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RG3 Allegedly sent nude picture to VCU student.


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yeah, rg3 will miss sometime during the season. the way he plays it is inevitable

The way I see the bet, Cousins has to take the job due to poor play from Griffin or something. And I think Griffin will come back with his head on straight-i.e. sliding, running out of bounds.

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It does make you wonder what goes through a guy's mind before he does something like that. What rationalization do they use to make this behavior seem like a good idea at the time?


Something like this: I'm young, strong, viral, & invincible baby. Look honey, who wouldn't want be with me? It's a little late to want to sow your wild oats on your wedding night man. Does a 1 woman commitment scare you to death?


Noticing a woman is attractive is 1 thing; Sending her an intimate high definition picture of your private parts on your wedding night definitely crosses a line that should never be crossed IMO. It must be a lack of blood flow to the brain or you're not thinking with the right anatomy part anyway. JMO.  Use your brain that thing above your neck not below your waist south of the border RG3. 


You seldom see woman take intimate pictures of themselves & send them to another individual they barely know. Yes, sometimes intoxicated females have been known to do this occasionally I suppose, but not to the level of male athletes, celebrities, & politicians it seems. 


*Checks his phone* You sure about that?


The only surprise here is that it doesn't come out more commonly about more athletes or anyone with any sort of fame actually.

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The way I see the bet, Cousins has to take the job due to poor play from Griffin or something. And I think Griffin will come back with his head on straight-i.e. sliding, running out of bounds.



 Yes, i will not include injuries as part of it. I will win the bet, if RG3 is benched due to poor play, or if cousins is playing (at the start of the season)  so well, he cannot be removed. Is it fair?

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Yes, i will not include injuries as part of it. I will win the bet, if RG3 is benched due to poor play, or if cousins is playing (at the start of the season) so well, he cannot be removed. Is it fair?

he could play like a hall of famer, when rg3 is ready to play, he will

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he could play like a hall of famer, when rg3 is ready to play, he will

Yeah, I think I agree with this. I am not sure if Shanny can really sit RG the way Harbaugh did with Smith. And even then Harbaugh got a lot of backlash because Smith was playing well at the time. It will be fun to watch it play out though. I am rooting for Cousins to do well if he gets the chance because I would like to see him as a starter somewhere. It just won't be in DC.

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he could play like a hall of famer, when rg3 is ready to play, he will



 I agree with you mostly, but if cousins is hot and i mean red hot, there's no way shanny pulls him. If he's top 5 overall, i don't think shanny pulls him, but instead creates some type of RG3 recovery setback/delay. That's what's so great about shanny,... he dances to the beat of his own drum.

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Peytons issue was at Tennessee before he came to Indy

You completely missed my point.

 Manning's Lawsuit was not settled until 2002. So It was a "Colts problem" as he was our proven franchise QB already by that time, so we were dealing with this as Colts fans.


So therefore as Colts fans we did go through a similar scandal just like I said. I never said it happened in the Colts facilities, not sure where you got that from. I assume you were simply not fully aware of the Manning scandal and how long it was drawn out for.

His "Scandal" was far, far from settled in 1999 when the Colts drafted him, as you are insinuating.

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You completely missed my point.

Manning's Lawsuit was not settled until 2002. So It was a "Colts problem" as he was our proven franchise QB already by that time, so we were dealing with this as Colts fans.

So therefore as Colts fans we did go through a similar scandal just like I said. I never said it happened in the Colts facilities, not sure where you got that from. I assume you were simply not fully aware of the Manning scandal and how long it was drawn out for.

His "Scandal" was far, far from settled in 1999 when the Colts drafted him, as you are insinuating.

i think you just stressed out about it more than most. i never really cared that he mooned someone in a locker room

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The way I see the bet, Cousins has to take the job due to poor play from Griffin or something. And I think Griffin will come back with his head on straight-i.e. sliding, running out of bounds.

You fail to realize that he plays on a field so mangled it could possibly birth Swamp Thing.. He is forever doomed.

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You fail to realize that he plays on a field so mangled it could possibly birth Swamp Thing.. He is forever doomed.

Lol. I hope if Snyder knows what's good for him he gets that field dixed up. That is unless he wants his franchise to literally sink.

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Lol. I hope if Snyder knows what's good for him he gets that field dixed up. That is unless he wants his franchise to literally sink.

You would think. There are some articles stating that they are planning to renovate it sometime this year. I'm sure they will find some lost Redskins players or workers that were eaten alive by the field during renovation.

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You would think. There are some articles stating that they are planning to renovate it sometime this year. I'm sure they will find some lost Redskins players or workers that were eaten alive by the field during renovation.

Or maybe Jimmy Hoffa.

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You fail to realize that he plays on a field so mangled it could possibly birth Swamp Thing.. He is forever doomed.

Snyder purchased a new playing surface a few months ago I believe.


NFL Network covered it


A quick google search returned the following:



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Any QB that turned down an invitation from Pres. Obama to his swanky big media ball gets a big check mark in my book. Everything I've read so far about the young man seems to point to a very bright, responsible, respectful, and thoughtful young man. Doesn't mean he has never or would never do something wrong but his character seems to contradict the story....and there are a TON of haters on this board. I for one may think PM is a better qb than Brady or Luck is better than Griffen but I recognize the greatness of others and wouldn't look for every opportunity to cut someone down. RG3 is a sore subject because he gets more pub...and won the heisman (which he desearved) and the Rookie of the Year (which he desearved). I still think Andrew will have more long term success but I'm not hating on RG3 or Russell Wilson just because they outplayed my guy one year. I just hope RG3 recovers fine and plays well because anyone but the Cowboys winning that division is alright with me lol.

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Any QB that turned down an invitation from Pres. Obama to his swanky big media ball gets a big check mark in my book. Everything I've read so far about the young man seems to point to a very bright, responsible, respectful, and thoughtful young man. Doesn't mean he has never or would never do something wrong but his character seems to contradict the story....and there are a TON of haters on this board. I for one may think PM is a better qb than Brady or Luck is better than Griffen but I recognize the greatness of others and wouldn't look for every opportunity to cut someone down. RG3 is a sore subject because he gets more pub...and won the heisman (which he desearved) and the Rookie of the Year (which he desearved). I still think Andrew will have more long term success but I'm not hating on RG3 or Russell Wilson just because they outplayed my guy one year. I just hope RG3 recovers fine and plays well because anyone but the Cowboys winning that division is alright with me lol.

Golly, you are a swell guy!

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My brother-in-law, who is a diehard redskins fans (which is why I know so much about the Skins LOL) sent me this article today.




Turns out all the rumors about RG3 and some side chick are 100% false.  This thread can be locked and deleted now...






As usual, people take a "rumor" and run with it, turns out the entire story was bogus. 

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My brother-in-law, who is a diehard redskins fans (which is why I know so much about the Skins LOL) sent me this article today.

Turns out all the rumors about RG3 and some side chick are 100% false. This thread can be locked and deleted now...


As usual, people take a "rumor" and run with it, turns out the entire story was bogus.

Little late to the "fake" party lol.

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My brother-in-law, who is a diehard redskins fans (which is why I know so much about the Skins LOL) sent me this article today.




Turns out all the rumors about RG3 and some side chick are 100% false.  This thread can be locked and deleted now...






As usual, people take a "rumor" and run with it, turns out the entire story was bogus.

Now the people who actually believed this story, which is about 1%, can rest easy.

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What stood out the most to me is his comments that Indiana is not a Sports market....???? Do WHAT now?  Not as big as DC?  Maybe in Pro football terms, but as far as sports.  Indiana has a lot more to do with sports than the DC area.  Indiana has Basketball, WNBA, numerous College Basketball teams, only really Notre Dame for College Football, decent minor league Baseball team, but you've got the Final Four, market there, and Race car driving.  Also host to many Midwest regional championships in other sports and levels of play (college, highschool, etc.)


DC does have a baseball team and a NHL hockey team though.  Their Basketball team is a joke, whereas the pacers were Championship contenders last year.  Took Miami to 7 games.  They have Georgetown and a Soccer team, WNBA. 


So to say that Indiana is Pluto to me is a little bit of an understatement.


But lets just break down the NFL teams:


Colts:                                                              Redskins


Team Value           1.15B                                 1.6B

Revene:                 268M                                373M

Gate Receipts:        57M                                   82M

Revenue per Fan:    $63                                   $38

Sport:                    744M                                 746M

Market:                  191M                                 385M

Stadium:                151M                                 351M

Brand:                     72M                                 131M

Metro Pop:             1.8M                                  5.7M


From these numbers, yes the Team value is higher.  But compare the revenue difference with the market value.  Redskins have a 132% more of a market, but yet only 39% higher in Revenue.  This is part because of the massive difference, 60% more, in revenue per fan.  This means we have more dedicated fans (with less of a population) than the redskins do.   Furthermore, when splitting the value of the team with the metro population, the Value/person is $641; with the Redskins Value/person is only $280.


So while their market may be larger just due to population, the populations value is far below that of Indiana's.

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You guys have one thing in common, Washington has the Baltimore Bullets, and Indiana has the Baltimore Colts. At least Irsay was smart enough to keep the cool uniforms and the Colts name, while Abe Pollin changed the coolest burnt orange uniforms of the Baltimore Bullets, for horrible Capitol, and then Washington Bullet uniforms. The final coup de grace was changing the great name Bullets, to the stupid Wizard's name. Whatever happened to Earl the Pearl, Wes Unseld, and the Big E ?

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You guys have one thing in common, Washington has the Baltimore Bullets, and Indiana has the Baltimore Colts. At least Irsay was smart enough to keep the cool uniforms and the Colts name, while Abe Pollin changed the coolest burnt orange uniforms of the Baltimore Bullets, for horrible Capitol, and then Washington Bullet uniforms. The final coup de grace was changing the great name Bullets, to the stupid Wizard's name. Whatever happened to Earl the Pearl, Wes Unseld, and the Big E ?

They retired

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What stood out the most to me is his comments that Indiana is not a Sports market....???? Do WHAT now?  Not as big as DC?  Maybe in Pro football terms, but as far as sports.  Indiana has a lot more to do with sports than the DC area.  Indiana has Basketball, WNBA, numerous College Basketball teams, only really Notre Dame for College Football, decent minor league Baseball team, but you've got the Final Four, market there, and Race car driving.  Also host to many Midwest regional championships in other sports and levels of play (college, highschool, etc.)

You can't really compare Indianapolis to DC as far as a sports market is concerned... You've also got to understand that the majority of both the states of Maryland and Virginia are in the DC market / metro area.


DC has everything you mentioned for Indiana: NBA, WNBA, several colleges (Maryland, Virginia, Virginia Tech, Georgetown, George Washington) etc etc... 


Here's a link to the largest Metropolitan areas nationwide, DC is 4, while Indianapolis is 29: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_metropolitan_areas_of_the_United_States#United_States


Basically, the DC market is going to dwarf the Indianapolis market as far as exposure is concerned, while the Indianapolis market is going to show higher figures on a per person basis. Logically speaking, it's a hell of a lot easier to show higher per person dollar amounts, when you're comparing a metro area with a little over 2 million people, to one that's nearing 10 million people..

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You can't really compare Indianapolis to DC as far as a sports market is concerned... You've also got to understand that the majority of both the states of Maryland and Virginia are in the DC market / metro area.


DC has everything you mentioned for Indiana: NBA, WNBA, several colleges (Maryland, Virginia, Virginia Tech, Georgetown, George Washington) etc etc... 


Here's a link to the largest Metropolitan areas nationwide, DC is 4, while Indianapolis is 29: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_metropolitan_areas_of_the_United_States#United_States


Basically, the DC market is going to dwarf the Indianapolis market as far as exposure is concerned, while the Indianapolis market is going to show higher figures on a per person basis. Logically speaking, it's a heck of a lot easier to show higher per person dollar amounts, when you're comparing a metro area with a little over 2 million people, to one that's nearing 10 million people..


Well stated.  Contrary to what Narco inferred, the DC area is actually a bit of a basketball mecca.  The Wizards may be hot garbage and the Redskins certainly rule supreme as far as professional sports go... but basketball is still the sport in this city.  The amateur scene (AAU, high school, and NCAA) is a really big deal and we produce a good number of top quality players (e.g., Kevin Durant and your own Roy Hibbert).  He also neglected to mention that we also regularly host the Final Four as well.


Indiana is definitely not Pluto and there is certainly a lot going on there of note ... but it's equally silly to try to play it up as being on entirely equal footing as DC.  The fact of the matter is that if the major commerce center of the country had developed further west a couple hundred years ago instead of on primarily the East coast and Indianapolis had been chosen as the location for the US capital, the situation would be flipped on its head entirely.  The root reason our sports market is considered such a big deal relative to "small" markets (which are still quite immense in terms of everyday numbers, they're just much further back on a macroeconomic scale) is because of the attention cast towards it and the jobs made available by its proximity to the center of national politics.


Redskins have a 132% more of a market, but yet only 39% higher in Revenue.  This is part because of the massive difference, 60% more, in revenue per fan.  This means we have more dedicated fans (with less of a population) than the redskins do.


I don't consider fan expenditures a good way of measuring fan dedication at all.

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You can't really compare Indianapolis to DC as far as a sports market is concerned... You've also got to understand that the majority of both the states of Maryland and Virginia are in the DC market / metro area.


DC has everything you mentioned for Indiana: NBA, WNBA, several colleges (Maryland, Virginia, Virginia Tech, Georgetown, George Washington) etc etc... 


Here's a link to the largest Metropolitan areas nationwide, DC is 4, while Indianapolis is 29: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_metropolitan_areas_of_the_United_States#United_States


Basically, the DC market is going to dwarf the Indianapolis market as far as exposure is concerned, while the Indianapolis market is going to show higher figures on a per person basis. Logically speaking, it's a heck of a lot easier to show higher per person dollar amounts, when you're comparing a metro area with a little over 2 million people, to one that's nearing 10 million people..

Thats not necessarily the case.  Yes their market dwarfs Indianapolis.  But their team value is only 450M more and their revenue is only 100M more.  If they dwarf us, their revenues should dwarf us.  But the numbers do not line up with the population sizes.

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Well stated.  Contrary to what Narco inferred, the DC area is actually a bit of a basketball mecca.  The Wizards may be hot garbage and the Redskins certainly rule supreme as far as professional sports go... but basketball is still the sport in this city.  The amateur scene (AAU, high school, and NCAA) is a really big deal and we produce a good number of top quality players (e.g., Kevin Durant and your own Roy Hibbert).  He also neglected to mention that we also regularly host the Final Four as well.


Indiana is definitely not Pluto and there is certainly a lot going on there of note ... but it's equally silly to try to play it up as being on entirely equal footing as DC.  The fact of the matter is that if the major commerce center of the country had developed further west a couple hundred years ago instead of on primarily the East coast and Indianapolis had been chosen as the location for the US capital, the situation would be flipped on its head entirely.  The root reason our sports market is considered such a big deal relative to "small" markets (which are still quite immense in terms of everyday numbers, they're just much further back on a macroeconomic scale) is because of the attention cast towards it and the jobs made available by its proximity to the center of national politics.



I don't consider fan expenditures a good way of measuring fan dedication at all.


I understand they are much larger in size.  I was just showing how their enormous size does not match up with their revenue or team value.  They are number 3 in the most valued teams.  But they way he presents it is like they have the largest market in the world and we are miniscule.  However if Indianaplis had the same size market, the numbers suggest our value would be much higher.

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