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Ok I have to say this....


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I'm shocked at the Colt fans and even beat writers like Josh Wilson right now in the opinions of this team


First.. In two games with the exception of a couple key plays where Sproles killed us the Colts Run Defense has been Vastly Better and at times Completely dominate. We all screamed for this to get fixed and to me looks like its well on its way


The Sproles plays are hard to swallow as anybody especially our coaches should realize when playing the eagles 60% of their plays are delayed draws and half back options.. If you take those plays out of the game the Colts run defense was great


Secondly our Oline was great and should be commended... Are they world beaters No, however both our backs were getting chunks of yards most of the night.. the holes Trent finally saw were there when last year they were not.. Does Luck get pressure, sure but he still had time to throw ALOT


Our secondary last night played really well with exception of a couple plays.. I thought Butler looked great and overall they we're flying around and jarring the ball loose most of the night once it got to receivers


The pass rush is a major issue, however (take away the first half of Denver game) over the second half of Denver into last nights game the Colts WITHOUT a pass rush should have won both games...


You know what that tells me? That tells me that the obvious breakdowns in game in situational football and situational play calling and situational execution is why the Colts are 0-2, not lack of overall talent and players stinking in what I read ALOT on here...


The situational stuff can be easily fixed.. The only problems I see us having when it comes to positional players are the injuries..


oh and lastly, other than the fumbles (which I know hurt) last night, Trent has looked GREAT!! He's running with power and purpose, his vision was incredible last night and I for one was thinking he needed to go and right now I'm overly pleased and I think he's gonna be beast before too long. he's never going to be Shady or AP as he is not that kind of back.. He's a bruiser with decent speed and all that should be asked is that he gains four yards a clip with an occasional bonus yard or two and last night on several occasions he ripped off 6 yards, seven yards, ten yards ect.. last year it was 2 yards, lose 3, lose 1, 2 yards


Again I'm shocked at how most of Ya'll are reacting...


We are extremely close and it will all work out







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Great post, very well said !!!  I too am shocked at fans giving up on the season after just 2 games, makes me shake my head in disbelief !!!  Yes there are trolls on here whose only purpose is to stir things up, we just have to ignore them and move on. 


The Colts WILL work it out, and that I truly believe.


GOOOOOOO Colts !!!!

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I'm shocked at the Colt fans and even beat writers like Josh Wilson right now in the opinions of this team


First.. In two games with the exception of a couple key plays where Sproles killed us the Colts Run Defense has been Vastly Better and at times Completely dominate. We all screamed for this to get fixed and to me looks like its well on its way


The Sproles plays are hard to swallow as anybody especially our coaches should realize when playing the eagles 60% of their plays are delayed draws and half back options.. If you take those plays out of the game the Colts run defense was great


Secondly our Oline was great and should be commended... Are they world beaters No, however both our backs were getting chunks of yards most of the night.. the holes Trent finally saw were there when last year they were not.. Does Luck get pressure, sure but he still had time to throw ALOT


Our secondary last night played really well with exception of a couple plays.. I thought Butler looked great and overall they we're flying around and jarring the ball loose most of the night once it got to receivers


The pass rush is a major issue, however (take away the first half of Denver game) over the second half of Denver into last nights game the Colts WITHOUT a pass rush should have won both games...


You know what that tells me? That tells me that the obvious breakdowns in game in situational football and situational play calling and situational execution is why the Colts are 0-2, not lack of overall talent and players stinking in what I read ALOT on here...


The situational stuff can be easily fixed.. The only problems I see us having when it comes to positional players are the injuries..


oh and lastly, other than the fumbles (which I know hurt) last night, Trent has looked GREAT!! He's running with power and purpose, his vision was incredible last night and I for one was thinking he needed to go and right now I'm overly pleased and I think he's gonna be beast before too long. he's never going to be Shady or AP as he is not that kind of back.. He's a bruiser with decent speed and all that should be asked is that he gains four yards a clip with an occasional bonus yard or two and last night on several occasions he ripped off 6 yards, seven yards, ten yards ect.. last year it was 2 yards, lose 3, lose 1, 2 yards


Again I'm shocked at how most of Ya'll are reacting...


We are extremely close and it will all work out

I think that we will be fine and that we will go on to have a good season, but it seems like you are overlooking quite a bit. For example, "Trent has looked GREAT!!" except for those 2 fumbles. Well, that's a big deal. It turned the momentum and let the Eagles back in the game.


The O-line looked good in the run game but horrible in pass protection. The Eagles literally ran the same inside blitz over and over again, and the O-line just couldn't pick it up. I don't consider that great. 


Overall, I am not doom and gloom with this team. i think we'll have a good season, but I cannot overlook the glaring weaknesses, and that shouldn't make me appear to be any less of a fan.

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I'm not sure who's giving up, but we can all agree that we were coached into defeat with play calling, have zero pass rush, our running game looked good, and we held Shady in check but let Sproles run wild.

Don't forget the refs were terrible.

Fans (short for fanatic) might over react because we are * we lost the game. Win or lose we still are allowed to point out what the problems are though.

These high and mighty people that act like everyone who says something bad about the Colts are ship jumpers or don't care about the team wear me out.

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I'm shocked at the Colt fans and even beat writers like Josh Wilson right now in the opinions of this team


First.. In two games with the exception of a couple key plays where Sproles killed us the Colts Run Defense has been Vastly Better and at times Completely dominate. We all screamed for this to get fixed and to me looks like its well on its way


The Sproles plays are hard to swallow as anybody especially our coaches should realize when playing the eagles 60% of their plays are delayed draws and half back options.. If you take those plays out of the game the Colts run defense was great


Secondly our Oline was great and should be commended... Are they world beaters No, however both our backs were getting chunks of yards most of the night.. the holes Trent finally saw were there when last year they were not.. Does Luck get pressure, sure but he still had time to throw ALOT


Our secondary last night played really well with exception of a couple plays.. I thought Butler looked great and overall they we're flying around and jarring the ball loose most of the night once it got to receivers


The pass rush is a major issue, however (take away the first half of Denver game) over the second half of Denver into last nights game the Colts WITHOUT a pass rush should have won both games...


You know what that tells me? That tells me that the obvious breakdowns in game in situational football and situational play calling and situational execution is why the Colts are 0-2, not lack of overall talent and players stinking in what I read ALOT on here...


The situational stuff can be easily fixed.. The only problems I see us having when it comes to positional players are the injuries..


oh and lastly, other than the fumbles (which I know hurt) last night, Trent has looked GREAT!! He's running with power and purpose, his vision was incredible last night and I for one was thinking he needed to go and right now I'm overly pleased and I think he's gonna be beast before too long. he's never going to be Shady or AP as he is not that kind of back.. He's a bruiser with decent speed and all that should be asked is that he gains four yards a clip with an occasional bonus yard or two and last night on several occasions he ripped off 6 yards, seven yards, ten yards ect.. last year it was 2 yards, lose 3, lose 1, 2 yards


Again I'm shocked at how most of Ya'll are reacting...


We are extremely close and it will all work out

This has nothing to do with the first 2 games of the season and everything to do with what's been bubbling under the surface and the creeping doubts people have had for the past 3. These are the same issues we've had cropping up for over a year now of not even finding consistency within the same game. A lot of people are sick of it and are looking for who to blame for the inconsistent play. This is not a this season problem, this is a "we've been down this road and it's long past time it was fixed" problem.

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I'm not sure who's giving up, but we can all agree that we were coached into defeat with play calling, have zero pass rush, our running game looked good, and we held Shady in check but let Sproles run wild.

Don't forget the refs were terrible.

Fans (short for fanatic) might over react because we are * we lost the game. Win or lose we still are allowed to point out what the problems are though.

These high and mighty people that act like everyone who says something bad about the Colts are ship jumpers or don't care about the team wear me out.


To the bolded, no we can't.


Also, I don't think the OP is directed at people like you. I think it's directed at the people who want the coaching staff and GM fired, and who use losses as a platform for them to push that agenda. 

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Thanks for the reality check. The reason I am pessimistic is the coaching. I have argued that this team is talented enough to win a Super bowl. But the coaches continue to show that they hardly learn from mistakes. I always hope they learn , but they have given me no reason for confidence. I feel like I have to complain about coaching every game when I feel it should be about actual playing.

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I'm shocked at the Colt fans and even beat writers like Josh Wilson right now in the opinions of this team


First.. In two games with the exception of a couple key plays where Sproles killed us the Colts Run Defense has been Vastly Better and at times Completely dominate. We all screamed for this to get fixed and to me looks like its well on its way


The Sproles plays are hard to swallow as anybody especially our coaches should realize when playing the eagles 60% of their plays are delayed draws and half back options.. If you take those plays out of the game the Colts run defense was great


Secondly our Oline was great and should be commended... Are they world beaters No, however both our backs were getting chunks of yards most of the night.. the holes Trent finally saw were there when last year they were not.. Does Luck get pressure, sure but he still had time to throw ALOT


Our secondary last night played really well with exception of a couple plays.. I thought Butler looked great and overall they we're flying around and jarring the ball loose most of the night once it got to receivers


The pass rush is a major issue, however (take away the first half of Denver game) over the second half of Denver into last nights game the Colts WITHOUT a pass rush should have won both games...


You know what that tells me? That tells me that the obvious breakdowns in game in situational football and situational play calling and situational execution is why the Colts are 0-2, not lack of overall talent and players stinking in what I read ALOT on here...


The situational stuff can be easily fixed.. The only problems I see us having when it comes to positional players are the injuries..


oh and lastly, other than the fumbles (which I know hurt) last night, Trent has looked GREAT!! He's running with power and purpose, his vision was incredible last night and I for one was thinking he needed to go and right now I'm overly pleased and I think he's gonna be beast before too long. he's never going to be Shady or AP as he is not that kind of back.. He's a bruiser with decent speed and all that should be asked is that he gains four yards a clip with an occasional bonus yard or two and last night on several occasions he ripped off 6 yards, seven yards, ten yards ect.. last year it was 2 yards, lose 3, lose 1, 2 yards


Again I'm shocked at how most of Ya'll are reacting...


We are extremely close and it will all work out

A few comments on the bolded parts.


yes if you take away the stats from 60% of the Philly offense the D numbers are a lot better.  The problem is you can't take those away.


The situational stuff CAN be fixed but they cannot be easily fixed.  If the fix was easy then it would not be a problem in the first place.


The rest I pretty much am in agreement.  I think it will work out, I just don't think this will be the year it works out.  I think the Colts will get to the playoffs because they have an easy division but I don't think they are quire ready to make a lot of noise in the playoffs.

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The refs really made the 2nd game controversial. If I would blame anyone, it would be pep for the same vanilla plays and schemes in the pass game. Yes, Andrew Luck wasn't at his best, but when you throw screen passes and hardly throw it deep to a weapon like TY Hilton, you don't get anywhere a lot of the time. Trent looked solid in the 2nd game besides the fumbles. If he can put up those stats and occasionally get a td here and there with it, we'll be in good shape. As it has been said here already, the pass rush is nonexistent, and we'll have to deal with that the rest of the year. The O-Line was better, but they still got pressure on Luck. If I remember right, most of it was on Thornton. We've been a pretty spoiled fanbase, you have to admit. Lets just tough it out for now. We should have a few wins coming up in the next few weeks, especially in our division.

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Good positive post Indee, I will add onto it a bit.


1. Grigs is getting away from finesse football and is evolving this program into a smashmouth

football team. Most teams that hoist the Lombardi are physical teams, and no, we are not there yet

so don't stone me for that one.


2. I didn't ever think I would say this but Trent looked good for a change, not great but good.

"Obviously minus the fumbles." Boom Herron needs some touches during games if

we are going to run it this much or Bradshaw will not stay intact all season.


3. Jack Doyle looked good for a third string TE. He had a TD and a nice 8 yard reception with

power and heart to fight through a couple defenders to get a couple more yards for a first down.

I like this kid better than Fleener already.


4. Our remaining schedule lightens up a bit so wins are on the way and I expect to see the playoffs.


You have to have balls to be positive on this board but I'm ready......I think? :peek:

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No one should give on the season because of 2 games that many expected us to lose. Both games were 1 possession games.

We are a better team than last year on paper. We arent super bowl contenders, but we are set for 11-5 in my opinion.

That means closing out the remainder of the season 11-3.  Hmm.  Other than Divisional - we have Ravens, Bengals, Steelers, Browns, Redskins, Giants, Cowboys and Patriots.  Depending on the breaks, etc., the team could just as easily go 6 and 8 or 7 and 7 over the remainder.  Will be interesting to see how it all rolls out.

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That means closing out the remainder of the season 11-3. Hmm. Other than Divisional - we have Ravens, Bengals, Steelers, Browns, Redskins, Giants, Cowboys and Patriots. Depending on the breaks, etc., the team could just as easily go 6 and 8 or 7 and 7 over the remainder. Will be interesting to see how it all rolls out.

But we were able to keep up with the two top offenses in the NFL no less, we could have won both games had a couple plays gone our way. I think 11-3 is peffectly achieveable, not that it will happen, this team has the ability.

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To the bolded, no we can't.



We should all be able to agree that running the clock out at the end of a tie game with 80 yards of green ahead isn't exactly the calling card of a solid coaching effort. Or....even thinking of passing on that INT play. These are two MONUMENTAL coaching # ups. Huge, almost unprecedented "WTH were they thinking" decisions that led to a loss. 


I actually thought the first run was kinda sharp. It did net 6 yards. However (and I even said this out loud during the game) when I saw the Colts get back into their run form, "Here comes the Playaction". Nope. Another run, this one a total fail. 


Again, you don't practice clock killing until the drive is established and the capability to score is well in hand. 

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I'm shocked at the Colt fans and even beat writers like Josh Wilson right now in the opinions of this team


First.. In two games with the exception of a couple key plays where Sproles killed us the Colts Run Defense has been Vastly Better and at times Completely dominate. We all screamed for this to get fixed and to me looks like its well on its way


The Sproles plays are hard to swallow as anybody especially our coaches should realize when playing the eagles 60% of their plays are delayed draws and half back options.. If you take those plays out of the game the Colts run defense was great


Secondly our Oline was great and should be commended... Are they world beaters No, however both our backs were getting chunks of yards most of the night.. the holes Trent finally saw were there when last year they were not.. Does Luck get pressure, sure but he still had time to throw ALOT


Our secondary last night played really well with exception of a couple plays.. I thought Butler looked great and overall they we're flying around and jarring the ball loose most of the night once it got to receivers


The pass rush is a major issue, however (take away the first half of Denver game) over the second half of Denver into last nights game the Colts WITHOUT a pass rush should have won both games...


You know what that tells me? That tells me that the obvious breakdowns in game in situational football and situational play calling and situational execution is why the Colts are 0-2, not lack of overall talent and players stinking in what I read ALOT on here...


The situational stuff can be easily fixed.. The only problems I see us having when it comes to positional players are the injuries..


oh and lastly, other than the fumbles (which I know hurt) last night, Trent has looked GREAT!! He's running with power and purpose, his vision was incredible last night and I for one was thinking he needed to go and right now I'm overly pleased and I think he's gonna be beast before too long. he's never going to be Shady or AP as he is not that kind of back.. He's a bruiser with decent speed and all that should be asked is that he gains four yards a clip with an occasional bonus yard or two and last night on several occasions he ripped off 6 yards, seven yards, ten yards ect.. last year it was 2 yards, lose 3, lose 1, 2 yards


Again I'm shocked at how most of Ya'll are reacting...


We are extremely close and it will all work out


Nice post Indeee!


I am not sure why so many people are jumping off of cliffs either. We have seen a lot of positives in the early 2014 season. Just now wins yet. They will come though.

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I'm not one calling for this team to suck and panicking about the season. I expected them to lose the first two. I predict a 10-6 season, even could see a 9-7, before the season started. What frustrates me is that we COULD have won those games pretty easily and it was the failure of play calling by pep, and almost a lack of effort by the offense at times. You can see the players who are trying while others are seeming not to try. That's what is frustrating. The only one I have complained about is pep.

I think that may be what is most frustrating to people is that we were so close in these games we were expected to lose and we couldn't close it out.

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We should all be able to agree that running the clock out at the end of a tie game with 80 yards of green ahead isn't exactly the calling card of a solid coaching effort. Or....even thinking of passing on that INT play. These are two MONUMENTAL coaching # ups. Huge, almost unprecedented "WTH were they thinking" decisions that led to a loss. 


I actually thought the first run was kinda sharp. It did net 6 yards. However (and I even said this out loud during the game) when I saw the Colts get back into their run form, "Here comes the Playaction". Nope. Another run, this one a total fail. 


Again, you don't practice clock killing until the drive is established and the capability to score is well in hand. 


I don't think the objective was to run the clock out. I think the objective was to continue doing what had worked so far. Play action would have been great on 2nd and 4, absolutely, but when you run for 6 yards on first down, it reinforces the idea that you can run the ball on these clowns, so let's go at it again. And worse case scenario, you lose a yard, your franchise QB should be able to make a play on 3rd and 5.


The previous drive, we weren't running the clock out, we were sticking with the approach we had used. Twice on that drive, we ran on early downs, then converted with a pass on third down. I know it's not the most exciting thing ever, but it had been working, until the interception.


But yeah, 2nd and 4 is the perfect opportunity for play action there, given how well we'd established our willingness and ability to run the ball. And I don't think that's creativity or even highly nuanced play calling. I think it's basic stuff, and if there's anything that troubles me about Pep, it's his limited use of play action in textbook situations. I know he knows what it is; we ran it on all three TD passes. We need to get that play action % up in the high 20s.

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I'm shocked at the Colt fans and even beat writers like Josh Wilson right now in the opinions of this team


First.. In two games with the exception of a couple key plays where Sproles killed us the Colts Run Defense has been Vastly Better and at times Completely dominate. We all screamed for this to get fixed and to me looks like its well on its way


The Sproles plays are hard to swallow as anybody especially our coaches should realize when playing the eagles 60% of their plays are delayed draws and half back options.. If you take those plays out of the game the Colts run defense was great


Secondly our Oline was great and should be commended... Are they world beaters No, however both our backs were getting chunks of yards most of the night.. the holes Trent finally saw were there when last year they were not.. Does Luck get pressure, sure but he still had time to throw ALOT


Our secondary last night played really well with exception of a couple plays.. I thought Butler looked great and overall they we're flying around and jarring the ball loose most of the night once it got to receivers


The pass rush is a major issue, however (take away the first half of Denver game) over the second half of Denver into last nights game the Colts WITHOUT a pass rush should have won both games...


You know what that tells me? That tells me that the obvious breakdowns in game in situational football and situational play calling and situational execution is why the Colts are 0-2, not lack of overall talent and players stinking in what I read ALOT on here...


The situational stuff can be easily fixed.. The only problems I see us having when it comes to positional players are the injuries..


oh and lastly, other than the fumbles (which I know hurt) last night, Trent has looked GREAT!! He's running with power and purpose, his vision was incredible last night and I for one was thinking he needed to go and right now I'm overly pleased and I think he's gonna be beast before too long. he's never going to be Shady or AP as he is not that kind of back.. He's a bruiser with decent speed and all that should be asked is that he gains four yards a clip with an occasional bonus yard or two and last night on several occasions he ripped off 6 yards, seven yards, ten yards ect.. last year it was 2 yards, lose 3, lose 1, 2 yards


Again I'm shocked at how most of Ya'll are reacting...


We are extremely close and it will all work out


 Trents Vision was bad as usual. He had some VG holes to run through and missed a lot of the proper cuts.

 He goes RIGHT opponents if you are listening.

 And a real thinker holds the ball under his right shoulder when he runs left. Oops a fumble. Pure bonehead stuff.

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