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Changes NEED to be made to become a SERIOUS threat


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Why do so many people keep whining about the Colts division? The AFC north got to play the NFC south this year! Whoa baby, and do you people realize those tough Steelers who so many of you seem to be in awe of lost to the Browns, Bucs, Jest, and barely beat the Titans and Jags,oh, and the Texans. How did they beat the Colts? In the past 41 years what is the Colts record against the Steelers? Honestly, I hope we don't play them in the first round because our postseason record against them would fall to 0-6 all time.

I don't think anyone is "whining" when speaking of the Colts division. In fact the south is DEAD LAST in winning percentage in the AFC and has the 2nd WORST OVERALL winning percentage (NFC south being the worst) of the EIGHT divisions in the NFL. The point I was making is that this team has a lot of issues moving forward to get to that NEXT level as far as competing for a SB. The perks of winning a division lets you host a home playoff game EVEN if you're below 500. (see nfc south) SO as a Colt fan I will take it bad division or not. Now on to your Steeler point. Their own hc has said that they have a problem playing DOWN to their opponent. Unlike the Colts who fizzle against the "big" boys (from gameplan to execution) but punish the bottom feeders with mind blowing stats. The Steelers seem to get "up" for perceived BIG games and give half efforts at times against subpar teams. (aka trap games) I'm no Steeler fan nor am I in awe of them. I'm only using them because that's the team you picked in YOUR post and I don't buy into the whole 41 year thing either because half these guys weren't even born yet. If they meet in the playoffs and the Steelers happen to win it's because they're a better TEAM than this FLAWED version of Colts but you always have a chance (injuries, turnovers etc) on any given Sunday. 

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So replace the coaches and half the players and implement a new scheme putting us back to square one just so we can spend the next three years getting back to where we are now? And thats assuming we actually get someone better. No thanks. I lived through the 80's and 90's with this team. You think this is bad? Trust me it could be WAY worse.

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So replace the coaches and half the players and implement a new scheme putting us back to square one just so we can spend the next three years getting back to where we are now? And thats assuming we actually get someone better. No thanks. I lived through the 80's and 90's with this team. You think this is bad? Trust me it could be WAY worse.

I'm sure many fans on this board have seen the bad days of the EARLY Indy Colts also. Just like most also witnessed the two SB appearances (winning ONLY one) in the Manning era too. What if the Colts had put a more COMPLETE team or BETTER talent around (who some say is the best qb of all time) Peyton? What if he had the luxury of a coach like Belichick? I bet he would have had multiple rings. Is Eli, big Ben or Brady BETTER than Peyton? No but they have more rings in his era. Guys like Dilfer, Brad Johnson, Flacco and R Wilson to name a few have won a single title like Peyton in this era. Peyton had to carry the mediocre coaching staff and the flawed teams on his back for YEARS!! Yeah they had a few talented players here and there BUT not nearly enough. When Peyton went down EVERYONE was EXPOSED to the tune of a 2-14 team that couldn't beat the bottom feeders of the league. What would this team be if Luck went down? Would you trust in Chuck? Brady went down for the season (game 1) a few years back yet the Pats STILL finished 11-5. Bruce has had the Cards at the top of the nfc almost all season DESPITE losing his starting and backup qb, the starting rb, his star de, best lb and 2nd best cb all for the season! Like I said before Chuck is serviceable with a franchise qb but the eye test tells me he is NOT a difference maker. Who says an avg coach gets a 5yr plan anyway?

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If Pagano is such a bad coach what does that say about a coach who can't get his team up for a game against "lesser competition"? You mentioned Belichek, isn't he the guy who was so dumb it took him over a year to play the greatest qb ever, and that was only after the incumbent stater got hurt! What was his record in Cleveland anyways? I get tired of people complaining about deficiencies in coaching, gm, players, blah, blah blah. Who else in this league has made the playoffs 14 of the last 16 seasons? Dilfer, Johnson, Wilson, Flacco, 4 guys who won rings because of the defense of their teams. To mention them in the same breath as Peyton is ludicrous. Sometimes I think there are way to many people on this forum who are infatuated with Skip Bayless!

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If Pagano is such a bad coach what does that say about a coach who can't get his team up for a game against "lesser competition"? You mentioned Belichek, isn't he the guy who was so dumb it took him over a year to play the greatest qb ever, and that was only after the incumbent stater got hurt! What was his record in Cleveland anyways? I get tired of people complaining about deficiencies in coaching, gm, players, blah, blah blah. Who else in this league has made the playoffs 14 of the last 16 seasons? Dilfer, Johnson, Wilson, Flacco, 4 guys who won rings because of the defense of their teams. To mention them in the same breath as Peyton is ludicrous. Sometimes I think there are way to many people on this forum who are infatuated with Skip Bayless!

Thank You..


Can we say bingo...

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Is that why we finished either 11-5 or 10-6 this season? Is that why the Colts offense is in the top 3 in the league? Also I do know how to spell way.

You do know we play in the second worst conference, don't you?  Those games are easy wins.  Why did we finish 1-5 against playoff teams?  You want to challenge me to a spelling contest?  Obviously you are unfamiliar with slang to emphasize a point.  


Oh, by the way, where does our rolling ball of butcher knives running game rank?  Hmmmm.

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You do know we play in the second worst conference, don't you?  Those games are easy wins.  Why did we finish 1-5 against playoff teams?  You want to challenge me to a spelling contest?  Obviously you are unfamiliar with slang to emphasize a point.  


Oh, by the way, where does our rolling ball of butcher knives running game rank?  Hmmmm.

Does your questions really need explaining? It wouldn't matter to you what the Colts did. Your non stop negativity gets old. All you have to do is look and see the big picture. 3 years in a 5 year plan. Is that hard to comprehend? If you have read my comments then you know my opinion. Do you have an opinion that is not pure negative?

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Does your questions really need explaining? It wouldn't matter to you what the Colts did. Your non stop negativity gets old. All you have to do is look and see the big picture. 3 years in a 5 year plan. Is that hard to comprehend? If you have read my comments then you know my opinion. Do you have an opinion that is not pure negative?

I'm not here to please you bud.  Nor will I be intimidated in to singing at the top of my lungs "Everything is Awesome" like yourself.

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If Pagano is such a bad coach what does that say about a coach who can't get his team up for a game against "lesser competition"? You mentioned Belichek, isn't he the guy who was so dumb it took him over a year to play the greatest qb ever, and that was only after the incumbent stater got hurt! What was his record in Cleveland anyways? I get tired of people complaining about deficiencies in coaching, gm, players, blah, blah blah. Who else in this league has made the playoffs 14 of the last 16 seasons? Dilfer, Johnson, Wilson, Flacco, 4 guys who won rings because of the defense of their teams. To mention them in the same breath as Peyton is ludicrous. Sometimes I think there are way to many people on this forum who are infatuated with Skip Bayless!

Your replies are amusing to me. I am a Colt fan FIRST and have no BLIND loyalty to Chuck. I NEVER said he was a bad coach anyway. (avg or serviceable at best) Now on to your points but before I start I'm letting you know I'm not a fan of ANY of these coaches or players I'm about to speak on with the exception being Peyton. I don't know WHAT it says about a Steeler coach (Tomlin) who wins most BIG games but his team loses "trap" games at times. All I do know is that he is the YOUNGEST hc in nfl HISTORY to WIN a SB and has coach of the year on his resume. Belichick is THAT guy who took a CHANCE on a qb fm Michigan in the 6th rd that EVERYONE else had PASSED on. He is also the same guy that had the MOXIE to STAY with the backup 6th rd qb AFTER the former pro bowl qb (who was a number one pick overall) returned from injury and the rest is history. I don't know what his record was in Cleveland but I would say about 7gms under 500 over a 4 or 5yr span. I know espn did a doc on him in Cleveland talking about the PROMISE he and his staff showed but lacked the talent on the field to accomplish more wins. You can just add him to the list of coaches that were fired from other teams ONLY to win SB trophies elsewhere like Coughlin, Pete Carroll and Dungy to name a few because at the end of the day the goal is to win championships PERIOD. Nfl fans could care less about the Colts making the playoffs 14 of the last 16yrs. How many titles were won? Better yet how many one and dones in that span? None of those qbs listed in my earlier post are better than Peyton but they ALL had better OVERALL talent and defenses thus making them BETTER teams which WAS MY POINT in the first place. I hope Luck doesn't have to suffer the same fate of carrying a whole franchise on his back by masking mediocre coaches and trying to elevate subpar talent in a weak division year after year INSTEAD of competing for titles with a COMPLETE team.

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Your replies are amusing to me. I am a Colt fan FIRST and have no BLIND loyalty to Chuck. I NEVER said he was a bad coach anyway. (avg or serviceable at best) Now on to your points but before I start I'm letting you know I'm not a fan of ANY of these coaches or players I'm about to speak on with the exception being Peyton. I don't know WHAT it says about a Steeler coach (Tomlin) who wins most BIG games but his team loses "trap" games at times. All I do know is that he is the YOUNGEST hc in nfl HISTORY to WIN a SB and has coach of the year on his resume. Belichick is THAT guy who took a CHANCE on a qb fm Michigan in the 6th rd that EVERYONE else had PASSED on. He is also the same guy that had the MOXIE to STAY with the backup 6th rd qb AFTER the former pro bowl qb (who was a number one pick overall) returned from injury and the rest is history. I don't know what his record was in Cleveland but I would say about 7gms under 500 over a 4 or 5yr span. I know espn did a doc on him in Cleveland talking about the PROMISE he and his staff showed but lacked the talent on the field to accomplish more wins. You can just add him to the list of coaches that were fired from other teams ONLY to win SB trophies elsewhere like Coughlin, Pete Carroll and Dungy to name a few because at the end of the day the goal is to win championships PERIOD. Nfl fans could care less about the Colts making the playoffs 14 of the last 16yrs. How many titles were won? Better yet how many one and dones in that span? None of those qbs listed in my earlier post are better than Peyton but they ALL had better OVERALL talent and defenses thus making them BETTER teams which WAS MY POINT in the first place. I hope Luck doesn't have to suffer the same fate of carrying a whole franchise on his back by masking mediocre coaches and trying to elevate subpar talent in a weak division year after year INSTEAD of competing for titles with a COMPLETE team.

Belichick was 36 and 44 in Cleveland in 4 years(1991-19995)......1 winning season in which he lost to Pittsburgh in AFC Divisional game.....'94..........Coaching can only do so much.......A team can literally have a great HC....But if ya have a bad QB that great or good HC can be made to look awful

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Consider the whole body of work for the last 3 years.  Grigson has been decisive, bold, savvy, and financially sound.  He's also been wrong, but with a favorable hit ratio.  If you've listened to everything he has said (not just the sound bites) and watched everything he has done, you would be confident that this is not a passive GM that will standby and fritter away his chance to win multiple superbowls with an elite QB.  


We are going to the playoffs for our third straight year, when, in fact, this year was probably the first of this collective regime that we fans had a right to expect to be back to the playoffs with a 3rd year QB and roster rebuild.  There is no reason to penalize our staff for going the 2 years previous.


Pagano may or may not be the guy to lead us to the promised land - he gets up everyday knowing that loyalty is only as deep as the outcomes he achieves.  But...he will be given enough time to allow the investments that they are making to collectively mature before judgment is rendered.  Unless we miss the playoffs next year, that is at least 2 more years.

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Belichick was 36 and 44 in Cleveland in 4 years(1991-19995)......1 winning season in which he lost to Pittsburgh in AFC Divisional game.....'94..........Coaching can only do so much.......A team can literally have a great HC....But if ya have a bad QB that great or good HC can be made to look awful

Thanks Gavin for the exact numbers. I wasn't too far off. I agree with you about a bad qb which is WHY Belichick showed PROMISE on a team void of talent and let's not forget that the afc central had the Steelers back on top (losing a SB to Dallas) battling the Warren Moon led Oilers for supremacy of the division. Now to the flip side a franchise qb can make a pedestrian coach and team APPEAR to be better ESPECIALLY in a weak division. I focus on the gameplan from week to week and personnel on the field which fall directly on the hc. Get some up tempo and spread formations going to BEGIN games. QUIT trying to establish the run on early downs and series putting the qb in long 3rd down situations setting up JAILBREAKS from opposing defenses. Regardless of what some like Two_pound_dump says FOCUS is now being put on Chuck by national sport panels (and some local media) due to the dismal performances on BOTH sides of the ball against top tier teams with Luck as your qb. (the best of all the young qbs) Players only meetings point to trouble in paradise.

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