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Question of the Day - 06/23 "RE - REad & REact" !


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:blueshoe:   Welcome to a week long series of "RE:  REad & REact":


The end of the last week - the federal government cancelled the trademarks for the Washington Redskins citing that their name & logos were offensive to Native Americans.


The Redskins can continue to use their trademarks pending an appeal of the government action.


This action was taken because Redskins owner Daniel Snyder FLAT REFUSES to change the teams name despite pressure from Congress and other sources to do so.


Your REaction ??

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I think like Jvan said it, why aren't the countless numbers of high schools being forced to change their names as well.  I think Congress(men) are either pushing their own personal agendas or are garnering support.  This is a witch hunt in every sense.  As much as I think Snyder is a goof of an owner,  Taking away the trademark rights is wrong and a misuse of their power in my opinion This team has a very storied history Heck, even before they were the redskins they were the braves.  Might as well change the Chiefs too because eventually someone will get all oober-emotional about that name too.

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Why does congress (which I'm pretty sure has NO Native American blood) get to decide what is offensive to Native Americans?

Tom Cole, Oklahoma. But more to the point, why is congress even dealing with this? How about looking at unemployment, welfare reform, immigration, foreign affairs, etc.

Dan Snyder will make even more money from new merchandise if they change the name. He only loses if others start selling Skins merch.

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I think that the word Redskin was originally a racial slur referring to Indians.

Whereas the words Indians, Chiefs, Seminole, Blackhawks etc. are not a slur per se.


As I heard on a radio show the other day, What if a team from South LA wanted to call themselves the LA Blackskins?

Or a team from Indy wanted to call themselves the Naptown Negro? (or a harsher N-word)

What would  people think and how would they react?


Now personally I think that this is just all to much in the name of political correctness, I can see the point that some segments of society make.


Congress and the government have much more important things they should be dealing with!

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I feel that people are too sensitive to every little thing. Everything has to be so politically correct. Even to a point of discrimination others. I feel that the most qualified applicant should win regarless of race or gender. I feel that in the case of trying to force a man to change the name of somthing that is his is wrong. If you want it changed that bad then buy it and change it. All this forced political correctness and anyone that doesnt go with the flow is a close minded ignorant neanderthal is just rediculous. I think this situation is just a small example of a big problem in our country. Just my opinion.

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I am not Native American so I am not going to dare to pretend like if I know how big of an Insult the name "Redskins" is to them and perhaps I have missed it in years past or maybe they just didn't get attention years ago but it feels like them demanding the Redskins changing their name is something that has come about very recently. 


I think surely Native Americans and the Redskins can come to some agreement that lets everyone win here. 


I did hear a lawyer on the radio the other day that did say in order for this ruling to hold up in court that the Government is going to have prove that the term "Redskins" was viewed as offensive in public when it was first trade marked which will be very hard to do. 

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I have a friend/co-worker who is full blood Native American who is active and connected to his community and a while back I asked him if this was a big deal.  He said for most it is not a big deal and many find it funny the hoopla that is being made of it.They have their own identity and what the white man thinks means very little.


He also said that mostly it is the politically resentful and activists who make a big deal out of it.

People who have power and want more power, pretty universal in all of society.

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There are several high school teams with the redskin name. Why are they not being scorned?

Emmerich Manual High school here in Indy uses the name, and the idea of changing it has indeed come up. I have a good friend in Oklahoma who is Native American... and such a name does not sit well with a lot of people out there on the reservation. I think a name change would be good, but Snyder will be stubborn. 

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This topic was discussed on the Current Events Page of the Stanford fans site I visit daily.....


When someone asked if this was even legal for the patent office to do this, a very sharp lawyer responded with this......



Congress passed a statute that says a trademark may be refused federal registration if it "consists of or comprises immoral, deceptive, or scandalous matter; or matter which may disparage or falsely suggest a connection with persons, living or dead, institutions, beliefs, or national symbols, or bring them into contempt, or disrepute. . . ." 

15 U.S.C. section 1052(a)




For what it's worth, the Redskins seems very unfazed by all this.   Their lawyers seem confident it will be overturned on appeal.

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There are several high school teams with the redskin name. Why are they not being scorned?


I would say it's mainly because the Washington Redskins are such a prominent team.  Groups that seek a name change are going after the big guys.  It has become a national issue, changing a high school team name would barely even be noticed.  

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This is so stupid! Like many other "racsist" stuff. Pretty soon there going to be changing the Broncos, colts logo as well as the falcons, seahawks logo's because there """ offensive to birds and horses"""... Racism has always been overatted And will continue to get even worse!. But hey at least the world is all Rainbows and ponies, hugs and kisses now.....

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I would say it's mainly because the Washington Redskins are such a prominent team. Groups that seek a name change are going after the big guys. It has become a national issue, changing a high school team name would barely even be noticed.

And that's my problem RIGHT THERE! All they want is to be Recognized!. They could care less about the Native Americans. If they believe it's actually morally wrong to name a team that then why stop at the professional level?. Because there's no recognition\fame in that... Makes me sick.
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I'm a free market guy meaning that people will support or not support the business they want.  So let the market decide.  To me, it's stupid.  Remember as kids we had the saying, "sticks and stones can break my bones but names can never hurt me."  Nowadays not only to people think names can hurt them but then they think they have the right to sue if someone calls them a name.

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And that's my problem RIGHT THERE! All they want is to be Recognized!. They could care less about the Native Americans. If they believe it's actually morally wrong to name a team that then why stop at the professional level?. Because there's no recognition\fame in that... Makes me sick.


I can't speak for them, but maybe they are just starting at the top?  Make an impact by getting one of the most recognizable franchises in sports to make a change and then see if that causes others to do the same. 

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Like I said in the other Redskins thread......


If you don't support something, don't spend your money there. Maybe the monetary loss will effect the team, maybe it won't, but crying/whining about it isn't helping anyone.


Just because BET, FUBU or Jay Z is offensive/racist to me, doesn't mean I should write a letter/email/blog/etc and stomp around upset, I just won't spend my money with those companies/artists.


I don't care what color/race anyone is, green still runs this planet unfortunately. 

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Didn't we already have a thread about this that got shut down? 



My question is where's all the people crying and whining about this?? 


Heck, you could go on and on, Braves, chiefs.  


Eventually the trolls and hobbits will be upset that the Wizards are the only "team" represented in the NBA and will make them change their names.  Heck, were gonna have ponds and rivers; heck any body of water is going upset that they aren't represented.  I'm pretty sure there is some horse that hasn't been represented well enough and indy and Denver will have to change their names.



Where is a PETA during all of this, i'm sure there upset with the animals being depicted.



:rantoff:  :sarcasm:

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