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I wish


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No! (Sorry, you have every right to your opinion)

I'd like to see a poll of American NFL fans just to gauge their opinion on the whole European expansion subject.

I've yet to talk to anyone who is for it. It's the same response, we're killing the golden goose.

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Its hard to believe the NFL owners are willing to give London a team and cut another slice out their pie. I understand England has a lot of NFL fans with TV coverage just like we do, but the logistics of traveling teams back and forth along with fatigue the players must get from long flights seems too much. I don't mind if the colts play over there as long as we are the away team. COLTSNATION needs and want all of our home games to be at home.

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Im American but have lived in England for the last 12 years... the NFL has grown substantially over here and I honestly think London could support an NFL team. Whether or not pushing for one is or isnt the best thing for the sport is an entirely different matter, but everyone in America should know that it is a growing sport over here and it's starting to be much more appreciated here too.


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I'm english and love nfl. But understand and respect your views guys. its getting bigger in uk believe me though.

Happy to know that the Colts have fans worldwide.  I would think a team based in England would put one division, one conference at a competitive disadvantage with the extra travel.  Wouldn't it?


Anyway... How about a mid-season showcase weekend with several teams over there?  The NFL would need to rethink the off-weekends and put something together that would get 4-6 teams in London for a 2-3 game showcase of NFL football.


That would make the greedy owners some money right?

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If Europe wants to see football, let them get their own league.  The Colts going to London would likely mean the loss of a home game.....no thanks.


As an international pilot for...well, you can tell by my avatar, I can tell you first hand that crossing time zones can really screw up a body.  Any team that travels to Europe is paying the price in jet lag and fatigue, I don't care how early you go, the effects linger.

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With all due respect to the UK fans, this is INSANE. Making teams travel to London for a game takes away somebody's home game, puts ridiculous travel time on both teams, and there is simply no good reason for it. Putting a team in London is the WORST idea the NFL has had in a long time (and they've had a lot of stupid ideas). The travel time is just. too. much. 

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Happy to know that the Colts have fans worldwide.  I would think a team based in England would put one division, one conference at a competitive disadvantage with the extra travel.  Wouldn't it?


Anyway... How about a mid-season showcase weekend with several teams over there?  The NFL would need to rethink the off-weekends and put something together that would get 4-6 teams in London for a 2-3 game showcase of NFL football.


That would make the greedy owners some money right?

You know they already do 3 games in London every year as it stands right? It's not all on the same weekend but they still do 3 games a year.

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