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Eagles Fan-Are you happy with what Chip Kelly is doing? (Merge)


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He has let Desean Jackson, Shady McCoy, and Jeremy Maclin go, all very good players. He acquired Bradford and also gave up a 2nd for him, and according to the local rumor is trying to use him as a chip to get the Browns 19th pick. Then 2 firsts, a 2nd and Kendricks and Cox for Tenn. #2 pick. He also has put Mathis and Boykin out there as trade bait for extra ammo I guess. Who would want to play for him if you are a good player. I guess at some point he gets the team he wants, but if I were a Philly fan, I would be hoping this deal does not go through. Neutering your defense for a QB who he thinks fits his system, but not the rest of the NFL seems silly? Thoughts?

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I'd like to see how it works out, but this latest trade rumor is making me think of Josh McDaniels with the Broncos. He pushed a lot of talented players out, and made a lot of weird draft trades, passing up on a lot of talented players, yet wound up with Tim Tebow.

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I have a good friend from Philly, born and raised there but lives in MA now and he hates what Kelly has done. He was a huge Jackson and McCoy fan. The signing of Tebow has pretty much put him over the edge. I agree with Superman that this has shades of McDaniels in Denver and Spurrier when he was in Washington.

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Agholor and Rowe were excellent picks. Murray and Maxwell were excellent signings, and they added Alonso in the trade. Maclin got way too much money from KC, and its his hometown and his former coach. I dont see how PHI could compete with that offer.

He was never going to trade for 2. He was never going to trade Bradford. The media pushed and pushed the Mariota trade up story and they still wont let it go.

All the trade speculation was driven by the Titans and pushed by the media. Titans were trying desprately to drum up a trade market, and no one bit. They called Mettenberger the next Tom Brady, then drafted a QB at 2 and said he will start right away. Titans outsmarted themselves on this one.

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I could not agree more with this summation:


What genius would assemble a quarterback group as uninspiring as the Philadelphia Eagles'?

After failing to move up Thursday night to draft Oregon's Marcus Mariota, the Eagles appear set to take Sam Bradford, Mark Sanchez, Matt Barkley and Tim Tebow with them to training camp. Bradford is dragging a twice-torn ACL, while Sanchez (58.2 QBR) reinforced last year that he is an above-average backup and nothing more. Since 2010, Bradford and Sanchez own two of the four worst QBRs in the NFL. Coach Chip Kelly has demonstrated no faith in Barkley, and Tebow, well, yeah.

For all of the adulation Kelly has received as a forward-thinking offensive mind, much of it deserved, it's difficult to find an upside here. The Eagles are one of a handful of teams -- a list that includes the Buffalo Bills, Cleveland Browns and Houston Texans -- that don't have either an established/reliable starter or an obvious developmental prospect.


It's fair to ask what Kelly could have done during the past three days other than make a franchise-crippling trade up to get Mariota. There was a massive drop-off from Mariota to the next quarterback, Colorado State's Garrett Grayson, who was drafted at No. 75 overall.


Would the Eagles be any better off with, say, Baylor's Bryce Petty or UCLA's Brett Hundley than they are now? Perhaps. In the end, however, they finished the draft where they started it: with a major question at the game's most important position.



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A dummy like Chip Kelly lmao. If I was a Eagles fan I would be so angry. Chip Kelly took a playoff caliber team and destroyed it. If Foles hadn't got hurt last year they would have probably made the playoffs. I mean I just don't get it at all. You let Desean Jackson go who's one of the most explosive playmakers in the NFL, then you let Maclin go the next year too. But not only that you trade away one of the top 3-4 RB's in the NFL in Shady McCoy, who LOL is also one of the most explosive playmakers in the NFL. But the most genius move of all was giving away a good young proven QB for a broken one. Now is Foles in the same category with Luck? heck no, but he's a good young QB. If I'm a Rams fan I'm still laughing at ole Chip. So now I look for Philly to really struggle next year and win 4-5 games, when they could have been a 10-12 win team had they not be stupid and traded away Foles, Shady, and Maclin. To me Chip is nuts and IMO, he'll be fired pretty soon and whoever takes over will have to start from scratch. That's what will hurt if your an Eagles fan. Knowing you had the pieces to have a good team for several years and that they just threw it away.

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For all of the adulation Kelly has received as a forward-thinking offensive mind, much of it deserved, it's difficult to find an upside here. The Eagles are one of a handful of teams -- a list that includes the Buffalo Bills, Cleveland Browns and Houston Texans -- that don't have either an established/reliable starter or an obvious developmental prospect.

The Texans have Savage as a developmental prospect.


For what it's worth, I think Chip Kelly has almost made a QB-proof offense.  He's made Mark Sanchez look like a decent starter.  I don't think he needs a QB like Mariota.  I think all Chip Kelly needs is a game manager to not mess up, not turnover the ball, and follow the system.  He doesn't need an elite QB talent, in my opinion

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About Houston - I don't know why everyone assumes Ryan Mallett can't play just because he sat behind Tom Brady for so long. I'm not saying he can, but from the get go when he was traded to Houston most people were like "yeah, but is this guy really an answer?" He was highly regarded as an NFL prospect, just because he didn't take the starting QB job from a hall of fame QB doesn't mean he can't be a legit starter. He's never really seen the field enough to be ruled out IMO. 

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The Texans have Savage as a developmental prospect.


For what it's worth, I think Chip Kelly has almost made a QB-proof offense.  He's made Mark Sanchez look like a decent starter.  I don't think he needs a QB like Mariota.  I think all Chip Kelly needs is a game manager to not mess up, not turnover the ball, and follow the system.  He doesn't need an elite QB talent, in my opinion

I don't know. Every team needs a QB that can lift the team no matter the system. That definitely is not Sanchez. I think Bradford could be decent IF he could stay on the field which is a big gamble. I just don't get what he was doing at all. It would seem he traded for Bradford so he could get Mariota but that didn't work so now he has to go with Bradford. Seems like he took a big gamble and came up very short.

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I could not agree more with this summation:


What genius would assemble a quarterback group as uninspiring as the Philadelphia Eagles'?

After failing to move up Thursday night to draft Oregon's Marcus Mariota, the Eagles appear set to take Sam Bradford, Mark Sanchez, Matt Barkley and Tim Tebow with them to training camp. Bradford is dragging a twice-torn ACL, while Sanchez (58.2 QBR) reinforced last year that he is an above-average backup and nothing more. Since 2010, Bradford and Sanchez own two of the four worst QBRs in the NFL. Coach Chip Kelly has demonstrated no faith in Barkley, and Tebow, well, yeah.

For all of the adulation Kelly has received as a forward-thinking offensive mind, much of it deserved, it's difficult to find an upside here. The Eagles are one of a handful of teams -- a list that includes the Buffalo Bills, Cleveland Browns and Houston Texans -- that don't have either an established/reliable starter or an obvious developmental prospect.


It's fair to ask what Kelly could have done during the past three days other than make a franchise-crippling trade up to get Mariota. There was a massive drop-off from Mariota to the next quarterback, Colorado State's Garrett Grayson, who was drafted at No. 75 overall.


Would the Eagles be any better off with, say, Baylor's Bryce Petty or UCLA's Brett Hundley than they are now? Perhaps. In the end, however, they finished the draft where they started it: with a major question at the game's most important position.




What do you agree with?  This is a typical example of the media overhyping something, and then when it doesn't happen, act like the person failed.  The Eagles will have a top five offense next season, but apparently that's not good enough.  


They don't have an established starter or a developmental player because they traded for an established starter.  They also have one of the best backups in the league who they averaged almost 30 points a game with.  I don't see how anyone can criticize their offensive status.

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What do you agree with?  This is a typical example of the media overhyping something, and then when it doesn't happen, act like the person failed.  The Eagles will have a top five offense next season, but apparently that's not good enough.  


They don't have an established starter or a developmental player because they traded for an established starter.  They also have one of the best backups in the league who they averaged almost 30 points a game with.  I don't see how anyone can criticize their offensive status.

So you see them winning a SB with Bradford/Sanchez?

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Didn't say that, but their offense will be good which is what was being talked about.  They'll have good QB play.

That is not what the article talked about that I posted. It questioned what Kelly is doing at the QB position given they don't have an established started given Bradford has barely played 50 percent of his games and is coming off of two major surgeries and then Sanchez as his back up who is serviceable and that is about it and no young QB to develop behind them. It is a precarious position Kelly is in with the most important position in football.

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That is not what the article talked about that I posted. It questioned what Kelly is doing at the QB position given they don't have an established started given Bradford has barely played 50 percent of his games and is coming off of two major surgeries and then Sanchez as his back up who is serviceable and that is about it and no young QB to develop behind them. It is a precarious position Kelly is in with the most important position in football.


Again, nothing I see makes me believe they'll have anything less than good QB play.  Even if it's Sanchez all season, I don't see QB as their issue.

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Foles -> Bradford

McCoy -> Murray

Jackson -> Matthews

Maclin -> Agholor


I wouldn't have made the Foles for Bradford trade, but Bradford has some obvious value if he can stay healthy. Foles was overrated because of the 7 touchdown game against the Raiders a few years ago, and because he only threw 2 INTs in half a season's worth of play. Offensively, they didn't get much worse...mostly lateral moves. Yeah they "got rid of" Jackson, but they never really had the option of keeping Maclin after seeing the deal he got from the Chiefs.


On defense, Cary Williams and "Burnt Toast" Bradly Fletcher were one of the worst starting CB groups in the league last year. They were replaced by Byron Maxwell, Walter Thurmond and rookie Eric Rowe. In fact, every draft pick (except Agholor) was used on the defensive side of the ball. Kiko Alonso was a budding superstar before he tore his ACL. These moves will make the defense MUCH better then it was last year.


People hate on Bradford, but it seems like NFL circles still value him pretty highly. I've heard Philly reporters saying that Chip's approach is to "win with the system" on offense, and "win with superior talent" on defense. If his system can produce with Sanchez at QB, maybe there's something to it. I don't see why the media gets so down on the guy...


I'm not an Eagles fan, but that's my 2 cents.

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I don't know. Every team needs a QB that can lift the team no matter the system. That definitely is not Sanchez. I think Bradford could be decent IF he could stay on the field which is a big gamble. I just don't get what he was doing at all. It would seem he traded for Bradford so he could get Mariota but that didn't work so now he has to go with Bradford. Seems like he took a big gamble and came up very short.


Why can't he trade for Bradford and believe in the law of averages that he can finally stay on the field?  Don't you think Kelly fully knows this ability about Bradford as well?



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I think when Bradford gets injured this year, Sanchez will come in as he's the most experienced of the bunch.  I don't know how long Tebow will be there.  


I'm more worried for Barkley than Tebow.  I think Tebow makes the squad, Barkley gets his walking papers....

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Why can't he trade for Bradford and believe in the law of averages that he can finally stay on the field?  Don't you think Kelly fully knows this ability about Bradford as well?



Well, he tried to trade Bradford for Mariota. And then the law averages would say that Bradford won't finish the season. What is interesting to me is that Bradford does not seem like a fit to me given Chip needs a QB that can run and take hits. This is reminiscent of Vick who on paper was a fit for the system but not durable enough to sustain the contact so I am not sure why Kelly took Bradford in that regard.

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Well, he tried to trade Bradford for Mariota. And then the law averages would say that Bradford won't finish the season. What is interesting to me is that Bradford does not seem like a fit to me given Chip needs a QB that can run and take hits. This is reminiscent of Vick who on paper was a fit for the system but not durable enough to sustain the contact so I am not sure why Kelly took Bradford in that regard.


What type of offense does Kelly run?  What type of offense did Bradford excel in at Oklahoma?  Did you read the article?  To think Kelly can't make minor adjustments to his offense to allow Bradford to thrive in a hurry up offense like Bradford ran in Oklahoma is setting yourself up to be surprised; as I expect most will be once the Eagles get their "Ducks" in a row....   :strong:

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What type of offense does Kelly run?  What type of offense did Bradford excel in at Oklahoma?  Did you read the article?  To think Kelly can't make minor adjustments to his offense to allow Bradford to thrive in a hurry up offense like Bradford ran in Oklahoma is setting yourself up to be surprised; as I expect most will be once the Eagles get their "Ducks" in a row....   :strong:

The Oregon and Oklahoma offenses are different. I think Bradford will take more hits in Kelly's offense but perhaps you are right and they will tweak it for him. I also like the moves Kelly has made on defense which no one is really talking about given how much he shook up the offense. I am interested to see how it all pans out and if Bradford can stay healthy. They are not winning anything with Sanchez or Tebow. That's for sure. lol.

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