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Polian's Defensive Philosophy


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Sit back and hope the offense makes a mistake.

With QB's becoming more efficient and offenses more sophisticated, why does he think this is still going to work? Also, it's scary that Eric Foster is the Colts hope for the future.


"That said, the philosophy of our defense has changed completely. We’re back to what we used to be, which is we believe three five-yard passes are better than one 20-yard pass. We’re going to give up some passes and make the tackle afterwards and hope that by the time they’re down in the red zone they make a mistake or cough the ball up, or later in the game the receivers are tired of getting hit. You get bounce-offs and interceptions and things like that. As our defensive coordinator Mike Murphy said, we were in three situations where we had third-and-long in the second and third quarters in drives that resulted in touchdowns where if we had gotten a sack or gotten a hurry or gotten a deflected ball, we’re off the field. The principle culprit there was the inside rush. We have to get that improved. We have to get the right people in there. That said, the two guys who were scheduled to do it,Drake Nevisicon-article-link.gif and Eric Foster are on the bench with injuries. In Nevis’ case, I don’t know when he’s going to be back and Foster’s gone for the year. Bottom line, we’re a little depleted there. The inside rush is what you have to have to beat him. There’s no other way to do that."

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I don't like it, I think we need to be more aggressive. We can't wait for a team to make a mistake or cough up the ball. This is the NFL, teams practice like mad to get these plays down. We need to force them to make mistakes by disrupting their timing (jamming receivers) and hitting their QB (blitzing). I don't think you can wait and hope Brady or Brees or Rodgers makes a mistake in the red zone. Force them to make mistakes.

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I don't like it, I think we need to be more aggressive. We can't wait for a team to make a mistake or cough up the ball. This is the NFL, teams practice like mad to get these plays down. We need to force them to make mistakes by disrupting their timing (jamming receivers) and hitting their QB (blitzing). I don't think you can wait and hope Brady or Brees or Rodgers makes a mistake in the red zone. Force them to make mistakes.

exactly, we've seen time and time again what makes even the best QBs play poorly is being aggressive and getting them on their back. 07 Giants did it against Brady, 05 Steelers against Manning (ironically both QBs were sacked 5 times in each game) and on top of that the constant pressure that forces the ball out quickly, the knockdowns etc. which aren't shown in the stats.

I think Polian does make a good point about the inside rush but I also disagree with the bend but don't break philosophy.

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This is why Polian MUST go! It's not tennis, and those might be the most cowardly and pathetic words I've ever heard associated with the NFL. I''m embarrased for the franchise.

I don't think he needs to go. There's a reason why he's GM and not defensive coordinator. Clearly, we don't agree with his defensive philosophy, but the role of the GM/president/whatever his title is isn't to come up with a defensive gameplan.

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I don't think he needs to go. There's a reason why he's GM and not defensive coordinator. Clearly, we don't agree with his defensive philosophy, but the role of the GM/president/whatever his title is isn't to come up with a defensive gameplan.

Huhh?? Where have you been? Do you want to know what happens when A DC's defensive gameplan doesn't agree with Polian's ? Ask Larry Coyer.

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"That said, the philosophy of our defense has changed completely. We’re back to what we used to be, which is we believe three five-yard passes are better than one 20-yard pass. We’re going to give up some passes and make the tackle afterwards and hope that by the time they’re down in the red zone they make a mistake or cough the ball up, or later in the game the receivers are tired of getting hit. You get bounce-offs and interceptions and things like that. As our defensive coordinator Mike Murphy said, we were in three situations where we had third-and-long in the second and third quarters in drives that resulted in touchdowns where if we had gotten a sack or gotten a hurry or gotten a deflected ball, we’re off the field. The principle culprit there was the inside rush. We have to get that improved. We have to get the right people in there. That said, the two guys who were scheduled to do it,Drake Nevisicon-article-link.gif and Eric Foster are on the bench with injuries. In Nevis’ case, I don’t know when he’s going to be back and Foster’s gone for the year. Bottom line, we’re a little depleted there. The inside rush is what you have to have to beat him. There’s no other way to do that."

So....let me get this straight.....

The Colts new defensive strategy is to let WR's catch so many passes that by the end of the game they are exhausted ( from catching and running and getting tackled) and start dropping balls that can be intercepted??

This new Colts defense is going to be scary good rotfl

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Sit back and hope the offense makes a mistake.

With QB's becoming more efficient and offenses more sophisticated, why does he think this is still going to work? Also, it's scary that Eric Foster is the Colts hope for the future.


"That said, the philosophy of our defense has changed completely. We’re back to what we used to be, which is we believe three five-yard passes are better than one 20-yard pass. We’re going to give up some passes and make the tackle afterwards and hope that by the time they’re down in the red zone they make a mistake or cough the ball up, or later in the game the receivers are tired of getting hit. You get bounce-offs and interceptions and things like that. As our defensive coordinator Mike Murphy said, we were in three situations where we had third-and-long in the second and third quarters in drives that resulted in touchdowns where if we had gotten a sack or gotten a hurry or gotten a deflected ball, we’re off the field. The principle culprit there was the inside rush. We have to get that improved. We have to get the right people in there. That said, the two guys who were scheduled to do it,Drake Nevisicon-article-link.gif and Eric Foster are on the bench with injuries. In Nevis’ case, I don’t know when he’s going to be back and Foster’s gone for the year. Bottom line, we’re a little depleted there. The inside rush is what you have to have to beat him. There’s no other way to do that."

So I guess cover corners are obsolete and don't work anymore?

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So I guess cover corners are obsolete and don't work anymore?

I don't know about everyone elses opinion, but this guy needs to be sat on. I am pretty sure he believes he owns an nfl team, but Jim Irsay does.'nt know it yet. It seems to me that the worse this team gets and the more errelevent Bill becomes the more defiant he gets, it is like he does not want to own any of the problems this team is having. I really wish of that we could be like 90% of the other teams and actually hear from our owner or our coach, never mind he is only allowed to say what Bill tells him he can say.I would like to buy Bill for what is worth, and sell him for what he thinks he is worth, now shut up BP and get busy finding us a real coach not a toy with a string for you to play with. GO COLTS WIN A GAME!
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Sit back and hope the offense makes a mistake.

With QB's becoming more efficient and offenses more sophisticated, why does he think this is still going to work? Also, it's scary that Eric Foster is the Colts hope for the future.


"That said, the philosophy of our defense has changed completely. We’re back to what we used to be, which is we believe three five-yard passes are better than one 20-yard pass. We’re going to give up some passes and make the tackle afterwards and hope that by the time they’re down in the red zone they make a mistake or cough the ball up, or later in the game the receivers are tired of getting hit. You get bounce-offs and interceptions and things like that. As our defensive coordinator Mike Murphy said, we were in three situations where we had third-and-long in the second and third quarters in drives that resulted in touchdowns where if we had gotten a sack or gotten a hurry or gotten a deflected ball, we’re off the field. The principle culprit there was the inside rush. We have to get that improved. We have to get the right people in there. That said, the two guys who were scheduled to do it,Drake Nevisicon-article-link.gif and Eric Foster are on the bench with injuries. In Nevis’ case, I don’t know when he’s going to be back and Foster’s gone for the year. Bottom line, we’re a little depleted there. The inside rush is what you have to have to beat him. There’s no other way to do that."

Holy batman, what has happened to Polian? He used to be really good at his trade but my god has he become lame. It is laughable that he honestly believes that the wr's will be tired at the end of a game from catching all them 3-5 yard passes and getting hit. BTW, they are more like 7-13 yard catches and then ran out of bounds so I think the wr's will be ok. Nevis and Foster should not be the starting DT rotation. We need a pass rushing DT and a clogger in the lineup at the same time. When Polian can understand that concept, the DT play will improve. He is in denial and thinks he is smarter than every other team.

This is why Polian MUST go! It's not tennis, and those might be the most cowardly and pathetic words I've ever heard associated with the NFL. I''m embarrased for the franchise.

I agree, pathetic!!

I don't think he needs to go. There's a reason why he's GM and not defensive coordinator. Clearly, we don't agree with his defensive philosophy, but the role of the GM/president/whatever his title is isn't to come up with a defensive gameplan.

hahahahaha, see nitecrawlers comments for my answer! Polian believes he runs every aspect instead of mananging the people who run the system.

Huhh?? Where have you been? Do you want to know what happens when A DC's defensive gameplan doesn't agree with Polian's ? Ask Larry Coyer.

Dead on!! If Polian could leave the coaching to the coaches, maybe they would succeed but his micromanagement of his staff has crippled this team. It is time for Polian to sit in his rocking chair on the porch and criticize the mailman for being late or the paperboy for missing his porch.

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What I want to see changed in the philosophy is to have them change up the looks on defense. Teams with tick poor QB's know that our db's sit back 7-10 yards so they always know all they have to do is 2-3 steps back and throw and they have a first down completion. With our lack of passrush, most QB's and the really good QB's can just sit back and wait for the downfield play to develop or just take the easy 7 yard toss to the open wr/te on either side of the field. I say mix it up, hide your coverage make them think about just 2-3 step bam and out. Make them have a little fear. Is the db going to play up or back in a zone and therefore I actually have to look to see if the wr is open instead of automatically knowing the wr is open and can turn and blindy throw a 7 yard out. Don't play m2m an entire game nor play soft zone coverage all game, just mix it up and give the other side a doubt that they have to look before throwing. Make the time go from 2.3 seconds to throw up to 3 seconds and allow Freeney and Mathis to get there. Right now, the DE's have no chance under the defensive philosophy.

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What I want to see changed in the philosophy is to have them change up the looks on defense. Teams with tick poor QB's know that our db's sit back 7-10 yards so they always know all they have to do is 2-3 steps back and throw and they have a first down completion. With our lack of passrush, most QB's and the really good QB's can just sit back and wait for the downfield play to develop or just take the easy 7 yard toss to the open wr/te on either side of the field. I say mix it up, hide your coverage make them think about just 2-3 step bam and out. Make them have a little fear. Is the db going to play up or back in a zone and therefore I actually have to look to see if the wr is open instead of automatically knowing the wr is open and can turn and blindy throw a 7 yard out. Don't play m2m an entire game nor play soft zone coverage all game, just mix it up and give the other side a doubt that they have to look before throwing. Make the time go from 2.3 seconds to throw up to 3 seconds and allow Freeney and Mathis to get there. Right now, the DE's have no chance under the defensive philosophy.

It is next to impossible to get a pass rush when you allow the qb to take a three step drop and complete a 8 yard out or in patteren. That is why we lost the super bowl, qb's and tight ends are to good these days to just sit back and be picked apart, and pray they drop one on 3rd down or maybe fall down a yard short from fatigue. The Colts would have at least two more super bowl wins in the last 10 years if not for 2 major problems that can't seem to be addressed. 1 can't get a 3rd and 1 on offense and can't get off the field on 3rd and anything.
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Interesting how so many couch potato fans think they know more then someone on the level of Bill Polian. My question to all of those here who disagree with Bill...

1. What is your record as a NFL GM?

2. How many drafts have you overseen in your career in the NFL

3. How many teams have you built that have gone on to the SB

It's real easy to sit from your lazy boy or seat in the stadium and say "how things should be done" without all the information and such. I mean if you really think you can do a better job then why not pay a visit to the 56th street HQ, put in your resume for GM, list all of your qualifications and see what happens?

People need to relax, lets see how the mag't teams reacts to this season and what actual changes occur before leaping off the ledge.... :D

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Sit back and hope the offense makes a mistake.

With QB's becoming more efficient and offenses more sophisticated, why does he think this is still going to work? Also, it's scary that Eric Foster is the Colts hope for the future.


"That said, the philosophy of our defense has changed completely. We’re back to what we used to be, which is we believe three five-yard passes are better than one 20-yard pass. We’re going to give up some passes and make the tackle afterwards and hope that by the time they’re down in the red zone they make a mistake or cough the ball up, or later in the game the receivers are tired of getting hit. You get bounce-offs and interceptions and things like that. As our defensive coordinator Mike Murphy said, we were in three situations where we had third-and-long in the second and third quarters in drives that resulted in touchdowns where if we had gotten a sack or gotten a hurry or gotten a deflected ball, we’re off the field. The principle culprit there was the inside rush. We have to get that improved. We have to get the right people in there. That said, the two guys who were scheduled to do it,Drake Nevisicon-article-link.gif and Eric Foster are on the bench with injuries. In Nevis’ case, I don’t know when he’s going to be back and Foster’s gone for the year. Bottom line, we’re a little depleted there. The inside rush is what you have to have to beat him. There’s no other way to do that."

If this quote is true, it proves Polian is insane. To voluntarily give up passing yards by playing a junk defense then hoping to stop a team after allowing them free reign to march down the field is the dumbest thing I ever heard of. Now Polian is imposing his senile beliefs on the coaching staff.

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Interesting how so many couch potato fans think they know more then someone on the level of Bill Polian. My question to all of those here who disagree with Bill...

1. What is your record as a NFL GM?

2. How many drafts have you overseen in your career in the NFL

3. How many teams have you built that have gone on to the SB

It's real easy to sit from your lazy boy or seat in the stadium and say "how things should be done" without all the information and such. I mean if you really think you can do a better job then why not pay a visit to the 56th street HQ, put in your resume for GM, list all of your qualifications and see what happens?

People need to relax, lets see how the mag't teams reacts to this season and what actual changes occur before leaping off the ledge.... :D

I would ask you the same thing just on the other side of the argument. How do you know as a couch potatoe he is doing the right things?


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I would ask you the same thing just on the other side of the argument. How do you know as a couch potatoe he is doing the right things?


History. Look at how the Colts have performed over the past 10 seasons. You don't get that kind of performance level by luck in the NFL. You can debate the "way" the Colts made it happen but you can't argue the results. Over the past decade how many other NFL teams had a better winning %? Maybe 2? That shows me that weather you like the man or not, he knows how to put a winning product on the field more times then not, and we are not even taking into consideration what he did in Buffalo or Carolina.

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Interesting how so many couch potato fans think they know more then someone on the level of Bill Polian. My question to all of those here who disagree with Bill... 1. What is your record as a NFL GM? 2. How many drafts have you overseen in your career in the NFL 3. How many teams have you built that have gone on to the SB It's real easy to sit from your lazy boy or seat in the stadium and say "how things should be done" without all the information and such. I mean if you really think you can do a better job then why not pay a visit to the 56th street HQ, put in your resume for GM, list all of your qualifications and see what happens? People need to relax, lets see how the mag't teams reacts to this season and what actual changes occur before leaping off the ledge.... :D

And you're the one who said Polian and Caldwell were wrong for not putting Manning on IR and that they were wrong for not starting Dan O. sooner so this argument from you holds no water....zero...none. You can't criticize the front office for decisions that you didn't agree with but then criticize fans for criticizing the same front office for other decisions or comments that they disagree with but you don't. That's the very definition of being a hypocrite.

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Interesting how so many couch potato fans think they know more then someone on the level of Bill Polian. My question to all of those here who disagree with Bill...

1. What is your record as a NFL GM?

2. How many drafts have you overseen in your career in the NFL

3. How many teams have you built that have gone on to the SB

It's real easy to sit from your lazy boy or seat in the stadium and say "how things should be done" without all the information and such. I mean if you really think you can do a better job then why not pay a visit to the 56th street HQ, put in your resume for GM, list all of your qualifications and see what happens?

People need to relax, lets see how the mag't teams reacts to this season and what actual changes occur before leaping off the ledge.... :D

I wish just one time when your gaurdian leaves the house at 10.45am they would forget to unlock the basement door, so just one thread could be saved from your tired post.
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And you're the one who said Polian and Caldwell were wrong for not putting Manning on IR and that they were wrong for not starting Dan O. sooner so this argument from you holds no water....zero...none. You can't criticize the front office for decisions that you didn't agree with but then criticize fans for criticizing the same front office for other decisions or comments that they disagree with but you don't. That's the very definition of being a hypocrite.

BINGO, now tell him what he has won!
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And you're the one who said Polian and Caldwell were wrong for not putting Manning on IR and that they were wrong for not starting Dan O. sooner so this argument from you holds no water....zero...none. You can't criticize the front office for decisions that you didn't agree with but then criticize fans for criticizing the same front office for other decisions or comments that they disagree with but you don't. That's the very definition of being a hypocrite.

I believe that both Polian and Caldwell have made bad decisions, but all GM's and Coaches do. Overall I have no problem with the job Bill Polian has done as GM of the Colts througout his tenure. As for Caldwell I don't put as much stock in the value of a coach as some do.

My problem with some fans is it's okay to question or have issues with decisions that are made, but to think you know more then those in charge do, or that those in charge don't know what they are doing is laughable. I don't like some of the decisions our present President has made, but in no way do I think I could do a better job or that he is doing a bad job or is not qualified.

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I wish just one time when your gaurdian leaves the house at 10.45am they would forget to unlock the basement door, so just one thread could be saved from your tired post.

How are my posts anymore tired then your "teams sucks, GM sucks, Coach is an *, Polian needs to be fired, Caldwell is horrible, Chris got his job due to his name, Irsay is out to lunch, this team is doomed....have I missed anything?

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How are my posts anymore tired then your "teams sucks, GM sucks, Coach is an *, Polian needs to be fired, Caldwell is horrible, Chris got his job due to his name, Irsay is out to lunch, this team is doomed....have I missed anything?

Well flip, you got 1 of 3. I have never posted anything about Chris, go look. and to my knowledge have never posted Bill sux.SO, WRONG AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I don't like it, I think we need to be more aggressive. We can't wait for a team to make a mistake or cough up the ball. This is the NFL, teams practice like mad to get these plays down. We need to force them to make mistakes by disrupting their timing (jamming receivers) and hitting their QB (blitzing). I don't think you can wait and hope Brady or Brees or Rodgers makes a mistake in the red zone. Force them to make mistakes.

I cant believe that is a working philosophy, I mean he said it so believe it but that means unless the other team makes enough boo boos, u lose, Mist stupid thing i have heard

may work against lessor teams prone to error without is causing it but not in playoffs or superbowl

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Interesting how so many couch potato fans think they know more then someone on the level of Bill Polian. My question to all of those here who disagree with Bill...

1. What is your record as a NFL GM?

2. How many drafts have you overseen in your career in the NFL

3. How many teams have you built that have gone on to the SB

It's real easy to sit from your lazy boy or seat in the stadium and say "how things should be done" without all the information and such. I mean if you really think you can do a better job then why not pay a visit to the 56th street HQ, put in your resume for GM, list all of your qualifications and see what happens?

People need to relax, lets see how the mag't teams reacts to this season and what actual changes occur before leaping off the ledge.... :D

dn... Please note that this is a forum where people are free to give their opinion. Also note that it's highly unlikely that the FO is reading our threads and making their decisions based on what we have to say. It's a medium for us fans to express our opinions. Obviously if we were running the team, we would be busy doing just that and not writing our opinions on a forum.

With that said, I also want to let yo know why we as fans are upset with the FO. Our defense has slowly regressed over the years. We've all kown and expressed our frustration in previous years that teams could rush agains the Colts at will. The only bright spot on our defense was that we could at least defend against the pass. This may have been due to opposing teams desire to run the ball against us more on average, having better defensive players, especially at the CB position, and and our dominant pass rush. However,our only bright spot, our pass defense has now also deteriated so badly that it is now our achilies heal. Here are our defensive team rankings over the past 5 years in total yards allowed:

Year Ranking in NFL

2007 3rd

2008 16th

2009 18th

2010 20th

2011 28th

Do you notice a pattern? This is why we are upset. We have all noticed a steady deteriation of our defense. If we take your approach and just sit back and relax we would go crazy. We are passionate fans and care about our team and want to vent our frustration. Trust me, there's a lot to be frustrated about right now. I am a firm believer in patterns and tendencies. Polians latest pattern is not indicative of success.

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I believe that both Polian and Caldwell have made bad decisions, but all GM's and Coaches do. Overall I have no problem with the job Bill Polian has done as GM of the Colts througout his tenure. As for Caldwell I don't put as much stock in the value of a coach as some do.

My problem with some fans is it's okay to question or have issues with decisions that are made, but to think you know more then those in charge do, or that those in charge don't know what they are doing is laughable. I don't like some of the decisions our present President has made, but in no way do I think I could do a better job or that he is doing a bad job or is not qualified.

Anytime your GM publicly states that the philosophy of any aspect of the team is based on hoping the other team makes a mistake and then we can win a game, that is justification for any armchair GM making more competent decisions! If nont for Manning at the helm, Polian would have been fired several years back with his philosphy and many of his moves quite frankly.

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dn... Please note that this is a forum where people are free to give their opinion. Also note that it's highly unlikely that the FO is reading our threads and making their decisions based on what we have to say. It's a medium for us fans to express our opinions. Obviously if we were running the team, we would be busy doing just that and not writing our opinions on a forum.

With that said, I also want to let yo know why we as fans are upset with the FO. Our defense has slowly regressed over the years. We've all kown and expressed our frustration in previous years that teams could rush agains the Colts at will. The only bright spot on our defense was that we could at least defend against the pass. This may have been due to opposing teams desire to run the ball against us more on average, having better defensive players, especially at the CB position, and and our dominant pass rush. However,our only bright spot, our pass defense has now also deteriated so badly that it is now our achilies heal. Here are our defensive team rankings over the past 5 years in total yards allowed:

Year Ranking in NFL

2007 3rd

2008 16th

2009 18th

2010 20th

2011 28th

Do you notice a pattern? This is why we are upset. We have all noticed a steady deteriation of our defense. If we take your approach and just sit back and relax we would go crazy. We are passionate fans and care about our team and want to vent our frustration. Trust me, there's a lot to be frustrated about right now. I am a firm believer in patterns and tendencies. Polians latest pattern is not indicative of success.

And yet those numbers we won. As we are seeing with the Pats and Packers this year, if your offense is great, you can overcome average to bad defenses. this league is moving more and more to the offensive side, so Polian did that and put an offense on the field that could just outscore you. Also for the most part our defense was a bend don't break style where we would allow teams to run up and down the field but not put a ton of points on the board and it worked. Is it a perfect system to operate under, maybe not, but for 10+ seasons it worked. Now with Peyton down it doesn't so we need to either get Peyton back and go back to what we were doing, or rebuild with a different structure. Which ever happens I am confident in those running this franchise that they will do that.

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Anytime your GM publicly states that the philosophy of any aspect of the team is based on hoping the other team makes a mistake and then we can win a game, that is justification for any armchair GM making more competent decisions! If nont for Manning at the helm, Polian would have been fired several years back with his philosphy and many of his moves quite frankly.

Why do you listen to what he says? No GM/coach or owner is ever going to state in a public forum how they operate and do things.

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I believe that both Polian and Caldwell have made bad decisions, but all GM's and Coaches do. Overall I have no problem with the job Bill Polian has done as GM of the Colts througout his tenure. As for Caldwell I don't put as much stock in the value of a coach as some do.

My problem with some fans is it's okay to question or have issues with decisions that are made, but to think you know more then those in charge do, or that those in charge don't know what they are doing is laughable. I don't like some of the decisions our present President has made, but in no way do I think I could do a better job or that he is doing a bad job or is not qualified.

But you did the exact same thing, especially in regards to the "why isn't Peyton on IR discussion". In fact, here's your direct quote:

Because in this case both Polian and Caldwell are *.

How is that not exactly the same thing? Your comment directly implies that you think you know better than the Front Office in this regard. Now people are making similar comments but in regards to our defense. Again, you're being (as you have been many, many times in the past) a hypocrite.

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As for Caldwell I don't put as much stock in the value of a coach as some do..

Thats the problem, you dont realize how important a coach is. Look at the 49ers this year. Same personnel different coach you see the results. Watch the documentary on Vince Lombardi to see what the greatest coach ever looks like. The guy took won a state championship with a high school basketball team and his only knowledge of the game was what he read from a 'basketball for dummies" book he grabbed from the library. He succeeded everywhere he coached not because he just knew the X's and O's but because he knew how to get the most out of each individual player on the team. Caldwell not only does not know the X's and O's but he clearly doesn't get anything out of his players. Teams have Coaches for a reason, not just to stand there, look pretty and call timeouts.

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And yet those numbers we won. As we are seeing with the Pats and Packers this year, if your offense is great, you can overcome average to bad defenses. this league is moving more and more to the offensive side, so Polian did that and put an offense on the field that could just outscore you. Also for the most part our defense was a bend don't break style where we would allow teams to run up and down the field but not put a ton of points on the board and it worked. Is it a perfect system to operate under, maybe not, but for 10+ seasons it worked. Now with Peyton down it doesn't so we need to either get Peyton back and go back to what we were doing, or rebuild with a different structure. Which ever happens I am confident in those running this franchise that they will do that.

Dn...what did we win? Regular season games?

I think the rest of us see that if we did have a solid defense along with our high scoring offense, we would've won more super Bowls. That is the point of playing right?

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Dn...what did we win? Regular season games?

I think the rest of us see that if we did have a solid defense along with our high scoring offense, we would've won more super Bowls. That is the point of playing right?

The goal is the SB, but you can't discount the regular season also. Winnig the SB takes more then just talent, there is a huge luck factor in it also. Look at GB last year, they got into the playoffs with a 10-6 record and due to the stupid Giants punter. If he doesn't screw up, odds are the Packers are not even in the playoffs. Personally I value the regular season more because the luck factor is reduced and the true talented teams win more often. Were the Giants better then the 18-0 Pats, or did they just get lucky in that SB?

Also, in last year's playoff game, I D gave up what 17pts? How many times would you accept that from your D and yet we still didn't win. How many playoff losses were due to us being blown out?

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Yeah, if you are reading that and FLAWED doesn't crash into your mind, then you need help. Polian needs a reality check. We don't even have anyone on the team that hits hard enough that would make the WR's get tired of being hit! What does he see that we are not seeing? If anything, the WR's hit us more than we hit them!

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Yeah, if you are reading that and FLAWED doesn't crash into your mind, then you need help. Polian needs a reality check. We don't even have anyone on the team that hits hard enough that would make the WR's get tired of being hit! What does he see that we are not seeing? If anything, the WR's hit us more than we hit them!

I guess we can only wait and see if what Bill says is how he sees the Colts approach the draft and next season, or if he is just blowing smoke because he knows it tickes people off...

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I guess we can only wait and see if what Bill says is how he sees the Colts approach the draft and next season, or if he is just blowing smoke because he knows it tickes people off...

This is just amazing he believes that. Depending on another team to make a mistake is not how you play football. You do certain things to make the team make mistake, not sit back and wait for a blessing. I can see why we have such a swiss cheese defense. And it's coming straight from Polian's mouth, not the coaches, but Polian.

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History. (With 18) Look at how the Colts have performed over the past 10 seasons.(With 18) You don't get that kind of performance level by luck in the NFL. You can debate the "way" the Colts made it happen but you can't argue the results. Over the past decade (With 18) how many other NFL teams had a better winning %? Maybe 2? That shows me that weather you like the man or not, he knows how to put a winning product on the field more times (With 18) then not (actually win percentage goes down drastically without 18), and we are not even taking into consideration what he did in Buffalo or Carolina.

Are you the same poster who said it is obvious that peytons time is over & that the team needs to move on without him, but brings up the history of POLIANS success every time to defend Bill Polian...


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The goal is the SB, but you can't discount the regular season also. Winnig the SB takes more then just talent, there is a huge luck factor in it also.

For some teams that may be true, but most teams get to the playoffs and then the SB because they were the superior team and they made their own luck. So, how about improving talent, coaching and philosophy so we don't have to rely on luck?

Also, in last year's playoff game, I D gave up what 17pts? How many times would you accept that from your D

Simple, any time our offense scores 18 points or more then 17 allowed by the defense is acceptable. :P

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You know just putting my dislike for BP aside and he is right to some point... IF the colts had two good DT's in the middle and getting pressure in the middle the defense would be so much different, we wouldnt be complaining so much. But we dont have that, the times when the bears were great is when tommie harris was getting pressure up the middle and had the great Urlacher flying around in the middle... I think to some extent he is correct the colts need PLAYERS, i still dont like the scheme though.

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You know just putting my dislike for BP aside and he is right to some point... IF the colts had two good DT's in the middle and getting pressure in the middle the defense would be so much different, we wouldnt be complaining so much. But we dont have that, the times when the bears were great is when tommie harris was getting pressure up the middle and had the great Urlacher flying around in the middle... I think to some extent he is correct the colts need PLAYERS, i still dont like the scheme though.

I believe that also, but it would not turn a 32 ranked defense into a top 5. The scheme is flawed. When playing defense, the object is to read and react, not to read and allow. Comparing this to a fight, we are letting the other fighter hit us and hoping he is too tired by the end of the fight to put up a fight. That is flawed. That doesn't sit easy with me in anyway. I don't care if we had Ray Lewis, Ed Reed, Suh, and any other high caliber players with the same scheme, the scheme would still haunt me.

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