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Jacksonville Jaguars Sold


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Where does that article say anything about the team moving? It names a likely buyer who specifically wants to keep the team in Jacksonville.

But if the Jags did move to the west coast, the most logical thing would be for them to swap divisions with KC. It's great geographically, but the league hates giving up long-time rivalries. Who knows.

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Where does that article say anything about the team moving? It names a likely buyer who specifically wants to keep the team in Jacksonville.

It doesn't but everyone knows they can't draw fans, the stadium is 2nd rate, and after the last SB there, even the league office dislikes the town of Jacksonville.

They will force a team into LA in the next 10 years.

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Traveling to the west coast for divisional games would be bad for teams in the AFC South, and the Jags will really be at a disadvantage having to travel back 3 times a year.

On the Grady and Big "Polian" apolajist show the AFC South Yahoo beat writer stated the Jax were sold, or a partial sale was going to happen and the team was "staying in Jax"........

Who knows?

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It doesn't but everyone knows they can't draw fans, the stadium is 2nd rate, and after the last SB there, even the league office dislikes the town of Jacksonville.

They will force a team into LA in the next 10 years.

All true, but they haven't had a team in - what - 15+ years? And the buyer is a business man based in Illinois. It boggles the mind that LA doesn't have a team, but I looked at three articles about this none of which even hint about LA. I just wasn't sure why this thread is titled "Jag may be moving".

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All true, but they haven't had a team in - what - 15+ years? And the buyer is a business man based in Illinois. It boggles the mind that LA doesn't have a team, but I looked at three articles about this none of which even hint about LA. I just wasn't sure why this thread is titled "Jag may be moving".

It doesn't but everyone knows they can't draw fans, the stadium is 2nd rate, and after the last SB there, even the league office dislikes the town of Jacksonville.

They will force a team into LA in the next 10 years.

I agree, the OP should rename the topic. This has nothing to do with the Jags moving, nor is there anything to it. He is speculating and his topic doesn't support what he is posting.

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according to reports, one of the reasons they decided to sell to this owner is because he promised to keep the Jags in Jacksonville

That is indeed what is being reported.... but it's noteworthy to mention that there is nothing in writing that bounds Khan to keeping the Jaguars in Jacksonville either.

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The new owner made a "promise" to the current owner not to move it, but if someone dangles a big enough carrot you got to think he will bite. This guy also tried to buy the Rams a year ago who have almost been remored as a team to move back to LA.

I agree...and now that Al Davis is dead and can't sue whoever tries to move there, I doubt it will be long before LA get a team.

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Some of you people are unbelievable! Hey pacolts - nothing in writing to keep the Jags in Jax? How about a lease that runs through 2029 & a $100 million penalty for breaking it...Until this season, you guys were so spoiled. How quickly you all forget that before Manning came along, the Colts couldn't give tickets away & were in the conversation for moving to L.A. too. I'm glad that GM Gene Smith got an extension. Bill Polian thinks highly of him, if that means anything. We've gone from 28th total defense last year to 4th right now. The Jags just need some guys who don't drop half the balls thrown their way & we'd have 3 more wins right now. This is my 5th year with season tickets & I'm excited for the future.

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If they move to LA, that would screw up the AFC. They would have to change the divisions to:











East (West?)





I think you mean west.





















This how it should be if the Jags move to LA.

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or you can put the Steelers in the East and keep the Browns in the North.

Well I think currently based on location: North - Colts, Browns, Steelers, Bengals. West - Chiefs, Broncos, Raiders, Chargers. East-Patriots, Bills, Jets, Ravens, South - Dolphins, Texans, Jags, Titans. I don't know how we got put in the south when the Texans came in it should have been the Dolphins. Because currently the South and East are unbalanced. The Patriots and Colts dominate their respected division (excluding 2011). If they had the divisions this way then the divisions would be more balanced. The Colts could be challenged by the Steelers. The Patriots by the Ravens. The south wouldn't be dominated by us anymore and would be a toss up. The west was always a good match-up.

Then if the Jags move to LA the Jags and Chiefs switch divisions.

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Some of you people are unbelievable! Hey pacolts - nothing in writing to keep the Jags in Jax? How about a lease that runs through 2029 & a $100 million penalty for breaking it...Until this season, you guys were so spoiled. How quickly you all forget that before Manning came along, the Colts couldn't give tickets away & were in the conversation for moving to L.A. too. I'm glad that GM Gene Smith got an extension. Bill Polian thinks highly of him, if that means anything. We've gone from 28th total defense last year to 4th right now. The Jags just need some guys who don't drop half the balls thrown their way & we'd have 3 more wins right now. This is my 5th year with season tickets & I'm excited for the future.

So you're saying that for the next 27 years Khan is unable to move the team to L.A.... the 2nd biggest advertising market in the US..... because of a $100 mil lease penalty? rotfl

That boils down to roughly 4 million per season in revenue to cover the penalty ( buy out ).... if Khan charges a ridiculously low 10 bucks for parking ( the Jags get over $20 per game, right?) that $10.00 alone covers the lease penalty and then some over that 27 years. And trust me.... in L.A. it won't just be 10 bucks.

Look, I hope your team stays in Jacksonville.... and I never wanted to see the Colts move here, but someone is gonna cash in on the L.A. market at some point.... and probably fairly soon.

The local TV market advertising sponsorships and things like luxury suite leases are likely to be a pretty nice windfall for whoever moves in.

Financial reality my friend.

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The financial reality is that the Chargers, Raiders, or Vikings are much more viable candidates for relocation than Jacksonville. Jason Cole of YahooSports.com breaks it down pretty well. I don't like the title, but the facts are right on.


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The financial reality is that the Chargers, Raiders, or Vikings are much more viable candidates for relocation than Jacksonville. Jason Cole of YahooSports.com breaks it down pretty well. I don't like the title, but the facts are right on.


It's a legal reality...not a financial reality, as Cole's article stated, that will keep the Jags in Jacksonville. Cost-wise Khan could move the team and easily recoup that $100 penalty.

You're right though....that clause stating that they have to show 3 years of losses from "lack of attendance" will be a tough threshold and they may be stuck in Jacksonville unless the city is willing to tear up that lease for the right price.

Everything is negotiable.

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I think you mean west.





















This how it should be if the Jags move to LA.

I dont think the League would want to seperate Baltimore and Pittsburgh like that although it would make perfect geographical sense. They don't want to mess with what is perhaps the NFL's best current rivalry.

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