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Arent we mad?


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I dont think this was discussed in other threads, so thought Id bring it up here.


All this week Ive heard how Peyton is going to be angry, we're awaking the sleeping giant, giving them bulletin material, etc.


Maybe, possibly, however, arent we going to be mad?


We lost a very winnable game in San Diego, got flat out embarrassed because we failed on the most simple part...something Colts have done very well this year, execution.


Maybe it was a good thing that we lost to San Diego, because had we not maybe the Colts wouldve came in this game overconfident. Im not saying they wouldve but its possible.


We have been humbled, and it couldntve come at a better time.


I think every single Colt in that locker room, the coaching staff, the higher executive, even Irsay want to badly prove that we made the right decision when we decided to part ways with Manning.


They want to prove that we are still a team to reckon with.


Andrew Luck wants to prove that hes a capable replacement and is more than up to the task of filling the big shoes of #18.


In todays NFL, players earn way too much money for something as trivial which has been going on this week to become bulletin board material.


They are all professionals, in Denver and in Indianapolis.


The game will be decided on the field Sunday night, the better team will win. Denver may have Peyton and the most lethal offense the NFL has seen this century, but we have a few things going for ourselves also. We have the Lucas Oil Stadium, our home crowd, and we've got some LUCK on our side! 



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Didn't we "anger" the 9ers? Didn't we awaken their "sleeping giant" I am confident that my horseshoe will make a pony out of that Horse (Broncos). 


I agree, I remember how the Niners were supposed to come in the game so angry because of the annihilation from the hands of the Seahawks.


Anger only lasts a little while, all comes down to game plan and the execution of that game plan.


No one, I mean no one knows Peyton better than the Indianapolis Colts. 


He is just a human after all, he can make mistakes. He will make mistakes, as we've seen the past two weeks.


All we have to do is capitalize on them and not make any from our sides.


Not saying we're going to throttle them, Im just saying we're not going to destroyed.


This game will come down to the wire, and I like the Colts chances at the LOS.

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I dont think this was discussed in other threads, so thought Id bring it up here.


All this week Ive heard how Peyton is going to be angry, we're awaking the sleeping giant, giving them bulletin material, etc.


Maybe, possibly, however, arent we going to be mad?


We lost a very winnable game in San Diego, got flat out embarrassed because we failed on the most simple part...something Colts have done very well this year, execution.


Maybe it was a good thing that we lost to San Diego, because had we not maybe the Colts wouldve came in this game overconfident. Im not saying they wouldve but its possible.


We have been humbled, and it couldntve come at a better time.


I think every single Colt in that locker room, the coaching staff, the higher executive, even Irsay want to badly prove that we made the right decision when we decided to part ways with Manning.


They want to prove that we are still a team to reckon with.


Andrew Luck wants to prove that hes a capable replacement and is more than up to the task of filling the big shoes of #18.


In todays NFL, players earn way too much money for something as trivial which has been going on this week to become bulletin board material.


They are all professionals, in Denver and in Indianapolis.


The game will be decided on the field Sunday night, the better team will win. Denver may have Peyton and the most lethal offense the NFL has seen this century, but we have a few things going for ourselves also. We have the Lucas Oil Stadium, our home crowd, and we've got some LUCK on our side! 


Go Blue!

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I view this game similar to watching 2 brilliant prodigies at work. Some people work with clay, some people construct skyscrapers, some people create masterful compositions, & some people throw a football with perfect velocity & touch. The score means nothing to me. What matters is knowing that 2 incredibly talented field generals  have blessed the glorious city of Indianapolis with flawless NFL football for over a decade that no signs of wavering anytime soon. Thank you Peyton Manning & thank you Andrew Luck.


When you see brilliance unfold before your eyes not once but twice, don't condemn it, critique it, or take it for granted...Just let it inundate you & be grateful. JMO.    

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We have a shot to win. This team is still young and developing. And yes we still have holes to fill too.


But, we can play to the level of our competition. Okay maybe not vs. the Jags but they don't count. But, we do very well as an underdog going back to last season. Even heading into the Ravens playoff game way too many of us and others were favoring us and we fell on our faces.


I won't be stunned if we show up and do well in this game. And I also won't be stunned if we lose badly. I really don't know what to expect. But, in some ways this game is like playing the Pack last year or the 49ers this year. People bragging about how awesome our opponent is and how badly we just looked.


We do well as underdogs. And yes we still have yet to lose 2 in a row with Andrew Luck.


Problem is this is new territory too being it's Manning and this is a homecoming etc. and the media is acting like Irsay is the evil.


So it's tough to call....I would not bet on this game though.


With all the talk on Manning though I also wonder what is going through the mind of Andrew. He won't score 9 points again.....he could show up at home too and prove something himself or want to.

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We have a shot to win. This team is still young and developing. And yes we still have holes to fill too.


But, we can play to the level of our competition. Okay maybe not vs. the Jags but they don't count. But, we do very well as an underdog going back to last season. Even heading into the Ravens playoff game way too many of us and others were favoring us and we fell on our faces.


I won't be stunned if we show up and do well in this game. And I also won't be stunned if we lose badly. I really don't know what to expect. But, in some ways this game is like playing the Pack last year or the 49ers this year. People bragging about how awesome our opponent is and how badly we just looked.


We do well as underdogs. And yes we still have yet to lose 2 in a row with Andrew Luck.


Problem is this is new territory too being it's Manning and this is a homecoming etc. and the media is acting like Irsay is the evil.


So it's tough to call....I would not bet on this game though.


With all the talk on Manning though I also wonder what is going through the mind of Andrew. He won't score 9 points again.....he could show up at home too and prove something himself or want to.

I agree Jules. We should have a better showing than 9 points this week. Defeating the Niners & Pacific NW Seahawks proves that we are capable of hanging with the big dogs in this league no question. It's no fluke. I wonder how it will feel for Mathis to be given a green light to take Manning down? 


Both Luck & Manning are capable of getting hot at any moment. Just give me an epic battle of strategy & mental stamina & will that's all I ask Jules.  :D

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I agree Jules. We should have a better showing than 9 points this week. Defeating the Niners & Pacific NW Seahawks proves that we are capable of hanging with the big dogs in this league no question. It's no fluke. I wonder how it will feel for Mathis to be given a green light to take Manning down? 


Both Luck & Manning are capable of getting hot at any moment. Just give me an epic battle of strategy & mental stamina & will that's all I ask Jules.  :D


Well I will admit it is different. This is a top flight passing attack we are going up against. Not sure we have the tools yet to fight it. If we don't we will have to outscore them and it's tough.


Seattle/SF are more defensive heavy/run heavy teams with good enough young QBs. I think we can handle those types of squads which should also give people confidence about us going against this years Texans/Titans. We seem equipped to handle certain types of teams right now and I still think we can win the division by years end.

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I view this game similar to watching 2 brilliant prodigies at work. Some people work with clay, some people construct skyscrapers, some people create masterful compositions, & some people throw a football with perfect velocity & touch. The score means nothing to me. What matters is knowing that 2 incredibly talented field generals  have blessed the glorious city of Indianapolis with flawless NFL football for over a decade that no signs of wavering anytime soon. Thank you Peyton Manning & thank you Andrew Luck.


When you see brilliance unfold before your eyes not once but twice, don't condemn it, critique it, or take it for granted...Just let it inundate you & be grateful. JMO.

As a Colts fan the score sure ought to mean something to you I'd hope .... You are a Colts fan right ??? ;)

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I would hope we are mad after the horrible performance on Monday Night.  I don't know if we will win the game but I fully expect the effort to be better. 


Honestly playing Rivers before we play Manning might not be a bad thing because Rivers did a lot of the same things Manning is going to want to do in terms of looking over the defense and changing the plays.  It gives us a week to adjust to that.  I also thinking having Landry back would be huge and it looks like it's trending that way.  I think we can use him in some different ways we can't use Howell to maybe confuse Peyton a little bit.  What it comes down to that's how you beat Peyton.  People say you have to get to him that's nearly impossible to do because he knows where he's throwing the ball before he snaps it.  The way you beat him is to confuse him by giving him something he wasn't expecting. 


I will say one guy who better bring his A++++++ game on Sunday is Toler.  Rivers went after him on Monday and made him look pretty bad.  I fully expect Peyton to do the samething. 


Also the D-line has work to do.  The Chargers were just handing the ball off and getting four to five yards a carry going right up the gut.  That wont cut it Sunday. 


Honestly, I think this game is going to be won or lost on the other side of the field.  Can our offense win the battle vs. their defense.  Can we score enough points to keep up with Peyton.  Sooner or later Peyton will make a mistake and give us a chance to pick one and we have to score when that happens.  That isn't a shot at Manning either, when you throw as many times a game as he does you are going to put one or two up there than can get picked. 


We really need the rushing game to work on Sunday.  We need to do to the Broncos what the Chargers did to us on Monday.  Limit Manning's touches and get points with long drives.  Put the pressure on Peyton to score when he has the ball.  Historically speaking that's when Peyton makes mistakes. 

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Well I will admit it is different. This is a top flight passing attack we are going up against. Not sure we have the tools yet to fight it. If we don't we will have to outscore them and it's tough.


Seattle/SF are more defensive heavy/run heavy teams with good enough young QBs. I think we can handle those types of squads which should also give people confidence about us going against this years Texans/Titans. We seem equipped to handle certain types of teams right now and I still think we can win the division by years end.

The key to defeating Manning is making him move off his spot, run, & pressure up the middle. In other words, give him a love tap as often as possible. Our weakness is the running game. Richardson was ineffective against the Chargers apart from a 27 yard run & I don't trust Donald Brown at all. If Wes Welker gets clicking early, it's gonna be tough sledding & a very long night for INDY. 

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I think some Colts would like to prove to the world that they can win big meaningful games without Manning, and although he is a legendary player, that he is not needed anymore. Some may be tired of the whole Manning hoopla now.

Also getting your butt handed to you on Monday Night Football leaves a sting and a desire to whoop the next team you see. That helps too hahaha :)

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As a Colts fan the score sure ought to mean something to you I'd hope .... You are a Colts fan right ??? ;)

You can question my team loyalty all you want UNHappy2BeHere, but it's like asking me to rank the best percussionist  of all time. I play drums a lot as a stress reliever & my favorite drummers all have a unique specialty in their repertoire included in their arsenal of natural talent. I don't rank them. I mimic them & attempt to steal their best moves for my own personal benefit. The same line of reasoning applies to my list of elite quarterbacks. 


I realize you were joking, but that is honestly how SW1 looks at it. 

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I would hope we are mad after the horrible performance on Monday Night.  I don't know if we will win the game but I fully expect the effort to be better. 


Honestly playing Rivers before we play Manning might not be a bad thing because Rivers did a lot of the same things Manning is going to want to do in terms of looking over the defense and changing the plays.  It gives us a week to adjust to that.  I also thinking having Landry back would be huge and it looks like it's trending that way.  I think we can use him in some different ways we can't use Howell to maybe confuse Peyton a little bit.  What it comes down to that's how you beat Peyton.  People say you have to get to him that's nearly impossible to do because he knows where he's throwing the ball before he snaps it.  The way you beat him is to confuse him by giving him something he wasn't expecting. 


I will say one guy who better bring his A++++++ game on Sunday is Toler.  Rivers went after him on Monday and made him look pretty bad.  I fully expect Peyton to do the samething. 


Also the D-line has work to do.  The Chargers were just handing the ball off and getting four to five yards a carry going right up the gut.  That wont cut it Sunday. 


Honestly, I think this game is going to be won or lost on the other side of the field.  Can our offense win the battle vs. their defense.  Can we score enough points to keep up with Peyton.  Sooner or later Peyton will make a mistake and give us a chance to pick one and we have to score when that happens.  That isn't a shot at Manning either, when you throw as many times a game as he does you are going to put one or two up there than can get picked. 


We really need the rushing game to work on Sunday.  We need to do to the Broncos what the Chargers did to us on Monday.  Limit Manning's touches and get points with long drives.  Put the pressure on Peyton to score when he has the ball.  Historically speaking that's when Peyton makes mistakes. 

Solid analysis GC8818! Care to share with us the winning formula for the Broncos?


I only ask because if we can pinpoint their strengths neutralizing their squad becomes self evident. Besides, I like reading your insights. ;)  


Seriously, you don't have to. No need to have anyone else on here 2nd guess your Colts steadfast loyalty. Me, on the other, it doesn't phase me in the slightest. My frequent posts on this forum validates my Blue Horseshoe commitment. Enough said. 

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You can question my team loyalty all you want UNHappy2BeHere, but it's like asking me to rank the best percussionist  of all time. I play drums a lot as a stress reliever & my favorite drummers all have a unique specialty in their repertoire included in their arsenal of natural talent. I don't rank them. I mimic them & attempt to steal their best moves for my own personal benefit. The same line of reasoning applies to my list of elite quarterbacks. 


I realize you were joking, but that is honestly how SW1 looks at it.

Yea I was but as a fan we want to see W's ultimately. If your team has a thriller of a game and loses by a point your happy because hey...heck of a game but the W's count for the ultimate goal and not much else can change that fact ;)

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Yea I was but as a fan we want to see W's ultimately. If your team has a thriller of a game and loses by a point your happy because hey...heck of a game but the W's count for the ultimate goal and not much else can change that fact ;)

No problem UNHappy2BeHere. I respect your position. Wins & loses do matter. I choose to take a slightly different perspective on this game, but your perspective has just as much validity as mine does. It's cool. I applaud individuals, like yourself, who stand their ground & communicate their true feelings despite whatever public sentiment may or may not follow it.  :thmup:

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