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Pagano Addresses Offseason Suspensions


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Part of an article from the Indy star of Pagano on suspensions

“Obviously you’re extremely disappointed as a coach and a staff and an organization,” Chuck Pagano told the Indianapolis Star on Wednesday. “The (players) are equally or more disappointed because we talk all the time about representing (the Colts’ horseshoe), this organization, this city, your family, your name on the back of your jersey.”

“Like everyone else, we’re educating these guys daily,” Pagano said. “We’re talking to them all the time about making great choices.

“Some guys made poor choices.”

One choice the Colts have not made is to part ways with any of the players. While that could change, Pagano stressed “we’re behind these guys. It’s always disappointing to have something like that happen, but we’ll get through it and move forward.

“Hopefully we can grow from that, learn from it.”


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All the coaches, GM and owner can do is advise their players with the ins and outs of being a NFL player. Even though most of these players are young they are still grown men. No one twist their arms to make bad choices. I know sometimes it seems like there are a lot of players in trouble but it's just a hand full of the total amount of players in the NFL. 

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no way joe gets released. hes one of our best STers and very good safety depth


Trust me, I understand Joe's importance to the team. But he seems to have made a really stupid mistake, at a time when the league is kind of overrun with stupid mistakes, and I thought it would cost him his job. Pagano's comments are the first comments the team has made, and they kind of suggest that Joe won't be released because of his arrest. 


That's fine by me; I'm not the Moral Monitor. I don't like what Joe reportedly got himself involved in, as it signals poor judgment. But I don't think the team needs to send a message or take a stand or anything like that. 

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Has Joe Lefeged been suspended for any games this season?

Not yet. He's due before a grand jury, but no court date has been set. If he's found guilty or pleads to a lesser charge, the team or the NFL will probably take action at that point.

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You don't come out publicly and forcefully and stress the importance of good behaviour and then show the rest of the league that it doesn't make any difference. I hope they cut all three, and that it is obvious to everyone why.

Brazill is suspended four games. Saunders, eight games. Lefeged hasn't been suspended yet, but assuming he pleas or gets convicted, he'll likely be suspended at that point.

I understand your stance, but it's not like they aren't being penalized for their actions.

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Brazill is suspended four games. Saunders, eight games. Lefeged hasn't been suspended yet, but assuming he pleas or gets convicted, he'll likely be suspended at that point.I understand your stance, but it's not like they aren't being penalized for their actions.

True, but that is the league punishing them. Pagano needs to clarify his stance, and if he isn't going to take any action, he should not have come out publicly and preached good values.

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True, but that is the league punishing them. Pagano needs to clarify his stance, and if he isn't going to take any action, he should not have come out publicly and preached good values.



 I also want all three cut, it reflects poorly on our city and organization to keep them around. I would feel the same, if it had been luck or any other player.

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True, but that is the league punishing them. Pagano needs to clarify his stance, and if he isn't going to take any action, he should not have come out publicly and preached good values.

So if he doesn't take the most drastic action -- firing them -- then that means he's not serious about his team making good decisions and displaying good judgment? What about the other 87 guys who didn't do anything wrong?

The league punished the players involved. Pretty severely, by the way. I don't understand why the team should be required to go above and beyond that punishment.

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So if he doesn't take the most drastic action -- firing them -- then that means he's not serious about his team making good decisions and displaying good judgment? What about the other 87 guys who didn't do anything wrong?The league punished the players involved. Pretty severely, by the way. I don't understand why the team should be required to go above and beyond that punishment.

I don't have a real problem in keeping these guys, what I do have an issue with is Pagano preaching and thumping his chest like the Oracle has spoken, only for the emptiness of his gesture to be see by all.

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I don't have a real problem in keeping these guys, what I do have an issue with is Pagano preaching and thumping his chest like the Oracle has spoken, only for the emptiness of his gesture to be see by all.

I just disagree that a) Pagano did any chest thumping, and b) that he has to axe these players in order for his gesture to not be empty. I think that's an overly dogmatic way to view the situation.

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Cut them they are a waste of a roster spot .. . Let's be real here they are human , humans make mistakes , you can't go through life holding peoples mistakes against them . Forgive and move on but never forget .

If I do drugs, get jailed etc, I lose my job. We need to stop putting sportsmen on this unethical pedestal. I'm not asking that they be stoned, just lose their jobs like the millions of others who do so every year for blotting their copy book.

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I just disagree that a) Pagano did any chest thumping, and b) that he has to axe these players in order for his gesture to not be empty. I think that's an overly dogmatic way to view the situation.

Why come out and say anything then? He could have made his plea known to all players in private. It was a show of strength in my opinion. But as usual, I am over playing my hand, just to get a point over.


Dogmatic is the only way to be....

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Why come out and say anything then? He could have made his plea known to all players in private. It was a show of strength in my opinion. But as usual, I am over playing my hand, just to get a point over.


Dogmatic is the only way to be....

If he had said "anyone who causes an issue isn't going to be with this team anymore," it would be a different story. As it stands, he didn't say that. To me, it wasn't a show of strength. It was a reminder to his team that their conduct is important.

I know other people feel the same way you do. I just disagree. It's not like the players aren't being penalized. But for some, anything less than the ultimate penalty isn't considered a penalty at all.

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If I do drugs, get jailed etc, I lose my job. We need to stop putting sportsmen on this unethical pedestal. I'm not asking that they be stoned, just lose their jobs like the millions of others who do so every year for blotting their copy book.

Businesses have their policy just like the NFL has their policy. They followed their policy and suspended the players, why should they have to do more than what their policy suggests?
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@ColtsAuth_Kyle: Per @mchappell51, Pagano says the Colts won't cut Brazill, Lefeged, or Saunders for their off-field transgressions.

I don't think this means that they will definitely make the team -- I think Pagano is going to let them play through training camp and we will still see the best 53 man roster at the end of it -- I kind of like Pagano's stance “we’re behind these guys. It’s always disappointing to have something like that happen, but we’ll get through it and move forward...."


I don't agree with what any of them did, and yes they are role models and everything else -- but they are all pretty young guys in the big scheme of things -- 25 (Lefeged), and 24 for the other 2.


I am sure that Pagano isn't patting these guys on the back, and has sat with them behind closed doors to let them know "hey you messed up big time.  we are disappointed in you.  but you're young and have time to turn things around, you're treading on thick ice, but we will give you another chance and provide whatever help we can as your extended family' kind of a thing. 


I am most disappointed with Lefeged - like Tony Siragusa said after Plaxico Burress shot himself in the thigh -- "If you go to a place that you feel you need to carry a gun, the best thing is, stay home."  Lefeged needs to hang out with a new cast of characters if he's gotta run around with a gun when he is with his friends. 


As far as the substance abuse goes -- I think both of the other 2 were for 'PEDs' and not cocaine or maryjane or other recreational drugs.  As much as I don't agree with PED use, you can't tell me that there are not dozens (probably closer to hundreds) of other players in the league using PEDs that don't get caught, or that are 1 step ahead of testing (i.e., using something now that will be banned in a year or 2 when the NFL figures out how to test for it and what it actually is).  I don't agree with PED use, but it is still happening in sports all over the world from cycling to swimming, from baseball to football, from track to tennis.  I am not going to villafy two guys that aren't even 25 yet for taking a banned PED -- I am sure that when they get back from suspension that they can talk to other players throughout the league to find something that is just as efficient to enhance performance and isn't listed as 'banned'.

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Well what do you know...Colts having a few disciplinary problems this year. I think it means we have a bit more edge and that we will see a more legitimate brand of physicality for once. We have enough straight aces to keep the rogues in line. We will be just fine. Just hit somebody!

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Pagano said exactly what you would expect a Head Coach to say when talking to the media about this subject. 


At the end of the day the Colts are going to do what they think is best for the long term future of the team.  In the case of Saunders they saw a guy who has had this problem dating back to college and was probably a boarder line player to make the final roster anyways so they cut bait.  With Lefeged and Brazil it's not as clear.  Lefeged I think they are still letting the situation play out and wait and see what the league does to him first before they react.  It's also his first time getting in any kind of trouble with the league so the Colts might very well end up going okay you made a mistake you have to pay for that mistake but we aren't going to over react to one mistake.  With Brazil, it's his second mistake in two years which is concerning but I think the Colts are looking at it and going okay he smoked weed, a lot of kids Brazil's age do that.  Is it something you should just ignore?  No.  Is it something you should fire someone for and disassociate your self with him over?  Probably not.  Also he's a young guy they invested a draft pick in who I think they are still developing.  I fully expect him to get one more chance with the Colts. 

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Well what do you know...Colts having a few disciplinary problems this year. I think it means we have a bit more edge and that we will see a more legitimate brand of physicality for once. We have enough straight aces to keep the rogues in line. We will be just fine. Just hit somebody!

By that logic the Bengals should have been winning Super Bowl after Super Bowl for years with all the players they used to have in trouble with the law.  Disciplinary problems does not equal physicality. 

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