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Colts 4-0 in preseason?

Dr. T

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I don't know what our record will be and I don't really much care.....   well,  I don't want to go 0-4,  but pre-season records mean almost nothing to me.


As someone else noted, the only things I care about are....


1.   No serious injuries and as few injuries overall as possible.


2.   Everyone the coaches need to see, they get a good long look at.


3.   Communication issues with new coaches are ironed out.    



The NY Giants should be good and they're at home....   the Bengals should be very good and they're at home,  though it is game 4, so who knows how much anyone will play.    Still,  they have a very good roster.   Finally,  even Cleveland looked very much improved in their first game with emphasis going to Brandon Weeden.   Good for him.  


Ultimately, the point is history shows teams go 4-0 in the preseason and struggle during the regular season,  and,  just as important,  go 0-4 in preseason and have very successful winning records in the regular season.


Health is priority one.......   playing time for everyone is priority two....   everything else falls into place....

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Guest TeamLoloJones

Usually it's the quality of the second and third string QBs that determine who wins and loses in preseason. With Hasselbeck and Harnish, we have a good chance to sweep.

:gym:  :cheers:

I could care less if we win 4 or lose 4...but I will say we have a lot of talented guys that are going to be fighting pretty hard to make the team, so at the very least the games should be entertaining.

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Does anyone really care about our preseason record? I'm just hoping we're 0 for injuries. But yes, I agree, we want our 2nd team to win their assignments.

Remember, Detroit once went 4-0 in the preseason and 0-16 in the real games.


Like Coach Dungy, I'm not too worried about the preseason record.  A happy, healthy and hungry Monster would be a great way to begin the regular season.


I forgot about the Lions forgettable season.  Guess that means Detroit has been bankrupt before eh?


Matt Mullen for Mayor??? Not

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