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Except the big black cloud of being dishonest and a cheater will hang above his little head. His integrity will bu under question. You can have all the hardware you want, but when it's gonna be questioned with what integrity you played the game on top of it. It dulls things tremendously...maybe not to Brady of course. But to people of Charter and integrity it does big time!!!! His reputation likely ruined!!!


hmm. . . Montana benefitted from oline that used silicone to help prevent dlinemen from being able to effectively deal with them, and be both know that Montana was "at least generally aware" of this violation as they share a locker room for so many years.


Rice admitted to using stickem throughout his career.


How does history remember Montana and Rice?

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*Of those who cheated to gain a competitive advantage

**In terms of accomplishments gained through cheating

More unproven statements. Facts are impossible for you to demonstrate , I know, since nothing has been demonstrated to show that Brady did anything wrong.

Too many of you swallowed the cell phone red herring.

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The parity one is pretty funny. It's the latest reason being used for the MFL's wish to tear down the Patriots, and now has apparently been the case right from the start.


It's particularly funny when at the time of the incident, Pittsburgh x2, New York x2, Indianapolis, New Orleans, Green Bay, Baltimore and Seattle had all won Super Bowl since the Patriot's last win.


From some of the rhetoric you would think that New England had been winning the Super Bowl every year.

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Of course the NFL is biased against the Patriots. I can prove this quite easily .

Answer me this, Colt fans:

Who told Chris Mortensen that 11 out of 12 balls were more than 2 PSI under the legal limit?

Mortensen stated that it was a high up league source.

He then, in an interview, said that his claim was corroborated by an additional higher up in the NFL office.

So two NFL officials told Mortensen a blatant lie that started this whole thing. Adam Schefter confirmed that this morning in an interview .

Yep, no NFL bias at all. Nothing to see here .

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More unproven statements. Facts are impossible for you to demonstrate , I know, since nothing has been demonstrated to show that Brady did anything wrong.

Too many of you swallowed the cell phone red herring.

Let's not pretend like you're not swallowing everything that Brady and the players association are saying. You're a different side of the same coin.

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More unproven statements. Facts are impossible for you to demonstrate , I know, since nothing has been demonstrated to show that Brady did anything wrong.

Too many of you swallowed the cell phone red herring.

Clearly, you haven't read the Wells Report.  Instead, you've probably just been blindly accepting what other random "sources" say about the science in it being flawed or that nothing was definitively proven.

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The parity one is pretty funny. It's the latest reason being used for the MFL's wish to tear down the Patriots, and now has apparently been the case right from the start.


It's particularly funny when at the time of the incident, Pittsburgh x2, New York x2, Indianapolis, New Orleans, Green Bay, Baltimore and Seattle had all won Super Bowl since the Patriot's last win.


From some of the rhetoric you would think that New England had been winning the Super Bowl every year.

Huh? The Patriots have the most wins in the NFL since Robert Kraft took over as owner. They also have the most post-season wins at 21, most SB wins at 4 and most SB appearances at 6. They have also been in the AFCCG a record 9 times which includes the last four years straight and are currently the defending SB champions. How is that parity?

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Of course the NFL is biased against the Patriots. I can prove this quite easily .

Answer me this, Colt fans:

Who told Chris Mortensen that 11 out of 12 balls were more than 2 PSI under the legal limit?

Mortensen stated that it was a high up league source.

He then, in an interview, said that his claim was corroborated by an additional higher up in the NFL office.

So two NFL officials told Mortensen a blatant lie that started this whole thing. Adam Schefter confirmed that this morning in an interview .

Yep, no NFL bias at all. Nothing to see here .

I really hope Kessler has this as part of his complaint.

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Clearly, you haven't read the Wells Report. Instead, you've probably just been blindly accepting what other random "sources" say about the science in it being flawed or that nothing was definitively proven.

The Wells Report is flawed, and the science is garbage, as proven by Yale, MIT, and BC, among others.

So yeah, it's garbage.

John Dowd, who was the one who investigated Pete Rose, stated yesterday that the whole Wells Report is garbage.

When he investigated Pete Rose, he had to prove that arose was guilty "beyond a reasonable doubt".

Wells couldn't even get remotely close to that.

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Huh? The Patriots have the most wins in the NFL since Robert Kraft took over as owner. They also have the most post-season wins at 21, most SB wins at 4 and most SB appearances at 6. They have also been in the AFCCG a record 9 times which includes the last four years straight and are currently the defending SB champions. How is that parity?

As you are so fond of saying it's all about the rings. The Patriots were incredibly successful with three Super Bowls in four years and then nothing for eleven years. Plenty of teams have won Super Bowls in that time. 

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The Wells Report is flawed, and the science is garbage, as proven by Yale, MIT, and BC, among others.

So yeah, it's garbage.

John Dowd, who was the one who investigated Pete Rose, stated yesterday that the whole Wells Report is garbage.

When he investigated Pete Rose, he had to prove that arose was guilty "beyond a reasonable doubt".

Wells couldn't even get remotely close to that.

haha Yep, just confirming what I said

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The Wells Report is flawed, and the science is garbage, as proven by Yale, MIT, and BC, among others.

So yeah, it's garbage.

John Dowd, who was the one who investigated Pete Rose, stated yesterday that the whole Wells Report is garbage.

When he investigated Pete Rose, he had to prove that arose was guilty "beyond a reasonable doubt".

Wells couldn't even get remotely close to that.


And there are just as many voices supporting the science in it. 


Read the breakdown ColtsBlue did and I dare you, double you dare you, to pull apart the scientific breakdown  he did. 


And yes, he is a scientist :P 

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As you are so fond of saying it's all about the rings. The Patriots were incredibly successful with three Super Bowls in four years and then nothing for eleven years. Plenty of teams have won Super Bowls in that time. 

The discussion is parity not rings. The NFL is designed with FA and the cap for teams to go 8-8 every year yet the Pats not only never do that but are more often than not in the conference champ game or SB ...

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Of course the NFL is biased against the Patriots. I can prove this quite easily .

Answer me this, Colt fans:

Who told Chris Mortensen that 11 out of 12 balls were more than 2 PSI under the legal limit?

Mortensen stated that it was a high up league source.

He then, in an interview, said that his claim was corroborated by an additional higher up in the NFL office.

So two NFL officials told Mortensen a blatant lie that started this whole thing. Adam Schefter confirmed that this morning in an interview .

Yep, no NFL bias at all. Nothing to see here .

What does that have to do with anything?  Mortensen may have lied about his source, but the evidence still points to the Patriots/Brady cheating.  Think about this: how does it help the NFL in any way when they're receiving all this negative attention about one of their "top" teams cheating for who knows how long?  Why would the NFL have a bias in that sense?

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The discussion is parity not rings. The NFL is designed with FA and the cap for teams to go 8-8 every year yet the Pats not only never do that but are more often than not in the conference champ game or SB ...

Well that's a different story. Still not at all what this is about, but a different story nonetheless.

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And there are just as many voices supporting the science in it. 


Read the breakdown ColtsBlue did and I dare you, double you dare you, to pull apart the scientific breakdown  he did. 


And yes, he is a scientist :P

Of course a Patriot fan is going to side with the results of a science experiment coming from the boston vicinity.  There are conflicting theories just like anything else in science that can't be known except by first hand observation (and even then, that's not always accurate, by the way, hence what we know about science is always changing).  You have a preconceived conclusion and you don't really come off it unless there's definitive proof in front of your face, and tha'ts not going to happen here.  There's flaws in the so called ironclad pro-Patriot science.  

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Certain people have been predicting stuff since day one of this fiasco.  Just because they say it, or predict it, doesn't make it so.


There was never going to be an investigation.    Wrong.

Goodell would NEVER fine his good buddy Kraft, and nothing would happen to Brady.  Wrong.

NFLPA would get the best of Goodell and the NFL at the Appeals Hearing.    Wrong.



And Now.....the Federal Court will rule against the NFL.    We'll see.


And then I suppose if the Federal Court rules on the side of the NFL ~  it will go to Supreme Court.  


haha   Brady will have grandchildren before this is settled.

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As you are so fond of saying it's all about the rings. The Patriots were incredibly successful with three Super Bowls in four years and then nothing for eleven years. Plenty of teams have won Super Bowls in that time.


3 SB appearances is nothing?

I'd hate to see what you think of the Colts' past 9 years then.

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What does that have to do with anything? Mortensen may have lied about his source, but the evidence still points to the Patriots/Brady cheating. Think about this: how does it help the NFL in any way when they're receiving all this negative attention about one of their "top" teams cheating for who knows how long? Why would the NFL have a bias in that sense?

Thanks for not answering my question.

Once again.

The NFL provided the lies to Mortensen.


NFL officials on Park Ave seconded the lie.


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And there are just as many voices supporting the science in it.

Read the breakdown ColtsBlue did and I dare you, double you dare you, to pull apart the scientific breakdown he did.

And yes, he is a scientist :P

Riggghhhtttt. List off those institutions .

Exponent has already been exposed.

And please, MIT < ColtBlue?


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Of course a Patriot fan is going to side with the results of a science experiment coming from the boston vicinity. There are conflicting theories just like anything else in science that can't be known except by first hand observation (and even then, that's not always accurate, by the way, hence what we know about science is always changing). You have a preconceived conclusion and you don't really come off it unless there's definitive proof in front of your face, and tha'ts not going to happen here. There's flaws in the so called ironclad pro-Patriot science.

Because professors are all born in NE.


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Certain people have been predicting stuff since day one of this fiasco.  Just because they say it, or predict it, doesn't make it so.


There was never going to be an investigation.    Wrong.

Goodell would NEVER fine his good buddy Kraft, and nothing would happen to Brady.  Wrong.

NFLPA would get the best of Goodell and the NFL at the Appeals Hearing.    Wrong.



And Now.....the Federal Court will rule against the NFL.    We'll see.


And then I suppose if the Federal Court rules on the side of the NFL ~  it will go to Supreme Court.  


haha   Brady will have grandchildren before this is settled.

"Brady brought his A game to the appeals hearing"....WRONG

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Because professors are all born in NE.


One Question...??   Why do you waste your time here?  Serious question.   Not trying to be mean, or rude, I'm just curious.


Because you and I both know, you will NEVER change anyone's mind on this board.   I can only surmise that you enjoy :stir: and arguing.

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The Wells Report is flawed, and the science is garbage, as proven by Yale, MIT, and BC, among others.

So yeah, it's garbage.

John Dowd, who was the one who investigated Pete Rose, stated yesterday that the whole Wells Report is garbage.

When he investigated Pete Rose, he had to prove that arose was guilty "beyond a reasonable doubt".

Wells couldn't even get remotely close to that.

Perhaps that "beyond a reasonable doubt" was on that phone that was destroyed at the time Brady was being questioned.

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Thanks for not answering my question.

Once again.

The NFL provided the lies to Mortensen.


NFL officials on Park Ave seconded the lie.



noun: fact; plural noun: facts
a thing that is indisputably the case.
noun: hearsay
information received from other people that one cannot adequately substantiate; rumor.
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One Question...??   Why do you waste your time here?  Serious question.   Not trying to be mean, or rude, I'm just curious.


Because you and I both know, you will NEVER change anyone's mind on this board.   I can only surmise that you enjoy :stir: and arguing.

Because the majority of Pats fans absolutely can't fathom ANYONE saying anything negative about the Lords and Saviors.

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And there are just as many voices supporting the science in it. 


Read the breakdown ColtsBlue did and I dare you, double you dare you, to pull apart the scientific breakdown  he did. 


And yes, he is a scientist :P


As you have read that post and might know where it, could you please give me a thread and post # so I can take a look at his post, thanks.

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