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Samson Satele (analysis)


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Ya, we all know how inexplicable it is that Satele remains as our starting Center. Does he have blackmail pics of coaches? Is Grigson just that bull headed that he won't admit that the guy he brought in is complete garbage??


Who knows.


What we need to do is point out some pieces on tape, because it's painfully obvious that the team is not doing so, or refuses to take of their rose colored glasses.


Take a look:


NO PROMOTIONAL POSTING ON THE SITE2013-articles/november/ca-charting-project-charting-the-colts-offensive-line-week-12.html


This is the last play of the Colts’ first drive, a three-and-out. Mike McGlynn and Trent Richardson blow pass blocks, flushing Luck out of the pocket. After a good initial block that steered his man into Thornton’s grip, Satele is in front of the play with nothing to do as Luck starts to scramble. He is clearly aware that Luck is scrambling:



What does Satele do?


A. Help Cherilus (in the foreground) on his man.
B. Head upfield and block one of the linebackers.
C. Help Thornton on his man.
D. Sit down and look for four-leaf clovers.
E. Do nothing.




Yep. It’s E. He doesn’t turn upfield until Luck is past him:



John Abraham, the linebacker on the right side of the second screenshot, tackles Luck after a gain of three, forcing a punt. Granted, Luck is quick and Satele is not, and it would be hard for Satele to stay in front of Luck when the latter has a full head of steam. But it took Satele a painfully long time to get turned around and moving. As you can see, Luck moves five yards straight up the field between the two screen shots, while Satele moves about a yard to the hash marks and roughly six inches upfield. At the very least, Satele could have tried to keep up with Luck and give him a push in the back after contact. But he dawdled along behind and didn’t even touch a defender.

Edited by Superman
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He doesn`t hold up at the point of attack.

And a real dud with awareness.


Coach is determined to stick with his vets. His Code.

Then make their changes after the season. I get it.

IMO Irsay chose to pay one trick poney Freeney $14M rather than pay for Quality O-Lineman, netting us S & Mc.
Oh well, its been ughly to watch them so far.

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Ya, we all know how inexplicable it is that Satele remains as our starting Center. Does he have blackmail pics of coaches? Is Grigson just that bull headed that he won't admit that the guy he brought in is complete garbage??


Who knows.


What we need to do is point out some pieces on tape, because it's painfully obvious that the team is not doing so, or refuses to take of their rose colored glasses.


Take a look:


This is the last play of the Colts’ first drive, a three-and-out. Mike McGlynn and Trent Richardson blow pass blocks, flushing Luck out of the pocket. After a good initial block that steered his man into Thornton’s grip, Satele is in front of the play with nothing to do as Luck starts to scramble. He is clearly aware that Luck is scrambling:



What does Satele do?


A. Help Cherilus (in the foreground) on his man.

B. Head upfield and block one of the linebackers.

C. Help Thornton on his man.

D. Sit down and look for four-leaf clovers.

E. Do nothing.




Yep. It’s E. He doesn’t turn upfield until Luck is past him:



John Abraham, the linebacker on the right side of the second screenshot, tackles Luck after a gain of three, forcing a punt. Granted, Luck is quick and Satele is not, and it would be hard for Satele to stay in front of Luck when the latter has a full head of steam. But it took Satele a painfully long time to get turned around and moving. As you can see, Luck moves five yards straight up the field between the two screen shots, while Satele moves about a yard to the hash marks and roughly six inches upfield. At the very least, Satele could have tried to keep up with Luck and give him a push in the back after contact. But he dawdled along behind and didn’t even touch a defender.

Unless your name is Ben Gundy, you need to credit Colts Authority. Plagiarism is taken seriously by some people.

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Unless your name is Ben Gundy, you need to credit Colts Authority. Plagiarism is taken seriously by some people.




Ease up and post something actually useful. 


I didn't quote the whole article. Here you go  


NO PROMOTIONAL POSTING ON THE SITE2013-articles/november/ca-charting-project-charting-the-colts-offensive-line-week-12.html

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Ease up and post something actually useful. 


I didn't quote the whole article. Here you go  


NO PROMOTIONAL POSTING ON THE SITE2013-articles/november/ca-charting-project-charting-the-colts-offensive-line-week-12.html

That was useful. Plagiarism can get you expelled from college. You presented the post as if you created it, and to make matters worse you didn't include the part of the article where he gives Satele credit. I guess that didn't fit your childish agenda in calling him names.

Failure all around.

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That was useful. Plagiarism can get you expelled from college. You presented the post as if you created it, and to make matters worse you didn't include the part of the article where he gives Satele credit. I guess that didn't fit your childish agenda in calling him names.

Failure all around.



LOL......sorry Professor Interwebz

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That was useful. Plagiarism can get you expelled from college. You presented the post as if you created it, and to make matters worse you didn't include the part of the article where he gives Satele credit. I guess that didn't fit your childish agenda in calling him names.

Failure all around.




Ease up and post something actually useful. 


I didn't quote the whole article. Here you go  


NO PROMOTIONAL POSTING ON THE SITE2013-articles/november/ca-charting-project-charting-the-colts-offensive-line-week-12.html

To two of my favorite posters....you are both a lot alike in sarcasm and wit....keep doing your thing....


Not taking sides...just saying.  Love both of your stuff!!  Be good...like I always am....OOOPS!



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To two of my favorite posters....you are both a lot alike in sarcasm and wit....keep doing your thing....


Not taking sides...just saying.  Love both of your stuff!!  Be good...like I always am....OOOPS!



Ever the peace maker. Thanks Brent, I'll try not to be so sanctimonious in the future.

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Ever the peace maker. Thanks Brent, I'll try not to be so sanctimonious in the future.

You guys are both awesome...not always (some would say 'usually not :)) a peacemaker buddy!  I don't like my friends with some of the same ideas and sarcasm/analysis to go at it...!!!  :)

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