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If the latest reports are true

Bad Morty

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Having a tough time grasping how Irsay and Pagano could be banned for life when there are 11 underinflated Patriot footballs in addition to the fact the Colts have never cheated before...


I think that article was a total mockery of the press, and their reaction, and what you can do when one is willing to use unsubstantiated "rumors" and speculation to form an opinion that serves nothing but to sell the byline.


If you take the latest reports and spin them to an absurd ending, thats what you get. 

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I think that article was a total mockery of the press, and their reaction, and what you can do when one is willing to use unsubstantiated "rumors" and speculation to form an opinion that serves nothing but to sell the byline.


If you take the latest reports and spin them to an absurd ending, thats what you get. 

....but they didn't do anything wrong? Unlike the Patriots who are always doing something wrong...

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....but they didn't do anything wrong? Unlike the Patriots who are always doing something wrong...


But how do you know they didnt do anything wrong?  We have one severely underinflated ball that was in the custody of the colts. Why is an accusation that they were deflated by the colts any less valid then the accusation that the pats did? Especially if 11 of the balls were just a "tick" below the limit?


(Just playing the devils advocate here, I am not MAKING that accusation)

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But how do you know they didnt do anything wrong?  We have one severely underinflated ball that was in the custody of the colts. Why is an accusation that they were deflated by the colts any less valid then the accusation that the pats did? Especially if 11 of the balls were just a "tick" below the limit?


(Just playing the devils advocate here, I am not MAKING that accusation)

11 balls weren't a tick either. 1 was 2, several were 1, several were a tick, and 1 was good. 12 colts were good.

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11 balls weren't a tick either. 1 was 2, several were 1, several were a tick, and 1 was good. 12 colts were good.


That actually supports my "accusation" that the colts meddled with that one ball. If all the balls were set equally at the start of the game, and then systematically deflated, the expected outcome would be a uniform deflation across the set of balls. No way if TB "ordered" them deflated, that it would just be a random amount. It would of been a very controlled deflation.


However, if the balls had a random distribution of PSI in the legal range, one would expect a random distribution after accounting for the weather.  Except for that one ball that was in the possession of the Colts.....hmmm... :)


My point is, everyone can take "leaks" and "reports" and spin them to whatever theory they wish. Doesn't make anything a fact. Just plain old speculation.

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That actually supports my "accusation" that the colts meddled with that one ball. If all the balls were set equally at the start of the game, and then systematically deflated, the expected outcome would be a uniform deflation across the set of balls. No way if TB "ordered" them deflated, that it would just be a random amount. It would of been a very controlled deflation.

However, if the balls had a random distribution of PSI in the legal range, one would expect a random distribution after accounting for the weather. Except for that one ball that was in the possession of the Colts.....hmmm... :)

My point is, everyone can take "leaks" and "reports" and spin them to whatever theory they wish. Doesn't make anything a fact. Just plain old speculation.

So by that logic you can have outliers like one that's perfect and one that's two under

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Good Ol' Goodell doesn't think there was an infraction....excuse me while I try not to look surprised.

Ever since he destroyed the Spygate tapes I haven't trusted Goodell.  Why destroy evidence?  BB was warned and continued on with his illegal taping.  The guy is a leach and should be thrown out of the league along with his commissioner buddy.  The real sad part is that BB is a great coach, he didn't need to stoop so low.  

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But how do you know they didnt do anything wrong?  We have one severely underinflated ball that was in the custody of the colts. Why is an accusation that they were deflated by the colts any less valid then the accusation that the pats did? Especially if 11 of the balls were just a "tick" below the limit?


(Just playing the devils advocate here, I am not MAKING that accusation)

History my friend, history.  Where there is smoke, there is usually fire.  Pats are looked at as cheaters by everyone not pulling for the Pats. 

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Thats the point. I dont need to explain the 2 under. I've accused the colts of doing it. Its a false logic, but it fits the "information" that is floating around. 

LOL, get over it.  The Pats are cheaters, plain and simple.  Everyone outside of NE knows it. If Spygate never happened, you might have a case.

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LOL, get over it.  The Pats are cheaters, plain and simple.  Everyone outside of NE knows it. If Spygate never happened, you might have a case.

I love when people who are clearly obsessed and perpetually butt-hurt over the Patriots being the premier team in football tell other people to "get over it". Lol...trust me - we ARE over it. If you are still running around sleepless and hysterical yelling "Bu-bu-but THEY ARE CHEATERS!!!!" at people, then you might want to take your own advice re: "getting over it". There's always next year ;)

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Ever since he destroyed the Spygate tapes I haven't trusted Goodell. Why destroy evidence? BB was warned and continued on with his illegal taping. The guy is a leach and should be thrown out of the league along with his commissioner buddy. The real sad part is that BB is a great coach, he didn't need to stoop so low.

More misinformation .

Do you even know what the tapings were of?

They were of signals that EVERYONE in the stadium could see!

He could have had someone take notes on them by hand, but chose to record them because it was easier!

I am honestly confused as to how many people do not understand the issue.

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I love when people who are clearly obsessed and perpetually butt-hurt over the Patriots being the premier team in football tell other people to "get over it". Lol...trust me - we ARE over it. If you are still running around sleepless and hysterical yelling "Bu-bu-but THEY ARE CHEATERS!!!!" at people, then you might want to take your own advice re: "getting over it". There's always next year ;)

If you are over it, then why are you still here?

Obsessed? Possessed? Angry?

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LOL, get over it.  The Pats are cheaters, plain and simple.  Everyone outside of NE knows it. If Spygate never happened, you might have a case.


I wasnt making a case at all? It was simply an exercise on how speculation can be twisted to fit whatever view of the world one wants to promote. 

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Charles Hailey is that you? Lol

Outside of New England, fans think the Patriots bent and broke rules to win those Super Bowls.

Take that how you want, but that's just how it is.

Anytime someone mentions their titles, someone WILL bring up Spygate or Deflategate.

How does that feel?

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Outside of New England, fans think the Patriots bent and broke rules to win those Super Bowls.

Take that how you want, but that's just how it is.

Anytime someone mentions their titles, someone WILL bring up Spygate or Deflategate.

How does that feel?

I laugh.

As should anyone else who faces any type of ignorance /

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More misinformation .

Do you even know what the tapings were of?

They were of signals that EVERYONE in the stadium could see!

He could have had someone take notes on them by hand, but chose to record them because it was easier!

I am honestly confused as to how many people do not understand the issue.

You and I both know that all the tapes were so grevious, he could not implicate winners of 3 of the most recent superbowls just as he was taking his job as commissioner. Look at how bad he fumbled the Rice situation, you know he saw the tape, just like he did with spygate, and barely did anything about it to try to make the situation go away.

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You and I both know that all the tapes were so grevious, he could not implicate winners of 3 of the most recent superbowls just as he was taking his job as commissioner. Look at how bad he fumbled the Rice situation, you know he saw the tape, just like he did with spygate, and barely did anything about it to try to make the situation go away.

Did you see the tapes? I did; they were boring shots going from the clock to the DC, then back again.

Once more, the videotaping was of something that EVERYONE could see.

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Did you see the tapes? I did; they were boring shots going from the clock to the DC, then back again.

Once more, the videotaping was of something that EVERYONE could see.

I forgot everyone could see the Rams walkthrough before the superbowl.


I bet you think strippers like you too.

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Outside of New England, fans think the Patriots bent and broke rules to win those Super Bowls.

Take that how you want, but that's just how it is.


I believe this to be a true statement that most people outside of NE feel this way.


I also believe that it doesn't really matter to the team and fans that they are perceived this way.

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Did you see the tapes? I did; they were boring shots going from the clock to the DC, then back again.

Once more, the videotaping was of something that EVERYONE could see.

You saw all the tapes that were destroyed by the NFL? Now why do I find that hard to believe? (Rhetorical Question).

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Ever since he destroyed the Spygate tapes I haven't trusted Goodell.  Why destroy evidence?  BB was warned and continued on with his illegal taping.  The guy is a leach and should be thrown out of the league along with his commissioner buddy.  The real sad part is that BB is a great coach, he didn't need to stoop so low.  

Exactly.  He didn't have to but he did.  The whole blaming the Colts thing is a very common thing with dishonest people.  Deflect.  Very close to deflate.  But, not quite the same thing.  

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Hilarious .

So because I'm not posting s link to them, that invalidates the fact that they were all over the news?

Pretty poor argument.

Lol, a poster asks you to back up what you wrote with evidence and somehow that is a poor argument. Talk about poor arguments.

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Anytime someone mentions their titles, someone WILL bring up Spygate or Deflategate.

How does that feel?

How does that feel? It feels fantastic! It's pretty much THE reason I frequent the boards of other teams fan-bases. I always find a bunch of fun and well versed people who are great to discuss real football with, and then for side-entertainment there are always that handful of cry-babies who post stuff like this ^ thinking that Pats fans will feel "zing-ed" by it. We don't...we find it hilarious and funny...it's THE sign that the team we root for has gone beyond simply winning games on the field and have moved into a stratosphere where their success has begun to negatively impact the lives of some individuals. We all rubber-neck at accident scenes...yeah, we feel bad for the victims, but you can't help but look. That's kind of how it feels for me reading obsessive rants about "spygate" and "cheating".  

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How does that feel? It feels fantastic! It's pretty much THE reason I frequent the boards of other teams fan-bases. I always find a bunch of fun and well versed people who are great to discuss real football with, and then for side-entertainment there are always that handful of cry-babies who post stuff like this ^ thinking that Pats fans will feel "zing-ed" by it. We don't...we find it hilarious and funny...it's THE sign that the team we root for has gone beyond simply winning games on the field and have moved into a stratosphere where their success has begun to negatively impact the lives of some individuals. We all rubber-neck at accident scenes...yeah, we feel bad for the victims, but you can't help but look. That's kind of how it feels for me reading obsessive rants about "spygate" and "cheating".

If you don't feel zing-ed by it, you won't be visiting literally every team's board.
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And they said to prove what the patriots did vs the colts.

And I can't ask to prove that's the vidoes were all over the news?

Can't have it both ways.

ViriLudant wants it both ways, as a matter of fact he/she will take it anyway possible no matter the degree of hypocrisy.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, February 6, 2015 - calling out moderators
Hidden by Nadine, February 6, 2015 - calling out moderators

What's happening?!!

I, a Colts fan, start a thread about the PatriotS cheating on a Colts forum. Multiple Colts and Patriot fans beg for it to be locked.

It gets locked!!

A Patriot fan starts a thread about the Colts setting the Patriots up with deflated footballs. The thread thrives like we're in Boston.

This forum is a joke if we're gonna play favorites and let Patriot fan's takeover the board and troll.

Bad Morty is dominating this forum like he owns it, and the Colts forum moderators let him do it.


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Lol, a poster asks you to back up what you wrote with evidence and somehow that is a poor argument. Talk about poor arguments.


Here ya go... All the links are like this. Is another blatant lie by you saying all theses tapes were seen by the public. Every article you pull up on this is the same.





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