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Early Report On J. Manziel


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I believe that the Heisman trophy should not be allowed to be given to anyone below a Junior.  I think having too much "success" too early is really damaging to the long term development of players.  If they have a great freshman and sophmore year and have to still work hard to reach the goal it develops better character and personal habits.


I've never been a fan, but I do wish him well.

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I believe that the Heisman trophy should not be allowed to be given to anyone below a Junior. I think having too much "success" too early is really damaging to the long term development of players. If they have a great freshman and sophmore year and have to still work hard to reach the goal it develops better character and personal habits.

I've never been a fan, but I do wish him well.

If you earn it then you earn it, shouldn't matter what year of college your in. Plenty of players have won it and not made the NFL transition for various reasons, winning a trophy doesn't mean you are guaranteed anything at the next level, just means you were the best player that season at the college level.

He tore it up in college and so far is failing in the NFL, it happens.

College football is a different entity then the NFL. They aren't gonna not give players awards because it may somehow impact their possible NFL career. He earned his award, give it to him. If too much success goes to his head then that's a personal problem and shouldn't keep future college players from being eligible to earn the award. You gotta own your actions in this world and not try to blame everything on some situation or someone else. Johnny is screwing up because Johnny chooses to screw up, not because some cursed trophy makes him do it or because success came to early. He earned a trophy in college and he is now on his way to earning being cut and labeled a bust in the NFL, but its all on him not a trophy.

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I can forgive the Browns passing on Bridgewater given that he had a horrible pro day the worst I have ever seen in my life actually for a top QB prospect...

Before anyone claims I'm being too tough on Bridgewater, remember everything at your proday is scripted & there's no reason to look pathetic. I like Teddy & he is perfect for Norv Turner's offense & Zimmer's hard nosed defense.

Ah...that right there is why I did not follow up on your suggestion. (You know what I am referring to. :P ) I don't want you "hating" on Teddy. Lol.

I didn't buy into or brlieve the pro day stuff with Bridgewater I thought he was the best QB in the draft and very likely should have went #1 overall.

You tell him, Colts_Fan12. :D I am thankful that I have you to defend Teddy on this board. I appear biased when I do.

Anyway, I hope Manziel turns his life around and has a solid career. It would be foolish of the Browns to draft the guy that high and spit him out so early in his career. Give him a few years. Too many people seem to want him to fail.

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And now he gets into another altercation with a fan. 



Hooray Jock Culture and Nepotism. If this kid wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth with rich relatives, no one would care about him at all, and since he is a priest for the national religion, he can get away with this stuff. 

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And now he gets into another altercation with a fan.

Hooray Jock Culture and Nepotism. If this kid wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth with rich relatives, no one would care about him at all, and since he is a priest for the national religion, he can get away with this stuff.


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And now he gets into another altercation with a fan.

Hooray Jock Culture and Nepotism. If this kid wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth with rich relatives, no one would care about him at all, and since he is a priest for the national religion, he can get away with this stuff.

What is Manziel getting away with? You must be a saint if you have never lost your temper (no pun intended).

While I am not a fan of his, I recognize that the media goes out of its way to find anything to write about him, whether good or bad. It has nothing to do with him being a rich kid. Rather, YOU don't like him because he is rich. Otherwise, you would not continually bring that up.

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Ah...that right there is why I did not follow up on your suggestion. (You know what I am referring to. :P ) I don't want you "hating" on Teddy. Lol.

Cute. Yes, I do.  haha


If the OJ Simpson murder trail taught us, "If the glove does not fit; you must acquit" What did Teddy's Pro Day teach us?  "If you can't complete a throw, let the gloves go." LOL! 


Sorry my bad. Honestly, I have nothing against Teddy NFLfan. No bridge under or over troubled waters here Simon & Garfunkel. Okay, I'll stop now. I promise. 

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I didn't buy into or brlieve the pro day stuff with Bridgewater I thought he was the best QB in the draft and very likely should have went #1 overall.

How difficult is it to throw preplanned routes to open WRs with no defensive resistance whatsoever with predetermined drop back footwork? Pretty darn easy. Teddy sucked that day. That's a fact. It's no conspiracy or witch hunt campaign against Bridgewater please...


He had a bad day at the office plain & simple.  Teddy will be the franchise QB answer for Minnesota though. Of that fact, I have no doubt. 


Adrian Peterson please try & put what happened last season behind you, turn the page, & help Teddy, Zimmer, & Turner do some remarkable things this year. GB needs some NFC North competition. 


Zims is the man! 1 of my favorite coaches around. He will make Minnesota a powerhouse franchise. Book it! That's right I said it & I meant every word of it too. 


Viking fans need to erase the memory of Brad Childress from their minds forever...A horrible HC who got his bacon saved by Brett Favre more times than I can ever remember. Good fortune lies ahead. Trust me.


I really liked Dennis Green though & I still do actually. 

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How difficult is it to throw preplanned routes to open WRs with no defensive resistance whatsoever with predetermined drop back footwork? Pretty darn easy. Teddy sucked that day. That's a fact. It's no conspiracy or witch hunt campaign against Bridgewater please...

He had a bad day at the office plain & simple. Teddy will be the franchise QB answer for Minnesota though. Of that fact, I have no doubt.

of course but in no way would that drop him below Manziel imo he has always sucked to me
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Cute. Yes, I do. haha

If the OJ Simpson murder trail taught us, "If the glove does not fit; you must acquit" What did Teddy's Pro Day teach us? "If you can't complete a throw, let the gloves go." LOL!

Sorry my bad. Honestly, I have nothing against Teddy NFLfan. No bridge under or over troubled waters here Simon & Garfunkel. Okay, I'll stop now. I promise.

Lol. You're not alone, SW. One of the most respected football minds on this board does not think too highly of Teddy either. I hope he is wrong but he seems to be right about most things related to football. Like you, he likes Carr best out of the guys drafted last year.

As long as Coach Zimmer and Norv have confidence in Teddy, I will too. :)

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of course but in no way would that drop him below Manziel imo he has always sucked to me

A valid point. I wasn't really singling you out as being wrong CF12. I just meant that some Teddy fans, not you or NFLfan, need to realize that good QBs can throw the ball erratically once in awhile that's all. There's no shame in that either BTW. I just dislike it when fanatics can't admit that their guy crashed & burned on a specific day. 


Teddy's lightyears ahead of Johnny no question. I'm with you on that statement 1,000% man. 

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A valid point. I wasn't really singling you out as being wrong CF12. I just meant that some Teddy fans, not you or NFLfan, need to realize that good QBs can throw the ball erratically once in awhile that's all. There's no shame in that either BTW. I just dislike it when fanatics can't admit that their guy crashed & burned on a specific day.

Teddy's lightyears ahead of Johnny no question. I'm with you on that statement 1,000% man.

yeah I haven't ever been a fan of his don't think I ever will be either lol
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So as of now, the Colts still won the T-Rich trade.


as pathetic as it's been.


I think neither side really won that trade. We got screwed by T Rich and they got screwed by Manziel.


Christ. The Browns "won" that trade by a country mile. Who they drafted with the pick is irrelevant.

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If that report is true then you have to wonder about Manziel's convictions. After all his posturing about it being a mistake not being ready to play and not doing what it takes to succeed, he shows up at OTA's and doesn't know where to go with the football? Really? This tells me one of two things. Either he doesn't care to be pprofessional, or he can't retain and recall information. Both are very bad in an NFL QB


He's always been like this.  He knows how to say the right stuff, but he doesn't follow it up.


He's too immature to be an NFL QB and that should have been obvious during the draft process.  He has great athletic talents, but he was at best a developmental prospect.  The kind of guy that should have been taken in the 4th or 5th rounds.  A sort of experimental "Let's see if we can do anything with this guy" prospect.  

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And now he gets into another altercation with a fan. 



Hooray Jock Culture and Nepotism. If this kid wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth with rich relatives, no one would care about him at all, and since he is a priest for the national religion, he can get away with this stuff. 


Every player gets heckled from fans, or bothered with some other involvement.  Manzeil's people didn't step in in time, and Johnny is still learning to grow thick skin and keep walking while letting his people 'handle it'. Antonio Pierce told a story on ESPN where he was at dinner with his family.  A kid came over for an autograph.  Pierce said he'd do it after they finished the meal.  So when he finally signed, he signed with initials, and not full name, number etc.  Father came back over and started up with 'What's this'?  A.P. had to get up and leave while being yelled at and let his people 'handle' the ungratefully miffed Dad.


Because it's Johnny football, he'll receive more hecklers, and attention regarding it.  He'll learn quickly.  It's no big deal.

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I believe that the Heisman trophy should not be allowed to be given to anyone below a Junior.  I think having too much "success" too early is really damaging to the long term development of players.  If they have a great freshman and sophmore year and have to still work hard to reach the goal it develops better character and personal habits.


I've never been a fan, but I do wish him well.


So even if the Freshman or Sophmore are the best player in all of college football you want to denie them the award just because of their age?  If you are the best player in college you should get the award no matter the age.  


Juniors and Seniors can be just as immature and not ready for success as Freshman and Sophmores.  Look how many kids coming out of college in the NFL and NBA screw up once they get success.  Delaying the award will not change anything and just discredit the award all together.


I understand where you are coming from and agree with your basic point, but you have to look at the entire system that has been created by college football and basketball.  

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Every player gets heckled from fans, or bothered with some other involvement. Manzeil's people didn't step in in time, and Johnny is still learning to grow thick skin and keep walking while letting his people 'handle it'. Antonio Pierce told a story on ESPN where he was at dinner with his family. A kid came over for an autograph. Pierce said he'd do it after they finished the meal. So when he finally signed, he signed with initials, and not full name, number etc. Father came back over and started up with 'What's this'? A.P. had to get up and leave while being yelled at and let his people 'handle' the ungratefully miffed Dad.

Because it's Johnny football, he'll receive more hecklers, and attention regarding it. He'll learn quickly. It's no big deal.

Kind of a dick move to sign your intials, though, especially when it's for a kid. That's not to say the father was in the right to go off on him.

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Kind of a dick move to sign your intials, though, especially when it's for a kid. That's not to say the father was in the right to go off on him.


I don't think so.  He was at a restaurant with family.  He didn't even have to do anything, especially in that setting. Next, you have never heard of fathers who have their kids get signed memorabilia, then take it to sports shops and trade it for cash?  Maybe initials on a football has no cash value, where a signature would.  Wonder how old the kid was, and if he even knew who A. Pierce even was...


Here's a piece by Curt Schilling on autographs, and how to (and Not to) get them-



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I don't think so. He was at a restaurant with family. He didn't even have to do anything, especially in that setting. Next, you have never heard of fathers who have their kids get signed memorabilia, then take it to sports shops and trade it for cash? Maybe initials on a football has no cash value, where a signature would. Wonder how old the kid was, and if he even knew who A. Pierce even was...

Here's a piece by Curt Schilling on autographs, and how to (and Not to) get them-


Whether the person is going to try and sell it or not is their issue. You can't assume everyone is trying to make a buck off of you because of the scummy minority. And this guy was presumably with his kid. Like I said, the father's actions are inexcusable, but I don't agree with Pierce gypping them with some half assed signature.

I, personally, would never bother an athlete or celebrity at a restaurant, but it might be a different story if I had kids.

P.S. Good write up by Curt Schilling, I didn't see anything about signing initials.

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Ehh I disagree. I don't see how either team is a victor in that trade.

Trent didn't help us and Manziel didn't help them.


Who they drafted is irrelevant. We traded a first round pick for Trent Richardson. We did not trade Johnny Manziel for Trent Richardson. The Colts would not have drafted Manziel had they kept the pick. There's literally no logical way you can say the trade was a "tie" or "even". There's just spin to try and take the sting off of a terrible trade.


Just because you have the power of hindsight to know the Browns used the pick poorly does not make the original trade any less of a success for the Browns and a failure for the Colts.

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