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Horrible Call


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Again IndyTrav we had the fumble at the 30 or so that's an automatic 3 point and takes time off the clock so houston couldn't just match down the fueled to score! Damn you must got some good stuff to smoke I want some!!!!

as mad as i am about that blown call (on top of the call of roughing the punter we should have had also) it isn't really an automatic 3 points. a sack or two could have taken us out of FG range and as bad as our OLine is playing tonight it wouldn't be shocking right now. great thing about football is you still have to play 4 full quarters. and the colts are good at playing better in the second half. so hopefully they fix these issues quickly. 

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Not saying they havent been bad. Or missed calls.


But they arent the reason the Colts are getting trashed out of the buidling.


People are blaming them. Big difference. 

Like I said at the start of my post not the refs fault, but to act like the poor officiating tonight isn't impacting the game just because people don't want to say anything about the refs are kidding themselves.  With that said, I don't think the Colts offense can score 15 tonight at least not the way they played in the first half so that last touchdown might not have meant much.

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Go ahead everyone. Get all upset.


This Colts team is playing like garbage. 


Hou is dominating us in every facet of the game.


But remember its the refs fault. 

We certainly are, but can you really deny the refs part in it?

That being said we do NOT deserve this game.

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Go ahead everyone. Get all upset.

This Colts team is playing like garbage.

Hou is dominating us in every facet of the game.

But remember its the refs fault.

I am upset. No doubt the Colts are losing the game, but the bad calls are adding unnecessarily to the challenge of rallying.
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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, November 4, 2013 - inflammatory
Hidden by Nadine, November 4, 2013 - inflammatory

Trolls need to be booted seriously NO ONE can honestly say these bad calls haven't altered the flow and score of the game, complaining about the D playing bad is a separate issue. Trolls need to be send packing

IndyTrav has been a poster on this forum for a long time.  I don't happen to agree with his point of view here and have often not agreed with his view point.  With that said I think this attitude that some have here that just because someone disagrees with them it means they are a troll needs to go.  People need to be able to accept that others are going to disagree with them from time-to-time and be able to handle it without going to name calling and yes calling someone a troll is name calling, otherwise there is no point to having a forum to exchange view points. 

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, November 4, 2013 - inflammatory
Hidden by Nadine, November 4, 2013 - inflammatory

Trolls need to be booted seriously NO ONE can honestly say these bad calls haven't altered the flow and score of the game, complaining about the D playing bad is a separate issue. Trolls need to be send packing

Lol yup.


Totally irresponsible of me to point out this team is playing like trash, and its not the refs fault we are currently down 21-3....Bad drops, bad ST, Bad Def...getting beat by a 2 game starter, by a team without its best RB, and LB....and Luck being 3-12 on his back a majority of the game....


None of that matter bc the refs blew 2 calls....

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Lol yup.


Totally irresponsible of me to point out this team is playing like trash, and its not the refs fault we are currently down 21-3....Bad drops, bad ST, Bad Def...getting beat by a 2 game starter, by a team without its best RB, and LB....and Luck being 3-12 on his back a majority of the game....


None of that matter bc the refs blew 2 calls....


One problem does not omit the other.


We're getting our butts kicked as badly as we are for both reasons. (We're sucking, and so are the refs.) Without two blown calls, there is even a chance we'd be tied/winning right now. Thanks to the refs we'll never know and that's not right. We were robbed of two possessions and the Texans were given two more than they earned.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, November 4, 2013 - inflammatory
Hidden by Nadine, November 4, 2013 - inflammatory

Not irresponsible troll, not sure what you dont get that saying obvious bad calls have no bearing because team isnt playing great. If you were a child maybe worth explaining BUT assuming you are adult no possible way that can make sense so thus trying to invoke a reaction. Troll, dont deny when called out accept and explain why you feel a need to have attention by posting troll comments...... 

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dear IndyTrav, the problem is that I dont recall anyone posting here blaming the refs for all of our problems today, I guess evertone here is noticing that the Colts are playing like garbage (in all sides of the ball)

but im tired of watching good teams playing bad and winning games, and even with one of the most horrible matches I saw Luck playing as a Colt we could come back from the first half with a single possession game

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One does not omit the other.


We're getting our butts kicked as badly as we are for both reasons. (We're sucking, and so are the refs.) Without two blown calls, there is even a chance we'd be tied/winning right now. Thanks to the refs we'll never know and that's not right.



Thats another part of it. What about our team tonight indicates we could have done anything had those calls not been made?! There is ZERO evidence. Did Mathis get held that one bomb? Sure. But before that Andre had 140/2TDs.....Had the fumble not been reversed, what about our offense says we could have done anything with it?! A ST block, and Luck on his back 90% of the time....


If the Colts were playing well, i'd be much more in arms about these blown calls (they were in fact blown), but those 'calls' are flesh wounds to a team bleeding out. 

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dear IndyTrav, the problem is that I dont recall anyone posting here blaming the refs for all of our problems today, I guess evertone here is noticing that the Colts are playing like garbage (in all sides of the ball)

but im tired of watching good teams playing bad and winning games, and even with one of the most horrible matches I saw Luck playing as a Colt we could come back from the first half with a single possession game

I agree with this, I think most would agree the Texans have kicked our tails tonight regardless of the refs but like I said before there it's also fair to point out when the refs are just flat out horrible. 

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Thats another part of it. What about our team tonight indicates we could have done anything had those calls not been made?! There is ZERO evidence.


The issue isn't what we would have done with those drives. The issue is we didn't even get the opportunity to at least attempt them. We could have fumbled twice or thrown two pick sixes and be losing even worse than we are.  We'll never know.

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I don't mean this as any personal short at anyone, but the argument that is being put forth in this thread that "the Colts are playing awful so you can't blame the refs" is absolutely wrong. Football is game of peaks and valleys; sometimes teams play bad for stretches just like sometimes referees miss calls. Those things happen. That does NOT give the refs license to fail to do their job. It wasn't a missed call; it was reversed based on no evidence. Missed calls happen. Reversals based on no evidence are referees either not being able to do their job (i.e., not knowing what they are supposed to do) or purposefully making the wrong call. Either one is not acceptable. If they hadn't done what they did, we would be in this game.

The refs shouldn't be blamed for losses due to missed calls; teams shouldn't be set back by ineptitude or bias. AND, if a team is playing poorly, that doesn't mean it's ok for the refs to screw them. The Colts were given a massive disadvantage due to ineptitude or bias.

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Not irresponsible troll, not sure what you dont get that saying obvious bad calls have no bearing because team isnt playing great. If you were a child maybe worth explaining BUT assuming you are adult no possible way that can make sense so thus trying to invoke a reaction. Troll, dont deny when called out accept and explain why you feel a need to have attention by posting troll comments...... 



Fans complaining about blown calls, while there team is getting blown out is funny to me. Complaining about the refs and making comments like " we are playing two teams" or "the fix is in", or questioning the quality of the refs, all while making definitive statements like " We def would have scored had it not been for this or this or this", or "they def wouldn't have scored had this happened"....its annoying, and incorrect. 

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Not irresponsible troll, not sure what you dont get that saying obvious bad calls have no bearing because team isnt playing great. If you were a child maybe worth explaining BUT assuming you are adult no possible way that can make sense so thus trying to invoke a reaction. Troll, dont deny when called out accept and explain why you feel a need to have attention by posting troll comments......

I am livid about the calls. We agree on that. But Trav is absolutely correct that the Colts are not losing because of those calls.

It would have altered the team's chances, but once the bad calls were made, the D had plenty of chances to step up its game. It failed to do so. Once Luck and co. got the ball back, they could have stepped up their game. And failed to do so.

Hard game to watch, but the bad calls aren't determining the outcome, just making it more frustrating.

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I am livid about the calls. We agree on that. But Trav is absolutely correct that the Colts are not losing because of those calls.

It would have altered the team's chances, but once the bad calls were made, the D had plenty of chances to step up its game. It failed to do so. Once Luck and co. got the ball back, they could have stepped up their game. And failed to do so.

Hard game to watch, but the bad calls aren't determining the outcome, just making it more frustrating.



We have a winner

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, November 4, 2013 - quoted removed post
Hidden by Nadine, November 4, 2013 - quoted removed post

Because you are a troll,unless again you are a child or have the mental capacity of one and not meaning that as a slam being 100% honest. If you dont like it too bad you earned it, sorry



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The most crooked aspect of the NFL is the lack of accountability placed on the refs. They don't have to answer to the media or explain their calls at all.

They just screw up. And fade away.

No standards.

I think they get disciplined behind the scenes which is how professionals and adults handle discipline.  It doesn't help that the media just ignores it because no one wants to be that person that blames the refs yet they over did it with the replacement refs because they wanted that to be a story.  The reality is that the league has gotten away with replacement refs for a long time because the public and media have demanded that they go to full-time refs across the board and frankly the refs union likes it that way because look at one some of these guys do as full-time jobs, some of them have very high paying jobs that they would have to give up to be a full-time NFL Official. 

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Rather we think it's an impact or not it's impacting the Colts players and you can tell.  The Colts receivers are looking at the refs after every play, even more so than normal in today's NFL where it's normal for guys to ask for flags when they don't make a catch.  I think there is a feeling of the refs are against us. 


With that said it doesn't change the fact that when the Colts have had their chances they aren't taking advantage of them. 

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I think they get disciplined behind the scenes which is how professionals and adults handle discipline. It doesn't help that the media just ignores it because no one wants to be that person that blames the refs yet they over did it with the replacement refs because they wanted that to be a story. The reality is that the league has gotten away with replacement refs for a long time because the public and media have demanded that they go to full-time refs across the board and frankly the refs union likes it that way because look at one some of these guys do as full-time jobs, some of them have very high paying jobs that they would have to give up to be a full-time NFL Official.

I'm not asking for public discipline. I'm asking for public accountability. That's not that out there for sports. The umps in the MLB have faces and names, and when they screw up. They have to answer.

NFL refs have almost total anonymity. Everyone else on the field has to answer for what they do on the field. Refs shouldn't be an exception.

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We just saw without a doubt what the overturned call just lead to. With it and the fg we would be down by 8 points at this point right now without it forced to chase and down by 12. Couldnt have been shown any more perfectly then what has occurred. This should end any nonsense the other way, blah blah blah D playing bad doesnt matter crap. This is proof positive.

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We just saw without a doubt what the overturned call just lead to. With it and the fg we would be down by 8 points at this point right now without it forced to chase and down by 12. Couldnt have been shown any more perfectly then what has occurred. This should end any nonsense the other way, blah blah blah D playing bad doesnt matter crap. This is proof positive.




Very wishful thinking. 

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, November 4, 2013 - more of his troll talk
Hidden by Nadine, November 4, 2013 - more of his troll talk

Only way is to toss trolls, honestly,been there done that on other established Colts boards a a mod (Scout, CBS) before it gets out of hand. Ravens and Pats fans notorious for such trolling through the years 

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I'm not asking for public discipline. I'm asking for public accountability. That's not that out there for sports. The umps in the MLB have faces and names, and when they screw up. They have to answer.

NFL refs have almost total anonymity. Everyone else on the field has to answer for what they do on the field. Refs shouldn't be an exception.

NFL refs do too, everyone football fan in the world knows who Ed Hochuli or Mike Carey is for good reasons.  I wasn't really trying to attack your point though.  I am just saying a major part of the problem is that the NFL is using part-time guys to do a fulltime job.  Part of the reason MLB has better Umps across the board is that they are full-time employees and thus are expected to spend their weeks working on getting better at their jobs.  It's hard to do that with NFL refs who are part-time. 

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