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Gabe Carimi cut by Tampa


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There were 7 offensive lineman chosen in the 1st round that year. Tyron Smith, Nate Solder, and Castonzo have all been good. Danny Watkins, James Carpenter, Gabe Carimi, and Derek Sherod have all been disappointing and haven't contributed much if not any to their teams.

In all fairness, Carpenter should not have been taken that high.  Even Nick Saban was surprised

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Do you really think Castonzo is starter-quality on most other NFL teams? From what I have seen he is just mediocre, but Colts don't have a lot of good OL men.




Absolutely! I honestly don't get how people can't see that Castanzo is a pretty good LT. Is he pro bowl level? No, but he's more than just adequate and he has improved every single yr.. He's still pretty young and can easily keep improving, if he improves at the pace that he has been improving, he very well could be on his way to a top 10 LT in the league.

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Bears have really stumbled with draft choices in the last few years..



Specifically their O line choices.



Not sure if serious....Especially when you look at last years draft. If anything their drafts have improved in the last two years. 



  - McClellin has become a good rotation DE

  - Jeffery is a great #2 option for them

  - Rodriguez is a solid #2 TE for them

  - Frey is a decent #4 DB



  - Kyle Long was great for them this past season.

  - Jordan Mills became a good RT for them

  - Bostic became a couple of games in (Due to injury) and showed he actually was a pretty decent middle linebacker.


Their drafts the last two years have been a vast improvement compared to 2011 and 2010

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Not sure if serious....Especially when you look at last years draft. If anything their drafts have improved in the last two years. 



  - McClellin has become a good rotation DE

  - Jeffery is a great #2 option for them

  - Rodriguez is a solid #2 TE for them

  - Frey is a decent #4 DB



  - Kyle Long was great for them this past season.

  - Jordan Mills became a good RT for them

  - Bostic became a couple of games in (Due to injury) and showed he actually was a pretty decent middle linebacker.


Their drafts the last two years have been a vast improvement compared to 2011 and 2010


Bostic was pretty terrible this season.

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Not sure if serious....Especially when you look at last years draft. If anything their drafts have improved in the last two years. 



  - McClellin has become a good rotation DE

  - Jeffery is a great #2 option for them

  - Rodriguez is a solid #2 TE for them

  - Frey is a decent #4 DB



  - Kyle Long was great for them this past season.

  - Jordan Mills became a good RT for them

  - Bostic became a couple of games in (Due to injury) and showed he actually was a pretty decent middle linebacker.


Their drafts the last two years have been a vast improvement compared to 2011 and 2010

McClellin is under utilized because he should be a 34 OLB, Rodriguez was cut last year and plays for the Bills

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Not sure if serious....Especially when you look at last years draft. If anything their drafts have improved in the last two years. 



  - McClellin has become a good rotation DE

  - Jeffery is a great #2 option for them

  - Rodriguez is a solid #2 TE for them

  - Frey is a decent #4 DB



  - Kyle Long was great for them this past season.

  - Jordan Mills became a good RT for them

  - Bostic became a couple of games in (Due to injury) and showed he actually was a pretty decent middle linebacker.


Their drafts the last two years have been a vast improvement compared to 2011 and 2010

Alshon Jeffeery is very good but otherwise.....you are seeing an alternate universe...Hawk


Bears were 8-8 with major defensive issues as I know you know


1st of all....Mills isn't very good...just better than what they had,,,which was bad...Long is a tackle playing guard..Great is a huge overstatement


John Bostic was constantly out of positon on the hands down worst run defense in the NFL ......that's what the coaches say...not what fans say......


McClelland has no position in a 4-3. He will not be a DE next season...cant be...too light..must convert to LB...


Frey is very mediocre..again......This was the worst defense in Bears history...


The Philadelphia Sunday night game was a low point for the franchise..to be kind

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Alshon Jeffeery is very good but otherwise.....you are seeing an alternate universe...Hawk


Bears were 8-8 with major defensive issues as I know you know


1st of all....Mills isn't very good...just better than what they had,,,which was bad...Long is a tackle playing guard..Great is a huge overstatement


John Bostic was constantly out of positon on the hands down worst run defense in the NFL ......that's what the coaches say...not what fans say......


McClelland has no position in a 4-3. He will not be a DE next season...cant be...too light..must convert to LB...


Frey is very mediocre..again......This was the worst defense in Bears history...


The Philadelphia Sunday night game was a low point for the franchise..to be kind

Because losing their pro bowl CB, former pro bowl LB and DT was going to leave them with an amazing defense? Not like I was trying to make it seem like those rookies were going to replace the production of Tillman,  Briggs and MIlton because they weren't. There's a reason why I said McLellin was good as a rotation DE, not a every down DE. He might not have the sack numbers, but he does put on pressure. Also it's not that he's not big enough (He's 6'3" 260. Robert Quinn weighs nearly the same and is also about the same size give or take an inch. We all know how well he did this year) so let's drop that silly point. If he's out of position that's one thing, if he's simply not the size to play the position that's completely different. 


Do you not remember how horrible that offensive line was in 2012? Compare the two lines in (especially in pass protection) and there's a great amount of improvement. They're not top 10 and probably won't be next year, but they're improving and they'll need to keep improving if they want to have any shot of being good regardless who they put at QB. 

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Because losing their pro bowl CB, former pro bowl LB and DT was going to leave them with an amazing defense? Not like I was trying to make it seem like those rookies were going to replace the production of Tillman,  Briggs and MIlton because they weren't. There's a reason why I said McLellin was good as a rotation DE, not a every down DE. He might not have the sack numbers, but he does put on pressure. Also it's not that he's not big enough (He's 6'3" 260. Robert Quinn weighs nearly the same and is also about the same size give or take an inch. We all know how well he did this year) so let's drop that silly point. If he's out of position that's one thing, if he's simply not the size to play the position that's completely different. 


Do you not remember how horrible that offensive line was in 2012? Compare the two lines in (especially in pass protection) and there's a great amount of improvement. They're not top 10 and probably won't be next year, but they're improving and they'll need to keep improving if they want to have any shot of being good regardless who they put at QB. 

Excuses are not enough of a reason to be dead last in defense....and injuries are where your draft (the subject of this post) is supposed to bail you out..


McClelland cant play DE....they've tried him...and he's failed...He wont be there next year....Maybe he play on a 3-4 team but the Bears are a 4-3 team presently


....Briggs and Peanut Tillman did not miss every game...check the tapes...Bears were 3-0 and then 5-8


The Bears line was better when Cutler got hurt and the backup QB got rid of the ball faster...please watch the final two win-and-in games for the playoffs.


I'm just telling you that if you walked into a room full of folks who agree with you that the Bears have drafted well recently....you'd be the only person there..

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