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Houston Has Seen This Before...


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No, that's Schaub. AJ was playing like he was 25 again and was running around like mad.

Oh yeah it was much like a lot of the past Colts vs. Texans games. Texans build a sizable lead to only watch it evaporate in the wake of a Colts QB turning it on late.

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Oh yeah it was much like a lot of the past Colts vs. Texans games. Texans build a sizable lead to only watch it evaporate in the wake of a Colts QB turning it on late.


Keenum outplayed Luck tonight. Our atrocious special teams cost us the game.

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Keenum outplayed Luck tonight. Our atrocious special teams cost us the game.

Lol they passed for the same amount of TDs and Keenum turned into the player he actually is in the 4th as did Andrew Luck.

Don't forget your #1 defense that gave up 24 second half points. Spread the love!

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I thought this was going to be about Houston getting overly excited about a young QB after a couple of games before he has really proven himself.  There was a time some Texans fans thought Sage Rosenfels was the answer after a couple of good games as a back up. 


I keep going back to something Ted Marchibroda liked to say about back up QBs, a young back up QB can win you four games in five if you need him.  If you have to play him longer than that he can probably lose you four games quicker than he won you four games.  IE, once the league gets tape on a guy they figure him out.  Till that happens he's a bit of an unknown and hard to get ready for.  We saw that a little tonight even.  Keenum was going off in the first half but in the second half after the Colts adjusted he wasn't nearly as effective.  I think teams have already figured out he doesn't handle safety blitz's very well.  The Chiefs did to him and were successful and the Colts did it again tonight and had success.  Give a guy like BB some tape and a week to get ready for Keenum and he is probably going to look like an undrafted free agent QB. 


Keenum might be the best of what the Texans have right now but I think jury is still out on if he's a long term answer or not. 

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Lol they passed for the same amount of TDs and Keenum turned into the player he actually is in the 4th as did Andrew Luck.

Don't forget your #1 defense that gave up 24 second half points. Spread the love!

Colts played a whale of a game in the second half, Pagano and the coaches made some great adjustments but I also think we can't overlook the impact of having Kubiak going down had to have had on his team.  I mean that place was rocking in the first half and that just took all the wind out of the Texans sails.  Colts should be credited for doing a great job in the second half but I don't think anyone can say Kubiak going down probably didn't play a role in that. 


Still it's the same old Texans, just can't finish.  They had many chances to put us away tonight beyond the missed field goals and didn't do it, they left the door open and what happens in the NFL if you let a team hang around in a game they shouldn't be in?  It comes back to bight you. 

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The way Collinsworth was drooling all over him in the press box was pretty bad. I remember a guy by the name of Painter who had a one or two close losses as well. Then everybody got film on him.

Collinsworth drools over which ever QB is winning at that moment unless that QB's last name is Manning or is playing against a QB whose last name is Brady.  He was going gaga over Luck in the fourth quarter and in the Denver game.

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Let's give Luck the Texan's O-line and also have have Keenum play against the Texan's D-line and see how Keenum compares to Luck then.

Heck let's just give Luck Andre Johnson...


That gets lost here Luck was playing without his Hall of Fame WR tonight for really the first time and it took him a half and half of the third quarter to adjust.  To just leave that out of comparing the two tonight is foolish. 

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Heck let's just give Luck Andre Johnson...


That gets lost here Luck was playing without his Hall of Fame WR tonight for really the first time and it took him a half and half of the third quarter to adjust.  To just leave that out of comparing the two tonight is foolish.

good point.
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i dont mean to start a fight....but you guys scored 0 points after the second quarter.

it wasnt special teams alone.


You're right; it wasn't just special teams.  The Texans defense also contributed in that the had some collapses, yet nothing insurmountable.  But yes, we left 9 points out there.  Not to mention, no matter how well Case Keenum played, he's still inexperienced as all hell.  That's another factor.  I know that I felt deflated as soon as Kubiak went down, only imagine what some of the players felt.  No excuses.  Just a weird set of circumstances.  The reffing sucked, also...on both sides.

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Lol they passed for the same amount of TDs and Keenum turned into the player he actually is in the 4th as did Andrew Luck.

Don't forget your #1 defense that gave up 24 second half points. Spread the love!


I don't understand the bolded. Keenum was excellent all night long. The third down throw to Johnson was excellent, and might have led to the win if not for Johnson losing control of the ball at the very end. Then, on the final drive, with no timeouts, Keenum picked up 30 yards in two plays and gave the Texans a shot at a game winning field goal. He did his job. A couple of hiccups, but it's not like he fell apart. Not even close. 


I hate to agree with Vance, but I think Keenum did have a better overall game. More yards, much better completion percentage, hurt us on the ground, etc. Only thing that pushes Luck ahead of him is that Luck's big plays came in the 4th quarter.

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I don't understand the bolded. Keenum was excellent all night long. The third down throw to Johnson was excellent, and might have led to the win if not for Johnson losing control of the ball at the very end. Then, on the final drive, with no timeouts, Keenum picked up 30 yards in two plays and gave the Texans a shot at a game winning field goal. He did his job. A couple of hiccups, but it's not like he fell apart. Not even close.

I hate to agree with Vance, but I think Keenum did have a better overall game. More yards, much better completion percentage, hurt us on the ground, etc. Only thing that pushes Luck ahead of him is that Luck's big plays came in the 4th quarter.

Tell me, how was Keenum excellent when his team only managed 3 more points the rest of the 2nd half? Cool he put up a ton of yards. Romo puts up 500+ and sets a record in the process but it doesn't matter when you fail in crunch time. All of Keenums big throws and TDs came in the first half. His protection was better than Lucks most of the night as well.

Luck out performed him when it mattered the most. After the Colts adjusted at the half, Keenum was pedestrian.

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QBs who live and die on  the long-bomb pass do just that. Some games they are great, like last night, but some games they can look truly awful. Think Rex Grossman, another guy who loves the long bomb and has done his share of living and dying by it. Keenum threw a lot more long bombs than I wouldn't be comfortable with going forward if I were a Texan fan. It worked for him last night, but in reality those are a lot of times 50/50 balls that can hurt the team badly. He did keep some plays alive using his feet, but again it looked like he was just looking in one spot (usually Johnson) the whole time he did and not making reads. I do like his confidence-- but I am not sure if he is the long term answer for the Texans. I think once the league has adequate film on him that the deep passes aren't going to be there nearly as often.

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Tell me, how was Keenum excellent when his team only managed 3 more points the rest of the 2nd half? Cool he put up a ton of yards. Romo puts up 500+ and sets a record in the process but it doesn't matter when you fail in crunch time. All of Keenums big throws and TDs came in the first half. His protection was better than Lucks most of the night as well.

Luck out performed him when it mattered the most. After the Colts adjusted at the half, Keenum was pedestrian.


Umm, Romo was excellent in that game. Knock him for the late interception, but that doesn't mean he didn't play a good game. And unlike Romo, Keenum didn't turn the ball over, so it's not really a good comparison.


And sure, the Texans didn't score after early in the third quarter. We definitely played better defense. But Keenum didn't start playing poorly. He was still completing passes and picking up first downs. We just got better defending the deep stuff. On offense, we got some extended drives and kept their offense on the sideline. Keenum didn't start playing poorly. He was never pedestrian.  After the half, he was 9/16 with 142 yards, and was 2/4 on third down. And like I said, he came up big on their final drive. He didn't fail in crunchtime, the kicker did.


His protection was absolutely better, all game long. His receivers weren't dropping catchable passes. He had a run game taking pressure off of him and making his play action more effective. I'm not saying that he's better than Luck, obviously. Just saying that when you compare the production, Keenum had a better overall game. And even if you don't agree that Keenum had a better overall game, I don't understand the assertion that he had a poor second half or fourth quarter. 

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Umm, Romo was excellent in that game. Knock him for the late interception, but that doesn't mean he didn't play a good game. And unlike Romo, Keenum didn't turn the ball over, so it's not really a good comparison.

And sure, the Texans didn't score after early in the third quarter. We definitely played better defense. But Keenum didn't start playing poorly. He was still completing passes and picking up first downs. We just got better defending the deep stuff. On offense, we got some extended drives and kept their offense on the sideline. Keenum didn't start playing poorly. He was never pedestrian. After the half, he was 9/16 with 142 yards, and was 2/4 on third down. And like I said, he came up big on their final drive. He didn't fail in crunchtime, the kicker did.

His protection was absolutely better, all game long. His receivers weren't dropping catchable passes. He had a run game taking pressure off of him and making his play action more effective. I'm not saying that he's better than Luck, obviously. Just saying that when you compare the production, Keenum had a better overall game. And even if you don't agree that Keenum had a better overall game, I don't understand the assertion that he had a poor second half or fourth quarter.

I'm late in replying but again, the QBs job is to finsh and get the ball in the end zone. It's the basic of principles in football. Yes Keenum continued to complete passes but he failed to get the ball into the end zone a single time after doing so three times in the first half.

To me, making the big time plays in crunch time when it counts holds more weight in an overall performance IMO than a better completion percentage. If Luck had continued to struggle and finished the game with 0 or 1 touchdowns and a Colts loss then I would of agreed with your assessment but because he didn't, I can't.

If you don't want your kicker to fail you in crunch time, lead your team to a touchdown on atleast ONE of your previous drives in the half so you aren't having to rely on him.

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I'm late in replying but again, the QBs job is to finsh and get the ball in the end zone. It's the basic of principles in football. Yes Keenum continued to complete passes but he failed to get the ball into the end zone a single time after doing so three times in the first half.

To me, making the big time plays in crunch time when it counts holds more weight in an overall performance IMO than a better completion percentage. If Luck had continued to struggle and finished the game with 0 or 1 touchdowns and a Colts loss then I would of agreed with your assessment but because he didn't, I can't.

If you don't want your kicker to fail you in crunch time, lead your team to a touchdown on atleast ONE of your previous drives in the half so you aren't having to rely on him.


My initial objection was to the idea that Keenum somehow fell apart or ceased to perform well in the second half or in the fourth quarter. I disagree with that idea. It's true that Keenum could have put more points on the board in the second half. It's true that Luck's second half performance was far more impressive. Like I said earlier, if you want to weight Luck's late game performance as more impressive than Keenum's overall performance, I can understand that. I'm just saying that Keenum doesn't deserve to be dinged just because the Texans didn't score more points. He did everything they asked him to do. 

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