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Tom Brady has thrown 3 redzone INTs while leading potential game tying or game-winning drives this season.


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Perhaps they, like most others, do not see this as a good example of Brady "choking", and your vitriol is born of your own bias. Perhaps they saw Brady's previous TD drive, the drop in the endzone by Amendola, or other plays, and don't see things as one-sided as you do. None of the other forums I was on had posters blaming Brady, and there's plenty of anti-Pats folk there. Like I said, maybe this wasn't a good game to use to fuel your agenda.

Except every Colts fan on this board.

No one thinks the Pats are going to do anything in the playoffs given our injuries, but that isn't going to stop you and your friends from building us up and acting like we were favored to win it all when we lose, to make it seem like a choke. There isn't one team in the current playoff seeding that I think we are legitimately better than. We're going to be the underdog in every game we play.

And as a final point, I'm just going to mention that I invite you to keep making sarcastic posts and sardonic comments. It always comes around. With the records the Broncos have set this year and the way the AFC field is in shambles, if Manning loses there is going to be indescribable fallout. When the trolls flood these boards, remember threads like this.

Lol you really do live in a delusional world... This coming from a guy who loves both QB's and think they are the best that have ever played. But its very simple in the media. When Brady throws a pick, its the WR, TE, RB fault or lack thereof. When Brady gets a TD drive to end the game (even if he only scored one TD in the game or his special teams and defenses score the most points) he "willed his team to victory".

When Manning throws a game ending pick? EVEN after he just scored like Brady did in this game and Manning has to do it again because his defenses historically let teams score at will in the final 2 minutes? Peyton Choked again and breaks in high pressure situations... When he does throw for a game winner and succeeds? Oh he can do it in the regular season but not in the post season, When he does it in the post season? "que crickets" It is quite an easy bias to see its ridiculous. The simple fact that Deion Sanders says Peyton NEEDS home field and Brady will be Brady regardless is a prime example of the bias. (watch NFL network tonight, even after Brady throws a game ending pick)

What is even funnier is your reaction is to the 2010 season. Manning had no one. literally no one and the media mentioned it maybe, MAYBE 10 times the whole season. Brady is given the passage of the gods this season and you think that is ok. The double standard isn't just here at this forum its everywhere and Colts fans grow tired of it.

Do I buy into it? No. I think if you take into context what these 2 have done it is amazing and they should be regarded as the 2 greatest QBs to ever play the game. But lets not play possum and say that Manning is fairly judged because it is quite obvious he isnt.

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Guest TeamLoloJones

Least he wasn't Romo today.....

Yeah...Romo doesn't wait until he gets close to the end zone before blowing the game with an INT,  He has a knack for doing it as soon as the drive starts.

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Thursday night,

Pats fans: "Peyton is a choker!!If it's a late game scenario, you know he's going to screw it up!!"

Peyton fans: "Wow that might be a little short sighted. He's done a lot of good things as well."

Pats fans: "Nope! Suck it up and face reality he sucks because he throws game losing INTs!"


Peyton fans: "Hahaha wow what choker! Who throws game losing INTs now?!?"

Pats fans: "Wow get a grip. It was one loss it wasn't even his fault. You people are so biased and hateful. As if we did anything to you that would cause you to react this way. Grow up"

That about sums tonight up.

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No one thinks the Pats are going to do anything in the playoffs given our injuries, but that isn't going to stop you and your friends from building us up and acting like we were favored to win it all when we lose, to make it seem like a choke. There isn't one team in the current playoff seeding that I think we are legitimately better than. We're going to be the underdog in every game we play.




No No No. That's the Colts. :flaming:


We are the ones with the second year QB, a rookie OC and an offense made out of paper.


You are the mighty Patriots.....3 rings Brady......pretty hair.......genius HC......nearly went to the Super Bowl with Reche Caldwell. Not every Pats fan (there are a few modest ones here and they know who they are) but several of them think Brady is God's gift to playing QB and his farts smell like rose petals.


You will be heavy favorites in your first playoff game. The Colts will likely be treated by the media as if they are horse manure in terms of real postseason chances.


Got it?


Strop trying to steal our under dog role!!! Won't work. :censored2:

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Yeah if you watched the game. Brady's stats were very impressive and his GW drive that was then given back by the STs and the D and the his drive again with chances at the end for his receivers to make plays and win.


Pats will struggle the rest of the way in the red zone. It is what it is.


But when Manning is in a near identical situation last year against the Ravens... he is a choker? hmmm....

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it is situational football . . . throwing a pick on a earlier play trying to fit the ball in would of been a mistake as you throwing away the extra plays, if the ball is picked (see for example the Homan throw that was high and away from the defender). . . trying to fit a ball in risking a pick is not a mistake on the last play as it is the last play of the game and thus the game over for your team regardless of the outcome . . .  completion/TD, incomplete or int . . .  


there are some people who seem not to get this . . .


this is reason why i make the joke in the other thread about the Denver game . . .yah Brady took the ball from the right hash to the middle of the field and get credit for a game winning drive in OT, when reality we all know what the score is here . . . similarly , in this game the first three throws of the series were to spot where only his WR/TE could catch it . . . one was in Amendola's hands, one off Edelman's finger tips, and one over Homan, in this theory you lower your percentage in a catch in exchange of avoiding a drive killing interception . . . but this theory is irrelevant on the last play of the game as it is over either way, so go with the higher percentage even it is risks a pick  . . .. 


to compound things the pick was not from the guy defending Collie but a smart play by a player that peeled off his man to cut the ball off . . .


there is more to situational football than just a name . . .


now if you want to complain about the Carolina pick or more still the under thrown duck in the Cinn game, then have at it . . . but you are stretching logic if one tries to get too excited about this pick . . .


May I remind you as you deperately attempt to justify a poor throw, and a poor decision, that no matter how many times you attempt to spin it... Brady had plenty of opportunites in the red zone to get it done, and couldn't. He overthrew both passes before that, Amendola may have got finger tips to this first one, but he was never ever catching it.


The interception was post stamped... everyone could see he was going there so it was not difficult for the safety to cut in front of the route... it was a bad throw from someone of Brady's stature.


I understand the concept of situational football just fine, thank you... and I agree, it was irrelevant whether that pass was an incompletions or an interception... but it was not a touchdown.


He has got it done in plenty of the situations before, but did not on this occassions, and will justifiably be blamed for it.

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And you Colts fans fail to realize that this double standard goes both way, because you're blinded by your own bias and self-righteousness. The list of excuses for Manning's performances is every bit as extensive as those for Brady's. I still remember that espn poll asking the 50 states to attribute blame for the SB loss. 49 out of 50 gave it to Manning. Want to guess which state gave the blame to Hank Baskett? ;)


Celebration threads like this are exactly what is going to inspire the troll posts if/when the Broncos and Colts lose in the postseason.As far as today, there's plenty of blame to go around. Poor throws by Tom, horrendous OL play, drops by receivers all did us in. If you're looking for an example of Brady "choking" I don't see how any rational person could use this game as an example though. The Jets/Ravens playoff fiascos of recent years are far better evidence to that argument in my opinion.


What you fail to realize is the satirical nature of this thread by Dustin. He is paying homage to the obligatory thread started, like clockwork, by amfootball any time anything that could be perceived as negative toward Peyton Manning ever takes place.


As for the horrendous O-Line play... you think giving away 4 sacks is bad? Take it from a Colts fan, you do not know how lucky you are to have a best pass-blocking O-Line in football.

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Perhaps they, like most others, do not see this as a good example of Brady "choking", and your vitriol is born of your own bias. Perhaps they saw Brady's previous TD drive, the drop in the endzone by Amendola, or other plays, and don't see things as one-sided as you do. None of the other forums I was on had posters blaming Brady, and there's plenty of anti-Pats folk there. Like I said, maybe this wasn't a good game to use to fuel your agenda.






Except every Colts fan on this board.




No one thinks the Pats are going to do anything in the playoffs given our injuries, but that isn't going to stop you and your friends from building us up and acting like we were favored to win it all when we lose, to make it seem like a choke. There isn't one team in the current playoff seeding that I think we are legitimately better than. We're going to be the underdog in every game we play.


And as a final point, I'm just going to mention that I invite you to keep making sarcastic posts and sardonic comments. It always comes around. With the records the Broncos have set this year and the way the AFC field is in shambles, if Manning loses there is going to be indescribable fallout. When the trolls flood these boards, remember threads like this.

Love your screen name man.

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Never called Manning a choker. You need to re-read my posts. I think perhaps you just like to think things up to try to prove some point that does not exist.


Are you doing that thing where you say I do the thing that you do? :)


You imply Manning is a choker on a regular basis. To deny it is just silly, but would in line with your normal trollish behaviour.

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In all seriousness, the Patriots D failed miserably to close that one out. Brady and the O drove down late and took the lead. Having to do it twice is kinda...eh.

Not excusing the pick, that was terrible. He and the O shouldn't have been in that situation, though.


Also lots of credit to Amendola and Edelman - they both had a great game. Collie kept them breathing a few times, too.


The O did plenty tonight, they just failed to carry a colossal fail by the D at the end. Up until that point the D wasn't too bad, but that was awful.

i agree...but had PM throw that int we would be hearing about how he choked and how significant this game was.



how come Brady doesnt get the same treatment? this was a divisional game iwth serious importance to secure home field advatange.

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i agree...but had PM throw that int we would be hearing about how he choked and how significant this game was.



how come Brady doesnt get the same treatment? this was a divisional game iwth serious importance to secure home field advatange.

This is what I was implying yesterday, and although I do apologize for my short burst of celebration, and gloating, (which is really not like me) I can't apologize for being happy and pleased at the outcome yesterday. I get tired of the constant Peyton bashing...that's all.

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Crikey, I'd hate to imagine the kinds of threads we'll see if the Broncos and Patriots game in the playoffs happens to be one riddled with interceptions and well-playing defenses lol.

i wouldnt be able stop laughing. All game long. and i would just sit and log on to the 3 boards(colts, pats, denver) and will get my popcorn.



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i agree...but had PM throw that int we would be hearing about how he choked and how significant this game was.



how come Brady doesnt get the same treatment? this was a divisional game iwth serious importance to secure home field advatange.

Brady has a history of coming up big in big moments whereas Manning does not. I am not saying that I agree with that statement in all of its implications but that is why there is the perceived double standard by the media.

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Good grief. Is any criticism of Manning equal "choker" in your view?


Do you have amnesia or do you just assume everyone else has?


It is about objectivity... you seem so quick to defend Brady for failing an very similar circumstances to Manning... when it is Manning, it is his fault, when it is Brady, it is the fault of those around him. It is sad really.


In the words of the infamous amfootball...


"All I am hearing is excuses."

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Brady has a history of coming up big in big moments whereas Manning does not. I am not saying that I agree with that statement in all of its implications but that is why there is the perceived double standard by the media.

jesus how many 4th qr comebacks does he need? does the pats vs colts game on the afc championship does not count? or the brady INT/performance vs the ravens on the playoffS?


i didnt bring more games because a) im at work and b) im lazy today.

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Brady has a history of coming up big in big moments whereas Manning does not. I am not saying that I agree with that statement in all of its implications but that is why there is the perceived double standard by the media.


No... Brady's team has a history of coming up big in the big moments... you seem so quick to criticize the team around Brady when things aren't going well. Defense and Adam Vinateri have won more Super Bowl's for the Pats than Brady has.


Good lord, I would hate to see where your support lies when Brady retires. You'll have to find a new religion.

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Do you have amnesia or do you just assume everyone else has?


It is about objectivity... you seem so quick to defend Brady for failing an very similar circumstances to Manning... when it is Manning, it is his fault, when it is Brady, it is the fault of those around him. It is sad really.


In the words of the infamous amfootball...


"All I am hearing is excuses."

I have no idea what you are referring to but I did not blame Manning for the loss to the Chargers. I repeatedly said his team was badly outplayed by SD which it was. Time of possession was 40+ minutes for the Chargers the Broncos were only 2 of 9 on third down. It was perhaps Manning's toughest game offensively against a very good Charger defense and the Denver defense was a sieve against the run.

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I have no idea what you are referring to but I did not blame Manning for the loss to the Chargers. I repeatedly said his team was badly outplayed by SD which it was. Time of possession was 40+ minutes for the Chargers the Broncos were only 2 of 9 on third down. It was perhaps Manning's toughest game offensively against a very good Charger defense and the Denver defense was a sieve against the run.


Wasn't talking about the Chargers... you have been here for a long time... don't try to play dumb, it's just childish.

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No... Brady's team has a history of coming up big in the big moments... you seem so quick to criticize the team around Brady when things aren't going well. Defense and Adam Vinateri have won more Super Bowl's for the Pats than Brady has.


Good lord, I would hate to see where your support lies when Brady retires. You'll have to find a new religion.

Brady's regular or post-season record needs no defending. Best winning percentage all time in the regular season and most post-season wins all time. He did not win any games by himself as no QB does but he was the main reason for the wins. If you can't accept that then go ahead and live whatever world makes you happy.

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No... Brady's team has a history of coming up big in the big moments... you seem so quick to criticize the team around Brady when things aren't going well. Defense and Adam Vinateri have won more Super Bowl's for the Pats than Brady has.


Good lord, I would hate to see where your support lies when Brady retires. You'll have to find a new religion.




I have a friend who likes to take the last "leak" in any argument (can't use the actual word here) and would want to go toe-to-toe with the Niagara falls in a "leaking" competition if he could; some of these Pats fan posters are just as childish in their attitude to have the last say. Some folks are just wired that way. :)

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Well then your argument falls apart then because if I thought he was the choker you claim I think he is then I would have blamed him for that game.


Yes, my entire argument, based upon your countless threads with passive-aggressive Manning bashing, has fallen flat on its face because you didn't say he choked against the Chargers.


Never fail to entertain with your rationale.

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Brady's regular or post-season record needs no defending. Best winning percentage all time in the regular season and most post-season wins all time. He did not win any games by himself as no QB does but he was the main reason for the wins. If you can't accept that then go ahead and live whatever world makes you happy.


As he is when his team loses.


Brady had a chance to beat Miami and couldn't get it done.



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Yes, my entire argument, based upon your countless threads with passive-aggressive Manning bashing, has fallen flat on its face because you didn't say he choked against the Chargers.


Never fail to entertain with your rationale.

Yes that's what it is "passive-aggressive" bashing not honest analysis of his performance. Gotcha.

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Can't win 'em all but he wins more than anyone else.


Funny... earlier in the thread, it was everyone but Brady's fault for the loss... now when the conversation turns to QB's taking the credit for wins and losses, you change your tune, because it fits your argument.


Some day, someone will collect up all of your posts and stick them in Mad Magazine. It will be comic gold.

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Funny... earlier in the thread, it was everyone but Brady's fault for the loss... now when the conversation turns to QB's taking the credit for wins and losses, you change your tune, because it fits your argument.


Some day, someone will collect up all of your posts and stick them in Mad Magazine. It will be comic gold.

Just humoring you. I am fine with Brady taking the fall for all of the Pats losses as long as you give him credit for all the wins. Deal? Either way I win. lol. :highfive2:

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Just humoring you. I am fine with Brady taking the fall for all of the Pats losses as long as you give him credit for all the wins. Deal? Either way I win. lol. :highfive2:


Not the way I see it personally, and never has been. It is a team sport... Brady played his part with a few overthrown balls and an interception in the redzone, but he played well overall.... as did Edelman and Amendola. O-Line was poor for the first time in a long time.

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Not the way I see it personally, and never has been. It is a team sport... Brady played his part with a few overthrown balls and an interception in the redzone, but he played well overall.... as did Edelman and Amendola. O-Line was poor for the first time in a long time.

Yep I agree. They made mistakes in the fourth on O, STs and D. That has been unlike them this year but their margin for error is zero at this point. The only thing that gives me hope is that there is not any dominate Ds in the AFC this year. And their Oline has been poor much of the year.


Also, many of their wins this year were a team effort of D, STs and O. Even though Brady led the charge at the end, the other units put them in position.

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Crikey, I'd hate to imagine the kinds of threads we'll see if the Broncos and Patriots game in the playoffs happens to be one riddled with interceptions and well-playing defenses lol.

Fingers crossed for the excusa-a-palooza '14 thread. I'll be team Manning (he doesn't play defense, Decker shoulda caught it), but where will we find the Patriots fans to defend Brady's honor (omg injoories, ringzzz)?

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Three red zone picks huh? Can't cut that guy fast enough.  ;)


I actually had to think about this to remember them. All of them were desperation throws made under pass-rush pressure, the equivalent of a red zone "Hail Mary." It's better to toss it up there and give your guy a shot than to take a sack, which will guarantee that you lose. 

Those aren't the picks that bother me. They're literally "last chance" throws, due to downs or the clock. The interceptions that bother me are the ones that kill drives on 1st or 2nd down when a QB could actually take a sack or just throw it away. The "Romo Interceptions" as I like to call them.  :thmup:


All in all, I saw pretty much what I expected to see out of NE yesterday. They moved the ball well but had to settle for FGs too often. I don't think it's surprising... Gronk has 43 TDs (including one that was ruled a lateral a couple of  years back) in 50 career games. They will struggle to punch it in without him.


No one was awful yesterday, except maybe Gostowski (bad mistake on the kickoff out of bounds, and he missed a FG early), but everyone on the team could have played better. That includes #12.


All in all, we're in the same place we were Thursday morning, except Indy gained a game on Denver/Pats/Cincy. The Patriots and the Bengals both blew chances for higher seeds, and you never like to lose, but the three top teams all lost divisional games. Pick up, move on to next week, it is what it is...

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