Honestly, if the NFL and NFLPA settle this yesterday, it would not be too soon.   Sheesh.  Just settle already guys!  It's time for football, not the courts.

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Because he thought that it would basically be quid pro quo. I accept these fines, you drop the allegations and suspension on my boy, kind of an "I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine type" situation. He said he had the league's and owners' best interests in mind, but in reality, he just wanted Brady's suspension overturned. Can't blame him for trying, you'd think $1,000,000 would be enough to buy something like that.


But Goodell's being bullish at this point, and having Brady sit out 4 games is laughable, to me anyways. I know most people here are enjoying this whole debacle in New England, but it's gotten to be ridiculous.


 Lets make sure we are clear on this....

 The poor, POOR Patriots were handed some fines & penalties for no OBVIOUS reason.

Kraft, that fine, upstanding human that he is, pays a 1 million dollar fine..... because, Kraft is under the impression that everything else will be swept under the carpet and will go away.


 Is that where we're at? Patriots fans, owners and players are/were under the impression that Kraft's generous offer of 1 million dollars should have bought a reversal of Brady's suspension and bought back the draft pick? Was the million bucks a ransom?

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When you have no morals, lying and cheating just come natural like breathing. 


It starts with Kraft at the top, his "win at any cost' mentality trickles down and you can see that in their actions


They will never quit cheating until the league really comes down on them but it seems the NFL is afraid to really punish them

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When you have no morals, lying and cheating just come natural like breathing.

It starts with Kraft at the top, his "win at any cost' mentality trickles down and you can see that in their actions

They will never quit cheating until the league really comes down on them but it seems the NFL is afraid to really punish them

i don't think you can say the latter after deflategate. The league dropped the hammer and isn't backing down over it despite the extremely loud cries for them to do so coming from the northeast.

With that said I agree with the rest although I contribute the win at any cost more to BB and I almost think it's a game for him. How far can he bend the rule to show how smart he is and if he breaks a few in the process that's ok for him.

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