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Jim Irsay & Colts Public Relations


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We have similar drop off locations a few times a year.

It is so unused medications can be disposed of properly and safely, and not end up in places they shouldn't.

I personally don't have a problem with this. In all honesty, when I first heard of it I didnt even give it a second thought.

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I just found the whole thing ironic, considering Irsay's past struggles with abuse. I never once thought this was some master plan for him to get free Rx for himself. And not that it bothers me personally, but I couldn't believe some of the horrible things Pats fans were saying online about this initiative (easy to tell a Pats fan these days. amidst Deflategate they ALL have Brady avatars). Way beyond joking or poking fun, more like "Die you stupid druggie, you're a cheater and you deserve to die."

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I just found the whole thing ironic, considering Irsay's past struggles with abuse. I never once thought this was some master plan for him to get free Rx for himself. And not that it bothers me personally, but I couldn't believe some of the horrible things Pats fans were saying online about this initiative (easy to tell a Pats fan these days. amidst Deflategate they ALL have Brady avatars). Way beyond joking or poking fun, more like "Die you stupid druggie, you're a cheater and you deserve to die."

Once again, I don't pay any attention to comments like that. Just consider the source.

Instead I choose to pay attention to these type comment's:

Because he has had a history, and has dealt with it, perhaps this is a way to do a good deed and help deter unused meds from getting into the wrong hands, you know, keeping someone else from going down a path of self destruction.

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I suspect Irsay is doing this because of his past......


People know his problems,  and he's trying to live a better life, which includes helping in the community.


This falls under the category of....   "Haters gonna hate..."

I don't think  Irsay  really had anything to do with this it is being run by the Indiana State Drug Task Force and they also collected expired prescriptions at training camp Sunday. :thmup:

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My thoughts are this is obviously a program of public awareness about expired prescription drugs. But, as I've said before, who in the heck is advising Irsay from a public relations standpoint ? I'm not sure why you would open yourself up to ridicule, when it is unnecessary. It's just somewhat puzzling.


By way of clearing up your confusion.  The Colts partnered with the task force last year:  http://www.colts.com/news/article-1/Colts-Partner-With-AG-Zoeller-To-Combat-Prescription-Drug-Abuse/16cb3afe-5a0d-4c2e-834c-fcb4dde54914


Jim Irsay's statement on this partnership a year ago


“I am enthusiastic about our partnership with the Prescription Drug Abuse Task Force,” said Colts Owner and CEO Jim Irsay. “The statistics related to this issue in Indiana are eye-openers, and we hope we can use the Colts platform to get the word out and raise awareness about prevention.” 

According to the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH), more than 1,000 Hoosiers died from drug overdoses in 2012, compared to less than 500 in 2003.  The Center for Disease Control (CDC) reports that Indiana is currently listed as one of the top ten states for prescribing narcotics making Indiana 17th in the United States in drug overdose mortality rate. 





Of the partnership, Indiana's Attorney General says

“Teaming with the Colts and their professional athletes will allow us to focus public attention on this epidemic and the need to help those held in the grip of pain and addiction.  My hope is that, with the support of the Colts we can save many lives from this growing problem.” 



The Task Force is explicitly about fighting prescription drug abuse



To Illustrate this more clearly for people who are confused by and consider the partnership ill advised, maybe you are also against the colts sponsoring the page asking people to pledge not abuse or to share prescription pills.




It's clear to me that rather than spending approximately 3 seconds to google what this is about, some people chose to take the opportunity to take shots........no matter that the opposite was deserved.



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By way of clearing up your confusion. The Colts partnered with the task force last year: http://www.colts.com/news/article-1/Colts-Partner-With-AG-Zoeller-To-Combat-Prescription-Drug-Abuse/16cb3afe-5a0d-4c2e-834c-fcb4dde54914

Jim Irsay's statement on this partnership a year ago

Of the partnership, Indiana's Attorney General says

The Task Force is explicitly about fighting prescription drug abuse


To Illustrate this more clearly for people who are confused by and consider the partnership ill advised, maybe you are also against the colts sponsoring the page asking people to pledge not abuse or to share prescription pills.


It's clear to me that rather than spending approximately 3 seconds to google what this is about, some people chose to take the opportunity to take shots........no matter that the opposite was deserved.


I get what you're saying, but maybe support it quietly with money for a year or two, until the air clears. My comments are strictly from a PR point of view, the cause is good.

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I get what you're saying, but maybe support it quietly with money for a year or two, until the air clears. My comments are strictly from a PR point of view, the cause is good.

I'm pretty sure PR would advise it's a good idea.

Anyway, people support causes that have meaning to them.  We all do.

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Once again, I don't pay any attention to comments like that. Just consider the source.

Instead I choose to pay attention to these type comment's:

Because he has had a history, and has dealt with it, perhaps this is a way to do a good deed and help deter unused meds from getting into the wrong hands, you know, keeping someone else from going down a path of self destruction.

To your point Gramz, I like hearing from individuals who wrestled with an addiction like Jim Irsay to pain killers & alcohol because it makes him human & if people see that a famous person like the owner of the Colts struggled with inner demons themselves it makes others more likely to come forward & do the right thing regarding expired drugs or any other addiction & I applaud Jim for that...Falling, getting up, & doing something positive in the aftermath of a personal issue. It's it keeps fans alive, I'm all for it. 

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, August 11, 2015 - off topic
Hidden by Nadine, August 11, 2015 - off topic

Yep I was right, I feel no embarrassment whatsoever by that. I also doubt others fans would be embarrassed, if they are then that's a problem with them. You see Irsay is not a saint and neither is Kraft, he has had his issues too. If the personal flaws of high profile people embarrass you, then I suggest you seek counseling. Or you could come to the realization that humans are flawed, all of them, even Patriot players, like Tom Brady.

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Let's not compare owners, please. That would be embarrassing for you.


I'm not embarrassed of Jimmy, and am well aware of his personal history, etc., but nice deflection. I know you don't want to admit it, but Kraft has not presented in a good light to most non-NE fans. He's publicly whining and playing to the NE fanbase/media.

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Why? It is a public health concern (to keep expired drugs out of the landfill and get ride of opioids, etc. in your house so kids don't use them), and a way Jimmy can help. Obviously immature people are going to respond immaturely, but it is no different than, say, Mike Vick doing work in the context of dog fighting/care or Ray Rice doing work in the context of DV.

Amen. Good service is good service, who cares what it makes Irsay or the organization look like, it's still going to do some good.
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