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Saints/Seahawks tonight


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Guest TeamLoloJones

Well, the playoffs are moot on the NFC side. SEA is probably going to the SB.

Good thing the Superbowl is on the East Coast right? Sheesh.  No one is winning in Seattle.

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Good thing the Superbowl is on the East Coast right? Sheesh.  No one is winning in Seattle.


So true. I can't believe how strong they look at Century Link. And I've watched their other games.


The disparity is truly something else.

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Luck has great potential but there's no doubt about it Russell Wilson is the best young QB. His accuracy and play making ability are off the charts and he's playing with a bad o-line and average wr's. He just doesn't make the same mistakes that Luck,RG3, or Tannehill do seems to have a higher football IQ.

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Luck has great potential but there's no doubt about it Russell Wilson is the best young QB. His accuracy and play making ability are off the charts and he's playing with a bad o-line and average wr's. He just doesn't make the same mistakes that Luck,RG3, or Tannehill do seems to have a higher football IQ.

Seahawks has a bad OLine? The OLine was supposedly bad b/c starters were injured, but now they are back.  Seahawks is the best overall team.  Seahawks WR are underrated, they have speed and can catch and they have beast mode in the backfield, along with the defense.  The colts has below avg WR, the worst OLine in the NFL, no running game, and an avg defense and yet we were able to beat the best teams (Until we lose Reggie).  So at this point, I don't think we can say for sure whose the best young QB just yet.  How many times has Wilson been on his back because i believe Luck leads the league in Pressure/Hit/Sacks.

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Bogie is sure having a bad week, Chiefs lose twice to Broncos and Saints getting pummeled at Seattle :).


The Saints can still however win their division and #2 seeding by splitting with the Panthers.


Man, I can't believe the lowly Jets have wins over the Saints and Patriots at home with Geno Smith, for crying out loud :)


Well, I didn't watch the game so if I have a mind blowing migraine again today, I will have to find something else to blame it on. :thmup:


I'll live, I did come across some old Rita Hayworth films and some Beatles outtake bootlegs, this might be a good week now that I have entertainment.



I don't know who I hate more right now. Saints fans in general with their racist remarks towards Cam Newton (how dare he start winning!) and the usual conspiracy theories (every game Carolina has won this year is a conspiracy - no joke. Roger Goodell is making it happen cause materialism just don't exist and things happen for no reason other than conspiracy) or the Seaducks, but since I didn't watch the game I'm relieved I didn't wake up with a pounding migraine.


Now I can't wait to read Saints forums later today after I have some energy in me.

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Man oh man, I actually came across some Ennio Morricone soundtracks over the summer in a used record store. Very expensive but are worth every dime if you love that stuff.

I actually have the entire Morricone score from all the Spaghetti Western he did with Clint Eastwood. My dad owned it on vinyl, knew how much I loved the soundtrack songs, & he gave it to me. Nice eh?  :thmup:


Sweet job on locating that buried treasure Bogie!  :hat: Ennino is/was a spectacular composer, director Quentin Tarantino used Morricone's work a lot in his "Kill Bill 1 & 2" films too. 

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Who Dat!! Who Dat!! Who Dat say day gonna beat them Aint's?? YOU GUESSED IT!!!!! OK I"LL STOP!!! Good night!!!!!!!!!

:cheer:  :cheer2:  :rock:  :applause:  :monkeydance:  :banana:  :36dancing:

I will admit that was funny Cs4, but I don't rub a loss into anybody unless it's the Dallas Cowboys that is...Then all bets are off & let the firing squad of jokes begin & never let up. A Playoff rematch would be fantastic to watch now wouldn't it? Pay back is a _____________ [Rhymes with witch] The Seahawks are playing ball & defense on a whole new level right now. They look unstoppable at the moment. Wow...

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My condolences Bogie. I still respect your Saints. They just were disrupted by noise & ran into a buzz saw tonight my friend. Trust me, they will bounce back from this smackdown & remain resilient & Playoff bound like always do under the Sean Payton regime. 



I knew they were going to lose the minute I saw black pants and white jerseys. I'm superstitious even though I'm not a religion man by any means, black pants on white jerseys bring out the worst of the worst.


I can thankfully say I didn't lose any sleep over it, and it probably cured my migraine from yesterday.



Luckily there is no Saints fans on this board besides me, I don't think I can deal with the "I love the Saints but the Seaducks are my 2nd favorite team" crap right now at the moment, and yes most of them are head over heels in love with Seattle since the minute they stomped the Niners last year. It makes liking the Broncos plausible just thinking about how Saints fans love this team only because they beat up on the 49ers.

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I knew they were going to lose the minute I saw black pants and white jerseys. I'm superstitious even though I'm not a religion man by any means, black pants on white jerseys bring out the worst of the worst.


I can thankfully say I didn't lose any sleep over it, and it probably cured my migraine from yesterday.



Luckily there is no Saints fans on this board besides me, I don't think I can deal with the "I love the Saints but the Seaducks are my 2nd favorite team" crap right now at the moment, and yes most of them are head over heels in love with Seattle since the minute they stomped the Niners last year. It makes liking the Broncos plausible just thinking about how Saints fans love this team only because they beat up on the 49ers.

Drew  Brees & company are too smart & seasoned to be derailed by tonight's outcome. The weird thing is that some Colts fans still dislike the Saints for that onside kick in the 2009 SB, but I'm over that now & besides after Hurricane Katrina, Louisiana & the Bayou needed something to cheer about & forget their troubles for a few hours.  They needed the  :lombardi: more than INDY did as a state & community anyway. 


I did a tribute for you in the What RU Listening 2 Right Now topic to lift your spirits & make you laugh even though you claim not to lose any sleep over it. Sorry about your migraines my step sister gets those a lot. I wouldn't wish that on anybody. Well maybe the entire Cowboys team...Just Kidding! 


Yeah, the black pants & white jerseys do look odd I agree. To be honest with you, I'd like to see the Niners get knocked out & not play in the NFC Championship Game. I'm ready for somebody else playing in the SB. I'm getting sick & tired of HC Jim Harbaugh blaming the refs all the time for his squad losing the Championship Game or SB...Sigh...


I do wonder though if the seaducks as you call them [LOL!] played in the Superdome tonight if they wouldn't lost themselves. The Saints headquarters is just as lethal as their Silicon Valley home base is...Fan noise is just as deafening there & New Orleans athletes play like possessed demons there...A genuine complement not an insult BTW.  

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Drew  Brees & company are too smart & seasoned to be derailed by tonight's outcome. The weird thing is that some Colts fans still dislike the Saints for that onside kick in the 2009 SB, but I'm over that now & besides after Hurricane Katrina, Louisiana & the Bayou needed something to cheer about & forget their troubles for a few hours.  They needed the  :lombardi: more than INDY did as a state & community anyway. 


I did a tribute for you in the What RU Listening 2 Right Now topic to lift your spirits & make you laugh even though you claim not to lose any sleep over it. Sorry about your migraines my step sister gets those a lot. I wouldn't wish that on anybody. Well maybe the entire Cowboys team...Just Kidding! 


Yeah, the black pants & white jerseys do look odd I agree. To be honest with you, I'd like to see the Niners get knocked out & not play in the NFC Championship Game. I'm ready for somebody else playing in the SB. I'm getting sick & tired of HC Jim Harbaugh blaming the refs all the time for his squad losing the Championship Game or SB...Sigh...


I do wonder though if the seaducks as you call them [LOL!] played in the Superdome tonight if they wouldn't lost themselves. The Saints headquarters is just as lethal as their Silicon Valley home base is...Fan noise is just as deafening there & New Orleans athletes play like possessed demons there...A genuine complement not an insult BTW.  



Well that's normal. Saints fans hate the Bears for knocking us out in 2006, I have no clue why they love Seattle so much for beating us in 2010 besides the fact they love anyone that can beat up the 49ers. Last year the fans on the forums were dead set on the Seaducks winning it all for god knows why when they weren't calculating half baked conspiracy theories.



I don't mind the Niners that much Jim Harbaugh is the type of coach I would want to be if I was into this stuff. He reminds me of James Brown...I can just picture him freaking out in rehearsals and fining his musicians for screwing up on stage.



I can't judge how the Saints looked since I didn't watch the game, but I don't think Seattle is that tough on the road. They remind me so much of Atlanta from last year, they can beat up tough teams at home but on the road they struggle hard against cupcake teams they should slaughter.


I'm sure the game would have been closer in the bayou but still, hard to say. The Saints struggled last week against Atlanta when we had every opportunity to send the game into a blow out. They don't like to score on the road is what I'm thinking. At home they will drop 40 on a team, but on the road they act sluggish and run a predictable offense.

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Broncos, Colts and Patriots fans better hope the Saints make the Super Bowl instead of the Seahawks because the Seahawks play better outdoors and in colder conditions than the Saints do.  I think it would be easier for the Colts, Broncos or Patriots to beat the Saints at Giants' Stadium this year outdoors.  Seahawks are built for the post season with their defense.


Which teams in the NFC have the best chance at knocking the Seahawks out of the playoffs?  I think the Panthers.  They can put up points and their defense is one of the best in the NFL.  Lions also play nasty D and have a good offense.

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Luck has great potential but there's no doubt about it Russell Wilson is the best young QB. His accuracy and play making ability are off the charts and he's playing with a bad o-line and average wr's. He just doesn't make the same mistakes that Luck,RG3, or Tannehill do seems to have a higher football IQ.



Give me your hat...so i can barf in it. Wilson is just another minute QB that will be exposed sooner...rather than later. This team doesn't scare me at all.

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Broncos, Colts and Patriots fans better hope the Saints make the Super Bowl instead of the Seahawks because the Seahawks play better outdoors and in colder conditions than the Saints do.  I think it would be easier for the Colts, Broncos or Patriots to beat the Saints at Giants' Stadium this year outdoors.  Seahawks are built for the post season with their defense.


Which teams in the NFC have the best chance at knocking the Seahawks out of the playoffs?  I think the Panthers.  They can put up points and their defense is one of the best in the NFL.  Lions also play nasty D and have a good offense.


Panthers and 49ers stand the best chance of taking down Seattle in Seattle. The key to playing Seattle is to be able to match their physicality by being able to run the ball to reduce 3rd and longs. Once you do that, their DBs have to cheat and you need outside weapons like T.Y. to take shots down the field as a second wideout because the primary ones like Wayne and Crabtree will be covered by and probably diminished by Sherman.


I like the 49ers better because they have Boldin and Vernon Davis along with Crabtree. Panthers just have Steve Smith, Lafell and Ted Ginn Jr. do not win 1-on-1s. Boldin is a gamer and will win 1-on-1 battles if he is not the primary option.

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Will be tough for the Saints now as Seattle has all but locked up the #1 seed.


How do you see the Carolina games playing out?



Easy, Saints play a hundred times better coming off bad loses like this. It won't be pretty next week for the Panthers.


We won't lose 2 in a row, I can't remember last time we did besides last year and 2009.

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