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Why Should Painter Start This Weekend?


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But yet another untried backup is going to make a difference?

He isn't untried and well he sure can't do any worse, I mean exactly what has Painter shown over the games he has played that gives you any confidence he can lead the offense to any points?

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Exactly my point. :) At least the team has worked with Painter, Painter has worked under Manning...then if our only 2 choices are the backups we have? Painter is still the obvious choice.

so playing someone who can't complete passes, can't get the offense to score is a better choice? Why not start the other and see what he can do, exactly what would be the harm?

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Few reasons:

1. Orvlosky has done next to nothing in the little action he's had.

2. Painter still knows the system better than Orvlosky and while Painter isn't producing at least the rest of the offense looks in flow with Painter. Remember when Collins was in there how everyone looked out of sorts and NOTHING worked? At least with Painter you can run the normal offense and get the guys in the right spots and you only have to worry about Painter getting the ball there.

I am not a big Painter fan but I do think he's our best option at this point. Just for the record best option doesn't mean good option.

Great we "look" okay...we don't score any points, can't move the chains and require our Defense to stay on the field more...but hey we look okay.... :eek:

Oh and Painter has done next to nothing in all the action he has seen.

Edited by dn4192
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I am just asking, given he has shown no progression at this point, what reason could their be for him to start this sunday?

It is obvious, BP told Jim that he is starting. What other reason could their be. and according to you he is just as good as manning and if not for manning we would have won a lot of playoff games. Manning choking in the big games in college is proof that he will choke in the nfl big games and Bill is not responsible for that. He(BP) has a great record. If we lost, then it was Peyton's fault. If Painter was not good enough, then BP would not have hired him as he is so smart. So start Painter. (Bless his heart for all the flack) And Im shocked at your post because you know that BP does not make any mistakes. Why are you even questioning who is going to start. You know who makes the decisons dont you, you know everything else about the colts, especially PMs choking. But youve never answered the question why Pm got hit more in 2010 then he has since he has been in the nfl and according to you that is not BP's fault. According to you it is PM's fault for not being good enough.
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Great we "look" okay...we don't score any points, can't move the chains and require our Defense to stay on the field more...but hey we look okay.... :eek:

Oh and Painter has done next to nothing in all the action he has seen.

Yeah, and as I said in my post, being the best option didn't make him a good option. I don't think Orvlosky is going to make things any better. I do think he's going to throw the rest of the offense out of whack. At least with Painter the rest of the offense is comfortable. Also you are putting words in my mouth I never said they looked okay I was purely talking about how with Painter the rest of the offense is sync because they can run the system, all be it a watered down one, that they have run for years. Clearly we need a better but guess what that option isn't walking threw that door this season unless Peyton is back late in December and even that is highly unlikely. Right now I think Painter is the best of what we have. It doesn't mean I think he's good.

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Yeah, and as I said in my post, being the best option didn't make him a good option. I don't think Orvlosky is going to make things any better. I do think he's going to throw the rest of the offense out of whack. At least with Painter the rest of the offense is comfortable. Also you are putting words in my mouth I never said they looked okay I was purely talking about how with Painter the rest of the offense is sync because they can run the system, all be it a watered down one, that they have run for years. Clearly we need a better but guess what that option isn't walking threw that door this season unless Peyton is back late in December and even that is highly unlikely. Right now I think Painter is the best of what we have. It doesn't mean I think he's good.

Where do you see any part of the offense that is comfortable, or in sync? This team does not score, this offense is on the field less than any other offense in the league. No player on this offense is playing to there capabilities, so why not start Orlovsky? quite frankly, The team can not play worse offensively.

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Where do you see any part of the offense that is comfortable, or in sync? This team does not score, this offense is on the field less than any other offense in the league. No player on this offense is playing to there capabilities, so why not start Orlovsky? quite frankly, The team can not play worse offensively.

They aren't running around confused like they were with Collins in there at the start of the season. Maybe sync isn't that right word, comfortable would probably be a better word. I don't know how many times with Collins you would see guys go to line up and then it was like oh yeah we are huddling and the other 10 guys just never looked comfortable and looked a lot more confussed than they have with Painter. I think going to Orlovsky is going to have a negative effect on the other 10 guys and isn't going to be enough of an upgrade if one at all over Painter to support us doing that.
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Have you guys ever SEEN a Purdue game? Painter has all the tools and shown he can develop into a very good pro QB. The guy who drafted the one of, if not, the best QBs of all time obviously liked him enough to put him behind Peyton. Peyton has vouched for him too...you don't think he has any credibility?

I have no idea why you wouldn't start Painter. Let the kid develop more this year so he is better in future starts. I think he could be a stud. Just my 2 cents.

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Have you guys ever SEEN a Purdue game? Painter has all the tools and shown he can develop into a very good pro QB. The guy who drafted the one of, if not, the best QBs of all time obviously liked him enough to put him behind Peyton. Peyton has vouched for him too...you don't think he has any credibility? I have no idea why you wouldn't start Painter. Let the kid develop more this year so he is better in future starts. I think he could be a stud. Just my 2 cents.

Well put, I'm also a Boiler fan. Many announcers say that he's got a good arm. The offense will be different than Manning's and it should be. Remember before Payton was Harbaugh and the offense was different. I would like to see a 2 back offense and a great running game.

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Few reasons:

1. Orvlosky has done next to nothing in the little action he's had.

2. Painter still knows the system better than Orvlosky and while Painter isn't producing at least the rest of the offense looks in flow with Painter. Remember when Collins was in there how everyone looked out of sorts and NOTHING worked? At least with Painter you can run the normal offense and get the guys in the right spots and you only have to worry about Painter getting the ball there.

I am not a big Painter fan but I do think he's our best option at this point. Just for the record best option doesn't mean good option.

Painter is 0-6..Orlovsky is 0-0..lets go with the '0'

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Really. Who cares who starts. We know we'll get a 0, Caldwell will say we did well, but need to execute better and do the litle things right, and Polian will go on his radio shamecast and tell us all our QB played well, JDR is a great coach and that those who complain after 10 great seasons are all rodents......

Week 11, rinse and repeat.......

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They aren't running around confused like they were with Collins in there at the start of the season. Maybe sync isn't that right word, comfortable would probably be a better word. I don't know how many times with Collins you would see guys go to line up and then it was like oh yeah we are huddling and the other 10 guys just never looked comfortable and looked a lot more confussed than they have with Painter. I think going to Orlovsky is going to have a negative effect on the other 10 guys and isn't going to be enough of an upgrade if one at all over Painter to support us doing that.

to me it's this simple....has the team won any game with Painter as QB? That would be no, so there is no downside to starting the other guy since the worse he can do is what Painter's best has been.

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Have you guys ever SEEN a Purdue game? Painter has all the tools and shown he can develop into a very good pro QB. The guy who drafted the one of, if not, the best QBs of all time obviously liked him enough to put him behind Peyton. Peyton has vouched for him too...you don't think he has any credibility?

I have no idea why you wouldn't start Painter. Let the kid develop more this year so he is better in future starts. I think he could be a stud. Just my 2 cents.

If I had seen some progression from him over his starts I would agree. But there has not been if anything he has regressed. As for a Purdue QB, even my sister who is a Purdue grad hates him and hated him when he was at PU as he was not a great QB.

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Really. Who cares who starts. We know we'll get a 0, Caldwell will say we did well, but need to execute better and do the litle things right, and Polian will go on his radio shamecast and tell us all our QB played well, JDR is a great coach and that those who complain after 10 great seasons are all rodents......

Week 11, rinse and repeat.......

Because we need to see what O can do. Maybe he will come in and shine and be the backup QB next year.

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So? different team, different system, different time. Again what has Painter done to deserve to continue to play?

That's not anything us "Joe Fans" would know. Clearly Caldwell and the Polians believe Painter gives us the best chance to win and that's why they keep playing him. Who are any of us to say they should do differently seeing as how, you know, we don't have access to all the information.


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That's not anything us "Joe Fans" would know. Clearly Caldwell and the Polians believe Painter gives us the best chance to win and that's why they keep playing him. Who are any of us to say they should do differently seeing as how, you know, we don't have access to all the information.


No we don't and they may know something we don't, but if I were coach I would start him.

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Not "blaming" painter, he just isn't any good and the backup might not be either, but lets see, he sure can't do any worse.

I agree Painter is not as good as Manning and he shouldn't be at this point of his career. If Payton were playing this year I don't see where they would win more than half the games. They need to see what they have in Painter, the next coach needs to know.

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I agree Painter is not as good as Manning and he shouldn't be at this point of his career. If Payton were playing this year I don't see where they would win more than half the games. They need to see what they have in Painter, the next coach needs to know.

You can see what we have, it's not like he is improving he is not...and I wouldn't bet on a new coach being here next year quite yet....

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No we don't and they may know something we don't, but if I were coach I would start him.

But if you were the coach, you would have access to all the information that Joe Fan doesn't have access to, would you not? And then you would see that the best decision is to continue playing Painter right?

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Painter should be painting the bench with his backside. He's done, the Painter experiment is a complete failure. F-A-I-L-U-R-E!!!!!

21 yards passing in the first half, how can anyone defend Painter after that?!? Pathetic. Orvlosky outperformed Painter in the pre-season, and he out performed him today. He (Painter) is toast, cut him at the end of the year, he is a waste of a roster spot, period.

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