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If Patriots lose to Cincinnatti, what does Belichick say post-game?


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You don't forget to ride a bike overnight. Brady and Belichick will right that offensive system, and don't be surprised if they grind out a 20-17 kind of win vs the Bengals.

They won't get it right if they don't have tools on offense to get it right. It looks to me as though the Pats don't have the talent needed to be a true championship contender,

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I am not sure I follow. You do realize the Pats are 2-2 not 0-4? And are also tied for first in their division? I don't think Bill or Kraft or anyone inside of the Pats org cares about ESPNs power rankings. And in terms of the fans and media, why would Bill handle things any differently? This is not the first time the team has struggled. He went 5-11 with Bledsoe and then sat him 2001 for a no name sixth round pick in 2001 that caused the biggest media uproar I have witnessed in NE sports and all his decision did was help the Pats win 3 of the next 4 Super Bowls so the guy has latitude that is about a mile long. And not sure if you know this, but Bill is a totally different guy when he coaches the players vs. with the media. Many players have said this including Brady. You only lose a locker room if you allow the players to run it which Bill doesn't or if you don't know football and Bill may be the best football mind to have ever coached. If anything, the players are looking to him to solve this mess like he always does.

you have to realize your on a forum where rarely more than 50% of the fans even like or support OUR coach whether it was dungy, Caldwell, or pagano. We are amazed fans can ever support their coach after a loss.... Much less over what like almost 10 yrs now of no championships. Colts fans would have rioted after like 3 yrs.
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"We're  getting  ready for and move  on to Buffalo."  -  William Stephen Belichick


BTW.  NFL league office rules  require all NFL head coaches to appear, participate, and answer all questions in front of the  media the results and the outcome of the previous completed NFL game.  NFL requires mandatory post-game press conferences by all NFL head coaches facing for the media within 15 minuites after every  completed game or the NFL will fine them.  :nfl:  :pass:


Even  Head Coach Chuck Pagano, is  required to appear and participate in the mandatory post-game press conferences, and answer media questions,  after every Colts game, win, lose or tie. :coltslogo:  :coltshelmet:  :blueshoe:  :coltslogo:


Yea, thats why you'll never get solid stuff from BB in a post game press conference, because hes disgusted with the idea that 15 minutes after a crushing defeat, you have to go in front of a microphone and answer a bunch of ridiculous questions from people who wouldn't even have the strength to put on an NFL uniform, never mind actually play in it.


The NFL does it for the drama though, they want the media to push the drama because it increases ratings.. because our society is horribly flawed these days and watches garbage reality television and is obsessed with social media and letting everyone know what they're doing every 10 minutes, as well as their "well informed" opinions on every single aspect of everyone else's lives.

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He wasn't even prepared to answer football questions after the KC game. He was even more salty than usual


15 minutes after a crushing loss on primetime television, you're getting asked questions from poindexter reporters with pocket protectors with the sole purpose to stir up their favorite recipe, creating a QB controversy.  Its like the media's #1 favorite thing to do, they do it every single year to multiple teams after only a couple games..  BB knows what they're up to and will react accordingly as he should... with disgust.



If the NFL wanted more in-depth press conferences, they should give coaches and players more than 15 minutes to come down off of a frustrating loss.  What do they expect to happen when you shove a microphone in front of ultra competitive people who just had a horrible defeat?

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15 minutes after a crushing loss on primetime television, you're getting asked questions from poindexter reporters with pocket protectors with the sole purpose to stir up their favorite recipe, creating a QB controversy.  Its like the media's #1 favorite thing to do, they do it every single year to multiple teams after only a couple games..  BB knows what they're up to and will react accordingly as he should... with disgust.



If the NFL wanted more in-depth press conferences, they should give coaches and players more than 15 minutes to come down off of a frustrating loss.  What do they expect to happen when you shove a microphone in front of ultra competitive people who just had a horrible defeat?

The NFL doesn't care as much about post-game regular season news conferences as local media does...

Newspapers and the 1,000 opinion guys who follow each team need something to spin the next day

Sports talk radio needs something to chew on for the next 120 hours

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I'm pretty sure that was Dobson who went off on Josh McDaniels.

Bill released a statement on Friday saying Dobson never mouthed off. The reporter was going on hearsay. What else is new with the Boston media? http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/shutdown-corner/bill-belichick-on-aaron-dobson---always-been-respectful--to-coaches-183440849.html


As for Thompkins, he was an undrafted FA agent last year. It appears Tyms who just came off of suspension will be his replacement. Dobson is the Pats second round pick from last year.

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LOl - just watch BB's post game. Other than everyone played well, which is true, it was the same ol'short answers.

There was one good football question asked which he gave a good reply- otherwise typical.


One reporter asked about all the criticism this week. lol he said from who?  We don't let that effect us,

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Told ya guys :). Patriots do not go away.

Eh, part of it may have also been Cincinnati. They had us all fooled thinking they turned the corner in to being an elite team, then they turn in yet another prime time stinker. It's the two cardinal rules of the NFL, never count out the Pats after a loss (they play angry), and never trust the Bengals to deliver when it counts.

The more things change, the more they stay the same and all that.

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We're onto Buffalo? Then what happens the week after that?

Not the presser you were hoping for, eh? lol. Bill did have to answer questions ... but the nature were how he was able to turn the team around so fast from the Monday debacle vs the Chiefs to the beat down vs the Bengals. :)

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Not the presser you were hoping for, eh? lol. Bill did have to answer questions ... but the nature were how he was able to turn the team around so fast from the Monday debacle vs the Chiefs to the beat down vs the Bengals. :)

What did I tell you about your boy Brady? I knew he'd shine on, anyone that doubted him should be having a delicious plate of crow for breakfast this morning. 

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It will be interesting seeing when he finally has to come out of his shell to confront the questions. In the past, he's gotten away with these kinds of answers, because of the Patriots winning culture. Now that they're finally losing games, and slipping down the power rankings, Belichick is going to have to confront them, otherwise he will lose the locker room. It's hard to tell who will break first, but players and fans don't take kindly to coaches who both lose AND look bored.



Simply brilliant.

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What did I tell you about your boy Brady? I knew he'd shine on, anyone that doubted him should be having a delicious plate of crow for breakfast this morning. 



I lot of people just don't know as much about football as they'd like to believe and are press cattle.

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Eh, part of it may have also been Cincinnati. They had us all fooled thinking they turned the corner in to being an elite team, then they turn in yet another prime time stinker. It's the two cardinal rules of the NFL, never count out the Pats after a loss (they play angry), and never trust the Bengals to deliver when it counts.

The more things change, the more they stay the same and all that.



The Bunges are the Colts with a less consistent QB.

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#308 Skelly


290 posts

Posted 04 October 2014 - 02:23 PM

TAPLOOK, on 03 Oct 2014 - 4:48 PM, said:

Accountable for what? Their unrivalled success? The Patriots and Brady will be fine. It's four games in. Relax.

#308 Skelly

Keep telling yourself that maybe it will help.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think he should say "We're on to Cincinnati" at every press conference and that's it.


"Uh, Bill, that was almost a month ago. What do you think of the upcoming Broncos game?"

"We're on to Cincinnati."


And then Belichick's face falls off to reveal a tiny alien at the controls.

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