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Who are your top 5 qbs at the moment?


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Since you said "at the moment" it's

Big Ben





If we were speaking more generally the list would be a little more typical like



Big Ben






Foles... lol.






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At the moment as in the moment?

At this moment only 1 guy has threw 6 TDs twice in a row. Brees has only had 1 typical game this year but it just happened. Also at the moment Romo and Foles are hurt. They can't count.

If you look at the year so far it's all came down to Manning and Brady while Big Ben was average and Foles and Romo were good and at times great. That's all I was getting at.

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QB fetish report.


You never see a latest SB Winning QB on that list because defense wins championships, offense sells tickets.

With the exception of Luck every single one of those QB's listed was the "latest SB winning QB" at some point.

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