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5 things after Colts v Texans


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6. WR with our first round pick would've been GREAT. As a huge supporter of the trade, the downside is starring us in the face. 


7. We MUST feed Brown and TRich the ball on passes, screens. 

2nd round receiver might do, who knows? first round picks are overvalued look at all the missed picks our Colts have had in the first round in the last ten years. I am guessing the Colts pick is right around 26 to 32, plus Richardson is dirt cheap, I reserve the right to avoid a hasty assessment of TR's on the field play, but it is genius from a payroll aspect.

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2nd round receiver might do, who knows? first round picks are overvalued look at all the missed picks our Colts have had in the first round in the last ten years. I am guessing the Colts pick is right around 26 to 32, plus Richardson is dirt cheap, I reserve the right to avoid a hasty assessment of TR's on the field play, but it is genius from a payroll aspect.

The way we're playing....it's lookin' like our best pick will be more like a 3rd (late 2nd). 


Hope Grigs has his eye on a few Hilton's. 

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WR may be addressed in free agency also, plus I bet Reggie is back next year.

IF...IF he comes back, it's his last year. I'm not sure of our numbers next off-season, so FA might be tight in regard to high-end receivers. 


T.Y. was a 4th, right? 

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There are a lot of receivers that are eligible to come out this year...There are some red shirt Sophomores that may end up staying another year.. So hopefully, some of them play one more year so that we have a chance to grab a player like Mike Evans of Texas A&M, for example.

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6. WR with our first round pick would've been GREAT. As a huge supporter of the trade, the downside is starring us in the face. 


7. We MUST feed Brown and TRich the ball on passes, screens. 


That screen to T-Rich was awesome...I agree 100 percent..that we need more screens and bubble screens to give our receivers a chance in open space.

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1. Never count Luck out! 

2. TY Hilton is the future #1 (said it before tonight too)

3. DHB shouldnt be resigned next year 

4. Hoping Brazill is targeted more and emerges as the future #2

5, Whalen had some drops but all in all will get better with time

I like this list. I jokingly said after the game that Griff Whalen was tonight's "Pierre Garcon Remembrance Award Winner" for some of the drops he had in space and some of the balls that he went HAM to reel in. Good on you, Griff!

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That screen to T-Rich was awesome...I agree 100 percent..that we need more screens and bubble screens to give our receivers a chance in open space.

Honestly we need T-Rich even if he isn't running as well as we would have hoped.  If we didn't have him we would have Donald Brown and that's it at running back.  Donald has turned into a nice player but I think that's in part because he is able to be that change of pace back and he wouldn't be able to be that if T-Rich wasn't here right now. 


If we hadn't made that trade we would all be saying how we need a running back right now. 

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Trade our 2nd and third to move into the first and get Mike Evans from Texas A&M Sammy Watkins or marquis Lee... problem solved


Evans is a red shirt Sophomore and Watkins is a junior. Both may decide to wait and play one more season with their respective teams. Although their QB"s are probably coming out in Manziel and Boyd, theough Manziel could come back as he too is a red shirt soph.


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That screen to T-Rich was awesome...I agree 100 percent..that we need more screens and bubble screens to give our receivers a chance in open space.

More-so than that; Nothing takes away such a viscous pass rush like the screen game. I found it....odd that we didn't try harder to feed the ball to TRich and Brown through the air. 

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Honestly we need T-Rich even if he isn't running as well as we would have hoped.  If we didn't have him we would have Donald Brown and that's it at running back.  Donald has turned into a nice player but I think that's in part because he is able to be that change of pace back and he wouldn't be able to be that if T-Rich wasn't here right now. 


If we hadn't made that trade we would all be saying how we need a running back right now. 


I'm not saying anything bad about the trade or T-Rich..I loved and still do love the trade. I was commenting on the fact that we need to run more screens to him and DB.That screen to T-Rich was beautiful, and we need to get him the ball more in open space. I don't know what in my post led you to believe that I didn't approve of the trade...If it misled you, I apologize

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I'm not saying anything bad about the trade or T-Rich..I loved and still do love the trade. I was commenting on the fact that we need to run more screens to him and DB.That screen to T-Rich was beautiful, and we need to get him the ball more in open space. I don't know what in my post led you to believe that I didn't approve of the trade...If it misled you, I apologize

Oh I know you aren't I was just building off your point more than anything else.

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