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Boston's sports media are off their rockers!


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They have absolutely no problem ever getting in. While I do have problems with the NFL hall of fame voters making guys wait, it's not like the MLB where you could have a single rumor associating you with a PED that's not proven and the whole writers association (who have never played baseball) blackballed you completely.

Oh, I agree.  They'll both be in some day.  Probably two of the few, along with Peyton, that get in on  first ballot.

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That is true, but to complete the legacy , you have to have the Hall. If the air is let out of this Deflategate thing, which it probably will be, I don't think Spygate will be enough to keep them out, but maybe they don't get in on the first ballot. It's up to the writers in the different NFL markets, and how they view the whole thing.

yeah I don't know what this opinion is based on. I haven't read a single article that has ever suggested that both Brady and Belichick aren't automatic for the HOF. I think you are projecting a bit with that. Have you ever seen an article that suggested they won't be first ballot Hall of Famers because of this?

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yeah I don't know what this opinion is based on. I haven't read a single article that has ever suggested that both Brady and Belichick aren't automatic for the HOF. I think you are projecting a bit with that. Have you ever seen an article that suggested they won't be first ballot Hall of Famers because of this?

When it boils down to it, we are literally just finding out if the Pats will be fined a little and lose a later round pick (considering they don't need substantial evidence like a court case to be held accountable) or they won't. Even if the Colts did deflate the ball they handed in like the latest theory is, you have just as good chance proving that as you do the old guy in the bathroom for 98 seconds deflating them. My gut says nothing happens.

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Shefter is probably the best journalist working in sports these days. He's not selling out his credibility to tell a Boston audience what they want to hear. THAT I can assure you. Also, he went a little further than speculating that some people might believe this theory. He stated as fact that he knows some people do (without naming names).

My point in posting the article is that this thread started off dismissing this theory as nothing other than a tall tale being spread among fans. What Shefter's report suggests is that it goes beyond that and there are people "on the inside" who are discussing this as a possibility. Personally, my belief in it is dependent on what the real story is on the 12 balls. But IF the story is true that only that ball was significantly deflated then I think this story will have serious legs and I would hope the league would be investigating it.

right he didn't tell Boston fans what they wanted to hear they heard what they wanted to hear. He just said yep theory is out there and I am sure some people believe it. There is nothing in there to suggest he believes it or think it's true.

It's the same as me going I've heard the theory we didn't really go to the moon so I know the theory is out there and some people do believe it. It doesn't mean I believe it. So if you are pointing to this interview to say hey see this theory has legs you are going to need way more than that because all Sheffter did was confirm the theory exist which I could have done, he didn't say anyone important is taking it serious. With that said If the guy looking into is worth anything he'll investigate it just to rule it out.

You realize how stupid any team would have to be to deflate one ball and go hey the other team is deflating balls knowing there is no way the other balls are going to show up deflated? Forget the Colts and Pats thing for a moment and just think about any team doing that. They would have to be beyond dumb because there is no way once it's checked it's going to hold up. There is also the report that says the league was tipped off to this before the game and they were watching it which is how they got the video of the ball boy. That also means they would have been watching the Colts to look for this, So far there has been no evidence brought fourth that honestly supports this theory it's just that a theory.

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Thanks! The planet is likely going to be a very angry place for the next few weeks (months...) so I figured I'd come say hi over here for a bit. The media reaction overall was completely absurd. I laughed a good ten minutes watching Mark Brunell crying over flat footballs.

But really they act that way so we'll go click their links which sells their ads which pays their bills. It's no real mystery why ever "analyst" says increasingly more and more hyperbolic opinions. Measured takes based on careful analysis of facts doesn't generate page hits the way over the top reactions do.

Aka Skip Bayless.

This may just be the most reasonable description of what's been perpetrated on us football fans over the last few weeks . I can't help but wonder if the NFL front office purposely leaked information / misinformation just to drive ratings ( and distract everybody from their myriad of REAL issues )

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Regarding Sheffter anfd his "hot-takes" ... I actually think he's been one of the more respectful reporters ( talking heads ) of the process thru-out this whole Deflategate fiasco .

  I'm sure it's hard for most fans of other teams to come close to imagining what NE fans have had to put up with over the last few weeks .


 Probably the most disheartening moment was when Troy Aikman flat out said Brady was a liar .


 Picture the media attacking Luck like this and you'll get a taste of what I'm talking about  .

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When it boils down to it, we are literally just finding out if the Pats will be fined a little and lose a later round pick (considering they don't need substantial evidence like a court case to be held accountable) or they won't. Even if the Colts did deflate the ball they handed in like the latest theory is, you have just as good chance proving that as you do the old guy in the bathroom for 98 seconds deflating them. My gut says nothing happens.

Except that Jackson said that there was nothing wrong with the ball that he intercepted . If the ball at that point was properly inflated , as Jackson seems to indicate , how did it become 2 PSI less?
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Maybe the Pete Rose treatment.

That's another story altogether, and for the record,  I believe Pete belongs in the HoF  for his accomplishments on the field.


I grew up watching him and I loved going to games at Crosley Field, then Riverfront.  He was an outstanding player who always brought so much excitement to the game.

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yeah I don't know what this opinion is based on. I haven't read a single article that has ever suggested that both Brady and Belichick aren't automatic for the HOF. I think you are projecting a bit with that. Have you ever seen an article that suggested they won't be first ballot Hall of Famers because of this?

There is no article, just a projection out. Again, after the smoke clears, voters will have to weigh these issues, along with the accomplishments. There have been other very successful organizations in many sports, but no other organization has this stigma like the Patriots do. The Red Sox are also successful, but other than the PED's that most organizations have, don't have the same negative feeling many have about the Patriots. So it's not the success, because you didn't get that about the 70's Steelers, or other top teams.

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You realize how stupid any team would have to be to deflate one ball and go hey the other team is deflating balls knowing there is no way the other balls are going to show up deflated? Forget the Colts and Pats thing for a moment and just think about any team doing that. They would have to be beyond dumb because there is no way once it's checked it's going to hold up. There is also the report that says the league was tipped off to this before the game and they were watching it which is how they got the video of the ball boy. That also means they would have been watching the Colts to look for this, So far there has been no evidence brought fourth that honestly supports this theory it's just that a theory.

The "how dumb would they have to be?" argument was pretty much the reason I stopped buying into the original story of the Pats deflating balls that had already been certified by the refs pre-game. That never added up to me...the risk of being caught was too enormous for the negligible advantage. Look - I'm not going to sit here and pretend that Belichick doesn't scour the rulebook obsessively looking for angles and loopholes. I'm fairly certain that he does. So if you had told me that they found a way to treat the balls prior to inspection such that they would pass the pre-game test but then deflate naturally once the game started, I would totally buy into that. Why? Because it would be technically within the rules. That's their M.O..not blatantly violating rules. Even Spygate came from Bill thinking he had found a loophole that the league shot down.


Also, just another point...the league didn't get video of the old guy because of being tipped off....that was just regular/normal security cam footage from the stadium.

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There is no article, just a projection out. Again, after the smoke clears, voters will have to weigh these issues, along with the accomplishments. There have been other very successful organizations in many sports, but no other organization has this stigma like the Patriots do. The Red Sox are also successful, but other than the PED's that most organizations have, don't have the same negative feeling many have about the Patriots. So it's not the success, because you didn't get that about the 70's Steelers, or other top teams.

You acknowledge that it would be silly to claim the Red Sox titles were "tainted" because they had PED users on their teams, and I agree, as do most people (since there is no national dialogue calling their titles into question). Why is that? It can't simply be the "everyone else does it too" argument, because if so that should apply to the Patriots as well. It all boils down to the fact that the Patriots are viewed as an arrogant team by fans of other teams. Belichick isn't "user friendly", Brady looks like a guy who came from Central Casting....it's that stuff that drives the hatred, not the actual things they are accused of doing. If Belichick had a media friendly personality, stories like this would never be blown up the way they are.

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You acknowledge that it would be silly to claim the Red Sox titles were "tainted" because they had PED users on their teams, and I agree, as do most people (since there is no national dialogue calling their titles into question). Why is that? It can't simply be the "everyone else does it too" argument, because if so that should apply to the Patriots as well. It all boils down to the fact that the Patriots are viewed as an arrogant team by fans of other teams. Belichick isn't "user friendly", Brady looks like a guy who came from Central Casting....it's that stuff that drives the hatred, not the actual things they are accused of doing. If Belichick had a media friendly personality, stories like this would never be blown up the way they are.

The biggest difference is that there was basically a steroid era in baseball , due to the lack of a collective bargaining agreement not being in place across the board for all players. This was a problem caused by the league and the players, while the Patriots are perceived as playing fast and loose with the rules of the game.

As I stated earlier, those players that were caught have for the most part been branded as cheaters , and been given the cold shoulder by the HOF. If you asterisked the Red Sox, you'd have to do them all, which is fine with me since the Orioles last Championship was in 1983, before the steroid era.

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That's another story altogether, and for the record, I believe Pete belongs in the HoF for his accomplishments on the field.

I grew up watching him and I loved going to games at Crosley Field, then Riverfront. He was an outstanding player who always brought so much excitement to the game.

Actually, I like Pete also. I saw him play the Orioles in the 1970 World Series with the Reds, and 1983 with the Phillies. I think the guy has suffered long enough, put him in the HOF.

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Except that Jackson said that there was nothing wrong with the ball that he intercepted . If the ball at that point was properly inflated , as Jackson seems to indicate , how did it become 2 PSI less?

Who is saying the ball the colts submitted was the one two psi under? From the other thread...

Again, there is no report that's "new". Mort reported 11 were 2 under, Rapsheet reported one was 2 under and rest were a tick then said on air it was more like many 1 lb and many a tick under, PFT had NFL sources conflicting w rap sheet that many were 1 lb, many were a tick, and one was 2 lbs. Nothing has changed in over a week and none of them said the ball the Colts turned in was the 2 pounder. Please somebody provide me where it's reported with a source that the colts ball was the one true two pounder unless people are just jumping to conclusions that Rapsheet is right despite conflicting NFL reports (see PFT breakdown of Rapsheet story- I don't have link at the moment) and the fact the colts turned in a ball they felt was deflated so they are just putting those two together assuming the former is factual and coming to this story that Boston radio stations are entertaining and Adam schefter is simply aknowledging the fact that some people think that.


edit: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/02/01/new-nfl-media-report-on-deflate-gate-raises-plenty-of-questions/

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This may just be the most reasonable description of what's been perpetrated on us football fans over the last few weeks . I can't help but wonder if the NFL front office purposely leaked information / misinformation just to drive ratings ( and distract everybody from their myriad of REAL issues )

What everyone is calling "leaks," I'm calling "advertising."

People were talking about this on THE VIEW. There is no way the NFL reaches that audience (aka market) otherwise.

Also, don't worry about distracting from other issues. The domestic violence issues had zero impact on the number of people who watch the NFL or purchase its products. This was all about hyping the most hyped event aside from maybe Christmas.

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Exactly, I have no doubt that there will not be enough to find them guilty based on the NFL's track record but I would hope that NE fans would stop trying to twist the actual facts.

I think everybody should just wait until the Wells report is released.  He's pretty good at untwisting twisted facts.  I'm gonna wait and see.

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I haven't left anything out.

YOU are the one claiming that Rapaport stated that there were more than one ball 2 PSI over. That's false.

Only one, according to Rapaport, was 2 PSI under. The one that the Colts had in their possession.

The rest were all less than that; at least the majority them were a "tick" under 12.5.



Called you out on this post like 4 times now. When you accuse someone of lying... like I did you ... you really need to show proof of it .. like I did when I called you out. So stop hiding and show me and everyone where I claimed there was more than 1 ball 2 PSI under. 

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Called you out on this post like 4 times now. When you accuse someone of lying... like I did you ... you really need to show proof of it .. like I did when I called you out. So stop hiding and show me and everyone where I claimed there was more than 1 ball 2 PSI under.

Rapaport also said on TV it was many at one lb under and many at a tick under in addition to the two pounder as the PFT link I attached above states.

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Rapaport also said on TV it was many at one lb under and many at a tick under in addition to the two pounder as the PFT link I attached above states.



I'm aware of the report. We had a guy that embellished it and then accused me of doing what he did. I totally destroyed his butt and rather than admit he was lying or wrong , he's now gone into hiding. So just calling the guy that posts all the false info out.

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I'm aware of the report. We had a guy that embellished it and then accused me of doing what he did. I totally destroyed his butt and rather than admit he was lying or wrong , he's now gone into hiding. So just calling the guy that posts all the false info out.


More lies.

You were one of the many who bought Mortensen's original report of multiple balls being below 2 PSI.

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More lies.

You were one of the many who bought Mortensen's original report of multiple balls being below 2 PSI.

Why didn't you reply to me after I proved you wrong?

You say we buy into morts report which is usually legitimate as a source but you are buying into schefter stirring the pot on Boston radio coupled with select facts from rapaports report.

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Why didn't you reply to me after I proved you wrong?

You say we buy into morts report which is usually legitimate as a source but you are buying into schefter stirring the pot on Boston radio coupled with select facts from rapaports report.



He's been slaughtered and he just keeps coming back for more by posting more nonsense. It took me about 7 posts to finally stop him from claiming Rapoprt reported the 1 ball 2lbs under and remaining 11 just a tick under. I don't know if he's a liar or has a reading comprehension issue.

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One could ask you or me the same question   :dunno:


I'll go first....

I am a home healthcare provider for the developmentally disabled.   :hat:



Very admirable profession.

 I'll go next. I have income properties and invest in real estate based deals. BTW.. Indy is a bad place to own SFH's as the tenants tend to be very transient and rough on the properties.

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Why didn't you reply to me after I proved you wrong?

You say we buy into morts report which is usually legitimate as a source but you are buying into schefter stirring the pot on Boston radio coupled with select facts from rapaports report.

To be honest, I severely doubt that the Colts intentionally deflated the ball.

My posts were satirical; Colt fans here claimed Mortensen's article as gospel, and many still refer to it, despite the fact that he removed it and edited it well after the fact. It's the equivalent of using Schefter's quote, which I think was virtually coerced by Dale Arnold, as true.

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Except that Jackson said that there was nothing wrong with the ball that he intercepted . If the ball at that point was properly inflated , as Jackson seems to indicate , how did it become 2 PSI less?


Where have you read that Jackson said that there was nothing wrong with the ball that he intercepted?  
What I read was that he said that he didn't notice anything wrong because he couldn't tell the difference.  
After Thursday's Pro Bowl practice at Luke Air Force Base in Glendale, Arizona, Jackson said he couldn't tell whether the ball he intercepted in the second quarter of a 45-7 loss to the New England Patriots was or wasn't deflated below the threshold allowed by the NFL.
"I'm a linebacker, I'm a defensive guy," Jackson said. "If anybody recognized anything it definitely wouldn't come from me."
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To be honest, I severely doubt that the Colts intentionally deflated the ball.

My posts were satirical; Colt fans here claimed Mortensen's article as gospel, and many still refer to it, despite the fact that he removed it and edited it well after the fact. It's the equivalent of using Schefter's quote, which I think was virtually coerced by Dale Arnold, as true.

The only difference being we had no reason not to believe mort given who he is, then when it became apparent after mort report came out. Everyone thought it was correct, it was on freaking CNN. When Rapoport came out over a week ago nobody was still stuck on mort saying he is right, if anything everyone says now we officially don't know between mort Rapoport and PFT. You're on a colts forum so what are you expecting? It's lazy to just assume one piece of Rapoport as correct after the fact and then schefter stirring the pot after now that we have no reason to believe anybody unlike when mort first reported.
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Where have you read that Jackson said that there was nothing wrong with the ball that he intercepted?  
What I read was that he said that he didn't notice anything wrong because he couldn't tell the difference.  
After Thursday's Pro Bowl practice at Luke Air Force Base in Glendale, Arizona, Jackson said he couldn't tell whether the ball he intercepted in the second quarter of a 45-7 loss to the New England Patriots was or wasn't deflated below the threshold allowed by the NFL.
"I'm a linebacker, I'm a defensive guy," Jackson said. "If anybody recognized anything it definitely wouldn't come from me."




According to BB , his 2 QB's could only tell the difference 50% of the time with a ball deflated by 2 LB's per square inch. Plus factor in that they knew that they were doing a "testing of the football " type thing. Not that I really believe that Tom Brady could be handed a football that was that deflated and be asked if it felt deflated and only be right 50% of the time. That I think is a blatant lie . But I can believe him when he said in game conditions , he wouldn't notice it. That's a far more believable statement. So the point is , he (Virdulant) believes Brady and BB ... that they can't tell the difference when they are LOOKING FOR DEFLATION , but a LB that caught a ball and carried it off the field would know if it was deflated. From there he went on to the conspiracy theory. To his credit , he has now backed off that statement  and I respect that.

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